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    Rapid Changes In Earth's Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity


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    Rapid Changes In Earth's Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity Empty Rapid Changes In Earth's Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity

    Post  Carol Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:47 pm

    Annual to decadal changes in the earth's magnetic field in a region that stretches from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean have a close relationship with variations of gravity in this area. From this it can be concluded that outer core processes are reflected in gravity data. This is the result presented by a German-French group of geophysicists in the latest issue of PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States).

    Maps of the vertical downward component (sign-changed radial component) of the core magnetic field (A) and its secular variation (B) as estimated at the CMB from the GRIMM-3 model up to spherical harmonic degree 13. The main field of the Earth’s magnetic field is generated by flows of liquid iron in the outer core. The Earth’s magnetic field protects us from cosmic radiation particles. Therefore, understanding the processes in the outer core is important to understand the terrestrial shield.

    Credit: GFZ/Credit: Mandea et al.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 699
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    Age : 52

    Rapid Changes In Earth's Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity Empty Re: Rapid Changes In Earth's Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity

    Post  lawlessline Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:07 pm


    I know I have posted this before but heres a video that I have on my channel. It shows the inverting of the poles in the inner core. At 6 000 yrs ago there is the first waving of the poles. then 4 000 and then
    just before 2 000 years ago the inversion is complete. It would take roughly about 2200 years. Which works that we are in for something interesting in the next 200 yrs. As I am a sunday scientist I would of thought that my calculations could be up to 10% out, but I don't think I am that far wrong.

    I think the whole thing started in 2009, on the surface that is. Through the surface grid.This means that the shockwaves from the center of our Earth, which I think is derived from the functioning of the sun, through the Geomagnetic chords between the sun and the Earth. As the wave gets to the surface of the earth the inner waves will be near instantaneous. A bit like the guys in Norway reporting pulses in the ground current during solar activity. It could be just a magnetic reversal which would be limited in its effects on life on earth.

    I Lawless

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    Rapid Changes In Earth's Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity Empty Re: Rapid Changes In Earth's Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity

    Post  magamud Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:44 pm

    If we were in a perfect world, science would help tell us of our Mortality.

    This would teach us to work together.

    Science, amongst many other things are lost. They have forgotten application or wisdom.

    Posts : 699
    Join date : 2010-04-23
    Age : 52

    Rapid Changes In Earth's Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity Empty Re: Rapid Changes In Earth's Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity

    Post  lawlessline Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:37 pm

    magamud wrote:If we were in a perfect world, science would help tell us of our Mortality.

    This would teach us to work together.

    Science, amongst many other things are lost. They have forgotten application or wisdom.

    The application wisdom helps define the exact timing where as science as with Philosophy and many other human teachings give the thereabouts sort of measure. But very true words. May be it is a case of getting lost to find ourselves. All very boring though, seems like we done that already.

    Posts : 1280
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    Rapid Changes In Earth's Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity Empty Re: Rapid Changes In Earth's Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity

    Post  magamud Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:46 pm


    Posts : 1280
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    Rapid Changes In Earth's Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity Empty Re: Rapid Changes In Earth's Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity

    Post  magamud Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:47 pm

    magamud wrote: Toast

    Not sure about the boredom and each time around I would suspect is different.

    But I get your drift.....

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