I had never heard the word Ponorology before you mentioned it Magamud.
But as I was making some research to understand it I was led to this article
which I found inspiring.
Thank You
When Empathy Shall Rule the WorldThe nature of empathy is such that when practiced Love has a corridor to run down, express itself wholly and jump for joy in celebration.
Empathy allows the sun to shine, in spite of clouds being everywhere. Its presence raises spirits, makes fast bonds that were on the verge of breaking and heals sickness.
Its medicinal power for those being tested is greater than pills or potions.
It is conscious, aware and discovers and lights even the darkest corners of sorrow and pain with its flame of recognition and spark of human kindness.
As a cornerstone in human relationships, empathy places compassion full frontal and celebrates its presence in silent recognition of the present whatever it may contain.
As the chalice of Love it may indeed be likened to a Holy Grail. The quest one embarks on to find it in oneself is indeed and has been an heroic journey, with all that a hero’s journey is known to contain.
So the development of empathy has to be the most important first step towards any goal of a world, whole, healed and evolving.
As spiritual beings dressed in the garment of humans, one tool we are gifted is that of duality. The challenges this state brings to the party are multiple, extraordinary and awesome. Yet they are never greater than the potential for each of us master, learn from them and move forward.
Duality offers us conditions that from a human point of view are considered black and white, good and evil, right and wrong. These descriptions are neither and both – for that is the state of duality.
As one great man stated – It is all semantics!
However one part in the state of duality, once out of kilter, balance and control in ourselves, becomes a torch illuminating and exemplifying the meaning and exercise of bad, evil, wrong.
It is our propensity to nurture the innate presence of psychopathy within our human beingness.
Psychopathy is the state we nurture when empathy is discarded, throwing all its attributes onto the pyre of sacrificial humanity, to be consumed through violence, fear, senseless actions of cruelty and devoid of any semblance of love, compassion or positive feelings. It is a state where treatment of sentient and insentient life is devoid of the rightful recognition to a right of life.
It is important for us all to recognize this state is present in all of us. It cannot be otherwise. What can be is that our propensity for nurturing empathy is far greater than the nurture of psychopathic tendencies. Because of this we hold the inner psychopath in check and under control.
This is not the case for all of us and it is an unfortunate fact those who have willingly embraced the territories and qualities of psychopathy and fine tuned them, have worked their way into the ranks of power and control, government and legislature that themselves offer ideal seed beds for such tendencies to propagate.
From such positions they are ideally placed to twist, torture and manipulate
The MUST READ on Today's psychopaths
others whose tenure on empathy is weak and fragile. Psychopaths are the tyrannical rulers of a mad world, celebrating their kingdom through injecting truth into madness enough to be believable, rationality into the irrational just enough to make others believe they are nurtured by those who have their best interest at heart.
Through the creation of external threat, hostile enemies, phantom evils these psychopaths encourage the growth of fear, dissuade any thoughts of love, compassion or empathy to take root.
Through the control of any outlet disseminating information, placing their own psychopathic puppets in charge of these media, they control thinking, credibility and the inability to recognize critical thought.
Such a world may look lost to this terror and insurmountable. That is indeed the view we are all asked to buy into. It is one of the great tools of disempowerment they use.
However ultimately it is also a complete chimera – a phantom of their own making. It is only as real as we give it power to be real. It is only as terrifying as we encourage it to be. Buy into their world view and it is terrifying. Refuse to buy their take and the transparency of the lies become almost comical, were it not for the slaughter it carries in its wake.
The question has to be this…. How long are we prepared to allow it the life force to rule us, control us and hold dominion over us?
From the moment we employ the qualities of empathy in our actions, responses, thoughts and life, that becomes the time when all this can be turned around.
As with any journey it does not promise to be easy. When up to our necks in filth, it is obvious the stench of our predicament will survive until we fully cleanse ourselves, yet the commitment to extricate ourselves from our own participation in such states means progress and action become the soap and scrubbing brush of our salvation.
Other tools such as critical thinking, lance the boil of gullibility and treat the sickness of breast feeding on the curdled milk of deception and lies.
Through proper nourishment gained through intake of organic growth and natural fertilizers such as positive community, sincerity, truthfulness, humility and loving kindness, the trickle of empathy turns into a flood. That flood itself becomes a tsunami drowning and eventually purifying the pandemic psychopathy presently holding court in the world.
The most potent weapon in all the armoury is the transparent exposure of the psychopath – exposing him/her for what they are. This is their Achilles heel. This is where we need to be. Through the development of empathy this exposes the non-empaths
On that morning when the Sun rises on Empathy’s rule in the world, no climate change, no lack and want, no starvation of life in any form will flourish. It will herald a world whose comprehension is of the true nature of interdependency and its agriculture, the sowing, growing and timely harvesting of cultural natural diversity and a place where fruitful integration becomes the norm, shall be the true measure of humankind.
http://hubbubwiseowl.wordpress.com/tag/ponorology/Love Always