This is was an un-staged program aired on BBC several yrs ago, with legitimate researchers and journalists capturing actual footage and experiencing first hand the reality of a healer's powerful abilities to do many amazing things (including BURNING THINGS) with pranic energy or "chi".
4 posters
REAL PROOF of psychic energy (Amazing footage)!!! - BBC documentary TV
Carol- Admin
- Posts : 32046
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Location : Hawaii
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Carol- Admin
- Posts : 32046
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Location : Hawaii
Magician Dan White meets up with a Buddhist monk, in Nepal, who has the power of levitation.
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Raven- Posts : 513
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Age : 57
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- Post n°3
Indian Levitation Trick
[2:44:58 AM] Ishtara Raven: lol ok right
[2:45:20 AM] Ishtara Raven: notice how they only go up as far as a support system would allow
[2:45:32 AM] Ishtara Raven: about a foot and a half
[2:45:53 AM] Ishtara Raven: now if the guy levitated up like 30 feet, then maybe i would think ok
[2:45:59 AM] Ishtara Raven: this might be possible lol
[2:46:36 AM] Ishtara Raven: if this was real they would have him in an institution by now, the government ...studying him
[2:48:57 AM] Thubanis: Lol
[2:49:06 AM] Thubanis: It looks like a magic trick
[2:49:22 AM] Ishtara Raven: yes they hide the little supports in their long pants and robe
[2:49:25 AM] Thubanis: See the cameraman scooting across halfway through?
[2:49:53 AM] Ishtara Raven: yeah and why the shaking with the camera, hold it still for hell sake, in one spot
[2:50:00 AM] Thubanis: I dont know how they do it, but this monk did not seem genuine as a buddhist
[2:50:17 AM] Thubanis: He talked good english too
[2:50:47 AM] Thubanis: If his back is straight and hidden it could be magnets behind the curtain
[2:51:05 AM] Thubanis: He seems to raise mechanically
[2:51:17 AM] Thubanis: But we can be oversceptical lol'
[2:51:40 AM] Ishtara Raven:
[2:51:46 AM] Thubanis: The point is many on MOA will believe this as being like a good meditation reward
[2:52:51 AM] Ishtara Raven: i should post this video as a reply lol
[2:53:04 AM] Thubanis: Oh good
[2:53:16 AM] Thubanis: Put this video beneath Carols
[2:53:20 AM] Thubanis: Lol
[2:53:28 AM] Ishtara Raven: which one did she post it in, got a link?
[2:53:31 AM] Thubanis: Mindblend
[2:54:11 AM] Thubanis:
[2:55:34 AM] Thubanis: Well one can't see rocks there, but this curtain
[2:57:42 AM] Ishtara Raven: ok i replied lol
[2:57:53 AM] Ishtara Raven: didnt say anything just posted the video
[2:58:52 AM] Thubanis:
[2:59:09 AM] Thubanis: You might add this
[2:59:22 AM] Thubanis: Obviously not a 'very spiritual' levitation, this one
[2:59:28 AM] Thubanis: Illusionist tricks
[3:00:14 AM] Thubanis: "Nice illusion, but the mechanical motion of your levitation kinda gives it away. Try to smoothen it out a bit."
[3:00:17 AM] Thubanis: A comment from a fellow 'illusionist' on this you tube site apparently
[3:00:29 AM] Thubanis: See same mechanical motion as the monk
[3:01:37 AM] Thubanis: Haha nice befitting icon
[3:01:38 AM] Ishtara Raven: yes
[3:08:27 AM] Ishtara Raven: sure
[3:08:36 AM] Thubanis: Thanks
[3:10:27 AM] Ishtara Raven: haha added our convo, nice?
[3:10:36 AM] Thubanis: Haha
[3:10:40 AM] Thubanis: Excellent
[3:11:23 AM] Thubanis: See my purpose though?
[3:11:48 AM] Thubanis: To debunk this nirvana meditation to give you omniphysical 'powers'
[3:11:53 AM] Ishtara Raven: yes to shed light on the false
[3:11:59 AM] Ishtara Raven: exactly
[3:13:17 AM] Ishtara Raven: now the Tumo meditation the monks in Tibet do is real and they have been studied by science. All those things relate to the mind body connection though...slowing the heart rate, raising the body temperature, enduring cold ect ect.
[3:14:36 AM] Ishtara Raven: so the mind is a powerful medium and can effect the body, but levitation?? not likely
[3:15:16 AM] Ishtara Raven: but you gotta get temple devotees somehow right? everyone has a gig lol
[3:15:33 AM] Thubanis: Yes agreed
[3:15:50 AM] Thubanis: The stopping the heartbeat and stuff is ok
[3:16:06 AM] Ishtara Raven: that stuff is absolutely real and scientifically verifiable
[3:16:23 AM] Ishtara Raven: many studies have been done on the mind body connection
[3:18:49 AM] Thubanis: So we caveated our criticisms
Raven Lionheart
orthodoxymoron- Posts : 13540
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I have observed psychokinesis (or something like that) at close range -- but I avoid that sort of thing. I avoid anything magical or creepy. Check this out!
Carol- Admin
- Posts : 32046
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Location : Hawaii
I personally know spiritual masters who levitate. Key element here - spiritual practice. Not to sure able Criss Angel but he is amazing.
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
magamud- Posts : 1280
Join date : 2012-06-17
There is a level of play a spiritualist can attain without thinking on the Father. There is also dimensions that even work on the Vedas perspective and even though they are passive, aggression is always with them. The Don Juan dimensions show this point. Another example was a very powerful occultist that was here named Frederick Lens Rama who was able to create golden light, move stars, split himself into two etc... I found that people had different experiences to the same event coincidentally.
My point being is even miracles can be a facade. So how would you tell what is enlightenment?
My point being is even miracles can be a facade. So how would you tell what is enlightenment?
magamud- Posts : 1280
Join date : 2012-06-17
This same direction also applies with the UFO phenomena.
It's not even the thought form that reaches these esoteric realms, but just more if its right to exist.
So, like the rest of the Anomalies that exist on our planet, these are gifts of Sovereignty for you to understand consciousness.
For you to choose...
I do like the Monoliths.....
It's not even the thought form that reaches these esoteric realms, but just more if its right to exist.
So, like the rest of the Anomalies that exist on our planet, these are gifts of Sovereignty for you to understand consciousness.
For you to choose...
I do like the Monoliths.....
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