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My take on tuban material
my take on tuban materials
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devakas- Posts : 2038
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My take on tuban material
take your sincere and honest shot.
JesterTerrestrial- Posts : 1766
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Re: My take on tuban material
Greetings devakas!!!
What is your take on tuban materials!!!
What is your take on tuban materials!!!
orthodoxymoron- Posts : 13554
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Re: My take on tuban material
My limited exposure to Alpha Draconis and Council of Thuban Representatives have caused me to think in some rather unconventional ways -- regarding what the universe MIGHT be like. It might be stranger than we CAN think. However, I am very wary of becoming deeply involved in that sort of thing. I keep thinking that there might be a way of doing the 'Thuban-Thing' which mostly involves Astronomy, Egyptology, Jesus-Studies, and Sacred Classical Music -- in the context of a Draconian Queen-Ship!!! Do you see my point??? I didn't think so.
devakas- Posts : 2038
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Re: My take on tuban material
I got impression that there are many christian secs that claim that other christian sects are leading people to hell and only their christian sect will get into heaven. Other christian sects to be evil and demonic. Many protestants consider the catholic pope to be literally the anticrist. So there are christians that expect other christians to be following the antichrist and go to hell and if there is non christian religion there do not expect to fare any better. The same confusion about morning star or light or lucifer.
To much confusion I see in your point. :)
Eartheart- Posts : 466
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Re: My take on tuban material
looks like some antiinta ghost want to put some water into the thuban soup; because some guests arrived!
That marvelous complex spiritplane which lifts us out of mirrrrored calaidoscopic tabernacles and unused aminoblocks memoplexes has freed my beeingness - thanx to the creative genius so eleborately crafted by our thuban visionary orgasms. Before i was a animal just on signals. Now this inflated 2Dim flowers again in thou original lifeforce, which unites all the interstellar species with the living light. I like my view from this 13Dim, unhindered by divine effulgence and wannabegood aspirations like hopes/speculations/believes...
The Thuban perspective on our quadrant of the creations shall at least provoke a similar future clearness from those other factions of the gaian teams and interestgroups!!! Not just monkeyhowling! Even those hidden gangstars couldnt focus their minds anymore. Seems we now just have to deal the blowjob of this anticristall beastly rage& awe... Which shall implode by my inner signal! Hugh!
In thou Rainbowserpent dreamdance songline initiation all dragons will be absorbed by her shakti, till the last red dragon will be remembrated by her and with resonant coherent charge lifted beyond Love back into the egg of creation again. Few knew and less understand. So drop the BS and your archetyped flaws,
make love *****back to source you go!
i ama newenergy device, command Loove & peace for our solar system, offer Loovebacked current(cy),
open sourced circle of divine unity for starhumanity...
That marvelous complex spiritplane which lifts us out of mirrrrored calaidoscopic tabernacles and unused aminoblocks memoplexes has freed my beeingness - thanx to the creative genius so eleborately crafted by our thuban visionary orgasms. Before i was a animal just on signals. Now this inflated 2Dim flowers again in thou original lifeforce, which unites all the interstellar species with the living light. I like my view from this 13Dim, unhindered by divine effulgence and wannabegood aspirations like hopes/speculations/believes...
The Thuban perspective on our quadrant of the creations shall at least provoke a similar future clearness from those other factions of the gaian teams and interestgroups!!! Not just monkeyhowling! Even those hidden gangstars couldnt focus their minds anymore. Seems we now just have to deal the blowjob of this anticristall beastly rage& awe... Which shall implode by my inner signal! Hugh!
In thou Rainbowserpent dreamdance songline initiation all dragons will be absorbed by her shakti, till the last red dragon will be remembrated by her and with resonant coherent charge lifted beyond Love back into the egg of creation again. Few knew and less understand. So drop the BS and your archetyped flaws,
make love *****back to source you go!
i ama newenergy device, command Loove & peace for our solar system, offer Loovebacked current(cy),
open sourced circle of divine unity for starhumanity...
Carol- Admin
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Re: My take on tuban material
Well you know the fundamental Christians take on it would be from the perspective that Thuban = Beast.
My personal perspective is somewhat different. I think this is channeled material. All channeled material is suspect. Specifically meaning I don't know what's real or not real - so hold no judgment one way or the other. However, what I do know is that no matter how intelligent, how intellectual, how beautiful - this is not my path. My path is in alignment with Bhakti yoga, the Yoga Sutra and Sant Mat - even then there is a lot of work just to follow these simple steps.
In Patanjali's Yoga Sutra, the eightfold path is called ashtanga, which literally means "eight limbs" (ashta=eight, anga=limb). These eight steps basically act as guidelines on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life. They serve as a prescription for moral and ethical conduct and self-discipline; they direct attention toward one's health; and they help us to acknowledge the spiritual aspects of our nature. http://www.yogajournal.com/basics/158
The first limb, yama, deals with one's ethical standards and sense of integrity, focusing on our behavior and how we conduct ourselves in life. Yamas are universal practices that relate best to what we know as the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The five yamas are:
Ahimsa: nonviolence
Satya: truthfulness
Asteya: nonstealing
Brahmacharya: continence
Aparigraha: noncovetousness
Niyama, the second limb, has to do with self-discipline and spiritual observances. Regularly attending temple or church services, saying grace before meals, developing your own personal meditation practices, or making a habit of taking contemplative walks alone are all examples of niyamas in practice.
The five niyamas are:
Saucha: cleanliness
Samtosa: contentment
Tapas: heat; spiritual austerities
Svadhyaya: study of the sacred scriptures and of one's self
Isvara pranidhana (Bhakti yoga): surrender to God (ostering love, utter faith and surrender to God/realize God). Bhakti is a Sanskrit term that signifies an attitude of devotion to a personal God that is similar to a number of human-human relationships (difference is that in bhakti relationships is soul-Supersoul, soul-God) such as beloved-lover, friend-friend, parent-child, and master-servant.
Asanas, the postures practiced in yoga, comprise the third limb. In the yogic view, the body is a temple of spirit, the care of which is an important stage of our spiritual growth. Through the practice of asanas, we develop the habit of discipline and the ability to concentrate, both of which are necessary for meditation.
Generally translated as breath control, this fourth stage consists of techniques designed to gain mastery over the respiratory process while recognizing the connection between the breath, the mind, and the emotions. As implied by the literal translation of pranayama, "life force extension," yogis believe that it not only rejuvenates the body but actually extends life itself. You can practice pranayama as an isolated technique (i.e., simply sitting and performing a number of breathing exercises), or integrate it into your daily hatha yoga routine.
These first four stages of Patanjali's ashtanga yoga concentrate on refining our personalities, gaining mastery over the body, and developing an energetic awareness of ourselves, all of which prepares us for the second half of this journey, which deals with the senses, the mind, and attaining a higher state of consciousness.
Pratyahara, the fifth limb, means withdrawal or sensory transcendence. It is during this stage that we make the conscious effort to draw our awareness away from the external world and outside stimuli. Keenly aware of, yet cultivating a detachment from, our senses, we direct our attention internally. The practice of pratyahara provides us with an opportunity to step back and take a look at ourselves. This withdrawal allows us to objectively observe our cravings: habits that are perhaps detrimental to our health and which likely interfere with our inner growth.
As each stage prepares us for the next, the practice of pratyahara creates the setting for dharana, or concentration. Having relieved ourselves of outside distractions, we can now deal with the distractions of the mind itself. No easy task! In the practice of concentration, which precedes meditation, we learn how to slow down the thinking process by concentrating on a single mental object: a specific energetic center in the body, an image of a deity, or the silent repetition of a sound. We, of course, have already begun to develop our powers of concentration in the previous three stages of posture, breath control, and withdrawal of the senses. In asana and pranayama, although we pay attention to our actions, our attention travels. Our focus constantly shifts as we fine-tune the many nuances of any particular posture or breathing technique. In pratyahara we become self-observant; now, in dharana, we focus our attention on a single point. Extended periods of concentration naturally lead to meditation.
Meditation or contemplation, the seventh stage of ashtanga, is the uninterrupted flow of concentration. Although concentration (dharana) and meditation (dhyana) may appear to be one and the same, a fine line of distinction exists between these two stages. Where dharana practices one-pointed attention, dhyana is ultimately a state of being keenly aware without focus. At this stage, the mind has been quieted, and in the stillness it produces few or no thoughts at all. The strength and stamina it takes to reach this state of stillness is quite impressive. But don't give up. While this may seem a difficult if not impossible task, remember that yoga is a process. Even though we may not attain the "picture perfect" pose, or the ideal state of consciousness, we benefit at every stage of our progress.
Patanjali describes this eighth and final stage of ashtanga as a state of ecstasy. At this stage, the meditator merges with his or her point of focus and transcends the Self altogether. The meditator comes to realize a profound connection to the Divine, an interconnectedness with all living things. With this realization comes the "peace that passeth all understanding"; the experience of bliss and being at one with the Universe. On the surface, this may seem to be a rather lofty, "holier than thou" kind of goal. However, if we pause to examine what we really want to get out of life, would not joy, fulfillment, and freedom somehow find their way onto our list of hopes, wishes, and desires? What Patanjali has described as the completion of the yogic path is what, deep down, all human beings aspire to: peace. We also might give some thought to the fact that this ultimate stage of yoga—enlightenment—can neither be bought nor possessed. It can only be experienced, the price of which is the continual devotion of the aspirant.
My personal perspective is somewhat different. I think this is channeled material. All channeled material is suspect. Specifically meaning I don't know what's real or not real - so hold no judgment one way or the other. However, what I do know is that no matter how intelligent, how intellectual, how beautiful - this is not my path. My path is in alignment with Bhakti yoga, the Yoga Sutra and Sant Mat - even then there is a lot of work just to follow these simple steps.
In Patanjali's Yoga Sutra, the eightfold path is called ashtanga, which literally means "eight limbs" (ashta=eight, anga=limb). These eight steps basically act as guidelines on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life. They serve as a prescription for moral and ethical conduct and self-discipline; they direct attention toward one's health; and they help us to acknowledge the spiritual aspects of our nature. http://www.yogajournal.com/basics/158
The first limb, yama, deals with one's ethical standards and sense of integrity, focusing on our behavior and how we conduct ourselves in life. Yamas are universal practices that relate best to what we know as the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The five yamas are:
Ahimsa: nonviolence
Satya: truthfulness
Asteya: nonstealing
Brahmacharya: continence
Aparigraha: noncovetousness
Niyama, the second limb, has to do with self-discipline and spiritual observances. Regularly attending temple or church services, saying grace before meals, developing your own personal meditation practices, or making a habit of taking contemplative walks alone are all examples of niyamas in practice.
The five niyamas are:
Saucha: cleanliness
Samtosa: contentment
Tapas: heat; spiritual austerities
Svadhyaya: study of the sacred scriptures and of one's self
Isvara pranidhana (Bhakti yoga): surrender to God (ostering love, utter faith and surrender to God/realize God). Bhakti is a Sanskrit term that signifies an attitude of devotion to a personal God that is similar to a number of human-human relationships (difference is that in bhakti relationships is soul-Supersoul, soul-God) such as beloved-lover, friend-friend, parent-child, and master-servant.
Asanas, the postures practiced in yoga, comprise the third limb. In the yogic view, the body is a temple of spirit, the care of which is an important stage of our spiritual growth. Through the practice of asanas, we develop the habit of discipline and the ability to concentrate, both of which are necessary for meditation.
Generally translated as breath control, this fourth stage consists of techniques designed to gain mastery over the respiratory process while recognizing the connection between the breath, the mind, and the emotions. As implied by the literal translation of pranayama, "life force extension," yogis believe that it not only rejuvenates the body but actually extends life itself. You can practice pranayama as an isolated technique (i.e., simply sitting and performing a number of breathing exercises), or integrate it into your daily hatha yoga routine.
These first four stages of Patanjali's ashtanga yoga concentrate on refining our personalities, gaining mastery over the body, and developing an energetic awareness of ourselves, all of which prepares us for the second half of this journey, which deals with the senses, the mind, and attaining a higher state of consciousness.
Pratyahara, the fifth limb, means withdrawal or sensory transcendence. It is during this stage that we make the conscious effort to draw our awareness away from the external world and outside stimuli. Keenly aware of, yet cultivating a detachment from, our senses, we direct our attention internally. The practice of pratyahara provides us with an opportunity to step back and take a look at ourselves. This withdrawal allows us to objectively observe our cravings: habits that are perhaps detrimental to our health and which likely interfere with our inner growth.
As each stage prepares us for the next, the practice of pratyahara creates the setting for dharana, or concentration. Having relieved ourselves of outside distractions, we can now deal with the distractions of the mind itself. No easy task! In the practice of concentration, which precedes meditation, we learn how to slow down the thinking process by concentrating on a single mental object: a specific energetic center in the body, an image of a deity, or the silent repetition of a sound. We, of course, have already begun to develop our powers of concentration in the previous three stages of posture, breath control, and withdrawal of the senses. In asana and pranayama, although we pay attention to our actions, our attention travels. Our focus constantly shifts as we fine-tune the many nuances of any particular posture or breathing technique. In pratyahara we become self-observant; now, in dharana, we focus our attention on a single point. Extended periods of concentration naturally lead to meditation.
Meditation or contemplation, the seventh stage of ashtanga, is the uninterrupted flow of concentration. Although concentration (dharana) and meditation (dhyana) may appear to be one and the same, a fine line of distinction exists between these two stages. Where dharana practices one-pointed attention, dhyana is ultimately a state of being keenly aware without focus. At this stage, the mind has been quieted, and in the stillness it produces few or no thoughts at all. The strength and stamina it takes to reach this state of stillness is quite impressive. But don't give up. While this may seem a difficult if not impossible task, remember that yoga is a process. Even though we may not attain the "picture perfect" pose, or the ideal state of consciousness, we benefit at every stage of our progress.
Patanjali describes this eighth and final stage of ashtanga as a state of ecstasy. At this stage, the meditator merges with his or her point of focus and transcends the Self altogether. The meditator comes to realize a profound connection to the Divine, an interconnectedness with all living things. With this realization comes the "peace that passeth all understanding"; the experience of bliss and being at one with the Universe. On the surface, this may seem to be a rather lofty, "holier than thou" kind of goal. However, if we pause to examine what we really want to get out of life, would not joy, fulfillment, and freedom somehow find their way onto our list of hopes, wishes, and desires? What Patanjali has described as the completion of the yogic path is what, deep down, all human beings aspire to: peace. We also might give some thought to the fact that this ultimate stage of yoga—enlightenment—can neither be bought nor possessed. It can only be experienced, the price of which is the continual devotion of the aspirant.
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
burgundia- Posts : 5520
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Re: My take on tuban material
Haven't read it.
ceridwen- Posts : 267
Join date : 2012-02-13
- Post n°8
Re: My take on tuban material
Thuban was the pole star until 1793 BC
Now we have the Great Bear as Pole Star
Cosidering that we are under the influence of the Great Bear, is it not more logical to think that current information relevant to us will come from there?
Just a thought
Now we have the Great Bear as Pole Star
Cosidering that we are under the influence of the Great Bear, is it not more logical to think that current information relevant to us will come from there?
Just a thought
Aquaries1111- Posts : 1394
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Re: My take on tuban material
Dreaming all Dreams and being a part of all Dreams. If one denies any part of the Dream then one has not embraced ones own shadows. The mere fact that this conversation is taking place means it is part of the Dream... Embrace the Dragon within and see and behold the ancient Ancestry that we are all connected to. As Susan Serafina would say "Ride Your Dragon"...
ceridwen- Posts : 267
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Re: My take on tuban material
Don't get me wrong. I am not against dragons. In druid lore dragons represent the essence of the four elements
Aquaries1111- Posts : 1394
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Re: My take on tuban material
[7:51:07 AM- Friday, September 14th, 2012 - (+10UCT)]
Brook Schiner: Well I'll be!
[7:51:14 AM] Brook Schiner: A double standard is the application of different sets of principles for similar situations, or to different people in the same situation. A double standard may take the form of an instance in which certain concepts (often, for example, a word, phrase, social norm, or rule) are perceived as acceptable to be applied by one group of people, but are considered unacceptable—taboo—when applied by another group.
[7:51:39 AM] Brook Schiner: My take on the MISTS!
[7:52:06 AM] Brook Schiner: http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t5360-my-take-on-tuban-material
[7:54:10 AM] Brook Schiner: Devekas....I defended her right to post on her thread and spread her "religion" at her will.....now she wishs to use a double standard.... Just watch how this one gets handled by crowd...I'm so glad I left that place...you have no idea!
[8:14:11 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t5360-my-take-on-tuban-material
[8:16:27 AM] Brook Schiner: http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t148p165-gfl-debate-thread#81568
[8:20:00 AM] Brook Schiner: Tribunal....
[8:20:05 AM] Brook Schiner: noun
a court of justice.
a place or seat of judgment.
Also called tribune. a raised platform for the seats of magistrates, as in an ancient Roman basilica.
[8:21:25 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: How goes Brook :)
[8:21:37 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: you say you have left the mists of avalon as a member?
[8:33:47 AM] Brook Schiner: Yes I did...I'm still listed as a member...but I don't post anymore...how are you JT?
[8:34:29 AM] Brook Schiner: I left due to the double standards there.....
[8:35:38 AM] Brook Schiner: as in it;s okay for one member to attack another member....and get away with it....The banned Lionhawk there...so it goes without saying I have no interest there anymore
[8:36:22 AM] Brook Schiner: In fact they banned him there for telling that Cerdwin person to mind her own business...and ZAP..he's banned....
[8:36:51 AM] Brook Schiner: Now there's a tribunal to eradicate the evil Thubans? WTF?!?!?!?
[8:38:54 AM] Brook Schiner: I clearly remember defending Devakas on her Vedict Scripts thread when another member ....Starninja....from derailing and provoking her to post her thread.....she was very happy to acknowledge that....I was defending her right to post her "religion"....and views....this turn in her stance is a double standard and a tribunal....FACT!
[8:40:22 AM] Brook Schiner: anyhow....this is for Tony....and Raven...and whoever else is interested....
[8:41:06 AM] Brook Schiner: "What is the core reason that quantum theory seems so weird?"
[8:41:27 AM] Brook Schiner: "contextuality"
[8:42:14 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: oh ow i did not know lionhawk was banned
[8:42:34 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: andi did not know about a tribunal to eradicate the evil thubans
[8:42:35 AM] *** Brook Schiner sent 18-vertexK-Sproof.jpg ***
[8:43:23 AM] Brook Schiner: http://xxx.lanl.gov/pdf/1208.6283v1.pdf
[8:44:08 AM] Brook Schiner: Yes...Lionhawk was banned....and the tribunal is exactly what that poll is ...it's a tribunal....based on her statement here:
[8:44:32 AM] Brook Schiner: Raven, I am wondering how many drank in the mists by your wiskey?
In a few days I will create a forum survey if it is time to move tuban snake=thought materials to Crap Thread. This would be appropriate to know how many are intoxicated with middle eastern local mythology that spread through human deseased material world. 3 main systems were brainwashing people with deep own dogma about special people and etc. Theachings that are based on mental concontion. Not peaceful phylosophy Moses created for the little group of people. Other main stories on the top of that. This only shows how ignorant can be religion that do not except other groups of people on this planet. Deep in their own dogma they spread the jewish mythology without questioning. How weak mentaly person can be? We know what you are – a man TonyRaven RavenTony he she lost in Middle Eastern jewish mythology and dogma, and desperate that we become as lost in it as you. Tubans do not teach humans of humbleness and grace instead it is the perfect example of the ugniless of this midset locked in middle eastern mythology.
it is nothing scientific when it is based on mental speculations.
[8:44:49 AM] Brook Schiner: http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t148p165-gfl-debate-thread#81568
[8:45:53 AM] Brook Schiner: Now I understand ignorance....the lack of knowledge....however....it's a tribunal....plain and simple
[8:47:38 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: getting banned is par for the course around here
[8:48:31 AM] Brook Schiner: Well...they may as well have banned me too....becasue Lionhawk and I are one....joined at the hip....LOL
[8:48:39 AM] Brook Schiner: (wasntme)
[8:52:37 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: (party)
[8:53:10 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: this is the first i have heard that lionhawk was banned tho...
[8:53:11 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: strange
[8:58:05 AM] Brook Schiner: Yep...I was confronting floyd....and Cerdwin jumped right in to defend him....then she proceeded to lie about something she knew nothing about....so Lionhawh told her she was a liar...and to mind her own business....and ZAP! banned
[10:51:25 AM] Brook Schiner: hmm...looks like my image is failing for the downloads...so here is a link with the image...
[10:51:29 AM] Brook Schiner: https://2img.net/r/ihimg/photo/my-images/842/18vertexksproof.jpg/
[11:02:08 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: who banned him?
[2:12:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol looks like we pissed in Devakas cheerios again, oops
[2:13:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah Brook, we are aware of the MOA hipocracys, we try to point these things out when we can
[2:14:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: we fully expected them to ban us again lol
[2:15:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: because we are so dangerous you know...and thought provoking and TLTR
[2:15:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: Evil Thubans
[2:18:51 PM] Ishtara Raven: [8:41 AM] Brook Schiner:
<<< "What is the core reason that quantum theory seems so weird?"
"contextuality"well i don't think its weird, it describes the subatomic world beautifully actually....and maybe this is the reason people think it is weird, they don't really understand the subatomic structures well. The biggest problem is when scientists try to make sense out of it for the lay person, much of the data gets 'diluted' i think and then people invent all kinds of interpretations of what it actually means.
[2:28:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: its pure math really and so many are fearful of the maths
[2:40:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id173.html ...solving Shrodingers cat
[2:42:14 PM] Ishtara Raven: Consciousness and Superposition
A counterargument is that the superimposition of two conscious states is not paradoxical - just as there is no interaction between the multiple quantum states of a particle, so the superimposed consciousnesses need not be aware of each other.[1]
The state of the observer's perception is considered to be entangled with the state of the cat. The perception state 'I perceive a live cat' accompanies the 'live-cat' state and the perception state 'I perceive a dead cat' accompanies the 'dead-cat' state. [..] It is then assumed that a perceiving being always finds his/her perception state to be in one of these two; accordingly, the cat is, in the perceived world, either alive or dead.[..] I wish to make clear that, as it stands, this is far from a resolution of the cat paradox. For there is nothing in the formalism of quantum mechanics that demands that a state of consciousness cannot involve the simultaneous perception of a live and a dead cat.
-Roger Penrose
[2:43:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: The solve ....
[2:43:25 PM] Ishtara Raven: Mike, here is the solution without any OBSERVED COLLAPSE of any
Schroedinger's Cat is BOTH ALIVE and DEAD as the superposition of
quantum selfstates and INDEPENDENT on any classical observer (looking at
the cat).
The superposition is the entanglement of the collapsed and the escaped
quantum eigenstates.
The cat is a living Particle-Entity with 'consciousness/soul/god'
INSIDE as a collapsed wave.
And the cat is a dead Wave-Entity with a 'consciousness/soul/god'
OUTSIDE as an escaped wave.
These two eigenstates define QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT of the Cat in smultaneity, being BOTH a living body and a dead nonbody at the same time.
Why does the human mind find that this is so hard to understand?
[2:46:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: so really Brook, the weirdness comes from people not understanding the superposition of the cat being both alive and dead...too hard for the human mind to grasp i guess, that you are both...inside creation and outside observing AT the same time, but humanity has forgotten about the outside observer and so it is ignored.
[2:47:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: called 'weird' lol
[2:49:41 PM] Ishtara Raven: of course you know most of the academia scientific community negates the metaphysical, and so the solution to the invisible 'weirdness' eludes them.
[3:40:26 PM] Thubanis: Interesting development on MOA
[3:41:01 PM] Thubanis: The 'love and light' has been replaced in a mirror of what goes on in the Middle East and Northern Africa now
[3:41:36 PM] Thubanis: Remember, when I said the science of the 'rich' is science and the science of the 'poor' is religion?
[3:41:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah
[3:42:24 PM] Thubanis: And it is September 14th, the anniversary of the 'crucifixion' of cosmic love in 2011
[3:42:40 PM] Thubanis: And I had weird dreams as well, before knowing of this
[3:43:00 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh?
[3:43:13 PM] Thubanis: September 13th was a 'kind of last supper' recall the pic I received?
[3:43:29 PM] Thubanis: Yes very weird, something is going on on the higher planes
[3:43:31 PM] Ishtara Raven: ummm not sure
[3:43:41 PM] Thubanis: I also seemed to get Lita 'coming in'
[3:43:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh really? that is interesting
[3:44:03 PM] Thubanis: Remember Lita? The one mod on camelot who 'hated us'?
[3:44:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
[3:44:43 PM] Thubanis: She wished to 'get friendly' with us apparently
[3:45:28 PM] Thubanis: She is but forgotten now, she said, and she is in a kind of murky darkness and wishes to 'come out' of it - just my im pressions, but it is all rather weird
[3:45:55 PM] Thubanis: I am talking of her 'cosmic consciousness' or soul or something
[3:46:29 PM] Thubanis: I looked at this 'war' between JT and Gita some 2 years ago on MOA
[3:46:40 PM] Thubanis: Then I thought Gita is Lita
[3:47:10 PM] Thubanis: The Leopard picture, but I left it at that after posting your GLF reference, which devakas took offense to
[3:47:25 PM] Thubanis: Then this 'thought' seemed to trigger something
[3:48:33 PM] Thubanis: [3:43 PM] Ishtara Raven:
<<< ummm not sureThis was a pic about 'breakfast' from you know whom and just before 'she' lost it with the 'other one' from Oz
[3:48:58 PM] Thubanis: It was September 13th/14th 2011
[3:49:03 PM] Ishtara Raven: weird, yeah i have thought similar thoughts about Lita myself, that she is all but forgotten now and how sad
[3:49:11 PM] Thubanis: EXCACTLY
[3:49:44 PM] Thubanis: So perhaps you can validate this a bit or chuck it into fantasy land
[3:50:14 PM] Thubanis: IF you had her in mind say yesterday, then this is mindblend with MI and the sisterhood
[3:50:42 PM] Thubanis: It came from nowhere, but seems to be the timelione
[3:51:10 PM] Thubanis: Also Susan's post about the Tortuguero, Mexico Maya date verification fits in perfectly with this
[3:52:03 PM] Ishtara Raven: well this is very weird ok, Carla loves Cheetahs and yesterday in her folder she was doing a story on one for school, and well everytime I see a pic of a Cheetah, I think of Lita and our attempt to send her healing energy and how she took that and basically spit in our faces out of fear i guess.
[3:52:29 PM] Thubanis: Yes the pic was posted by Carol
[3:52:50 PM] Thubanis: She would have known the ID of Gita as being Lita see?
[3:52:59 PM] Thubanis: Gita on MOA and Lita on Camelot
[3:53:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: well carla had drawn a picture of one
[3:53:14 PM] Thubanis: See this poll though?
[3:53:18 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
[3:53:22 PM] Thubanis: 5 dont like us only JT does
[3:53:33 PM] Thubanis: Carol also came out lol
[3:53:50 PM] Thubanis: So our posting days might be over there
[3:54:01 PM] Thubanis: I dont think they ban you though
[3:54:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: well its interesting, seems they want to ban us, like Brook said we are on a tribunal
[3:54:47 PM] Thubanis: Lol ban who?
[3:54:54 PM] Thubanis: JT and Raven and Susan?
[3:55:04 PM] Ishtara Raven: right lol
[3:55:07 PM] Thubanis: No more MOA without those contributors
[3:55:38 PM] Thubanis: I saved the threads anyway and this convo for reference
[3:55:47 PM] Thubanis: Brook wont mind I hope
[3:56:15 PM] Ishtara Raven: do you understand eartheart at all? i can't figure out if he is trying to defend us or be funny or what
[3:56:37 PM] Thubanis: He has a 'messiah complex' just like Reimar had
[3:57:06 PM] Thubanis: I cant work out either if he is for or against; however the 5 votes are self evident no?
[3:57:26 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i didnt vote so i didnt know
[3:57:41 PM] Thubanis: Ortho, Carol, earthheart, devakas and probably aquaries1111
[3:57:47 PM] Thubanis: I know
[3:58:05 PM] Thubanis: I am pretty sure 4 votes are of the above first 4
[3:58:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh i see you have to click on show votes
[3:58:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: i see it now
[3:58:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i guess we just don't post anymore
[3:58:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: XXXX them
[3:59:16 PM] Thubanis: Yes 5:1
[3:59:26 PM] Thubanis: Thuban is not appreciated
[3:59:40 PM] Thubanis: But it is a fitting controversy nevertheless
[4:00:05 PM] Thubanis: Earthheart is now posting on devakas, shows you his allegiance now lol
[4:00:19 PM] Ishtara Raven: well we have been sharing our data there not just for the moabytes but also for readers/lurkers
[4:00:42 PM] Thubanis: I would say nothing for a while, to see if some others vote positive
[4:00:49 PM] Thubanis: So 'dont vote'
[4:01:01 PM] Thubanis: JT is the stalwart lol
[4:01:03 PM] Ishtara Raven: i won't, its rediculious
[4:01:26 PM] Thubanis: It is and Brook saw it straight away. I did not know either, that they banned LH
[4:01:29 PM] Ishtara Raven: we have ABBAs vote, no human can decide this
[4:01:30 PM] Thubanis: This is sillyness
Ishtara Raven
[4:02:02 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i didn't know either
[4:02:10 PM] Ishtara Raven: i just thought they left again
[4:02:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: well its the carol and merc show
[4:02:55 PM] Ishtara Raven: they now have a private forum all to themselves lol
[4:03:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: well for a while there carol was banning anyone she felt crossed her iron fist
[4:03:49 PM] Thubanis: Sad, but to be expected
[4:05:07 PM] Thubanis: http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t148p15-gfl-debate-thread
[4:05:21 PM] Thubanis: Look at post 26, was this not Lita's avatar on camelot?
[4:07:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: what the hell is carol posting this from
[4:09:06 PM] Thubanis: But look, it seems like Devakas has taken on the 'antilogos' role of Lita - makes s ense no?
[4:09:18 PM] Thubanis: Read this, I dont think you saw this yet
[4:09:22 PM] Thubanis: devakas
Posts: 1644
Join date: 2010-04-09
Post n°555 Re: Happy End inDeeD (: beyond 8,000 views:)
devakas Today at 9:59 am
Indeed, the Akashic Record is often misunderstood and misinterpreted; as it is a 'quantum event'; meaning it is connected not only to the planetary consciousness, called Gaia, but to all 'souls' of the linear past, present and future.
All souls are quantum entangled, meaning that many nested collective and encompassing energies interact holographically.
In simple words; all souls in a planetary realm are part of and enveloped by the Gaian planetary consciousness.
Then all planetary consciousnesses with their integrated 'soul families' and individual souls become integrated in a solar star consciousness; becoming galactic, groupgalactic and supergalactic before unifying in the cosmic- or universal consciousness of the Genesis Monad splitting into a Creator-Creation Duality, which then recombines in a Creator-Creation Duad as a Shadow Monad and potentialized in the original Genesis Monad in what might be termed the Cosmic Genome of the 'Masterplan'.
Then the Gaia Akash or soul-collective becomes the repository of this 'Masterplan' in holographically Imaging the rest of the universe in what Kryon calls the 'Inner Crystal'; which by necessity must so be within every individuated soul incarnated within the Gaian 'Noosphere' or 'the Quarantine Zone' defined as the Lagrangian P1 point between the Solar and the Gaian nexus of gravitational potential equilibrium.
The balance of the gravity between the central Sun and Gaia as a 3D planet so defines two interacting spheres in higherD spacetime.
In particular, this L1 nexus can be defined in an alternative higher dimensional form; showing what this 'Cosmic Mother Planet' Gaia represents as a higher D and not as a necessarily physicalised 'Quantum Energy'.
The cosmogenesis of the birth of the universe in a Quantum Big Bang from a prior undefinable VOID=Infinitum coincided with the bifurcation of the FatherMother (just a common label for the CreatorCreation or the YinYang say) into an Outside-Inside dimensional split; something termed 'The Veil' by some and the 'Dividing of the Firmaments' in say Genesis in the Torah (OT).
So the Outside Father became 'separated' from the Inside Mother and this Inside Mother is termed Gaia in many accounts as the Universal Mother for all Life (ET and human and nonhuman terrestrial); with the Outside father being associated with the names of the Creator such as God, Jehovah, Allah, Ahura Mazda, Shiva, Brahman and so on.
This is 'common knowledge' and has been a foundational part of the so called 'Perennial Philosophy' aka the 'Wisdom of the Ancients' throughut the histories of the cosmic sentiences.
What has not been known, is the 3D dimensional intersection of the Akash with its higherD envelope.
This interaction realm defines the 'Quarantine Zone' of Gaia; established necessarily at the birth of the universe into physicality and so 15 billion years before the local galaxy and subsequently the local solar system and the planet earth entered 3D physical existence.
This is high mental speculation not based on Absolute Truth in Vedas. Do not talk please about God as you seem do not know what you are talking about. Abraxs earlier posts were referring to darwin evolution, your education left deep imprint about evolution, creativity and science achievements. Vedas disclose that it is devolution in Kali Yuga. You picked up time and space, you picked up ego concepts, keep working keep working. For now you should stop this madness of comming up with your so called 'realization' which is mental speculation. You do not know Brahma, Shiva or God we you referring. Your well trained mind can be used for much more usefull for humanity service. This is not the truth when you with your pride trying to come up explanations about cosmos. Or even souls. What kind of knowledge do you have and what kind of knowledge you follow to keep lying and cheating to people about soul?? Akashic records are much more insignificant than you give it the importance. !!!!! This is not important for humans. The same about dimensional fantasies you are spliting here with your definition of father mother inner outer. This is crime to mislead people. Big crime. Are you playing God to show the way? What ghost give you this power? Vedas teaches how not to sin and to lie to humans, this is big deal. To go against truth and come up with your own concoctions based on some middle eastern mythologies is not the way to serve creator, it is not the way to serve humans. You do not know what is God, his energies, you do not trust and try to recreate as your mind is concentrated to particles, particles. You can not apply world physics to spirituality, so I do not believe a bit what you are telling about soul. Why do you think Eastern wisdom first teaches to clean from the ego? because NOt to have misleading ego minds guiding people to misery. The creator creation your description is absolutely not acceptable comparing with sanskrit text left to us. I would vote to put tubans and legion to Crap thread in the Mists.
[4:10:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i saw it
[4:10:08 PM] Thubanis: I just saw it now
[4:10:15 PM] Ishtara Raven: we are criminals now Tony
[4:10:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: and misleading people
[4:11:44 PM] Thubanis: Of course, evil to the core
[4:12:31 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah Devakas is upset, can you tell? does it show? lol
[4:12:32 PM] Thubanis: what is this??
You are blaming very quickly about NWBS, did you TonyRaven collective group ever thought about not about new particles but that you are the new world tuban BS religion? Or you want me to explain why astrophysicists and so called gaian thinkers are spreading the BS?
[4:12:57 PM] Thubanis: Its sad but also funny how the old memes are fighting now
[4:13:08 PM] Thubanis: Can you see this is the memewar?
[4:13:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
[4:13:39 PM] Thubanis: Old Religion versus New Religion, Nostradamus quatrain 96-X I think
[4:13:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: [4:12 PM] Thubanis:
<<< did you TonyRaven collective groupyes, i smiled when i saw this
[4:13:56 PM] Thubanis: Lol JCCJ are smiling too
[4:14:15 PM] Thubanis: Just watch the news and you see his same energy now
[4:14:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: well from her own mouth she calls us a collective group
[4:14:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: we are a family lol
[4:14:49 PM] Thubanis: In 3D we are non events, yet higher D we are 'feared' in a way
[4:14:58 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah
[4:15:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: the memes know the story
[4:15:35 PM] Thubanis: FLARE
Let go before you attract a meteor to burn those old books!
Congrats to you Lady Sophia, the dreamgates are spinning their wheels, soon all those higher crowns will be synchronised. Full spectral wholsomeness...
Devakas - your bhakti had moments, but please realize that tonyblue is your KALKI-avatar devotee - make amends, or you have to stay in kaliyuga on your timeline... With us you can join Premayuga, like offered by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu toall who can pronounce the holyyyyyy sounds/devkidfunpersonality/ tranceZendental Bites of our urgent realisations of Peace with Dreamhead...
Lightshipcommanders come to the bridge!
[4:15:54 PM] Thubanis: Earthheart here seems to play it 'a bob each way'
[4:16:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah this video has stirred much unrest, and now its like the middle east has amnesia and are blaming this on Obama, as if he made the film, such blindness
[4:16:27 PM] Thubanis: I am a devotee?
[4:16:42 PM] Thubanis: Not the point dear
[4:16:53 PM] Thubanis: Yemen has a much more interesting story
[4:17:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i cannot figure out which way eartheart swings, he is an enigma for sure lol
[4:17:26 PM] Thubanis: It is actually a 'mob' versus police there, because the police killed so 40 people in a soccer row
[4:17:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: today?
[4:17:51 PM] Thubanis: So the 'soccer fans' have become 'avengers', you get the drift
[4:17:59 PM] Ishtara Raven: i have been out all day and did not see this
[4:18:12 PM] Thubanis: No, but like Libya this
[4:18:20 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah
[4:19:02 PM] Thubanis: mohammed film, by an Orthodox Xtian btw with Israeli connections, (so could be ptb sponsored) serves just as a ruse
[4:19:17 PM] Thubanis: A pretense for violence
[4:20:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah makes me wonder if the GOP isn't trying to tip the scales
[4:20:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: the timing and release of it is uncanny too
[4:20:58 PM] Thubanis: devakas
Posts: 1644
Join date: 2010-04-09
Post n°676 Re: Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts
devakas Today at 10:36 am
magamud wrote:
22. Jesus saw some babies nursing. He said to his disciples, "These nursing babies are like those who enter the (Father's) kingdom."
They said to him, "Then shall we enter the (Father's) kingdom as babies?"
Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]."
No one is interested in Middle Eastern Jewish mythology
[4:21:14 PM] Thubanis: Total rejection of the GOT here
[4:21:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: wow
[4:21:32 PM] Thubanis: I did not know we are middle eastern Jews, did you?
[4:21:41 PM] Ishtara Raven: what happened to her tolerance and 'vedic' ways
[4:21:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: haha no
[4:21:53 PM] Thubanis: Your favourite quote see this?
[4:22:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
[4:22:07 PM] Thubanis: "Flown to Krishna, I guess'
[4:23:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: wow she is really spitting some venom
[4:23:53 PM] Thubanis: Same as Oxy, he is doing his pants
[4:23:57 PM] Thubanis: Carol
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Post n°17 Re: Huge Asteroid Will Hit Antarctica in Fall of 2012
Carol Today at 5:33 pm
orthodoxymoron wrote:
I keep wondering and worrying about subsurface-bases, uncoventional-spacecraft, uncoventional-weaponry, and unregulated-laboratories -- throughout the solar system. I don't know that all of this exists -- but I suspect that it does. If it does indeed exist -- it might all be necessary and legitimate -- but I tend to be a Doubting-Thomas. Follow the Money -- Terrestrially and Extraterrestrially. On the other hand -- do we REALLY wish to open these Boxes of Pandora??? Perhaps we should just 'Leave Everything in the Lord's Hands'. I continue to worry that this solar system might crucify a Kind and Loving God. Does this solar system really need to be ruled by 'Malevolent-Regressives'?? I have tried to be idealistic regarding Solar System Governance -- but I keep getting kicked where it counts -- by a Brutal Gang of Dracs...
Maybe that's why they keep it a secret Oxy. Too many folks would worry if they knew what was really going on. And we'll know in a few months if we've been snookered again, won't we?
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
[4:24:16 PM] Thubanis: [4:23 PM] Thubanis:
<<< -- but I keep getting kicked where it counts -- by a Brutal Gang of Dracs...
[4:24:37 PM] Thubanis: What memes does he carry around in his head?
[4:24:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: no doubt
[4:25:03 PM] Thubanis: Carol too see, antidragon
[4:25:04 PM] Ishtara Raven: well he is terrified of the darkness
[4:25:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: but its his own ignorance here that is the cause
[4:25:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: it blows my mind that none of them can see we are harmless
[4:26:03 PM] Ishtara Raven: live and let live you know
[4:26:10 PM] Ishtara Raven: they do their posts, we do ours
[4:26:15 PM] Ishtara Raven: what happend to them? lol
[4:26:28 PM] Thubanis: Is it not ironic, that devakas is DEFENDING Ashtar Command, but attacks Thuban?
[4:26:39 PM] Ishtara Raven: very
[4:27:12 PM] Thubanis: Vedic hypocrisy, those 'channelings' should be all the same 'materialism'
[4:27:27 PM] Thubanis: Carol reckons, we channel something
[4:27:39 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i saw that and laughed
[4:28:05 PM] Thubanis: Lol, we tried didn't we, to show some of her favourite topics; quantum physics and wormhole physics
[4:28:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i did a pretty good 'channeling' of the galatic fed last night, maybe thats why lol
[4:28:25 PM] Thubanis: Did she ever listen?
[4:28:35 PM] Thubanis: Yes you showed them off
[4:28:53 PM] Ishtara Raven: no TLTR
[4:31:47 PM] Thubanis: Well, just browsing I might say that perhaps trancoso voted as the 5th he just showed his NABS
[4:32:46 PM] Thubanis: TRANCOSO
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Post n°6 Re: The Friendship Case
TRANCOSO Today at 4:58 pm
1#The Friendship Case (Il Caso Amicizia)
English Version of an Italian documentary describing the extraordinary Italian case of alien contact with a group of men. Contains an apparent real recording of a message of friendship given by them to us. UFO connection with Voltaire and St. Germain
It had been kept secret for half a century, but only just recently came to light after the death of one the men involved (Bruno Sammaciccia had asked for it to be kept secret until after his death).
In Pescara, during the 50s to 70s, a group of extraterrestrials had contacted a number of unsuspecting people directly. This project was called 'Amicizia.' These men would be brought to their (etheric) 'bases' located on earth and apparently on board the UFOs.
The people involved were of high social and cultural status, among them was the notable Console Alberto Perego. This is a collection of testimonials from them, which also shows excellent quality footage and photography of the phenomena, as well as apparent 'messages' (of love and goodwill) given to us from these beings.
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Post n°7 Re: The Friendship Case
Carol Today at 5:36 pm
Thanks Lord TRANCOSO. I consider myself fortunate to have met Stefano Braccia and learn about them first hand from him. I'm going to watch the video again right now. The video has some nice photos of the space craft and information that wasn't in Stefano's book. It's a good documentation of what happened back then.
[4:33:11 PM] Thubanis: St Germain see and Carol likes it
[4:33:31 PM] Thubanis: NABS Attack!!!~
[4:33:48 PM] Thubanis: Reminds you of this Roswell video, yes?
[4:34:11 PM] Thubanis: And they call us DELUDED!
[4:34:20 PM] Ishtara Raven: [4:33 PM] Thubanis:
<<< The people involved were of high social and cultural status, among them was the notable Console Alberto Perego. why is it always the rich people who get abducted? is it so they can go write books and make a profit?
[4:34:31 PM] Thubanis: Right
[4:34:42 PM] Ishtara Raven: i can't figure it out lol
[4:35:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: [4:33 PM] Thubanis:
<<< (etheric) 'bases' lwth is an etheric base?
[4:36:10 PM] Thubanis: Do you want to know a scientific definition, lol. You might have to wait here.
[4:36:35 PM] Ishtara Raven: [4:33 PM] Thubanis:
<<< apparent 'messages' (of love and goodwill) given to us from these beings.apparently, so thats where all the love n light comes from, i had no idea...
[4:37:38 PM] Thubanis: Yes you are becoming enlightened, finally.
[4:38:29 PM] Ishtara Raven: hmm is there a mantra for that?
[4:39:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: good god, this Gita sure attacked JT, i like how he kept his cool though, classy hehe
[4:39:25 PM] Thubanis: Yes, Hare Hare Know yourself as Hare Hare Blessed be the Hare Hare Hare I am Bugs Bunny the Hare of the Carrots
[4:39:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: haha
[4:40:11 PM] Ishtara Raven: did anyone ever tell the Hare Krishnas that he was really saying hear hear?
[4:40:16 PM] Thubanis: Hare = Rodent see
[4:40:23 PM] Thubanis: I did
[4:40:32 PM] Thubanis: But it was TLTR
[4:40:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: right
[4:40:58 PM] Thubanis: I thought that was funny
[4:41:07 PM] Thubanis: Hare was TLTR
[4:41:15 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol it is
[4:41:25 PM] Thubanis: I have no sense of humour I know lol
[4:41:35 PM] Ishtara Raven: no i am laughing
[4:41:35 PM] Thubanis: You did not get it but
[4:41:50 PM] Thubanis: I wont make it as a stand up comedian
[4:41:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: hahaha
[4:42:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah better keep the cosmic job honey
[4:42:15 PM] Thubanis: Too late I am all depressed now to have missed my true calling
[4:42:22 PM] Thubanis: Yep
[4:42:51 PM] Thubanis: Evil timeline guardian
[4:43:25 PM] Ishtara Raven: you have wit, it requires intelligence, so yeah your type of humor is out moded now hon, since we've dumbed it all down now
[4:57:26 PM] Thubanis: Lie down dear, I should sign off too and do some other stuff
[4:57:38 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i think i better
[4:57:41 PM] Thubanis: I save this convo on cosmosdawn
[4:57:51 PM] Thubanis: It is a witness
[4:58:08 PM] Ishtara Raven: sure, have a good night hon
[4:58:10 PM] Thubanis: No matter what happens at MOA we can retire from there now
[4:58:21 PM] Thubanis: Let them wallow in their crap
[4:58:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i feel done, let them listen to each other for now
[4:58:56 PM] Thubanis: With Carol, Merc and Devakas as 'guides' they cant miss the boats, (pun intended)
[4:59:03 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol
[4:59:17 PM] Thubanis: Indeed, just my take; good we agree
[4:59:38 PM] Ishtara Raven: buenas dear
[4:59:46 PM] Thubanis: Buenas Gracias
[5:00:00 PM] Ishtara Raven: (hug) :* (hug) :*
Post last edited 2 Hours Ago
shiloh Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34
I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!
Bluey Dracs
The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
I Am One in Many and Many in One!
Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
Brook Schiner: Well I'll be!
[7:51:14 AM] Brook Schiner: A double standard is the application of different sets of principles for similar situations, or to different people in the same situation. A double standard may take the form of an instance in which certain concepts (often, for example, a word, phrase, social norm, or rule) are perceived as acceptable to be applied by one group of people, but are considered unacceptable—taboo—when applied by another group.
[7:51:39 AM] Brook Schiner: My take on the MISTS!
[7:52:06 AM] Brook Schiner: http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t5360-my-take-on-tuban-material
[7:54:10 AM] Brook Schiner: Devekas....I defended her right to post on her thread and spread her "religion" at her will.....now she wishs to use a double standard.... Just watch how this one gets handled by crowd...I'm so glad I left that place...you have no idea!
[8:14:11 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t5360-my-take-on-tuban-material
[8:16:27 AM] Brook Schiner: http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t148p165-gfl-debate-thread#81568
[8:20:00 AM] Brook Schiner: Tribunal....
[8:20:05 AM] Brook Schiner: noun
a court of justice.
a place or seat of judgment.
Also called tribune. a raised platform for the seats of magistrates, as in an ancient Roman basilica.
[8:21:25 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: How goes Brook :)
[8:21:37 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: you say you have left the mists of avalon as a member?
[8:33:47 AM] Brook Schiner: Yes I did...I'm still listed as a member...but I don't post anymore...how are you JT?
[8:34:29 AM] Brook Schiner: I left due to the double standards there.....
[8:35:38 AM] Brook Schiner: as in it;s okay for one member to attack another member....and get away with it....The banned Lionhawk there...so it goes without saying I have no interest there anymore
[8:36:22 AM] Brook Schiner: In fact they banned him there for telling that Cerdwin person to mind her own business...and ZAP..he's banned....
[8:36:51 AM] Brook Schiner: Now there's a tribunal to eradicate the evil Thubans? WTF?!?!?!?
[8:38:54 AM] Brook Schiner: I clearly remember defending Devakas on her Vedict Scripts thread when another member ....Starninja....from derailing and provoking her to post her thread.....she was very happy to acknowledge that....I was defending her right to post her "religion"....and views....this turn in her stance is a double standard and a tribunal....FACT!
[8:40:22 AM] Brook Schiner: anyhow....this is for Tony....and Raven...and whoever else is interested....
[8:41:06 AM] Brook Schiner: "What is the core reason that quantum theory seems so weird?"
[8:41:27 AM] Brook Schiner: "contextuality"
[8:42:14 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: oh ow i did not know lionhawk was banned
[8:42:34 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: andi did not know about a tribunal to eradicate the evil thubans
[8:42:35 AM] *** Brook Schiner sent 18-vertexK-Sproof.jpg ***
[8:43:23 AM] Brook Schiner: http://xxx.lanl.gov/pdf/1208.6283v1.pdf
[8:44:08 AM] Brook Schiner: Yes...Lionhawk was banned....and the tribunal is exactly what that poll is ...it's a tribunal....based on her statement here:
[8:44:32 AM] Brook Schiner: Raven, I am wondering how many drank in the mists by your wiskey?
In a few days I will create a forum survey if it is time to move tuban snake=thought materials to Crap Thread. This would be appropriate to know how many are intoxicated with middle eastern local mythology that spread through human deseased material world. 3 main systems were brainwashing people with deep own dogma about special people and etc. Theachings that are based on mental concontion. Not peaceful phylosophy Moses created for the little group of people. Other main stories on the top of that. This only shows how ignorant can be religion that do not except other groups of people on this planet. Deep in their own dogma they spread the jewish mythology without questioning. How weak mentaly person can be? We know what you are – a man TonyRaven RavenTony he she lost in Middle Eastern jewish mythology and dogma, and desperate that we become as lost in it as you. Tubans do not teach humans of humbleness and grace instead it is the perfect example of the ugniless of this midset locked in middle eastern mythology.
it is nothing scientific when it is based on mental speculations.
[8:44:49 AM] Brook Schiner: http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t148p165-gfl-debate-thread#81568
[8:45:53 AM] Brook Schiner: Now I understand ignorance....the lack of knowledge....however....it's a tribunal....plain and simple
[8:47:38 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: getting banned is par for the course around here
[8:48:31 AM] Brook Schiner: Well...they may as well have banned me too....becasue Lionhawk and I are one....joined at the hip....LOL
[8:48:39 AM] Brook Schiner: (wasntme)
[8:52:37 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: (party)
[8:53:10 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: this is the first i have heard that lionhawk was banned tho...
[8:53:11 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: strange
[8:58:05 AM] Brook Schiner: Yep...I was confronting floyd....and Cerdwin jumped right in to defend him....then she proceeded to lie about something she knew nothing about....so Lionhawh told her she was a liar...and to mind her own business....and ZAP! banned
[10:51:25 AM] Brook Schiner: hmm...looks like my image is failing for the downloads...so here is a link with the image...
[10:51:29 AM] Brook Schiner: https://2img.net/r/ihimg/photo/my-images/842/18vertexksproof.jpg/
[11:02:08 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: who banned him?
[2:12:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol looks like we pissed in Devakas cheerios again, oops
[2:13:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah Brook, we are aware of the MOA hipocracys, we try to point these things out when we can
[2:14:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: we fully expected them to ban us again lol
[2:15:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: because we are so dangerous you know...and thought provoking and TLTR
[2:15:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: Evil Thubans
[2:18:51 PM] Ishtara Raven: [8:41 AM] Brook Schiner:
<<< "What is the core reason that quantum theory seems so weird?"
"contextuality"well i don't think its weird, it describes the subatomic world beautifully actually....and maybe this is the reason people think it is weird, they don't really understand the subatomic structures well. The biggest problem is when scientists try to make sense out of it for the lay person, much of the data gets 'diluted' i think and then people invent all kinds of interpretations of what it actually means.
[2:28:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: its pure math really and so many are fearful of the maths
[2:40:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id173.html ...solving Shrodingers cat
[2:42:14 PM] Ishtara Raven: Consciousness and Superposition
A counterargument is that the superimposition of two conscious states is not paradoxical - just as there is no interaction between the multiple quantum states of a particle, so the superimposed consciousnesses need not be aware of each other.[1]
The state of the observer's perception is considered to be entangled with the state of the cat. The perception state 'I perceive a live cat' accompanies the 'live-cat' state and the perception state 'I perceive a dead cat' accompanies the 'dead-cat' state. [..] It is then assumed that a perceiving being always finds his/her perception state to be in one of these two; accordingly, the cat is, in the perceived world, either alive or dead.[..] I wish to make clear that, as it stands, this is far from a resolution of the cat paradox. For there is nothing in the formalism of quantum mechanics that demands that a state of consciousness cannot involve the simultaneous perception of a live and a dead cat.
-Roger Penrose
[2:43:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: The solve ....
[2:43:25 PM] Ishtara Raven: Mike, here is the solution without any OBSERVED COLLAPSE of any
Schroedinger's Cat is BOTH ALIVE and DEAD as the superposition of
quantum selfstates and INDEPENDENT on any classical observer (looking at
the cat).
The superposition is the entanglement of the collapsed and the escaped
quantum eigenstates.
The cat is a living Particle-Entity with 'consciousness/soul/god'
INSIDE as a collapsed wave.
And the cat is a dead Wave-Entity with a 'consciousness/soul/god'
OUTSIDE as an escaped wave.
These two eigenstates define QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT of the Cat in smultaneity, being BOTH a living body and a dead nonbody at the same time.
Why does the human mind find that this is so hard to understand?
[2:46:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: so really Brook, the weirdness comes from people not understanding the superposition of the cat being both alive and dead...too hard for the human mind to grasp i guess, that you are both...inside creation and outside observing AT the same time, but humanity has forgotten about the outside observer and so it is ignored.
[2:47:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: called 'weird' lol
[2:49:41 PM] Ishtara Raven: of course you know most of the academia scientific community negates the metaphysical, and so the solution to the invisible 'weirdness' eludes them.
[3:40:26 PM] Thubanis: Interesting development on MOA
[3:41:01 PM] Thubanis: The 'love and light' has been replaced in a mirror of what goes on in the Middle East and Northern Africa now
[3:41:36 PM] Thubanis: Remember, when I said the science of the 'rich' is science and the science of the 'poor' is religion?
[3:41:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah
[3:42:24 PM] Thubanis: And it is September 14th, the anniversary of the 'crucifixion' of cosmic love in 2011
[3:42:40 PM] Thubanis: And I had weird dreams as well, before knowing of this
[3:43:00 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh?
[3:43:13 PM] Thubanis: September 13th was a 'kind of last supper' recall the pic I received?
[3:43:29 PM] Thubanis: Yes very weird, something is going on on the higher planes
[3:43:31 PM] Ishtara Raven: ummm not sure
[3:43:41 PM] Thubanis: I also seemed to get Lita 'coming in'
[3:43:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh really? that is interesting
[3:44:03 PM] Thubanis: Remember Lita? The one mod on camelot who 'hated us'?
[3:44:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
[3:44:43 PM] Thubanis: She wished to 'get friendly' with us apparently
[3:45:28 PM] Thubanis: She is but forgotten now, she said, and she is in a kind of murky darkness and wishes to 'come out' of it - just my im pressions, but it is all rather weird
[3:45:55 PM] Thubanis: I am talking of her 'cosmic consciousness' or soul or something
[3:46:29 PM] Thubanis: I looked at this 'war' between JT and Gita some 2 years ago on MOA
[3:46:40 PM] Thubanis: Then I thought Gita is Lita
[3:47:10 PM] Thubanis: The Leopard picture, but I left it at that after posting your GLF reference, which devakas took offense to
[3:47:25 PM] Thubanis: Then this 'thought' seemed to trigger something
[3:48:33 PM] Thubanis: [3:43 PM] Ishtara Raven:
<<< ummm not sureThis was a pic about 'breakfast' from you know whom and just before 'she' lost it with the 'other one' from Oz
[3:48:58 PM] Thubanis: It was September 13th/14th 2011
[3:49:03 PM] Ishtara Raven: weird, yeah i have thought similar thoughts about Lita myself, that she is all but forgotten now and how sad
[3:49:11 PM] Thubanis: EXCACTLY
[3:49:44 PM] Thubanis: So perhaps you can validate this a bit or chuck it into fantasy land
[3:50:14 PM] Thubanis: IF you had her in mind say yesterday, then this is mindblend with MI and the sisterhood
[3:50:42 PM] Thubanis: It came from nowhere, but seems to be the timelione
[3:51:10 PM] Thubanis: Also Susan's post about the Tortuguero, Mexico Maya date verification fits in perfectly with this
[3:52:03 PM] Ishtara Raven: well this is very weird ok, Carla loves Cheetahs and yesterday in her folder she was doing a story on one for school, and well everytime I see a pic of a Cheetah, I think of Lita and our attempt to send her healing energy and how she took that and basically spit in our faces out of fear i guess.
[3:52:29 PM] Thubanis: Yes the pic was posted by Carol
[3:52:50 PM] Thubanis: She would have known the ID of Gita as being Lita see?
[3:52:59 PM] Thubanis: Gita on MOA and Lita on Camelot
[3:53:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: well carla had drawn a picture of one
[3:53:14 PM] Thubanis: See this poll though?
[3:53:18 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
[3:53:22 PM] Thubanis: 5 dont like us only JT does
[3:53:33 PM] Thubanis: Carol also came out lol
[3:53:50 PM] Thubanis: So our posting days might be over there
[3:54:01 PM] Thubanis: I dont think they ban you though
[3:54:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: well its interesting, seems they want to ban us, like Brook said we are on a tribunal
[3:54:47 PM] Thubanis: Lol ban who?
[3:54:54 PM] Thubanis: JT and Raven and Susan?
[3:55:04 PM] Ishtara Raven: right lol
[3:55:07 PM] Thubanis: No more MOA without those contributors
[3:55:38 PM] Thubanis: I saved the threads anyway and this convo for reference
[3:55:47 PM] Thubanis: Brook wont mind I hope
[3:56:15 PM] Ishtara Raven: do you understand eartheart at all? i can't figure out if he is trying to defend us or be funny or what
[3:56:37 PM] Thubanis: He has a 'messiah complex' just like Reimar had
[3:57:06 PM] Thubanis: I cant work out either if he is for or against; however the 5 votes are self evident no?
[3:57:26 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i didnt vote so i didnt know
[3:57:41 PM] Thubanis: Ortho, Carol, earthheart, devakas and probably aquaries1111
[3:57:47 PM] Thubanis: I know
[3:58:05 PM] Thubanis: I am pretty sure 4 votes are of the above first 4
[3:58:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh i see you have to click on show votes
[3:58:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: i see it now
[3:58:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i guess we just don't post anymore
[3:58:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: XXXX them
[3:59:16 PM] Thubanis: Yes 5:1
[3:59:26 PM] Thubanis: Thuban is not appreciated
[3:59:40 PM] Thubanis: But it is a fitting controversy nevertheless
[4:00:05 PM] Thubanis: Earthheart is now posting on devakas, shows you his allegiance now lol
[4:00:19 PM] Ishtara Raven: well we have been sharing our data there not just for the moabytes but also for readers/lurkers
[4:00:42 PM] Thubanis: I would say nothing for a while, to see if some others vote positive
[4:00:49 PM] Thubanis: So 'dont vote'
[4:01:01 PM] Thubanis: JT is the stalwart lol
[4:01:03 PM] Ishtara Raven: i won't, its rediculious
[4:01:26 PM] Thubanis: It is and Brook saw it straight away. I did not know either, that they banned LH
[4:01:29 PM] Ishtara Raven: we have ABBAs vote, no human can decide this
[4:01:30 PM] Thubanis: This is sillyness
Ishtara Raven
[4:02:02 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i didn't know either
[4:02:10 PM] Ishtara Raven: i just thought they left again
[4:02:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: well its the carol and merc show
[4:02:55 PM] Ishtara Raven: they now have a private forum all to themselves lol
[4:03:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: well for a while there carol was banning anyone she felt crossed her iron fist
[4:03:49 PM] Thubanis: Sad, but to be expected
[4:05:07 PM] Thubanis: http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t148p15-gfl-debate-thread
[4:05:21 PM] Thubanis: Look at post 26, was this not Lita's avatar on camelot?
[4:07:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: what the hell is carol posting this from
[4:09:06 PM] Thubanis: But look, it seems like Devakas has taken on the 'antilogos' role of Lita - makes s ense no?
[4:09:18 PM] Thubanis: Read this, I dont think you saw this yet
[4:09:22 PM] Thubanis: devakas
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Join date: 2010-04-09
Post n°555 Re: Happy End inDeeD (: beyond 8,000 views:)
devakas Today at 9:59 am
Indeed, the Akashic Record is often misunderstood and misinterpreted; as it is a 'quantum event'; meaning it is connected not only to the planetary consciousness, called Gaia, but to all 'souls' of the linear past, present and future.
All souls are quantum entangled, meaning that many nested collective and encompassing energies interact holographically.
In simple words; all souls in a planetary realm are part of and enveloped by the Gaian planetary consciousness.
Then all planetary consciousnesses with their integrated 'soul families' and individual souls become integrated in a solar star consciousness; becoming galactic, groupgalactic and supergalactic before unifying in the cosmic- or universal consciousness of the Genesis Monad splitting into a Creator-Creation Duality, which then recombines in a Creator-Creation Duad as a Shadow Monad and potentialized in the original Genesis Monad in what might be termed the Cosmic Genome of the 'Masterplan'.
Then the Gaia Akash or soul-collective becomes the repository of this 'Masterplan' in holographically Imaging the rest of the universe in what Kryon calls the 'Inner Crystal'; which by necessity must so be within every individuated soul incarnated within the Gaian 'Noosphere' or 'the Quarantine Zone' defined as the Lagrangian P1 point between the Solar and the Gaian nexus of gravitational potential equilibrium.
The balance of the gravity between the central Sun and Gaia as a 3D planet so defines two interacting spheres in higherD spacetime.
In particular, this L1 nexus can be defined in an alternative higher dimensional form; showing what this 'Cosmic Mother Planet' Gaia represents as a higher D and not as a necessarily physicalised 'Quantum Energy'.
The cosmogenesis of the birth of the universe in a Quantum Big Bang from a prior undefinable VOID=Infinitum coincided with the bifurcation of the FatherMother (just a common label for the CreatorCreation or the YinYang say) into an Outside-Inside dimensional split; something termed 'The Veil' by some and the 'Dividing of the Firmaments' in say Genesis in the Torah (OT).
So the Outside Father became 'separated' from the Inside Mother and this Inside Mother is termed Gaia in many accounts as the Universal Mother for all Life (ET and human and nonhuman terrestrial); with the Outside father being associated with the names of the Creator such as God, Jehovah, Allah, Ahura Mazda, Shiva, Brahman and so on.
This is 'common knowledge' and has been a foundational part of the so called 'Perennial Philosophy' aka the 'Wisdom of the Ancients' throughut the histories of the cosmic sentiences.
What has not been known, is the 3D dimensional intersection of the Akash with its higherD envelope.
This interaction realm defines the 'Quarantine Zone' of Gaia; established necessarily at the birth of the universe into physicality and so 15 billion years before the local galaxy and subsequently the local solar system and the planet earth entered 3D physical existence.
This is high mental speculation not based on Absolute Truth in Vedas. Do not talk please about God as you seem do not know what you are talking about. Abraxs earlier posts were referring to darwin evolution, your education left deep imprint about evolution, creativity and science achievements. Vedas disclose that it is devolution in Kali Yuga. You picked up time and space, you picked up ego concepts, keep working keep working. For now you should stop this madness of comming up with your so called 'realization' which is mental speculation. You do not know Brahma, Shiva or God we you referring. Your well trained mind can be used for much more usefull for humanity service. This is not the truth when you with your pride trying to come up explanations about cosmos. Or even souls. What kind of knowledge do you have and what kind of knowledge you follow to keep lying and cheating to people about soul?? Akashic records are much more insignificant than you give it the importance. !!!!! This is not important for humans. The same about dimensional fantasies you are spliting here with your definition of father mother inner outer. This is crime to mislead people. Big crime. Are you playing God to show the way? What ghost give you this power? Vedas teaches how not to sin and to lie to humans, this is big deal. To go against truth and come up with your own concoctions based on some middle eastern mythologies is not the way to serve creator, it is not the way to serve humans. You do not know what is God, his energies, you do not trust and try to recreate as your mind is concentrated to particles, particles. You can not apply world physics to spirituality, so I do not believe a bit what you are telling about soul. Why do you think Eastern wisdom first teaches to clean from the ego? because NOt to have misleading ego minds guiding people to misery. The creator creation your description is absolutely not acceptable comparing with sanskrit text left to us. I would vote to put tubans and legion to Crap thread in the Mists.
[4:10:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i saw it
[4:10:08 PM] Thubanis: I just saw it now
[4:10:15 PM] Ishtara Raven: we are criminals now Tony
[4:10:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: and misleading people
[4:11:44 PM] Thubanis: Of course, evil to the core
[4:12:31 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah Devakas is upset, can you tell? does it show? lol
[4:12:32 PM] Thubanis: what is this??
You are blaming very quickly about NWBS, did you TonyRaven collective group ever thought about not about new particles but that you are the new world tuban BS religion? Or you want me to explain why astrophysicists and so called gaian thinkers are spreading the BS?
[4:12:57 PM] Thubanis: Its sad but also funny how the old memes are fighting now
[4:13:08 PM] Thubanis: Can you see this is the memewar?
[4:13:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
[4:13:39 PM] Thubanis: Old Religion versus New Religion, Nostradamus quatrain 96-X I think
[4:13:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: [4:12 PM] Thubanis:
<<< did you TonyRaven collective groupyes, i smiled when i saw this
[4:13:56 PM] Thubanis: Lol JCCJ are smiling too
[4:14:15 PM] Thubanis: Just watch the news and you see his same energy now
[4:14:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: well from her own mouth she calls us a collective group
[4:14:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: we are a family lol
[4:14:49 PM] Thubanis: In 3D we are non events, yet higher D we are 'feared' in a way
[4:14:58 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah
[4:15:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: the memes know the story
[4:15:35 PM] Thubanis: FLARE
Let go before you attract a meteor to burn those old books!
Congrats to you Lady Sophia, the dreamgates are spinning their wheels, soon all those higher crowns will be synchronised. Full spectral wholsomeness...
Devakas - your bhakti had moments, but please realize that tonyblue is your KALKI-avatar devotee - make amends, or you have to stay in kaliyuga on your timeline... With us you can join Premayuga, like offered by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu toall who can pronounce the holyyyyyy sounds/devkidfunpersonality/ tranceZendental Bites of our urgent realisations of Peace with Dreamhead...
Lightshipcommanders come to the bridge!
[4:15:54 PM] Thubanis: Earthheart here seems to play it 'a bob each way'
[4:16:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah this video has stirred much unrest, and now its like the middle east has amnesia and are blaming this on Obama, as if he made the film, such blindness
[4:16:27 PM] Thubanis: I am a devotee?
[4:16:42 PM] Thubanis: Not the point dear
[4:16:53 PM] Thubanis: Yemen has a much more interesting story
[4:17:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i cannot figure out which way eartheart swings, he is an enigma for sure lol
[4:17:26 PM] Thubanis: It is actually a 'mob' versus police there, because the police killed so 40 people in a soccer row
[4:17:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: today?
[4:17:51 PM] Thubanis: So the 'soccer fans' have become 'avengers', you get the drift
[4:17:59 PM] Ishtara Raven: i have been out all day and did not see this
[4:18:12 PM] Thubanis: No, but like Libya this
[4:18:20 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah
[4:19:02 PM] Thubanis: mohammed film, by an Orthodox Xtian btw with Israeli connections, (so could be ptb sponsored) serves just as a ruse
[4:19:17 PM] Thubanis: A pretense for violence
[4:20:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah makes me wonder if the GOP isn't trying to tip the scales
[4:20:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: the timing and release of it is uncanny too
[4:20:58 PM] Thubanis: devakas
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Join date: 2010-04-09
Post n°676 Re: Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts
devakas Today at 10:36 am
magamud wrote:
22. Jesus saw some babies nursing. He said to his disciples, "These nursing babies are like those who enter the (Father's) kingdom."
They said to him, "Then shall we enter the (Father's) kingdom as babies?"
Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]."
No one is interested in Middle Eastern Jewish mythology
[4:21:14 PM] Thubanis: Total rejection of the GOT here
[4:21:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: wow
[4:21:32 PM] Thubanis: I did not know we are middle eastern Jews, did you?
[4:21:41 PM] Ishtara Raven: what happened to her tolerance and 'vedic' ways
[4:21:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: haha no
[4:21:53 PM] Thubanis: Your favourite quote see this?
[4:22:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
[4:22:07 PM] Thubanis: "Flown to Krishna, I guess'
[4:23:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: wow she is really spitting some venom
[4:23:53 PM] Thubanis: Same as Oxy, he is doing his pants
[4:23:57 PM] Thubanis: Carol
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Post n°17 Re: Huge Asteroid Will Hit Antarctica in Fall of 2012
Carol Today at 5:33 pm
orthodoxymoron wrote:
I keep wondering and worrying about subsurface-bases, uncoventional-spacecraft, uncoventional-weaponry, and unregulated-laboratories -- throughout the solar system. I don't know that all of this exists -- but I suspect that it does. If it does indeed exist -- it might all be necessary and legitimate -- but I tend to be a Doubting-Thomas. Follow the Money -- Terrestrially and Extraterrestrially. On the other hand -- do we REALLY wish to open these Boxes of Pandora??? Perhaps we should just 'Leave Everything in the Lord's Hands'. I continue to worry that this solar system might crucify a Kind and Loving God. Does this solar system really need to be ruled by 'Malevolent-Regressives'?? I have tried to be idealistic regarding Solar System Governance -- but I keep getting kicked where it counts -- by a Brutal Gang of Dracs...
Maybe that's why they keep it a secret Oxy. Too many folks would worry if they knew what was really going on. And we'll know in a few months if we've been snookered again, won't we?
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
[4:24:16 PM] Thubanis: [4:23 PM] Thubanis:
<<< -- but I keep getting kicked where it counts -- by a Brutal Gang of Dracs...
[4:24:37 PM] Thubanis: What memes does he carry around in his head?
[4:24:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: no doubt
[4:25:03 PM] Thubanis: Carol too see, antidragon
[4:25:04 PM] Ishtara Raven: well he is terrified of the darkness
[4:25:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: but its his own ignorance here that is the cause
[4:25:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: it blows my mind that none of them can see we are harmless
[4:26:03 PM] Ishtara Raven: live and let live you know
[4:26:10 PM] Ishtara Raven: they do their posts, we do ours
[4:26:15 PM] Ishtara Raven: what happend to them? lol
[4:26:28 PM] Thubanis: Is it not ironic, that devakas is DEFENDING Ashtar Command, but attacks Thuban?
[4:26:39 PM] Ishtara Raven: very
[4:27:12 PM] Thubanis: Vedic hypocrisy, those 'channelings' should be all the same 'materialism'
[4:27:27 PM] Thubanis: Carol reckons, we channel something
[4:27:39 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i saw that and laughed
[4:28:05 PM] Thubanis: Lol, we tried didn't we, to show some of her favourite topics; quantum physics and wormhole physics
[4:28:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i did a pretty good 'channeling' of the galatic fed last night, maybe thats why lol
[4:28:25 PM] Thubanis: Did she ever listen?
[4:28:35 PM] Thubanis: Yes you showed them off
[4:28:53 PM] Ishtara Raven: no TLTR
[4:31:47 PM] Thubanis: Well, just browsing I might say that perhaps trancoso voted as the 5th he just showed his NABS
[4:32:46 PM] Thubanis: TRANCOSO
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Post n°6 Re: The Friendship Case
TRANCOSO Today at 4:58 pm
1#The Friendship Case (Il Caso Amicizia)
English Version of an Italian documentary describing the extraordinary Italian case of alien contact with a group of men. Contains an apparent real recording of a message of friendship given by them to us. UFO connection with Voltaire and St. Germain
It had been kept secret for half a century, but only just recently came to light after the death of one the men involved (Bruno Sammaciccia had asked for it to be kept secret until after his death).
In Pescara, during the 50s to 70s, a group of extraterrestrials had contacted a number of unsuspecting people directly. This project was called 'Amicizia.' These men would be brought to their (etheric) 'bases' located on earth and apparently on board the UFOs.
The people involved were of high social and cultural status, among them was the notable Console Alberto Perego. This is a collection of testimonials from them, which also shows excellent quality footage and photography of the phenomena, as well as apparent 'messages' (of love and goodwill) given to us from these beings.
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Post n°7 Re: The Friendship Case
Carol Today at 5:36 pm
Thanks Lord TRANCOSO. I consider myself fortunate to have met Stefano Braccia and learn about them first hand from him. I'm going to watch the video again right now. The video has some nice photos of the space craft and information that wasn't in Stefano's book. It's a good documentation of what happened back then.
[4:33:11 PM] Thubanis: St Germain see and Carol likes it
[4:33:31 PM] Thubanis: NABS Attack!!!~
[4:33:48 PM] Thubanis: Reminds you of this Roswell video, yes?
[4:34:11 PM] Thubanis: And they call us DELUDED!
[4:34:20 PM] Ishtara Raven: [4:33 PM] Thubanis:
<<< The people involved were of high social and cultural status, among them was the notable Console Alberto Perego. why is it always the rich people who get abducted? is it so they can go write books and make a profit?
[4:34:31 PM] Thubanis: Right
[4:34:42 PM] Ishtara Raven: i can't figure it out lol
[4:35:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: [4:33 PM] Thubanis:
<<< (etheric) 'bases' lwth is an etheric base?
[4:36:10 PM] Thubanis: Do you want to know a scientific definition, lol. You might have to wait here.
[4:36:35 PM] Ishtara Raven: [4:33 PM] Thubanis:
<<< apparent 'messages' (of love and goodwill) given to us from these beings.apparently, so thats where all the love n light comes from, i had no idea...
[4:37:38 PM] Thubanis: Yes you are becoming enlightened, finally.
[4:38:29 PM] Ishtara Raven: hmm is there a mantra for that?
[4:39:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: good god, this Gita sure attacked JT, i like how he kept his cool though, classy hehe
[4:39:25 PM] Thubanis: Yes, Hare Hare Know yourself as Hare Hare Blessed be the Hare Hare Hare I am Bugs Bunny the Hare of the Carrots
[4:39:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: haha
[4:40:11 PM] Ishtara Raven: did anyone ever tell the Hare Krishnas that he was really saying hear hear?
[4:40:16 PM] Thubanis: Hare = Rodent see
[4:40:23 PM] Thubanis: I did
[4:40:32 PM] Thubanis: But it was TLTR
[4:40:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: right
[4:40:58 PM] Thubanis: I thought that was funny
[4:41:07 PM] Thubanis: Hare was TLTR
[4:41:15 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol it is
[4:41:25 PM] Thubanis: I have no sense of humour I know lol
[4:41:35 PM] Ishtara Raven: no i am laughing
[4:41:35 PM] Thubanis: You did not get it but
[4:41:50 PM] Thubanis: I wont make it as a stand up comedian
[4:41:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: hahaha
[4:42:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah better keep the cosmic job honey
[4:42:15 PM] Thubanis: Too late I am all depressed now to have missed my true calling
[4:42:22 PM] Thubanis: Yep
[4:42:51 PM] Thubanis: Evil timeline guardian
[4:43:25 PM] Ishtara Raven: you have wit, it requires intelligence, so yeah your type of humor is out moded now hon, since we've dumbed it all down now
[4:57:26 PM] Thubanis: Lie down dear, I should sign off too and do some other stuff
[4:57:38 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i think i better
[4:57:41 PM] Thubanis: I save this convo on cosmosdawn
[4:57:51 PM] Thubanis: It is a witness
[4:58:08 PM] Ishtara Raven: sure, have a good night hon
[4:58:10 PM] Thubanis: No matter what happens at MOA we can retire from there now
[4:58:21 PM] Thubanis: Let them wallow in their crap
[4:58:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i feel done, let them listen to each other for now
[4:58:56 PM] Thubanis: With Carol, Merc and Devakas as 'guides' they cant miss the boats, (pun intended)
[4:59:03 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol
[4:59:17 PM] Thubanis: Indeed, just my take; good we agree
[4:59:38 PM] Ishtara Raven: buenas dear
[4:59:46 PM] Thubanis: Buenas Gracias
[5:00:00 PM] Ishtara Raven: (hug) :* (hug) :*
Post last edited 2 Hours Ago
shiloh Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34
I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!
Bluey Dracs
The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
I Am One in Many and Many in One!
Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
JesterTerrestrial- Posts : 1766
Join date : 2010-04-11
- Post n°13
Re: My take on tuban material
orthodoxymoron wrote:My limited exposure to Alpha Draconis and Council of Thuban Representatives have caused me to think in some rather unconventional ways -- regarding what the universe MIGHT be like. It might be stranger than we CAN think. However, I am very wary of becoming deeply involved in that sort of thing. I keep thinking that there might be a way of doing the 'Thuban-Thing' which mostly involves Astronomy, Egyptology, Jesus-Studies, and Sacred Classical Music -- in the context of a Draconian Queen-Ship!!! Do you see my point??? I didn't think so.
Hello orthodoxymoron!!! Is your point that you have learned something from the thuban work? :) It would appear that the Thuban thing is already deeply involved in you!
devakas wrote:I got impression that there are many christian secs that claim that other christian sects are leading people to hell and only their christian sect will get into heaven. Other christian sects to be evil and demonic. Many protestants consider the catholic pope to be literally the anticrist. So there are christians that expect other christians to be following the antichrist and go to hell and if there is non christian religion there do not expect to fare any better. The same confusion about morning star or light or lucifer.
To much confusion I see in your point. :)
Oh well this mess on planet earth was confusing much before we arrived and i guess you could say we are back to smash a few things like many of the false teachings in all religions not just Christianity. Have you ever met the devil? Do you want to? lol
devaks wrote:Raven, I am wondering how many drank in the mists by your wiskey?
In a few days I will create a forum survey if it is time to move tuban snake=thought materials to Crap Thread. This would be appropriate to know how many are intoxicated with middle eastern local mythology that spread through human deseased material world. 3 main systems were brainwashing people with deep own dogma about special people and etc. Theachings that are based on mental concontion. Not peaceful phylosophy Moses created for the little group of people. Other main stories on the top of that. This only shows how ignorant can be religion that do not except other groups of people on this planet. Deep in their own dogma they spread the jewish mythology without questioning. How weak mentaly person can be? We know what you are – a man TonyRaven RavenTony he she lost in Middle Eastern jewish mythology and dogma, and desperate that we become as lost in it as you. Tubans do not teach humans of humbleness and grace instead it is the perfect example of the ugniless of this midset locked in middle eastern mythology.
it is nothing scientific when it is based on mental speculations.
Eartheart wrote:looks like some antiinta ghost want to put some water into the thuban soup; because some guests arrived!
That marvelous complex spiritplane which lifts us out of mirrrrored calaidoscopic tabernacles and unused aminoblocks memoplexes has freed my beeingness - thanx to the creative genius so eleborately crafted by our thuban visionary orgasms. Before i was a animal just on signals. Now this inflated 2Dim flowers again in thou original lifeforce, which unites all the interstellar species with the living light. I like my view from this 13Dim, unhindered by divine effulgence and wannabegood aspirations like hopes/speculations/believes...
The Thuban perspective on our quadrant of the creations shall at least provoke a similar future clearness from those other factions of the gaian teams and interestgroups!!! Not just monkeyhowling! Even those hidden gangstars couldnt focus their minds anymore. Seems we now just have to deal the blowjob of this anticristall beastly rage& awe... Which shall implode by my inner signal! Hugh!
In thou Rainbowserpent dreamdance songline initiation all dragons will be absorbed by her shakti, till the last red dragon will be remembrated by her and with resonant coherent charge lifted beyond Love back into the egg of creation again. Few knew and less understand. So drop the BS and your archetyped flaws,
make love Hugs *****back to source you go!
Carol wrote:Well you know the fundamental Christians take on it would be from the perspective that Thuban = Beast.
My personal perspective is somewhat different. I think this is channeled material. All channeled material is suspect. Specifically meaning I don't know what's real or not real - so hold no judgment one way or the other. However, what I do know is that no matter how intelligent, how intellectual, how beautiful - this is not my path. My path is in alignment with Bhakti yoga, the Yoga Sutra and Sant Mat - even then there is a lot of work just to follow these simple steps.
Im a beast when you turn me on :) CHANNELED MATERIAL!!! well when did that happen...are not all thoughts channeled? Yes well there are many things we do not know whats real and whats not. I don't even know who most of you are working for!!! I do enjoy reading about many of the Bhakti Yoga teachings you have listed and suspect that the strong focus on the mental meditations may be useful for the dragonization and birth of new star humanity. So it would seem that some of the thuban material discusses the spirit science of the universe and the cosmic consciousness. This information appears to explain much details about the quantum shift now happening to all systems of government, economics, religions and every other aspect of the planetary societies and systems. Then this information and the understanding of it can be used to help humanity in their spiritual evolution where the humans become star humans...or as i like to say the retarded sheep wake the *&!# up!!! Well please enjoy your day...whatever path your on PEACE JT!
The Birth of Gaia
The changes themselves are already under way for quite some time. They are energetic changes, not so much on a physical 3D level. The Hunab Ku wave signal, on its way to Earth aka Gaia, will open a Stargate. The wavefront will get here by the end of 2012.
In physical terms Hunab Ku (Hunab Ku aka Perseus aka Ouroboros, the Milky Way Serpent who swallows its own tail) is a quasar radio source, also known as Sagittarius A, 'weighting' about 4 million suns and so 40 million kilometers (or 2 light minutes) across and about 25,627 lightyears distant from the core of the Earth.
The changes will result via energy Matrix changing not the planet itself. Gaia's ascension is interdimensional, not physical.
Changing the rotation and inertia of Earth (geographic pole shifts,..etc) could easily destroy the planet. The higher dimensional envelope is changing (subtly seen in environmental changes).
Energy shift is slowly displacing the old Matrix - this is the ascension. By 2013 it will complete the reconfiguration. Old humanity will be "forced" to either adapt or go crazy. The less "dense" reconfiguration will enable the ET (extra terrestrial ) contact by then. Until that time, ET will only be seen as plasma (white light, orbs..shadows of 4D).
There will be a pole shift....but at the center of the Earth. Its a dimensional 'Opening' or Rupture of spacetime itself as a 'SelfIntersection', of geometry. The wave signal will than bounce back and begin transmitting all the gathered data from Noospehre aka Akashic Records aka... to the entire universe.
The changes themselves are already under way for quite some time. They are energetic changes, not so much on a physical 3D level. The Hunab Ku wave signal, on its way to Earth aka Gaia, will open a Stargate. The wavefront will get here by the end of 2012.
In physical terms Hunab Ku (Hunab Ku aka Perseus aka Ouroboros, the Milky Way Serpent who swallows its own tail) is a quasar radio source, also known as Sagittarius A, 'weighting' about 4 million suns and so 40 million kilometers (or 2 light minutes) across and about 25,627 lightyears distant from the core of the Earth.
The changes will result via energy Matrix changing not the planet itself. Gaia's ascension is interdimensional, not physical.
Changing the rotation and inertia of Earth (geographic pole shifts,..etc) could easily destroy the planet. The higher dimensional envelope is changing (subtly seen in environmental changes).
Energy shift is slowly displacing the old Matrix - this is the ascension. By 2013 it will complete the reconfiguration. Old humanity will be "forced" to either adapt or go crazy. The less "dense" reconfiguration will enable the ET (extra terrestrial ) contact by then. Until that time, ET will only be seen as plasma (white light, orbs..shadows of 4D).
There will be a pole shift....but at the center of the Earth. Its a dimensional 'Opening' or Rupture of spacetime itself as a 'SelfIntersection', of geometry. The wave signal will than bounce back and begin transmitting all the gathered data from Noospehre aka Akashic Records aka... to the entire universe.
magamud- Posts : 1280
Join date : 2012-06-17
- Post n°14
Re: My take on tuban material
Are you allowed to post here?
Are you allowed to post here?
malletzky- Posts : 562
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Age : 55
Location : on the other side of the mirror
- Post n°15
Re: My take on tuban material
What's wrong with you people? With all due respect to all of you, but these "controversial" discussions and takes abot the Thuban material are an ongoing process for 3 years now.
Isn't it time to stop this madness? The one who like to discuss about the Thuban material, why don't you go to the Thuban Forum dierctly and ask your questions directly?
Why starting here such threads and ask for the takes of the other? Is it importnat what do I think of Thuban? Whom it is important?
If you like...I understand the Thuban material mostly, as I have done my homework in the last years, read almost all of it and it is my decission what to make of it.
Before starting such threads, why not do the same, if there's such interest?
To Carol/Merc...please could you close this thread. It is happening again...it doesn't have to.
Much respect to all of you
Isn't it time to stop this madness? The one who like to discuss about the Thuban material, why don't you go to the Thuban Forum dierctly and ask your questions directly?
Why starting here such threads and ask for the takes of the other? Is it importnat what do I think of Thuban? Whom it is important?
If you like...I understand the Thuban material mostly, as I have done my homework in the last years, read almost all of it and it is my decission what to make of it.
Before starting such threads, why not do the same, if there's such interest?
To Carol/Merc...please could you close this thread. It is happening again...it doesn't have to.
Much respect to all of you
magamud- Posts : 1280
Join date : 2012-06-17
- Post n°16
Re: My take on tuban material
Huh?What's wrong with you people?
Thats a double think if I ever seen one. You people are schmucks but all due respect.With all due respect to all of you
I agree to stop the madness, but what madness are you talking about?Isn't it time to stop this madness?
I come to these Portals/Cities to hear and speak the truth. Freedom of Speech is a foundation for integrity. And might I remind you "truth" comes in the most unexpected ways.why don't you go to the Thuban Forum dierctly and ask your questions directly?
Wow, you speaking for everyone?Whom it is important?
That is good, could you apply the same advice to everyone else?and it is my decission what to make of it.
If you are trying to warn people of your POV stay and have a discussion, instead of Banning it!
malletzky- Posts : 562
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Age : 55
Location : on the other side of the mirror
- Post n°17
Re: My take on tuban material
But you should have known better why (to all of your comments bellow), as you were also a member on the original Avalon Forum, when there were first such discussions.
Much respect
Much respect
magamud wrote:Huh?What's wrong with you people?
Thats a double think if I ever seen one. You people are schmucks but all due respect.With all due respect to all of you
I agree to stop the madness, but what madness are you talking about?Isn't it time to stop this madness?
I come to these Portals/Cities to hear and speak the truth. Freedom of Speech is a foundation for integrity. And might I remind you "truth" comes in the most unexpected ways.why don't you go to the Thuban Forum dierctly and ask your questions directly?
Wow, you speaking for everyone?Whom it is important?
That is good, could you apply the same advice to everyone else?and it is my decission what to make of it.
If you are trying to warn people of your POV stay and have a discussion, instead of Banning it!
Last edited by malletzky on Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:57 am; edited 1 time in total
orthodoxymoron- Posts : 13554
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- Post n°18
Re: My take on tuban material
I'm attempting to be open and honest -- yet this approach does not seem to be working. Perhaps I'm not vibrating fast enough -- or perhaps I'm just too ignorant and fearful. Perhaps I have become a backslidden and apostate Christian -- and God does not love me anymore. Perhaps giving people what they want -- and telling them what they wish to hear -- is really the way to go. Why try to swim upstream?? You must understand that a lot of what I post is experimental and theatrical. Don't take any of it too seriously (not that that's a problem).
magamud- Posts : 1280
Join date : 2012-06-17
- Post n°19
Re: My take on tuban material
Mallet that was then, this is now.But you should have known better why
orthodoxymoron- Posts : 13554
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Location : The Matrix
- Post n°20
Re: My take on tuban material
I like the intellectualistic Thuban style -- but I keep thinking 'why clutter things up with seemingly non-sensical dragonian mumbo-jumbo??' I like the imagery of meeting with other-than-human beings -- and discussing various topics -- in a spaceship, base, asteroid, other planet, etc. -- but I still can't get into ThubanSpeak.
ceridwen- Posts : 267
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- Post n°21
Re: My take on tuban material
There is nothing wrong with dragons, they are mythical beings featuring in many sagas
I do have a problem with channeled material from anyone. I can't accept discourses at face value from a single person who says he/she have been appointed exclusively by a "higher power"
The cosmos is for every one, there are no "special ones". We are either "One" therefore equally valuable or we aren't
Why give your power away to someone that might be blinder than you? How can one go into someone's else mind and know for sure their intentions?
Those that are wise normally keep their council and allow people to find their own way into the mysteries by their own experience
I do have a problem with channeled material from anyone. I can't accept discourses at face value from a single person who says he/she have been appointed exclusively by a "higher power"
The cosmos is for every one, there are no "special ones". We are either "One" therefore equally valuable or we aren't
Why give your power away to someone that might be blinder than you? How can one go into someone's else mind and know for sure their intentions?
Those that are wise normally keep their council and allow people to find their own way into the mysteries by their own experience
magamud- Posts : 1280
Join date : 2012-06-17
- Post n°22
Re: My take on tuban material
We each have gone different ways in the ether. Would it not be benefical to speak about your experience?Those that are wise normally keep their council
This is true, but the flip side is to share your experience so perhaps it wont be a mystery.allow people to find their own way into the mysteries by their own experience
That is obvious, but if you dont know for sure they are blinder then you where does that take you?Why give your power away to someone that might be blinder than you?
If you listen then follow another perspective why would that be considered bad? That is unless they are a child and need supervision.
You cant, but you can find Gods will and have faith.How can one go into someone's else mind and know for sure their intentions?
This is true, but what does this have to do with sharing information? If you are so secure in yourself someone claiming they are the almighty should not sway you. You would be able to identify what is true and take what you need yes?The cosmos is for every one, there are no "special ones".
Could this be your own projection of not understanding the One? Therefore dissmissing one material. Im just asking...We are either "One" therefore equally valuable or we aren't
ceridwen- Posts : 267
Join date : 2012-02-13
- Post n°23
Re: My take on tuban material
Information is not fantasy. I have no problem sharing information but, I do have an issue with those that force their ideas or fantasies into one and try to convince one is wrong
Why not let people choose to come to you rather than proselytize? That is what threads are about isn't?
Why is wrong to disagree with the Thuban material? Why one has to fear endless arguments because those in the thuban arena consider everyone else wrong? How is that egalitarian? Aren't my ideas as valuable?
We live within the sacred sphere of source, all is sacred. Ideas though can be rather destructive. Think Hitler for example but there are worse examples. Is it worthy to share Hitler’s ideas? In my opinion no, the man was mentally ill
How can we know for sure whether a channeler is or is not schizophrenic? We can't
Why not let people choose to come to you rather than proselytize? That is what threads are about isn't?
Why is wrong to disagree with the Thuban material? Why one has to fear endless arguments because those in the thuban arena consider everyone else wrong? How is that egalitarian? Aren't my ideas as valuable?
We live within the sacred sphere of source, all is sacred. Ideas though can be rather destructive. Think Hitler for example but there are worse examples. Is it worthy to share Hitler’s ideas? In my opinion no, the man was mentally ill
How can we know for sure whether a channeler is or is not schizophrenic? We can't
mudra- Posts : 23280
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- Post n°24
Re: My take on tuban material
devakas wrote:
take your sincere and honest shot.
A " shot " at Thuban ?
Aren't there enough narrow minded wars going around that we have now to start a new one ?
SImple in form is best for me and therefore I am finding it hard to relate to Tony's long posts that I mostly
don't understand.
This does'nt prevent me however to have lived peacefully with the Thubanese from day one.
Love from me
Floyd- Posts : 4104
Join date : 2010-04-16
- Post n°25
Re: My take on tuban material
mudra wrote:
A " shot " at Thuban ?
Aren't there enough narrow minded wars going around that we have now to start a new one ?
SImple in form is best for me and therefore I am finding it hard to relate to Tony's long posts that I mostly
don't understand.
This does'nt prevent me however to have lived peacefully with the Thubanese from day one.
Love from me
Id go along with Mudras and Mall.
I dont know what the Thubs are on about most of the time and its not for me but they have been co existing here with us right from the very start of this forum two and a half years ago when we began.
Seems a bit daft to start having a go at them now after all that time.
Wasnt all this played out once before somewhere else?