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Proof of 'God particle' found...
Carol- Admin
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Proof of 'God particle' found...
GENEVA (AP) -- Scientists working at the world's biggest atom smasher plan to announce Wednesday that they have gathered enough evidence to show that the long-sought "God particle" answering fundamental questions about the universe almost certainly does exist.
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
malletzky- Posts : 562
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Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
Thanks for posting that article Carol, but I found it conttroversial in itself.
How comes that scientist might "believe" to have found the proof of evidence to something that they just believe to have found?
Presenting "...data..." which "...shows with a high degree of certainty that the Higgs boson may already have been glimpsed..." and as "...footprints and the shadow of the object..." which "...you don't actually see..." is just the same as me or any other of the seven billion people on this planet would claim that we believe in existence of God.
How comes that sientists would come to the idea that words like high degree of certainty and may would give them the credit of announcing such "discoveries"?
I see the evidence of "...the footprints and the shadow of the object that I do not see..." every day. Actually you all see it.
It's the human being in it's essence and it's our own existence that "proves" the "unvisible object" = God = Creator = name it as you wish...exists.
Why looking somewhere else? They will never be able to find it anyway, the Gods particle, as it was never meant to be found, but to be understood inerly, from the heart.
Much respect
How comes that scientist might "believe" to have found the proof of evidence to something that they just believe to have found?
Presenting "...data..." which "...shows with a high degree of certainty that the Higgs boson may already have been glimpsed..." and as "...footprints and the shadow of the object..." which "...you don't actually see..." is just the same as me or any other of the seven billion people on this planet would claim that we believe in existence of God.
How comes that sientists would come to the idea that words like high degree of certainty and may would give them the credit of announcing such "discoveries"?
I see the evidence of "...the footprints and the shadow of the object that I do not see..." every day. Actually you all see it.
It's the human being in it's essence and it's our own existence that "proves" the "unvisible object" = God = Creator = name it as you wish...exists.
Why looking somewhere else? They will never be able to find it anyway, the Gods particle, as it was never meant to be found, but to be understood inerly, from the heart.
Much respect
Last edited by malletzky on Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:52 am; edited 1 time in total
mudra- Posts : 23276
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Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
malletzky wrote:
Why looking somewhere else? They will never be able to find it anyway, the Gods particle, as it was never meant. to be found, but to be understood inerly, from the heart.
Much respect
Your words mirrored my own thoughts once again my friend.
Things found through the use of both eyes are leading us further
from Source.
Two eyes to perceive the material world and Heart
to experience the One from which everything is born.
Love from me
devakas- Posts : 2038
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- Post n°4
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
this is the 'biggest' waste of effort in a history of 'science'. They do not care about people..... only to distract masses.
It seems that science became as another religion of fanatics. There is no debate in the open arena with scientists. Where is no debate there is no progress. They claim that only science is authentic and everything else is unreal. They lost human heart.
This is truly fanatism. Scientists became as one herd selling the ONly route to human wisdom. Being highly materialistic 'scientificaly' brainwashed masses more and more accepting only 'scientific' publications in modern drug industry also, which is main killer in the country. They have monopoly, they do.
agree with you Mal
It seems that science became as another religion of fanatics. There is no debate in the open arena with scientists. Where is no debate there is no progress. They claim that only science is authentic and everything else is unreal. They lost human heart.
This is truly fanatism. Scientists became as one herd selling the ONly route to human wisdom. Being highly materialistic 'scientificaly' brainwashed masses more and more accepting only 'scientific' publications in modern drug industry also, which is main killer in the country. They have monopoly, they do.
agree with you Mal
Beren- Posts : 547
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Location : Belgrade, Serbia
- Post n°5
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
Good points all !
God is an ultimate scientist but God creates with love and scientist `s job currently isn`t to create anything, they are merely discovering how things work...
God is an ultimate scientist but God creates with love and scientist `s job currently isn`t to create anything, they are merely discovering how things work...
devakas- Posts : 2038
Join date : 2010-04-10
- Post n°6
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
demonic energies tries to tap into creators mysteries, lets call them right -enthusiastic cheaters
Raven- Posts : 513
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Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
devakas wrote:demonic energies tries to tap into creators mysteries, lets call them right -enthusiastic cheaters
More biased underinformed 'commentary' from the NABS navel gazers western and eastern style. The nature of the 'God Particle' was described right here on this forum some time ago. On my thread at:
This has now been validated using the 'scientific method'.
Ok, now I'll print some excerpt for the more technically inclined reader regarding the Higgs Boson and its 'make-up', but highlight the important relevant bit (wrt to this discovery of a 160 GeV Higgs Boson energy, and incorporating the lower energy between 92 GeV and to the upper dainty level at 130 GeV as part of the diquark triplet of the associated topomium energy level) at the end.
In particular, as the bottomium doublet minimum is at 5,245.495 MeV* and the topomium triplet minimum is at 55,956.0 MeV* in terms of their characteristic Kernel-Means, their doubled sum indicates a particle-decay excess at the recently publisized ~125 GeV energy level in 2x(5.246+55.956) GeV* = 122.04 GeV* (or 121.78 GeV SI).
These are the two means from ATLAS {116-130 GeV as 123 GeV} and CMS {115-127 GeV as 121 GeV} respectively.
Then extending the minimum energy levels, like as in the case to calculate the charged weakon gauge field agent energy in the charm and the VPE perturbations as per the table given, specifies the 125 GeV energy level in the Perturbation Integral/Summation:
2x{55.956+5.246+1.606+0.491+0.151+0.046+0.014} GeV* = 127.02 GeV*, which become about 126.75 GeV SI as an UPPER LIMIT for this 'Higgs Boson' at the Dainty quark resonance level from the Thuban Dragon Omni-Science.
Using the 3 Diquark energy levels U,D and S yield 2x{55.956+5.246+1.606} GeV* = 125.62 GeV* and 125.35 GeV SI.
Robert Sceptico:
Indeed it does!
The key is the electronic radius as upward scaling of the manifesting supermembrane.
The Outer Leptonic Ring or OLR oscillates and defines the quark structure in its strangeness, its magic, its topness and its superness.
The Inner Mesonic Ring or IMR also oscillates and sets the quarks in their downness, their bottomness, their daintyness and also their topness.
A trisected kernel, the neutrinocore, geometrically defines the magnified singularity in its charm.
It is an intricate structure; this Kernel K-Inner Ring IR-Outer Ring OR quantum geometry.
You see, basically only two quarks are required to construct all restmass-induced particles.
We term it the up-quark and the down-quark with a strange-quark forming the oscillating energetic resonance of the down-quark in an energy differential between the IR and the OR.
The revolution in particle physics was the realisation that all quarks are magnified superbranes, which have a mgnetopolic duality in higher dimensional omnispace.
We so describe intersecting wavefunctions in forms of sectorial mappings, using the idea of colour mixing known as the gluonic hadron chromaticity of the strong nuclear interaction.
In terms of unitary symmetry, 9 quarks are defined in the KKKIROR geometry of the revised Standard Model.
Kernel K is the up-quark u and KIR is a Kernel K surrounded by a mesonic IR as down-quark d.
A KOR or s-quark is just like a KIR with an leptonic OR replacing a mesonic IR in oscillation.
Because KOR is basically the resonance of KIR, all KOR-based subatomic particles have higher energy than the superbraned particles who carry a KIR substitution.
The symmetry of the prespacetime wavefunctions defines the blueprints for the superbraned particles via 12 intersections of monopolic circuit-loops of colour-magnetic electricity.
Those current-knots, so to say, became magnetic monopoles fixed in energy as the superbrane of class IIB; its energy is exactly (ec) kilogram units or 27,000 trillion electronic units, which are called Gigaelectronvolts or GeV.
Each and every magnetic-current-knot or magnetic monopole has a KKKIROR geometry and so is a manifested supermembrane from the 11th dimension of M-space.
This potential materialisation then occurs within the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity or UFoQR and in accordance with the spacequanta set in a fourfold repetition for the angular source wavelength, spanning the 12 monopolic intersection points as the linear radian extent of the UFoQR.
The universal blueprint KKKIROR is then defined in gluonic chromaticity and links to the mechanism of the RestMass-Induction or HBRMI under the agency of that template.
This we term the Higgs Boson or HB, the 'Giver of Restmass'.
Logan Antico:
How can the layperson make sense of the Higgs Boson, Robert; is there a more familiar analogy?
Robert Sceptico:
There is a similar particle almost universally known by High School graduates, Logan.
A first derivative from the HB blueprint is the subatomic particle known as the Neutron with a dud or KIRKKIR quarkstructure, and rather different from particle udd=KKIRKIR, because of an asymmetric alignment of the individual quarks along a defining magnetoaxis.
Logan Antico:
Yes, the first particles manufactured in the Big Bang furnace were the ylems or dineutrons as the nucleons forming the ylemic protostars.
Their radii depend solely on their temperature, ranging from so 1.2 trillion Kelvin at 114 seconds after the Big Bang to so 200 billion Kelvin at 1150 seconds after timeinstantenuity, setting radioactive neutron decay into that time interval and forming protostar generations for magnetars, pulsars and neutronstars in later generations.
Robert Sceptico:
The KKIRKOR=uds particle is the superbrane known as the Neutral Lambda (L0) and it decays into a neutron (no) and a neutral meson, called pion (p0), or it transforms into a proton (p+) with a negatively charged pion (p-) under the conservation laws of energy and momentum in their linear vand angular propagations.
All subatomic particles can be defined from the basic uds-blueprint of the KKIRKOR structure.
There is a quark triplet containing the Super* S*=ss, the Top* t*=ds and the Dainty* D*=dd; complemented in a quark doublet of the Magic* m*=us and the Bottom* b*=ud and completed in a quark singlet in the Charm* U*=uu.
The Charm* is also known as the Double-Up, the Dainty* as the Double-Down and the Super* as the Double-Strange.
All of the starred (*) quarks are diquarks, consisting of two of the basequarks u,d or s.
The bottom-quark is also known as the beauty-quark and the top-quark is also the truth-quark.
The quark singlet manifests in the charm-quark c=Uu(bar)=(uu)u(bar)=u(uu(bar)) and is so a resonance of the u-quark, not associating with the IR-OR oscillation of d*s=s*d.
The quark doublet manifests in the bottom-quark b=b*u(bar)=(ud)u(bar)=d(uu(bar)) as a d-quark resonance, the u-s or K-KOR oscillation of the m-quark becoming suppressed in ud*s=s*du.
The quark triplet manifests in the top-quark t=t*d(bar)=(ds)d(bar)=s(dd(bar)) as a s-quark resonance, the d-s or KIR-KOR oscillation for the D- and S-quarks suppressed in ud*s=uds*.
The (bar) denotes antiquarks, so that the antiup=up(bar) has a colourcharge of (-2/3) and both, the antidown and the antistrange have a charge of (+1/3), being made up of an antiK of charge (-2/3) added to the +1 charge of the antiring of the IMR or the OLR respectively.
Logan Antico:
So where is the supersymmetry of the shadow particle in the setup of the quarkian hierarchies in the quantum geometry of the HB blueprint KKIRKOR?
Robert Sceptico:
The supersymmetry enters because the KKIRKOR is scalar as the Higgs Boson, it doesn't quantum spin, but the lambda and the neutron do.
The latter two are defined as baryons, but the lambda is a shortlived hyperon and the neutron is a longlived or stable nucleon, both with a quantum spin of 1/2.
Superbranes with halfintegral spin are called fermions and their supersymmetric partners of integral spin are the bosons.
So the great realisation in particle physics was the fact, that the Higgs Boson is ubiquitous; it itself is the bosonic supersymmetric partner for all the fermions, which include all the leptons associated with the rings and the neutrinos and antineutrinos of the kernel.
The upper limit for the quark energies is the Superdiquark S=(ss)d(bar), forming a particle called the Higgs/Chi (H/C)-resonance with an energy mean of (1,194 GeV) in a quark structure SS(bar).
1/365th of a second into the cosmic evolution sets the symmetry breaking between the electromagnetic- and weak nuclear interactions at a temperature of 3.4 quadrillion Kelvin and a bosonic particle energy of (298.5 GeV).
This is the Fermi Constant for the Weak Nuclear Interaction or WNI and can be considered a quasimass for the Higgs Boson as a 'Vacuum Expectation Mass', which basically simply adds the Weakon masses (Z0, W+ and W- together.
This energy calculates as the Vortex-PE mean or VPE for the HB-Kernel induction for the SS(bar).
The VPE-K-mean for the tt(bar) resonance is (182.758 GeV) and the VPE-R(ing)mean is calculated as (38.882 GeV), the latter being contained in the former.
The mean for the top-antitop resonance is the mass for the neutral Z0 Weakon fieldagent in (91.38 GeV*=91.19 GeV).
Summing the VPE-K-means up to the Dainty quark state of the doube-down, then gives the energy for the (W-) charged weakons in (80.64 GeV*=80.47 GeV) as the gauge field particles for the WNI.
Tony B. Commentary:
Now for the simplicity.
The HB discussed in the New Scientist post below is said of having been measured in the decay of W's, Z's and Tau Leptons, as well as the bottom- and top-quark systems described in the table and the text above.
Now in the table I write about the KIR-OR transitions and such. The K means core for kernel and the IR means InnerRing and the OR mean OuterRing. The Rings are all to do with Leptons and the Kernels with Quarks.
So the Tau-decay relates to 'Rings' which are charmed and strange and bottomised and topped, say. They are higher energy manifestations of the basic nucleons of the proton and the neutrons and basic mesons and hyperons.
As I have shown, the energy resonances of the Z-boson (uncharged) represents an 'average' or statistical mean value of the 'Top-Quark' and the Upper-Limit for the Higgs Boson is a similar 'Super-Quark' 'average' and as the weak interaction unification energy.
The hitherto postulated Higgs Boson mass of so 110 GeV is the Omicron-resonance, fully predicted from the table above (unique to Quantum Relativity).
Now the most fundamental way to generate the Higgs Boson as a 'weak interaction' gauge is through the coupling of two equal mass, but oppositely charged W-bosons (of whom the Zo is the uncharged counterpart).
We have seen, that the W-mass is a summation of all the other quark-masses as kernel-means from the strangeness upwards to the truth-quark level.
So simply doubling the 80.47 GeV mass of the weak-interaction gauge boson must represent the basic form of the Higgs Boson and that is 160.9 GeV.
Simplicity indeed and just the way Quantum Relativity describes the creation of the Higgs Boson from even more fundamental templates of the so called 'gauges'. The Higgs Boson is massless but consists of two classical electron rings and a massless doubled neutrino kernel, and then emerges in the magnetocharge induction AS mass carrying gauges.
This massless neutrino kernel now crystallises our atomic solar system.
Hypersphere volumes and the mass of the Tau-neutrino
Consider the universe's thermodynamic expansion to proceed at an initializing time (and practically at lightspeed for the lightpath x=ct describing the hypersphere radii) to from a single spacetime quantum with a quantized toroidal volume 2π²rw³ and where rw is the characteristic wormhole radius for this basic building unit for a quantized universe (say in string parameters given in the Planck scale and its transformations).
At a time tG, say so 18.85 minutes later, the count of space time quanta can be said to be 9.677x10102 for a universal 'total hypersphere radius' of about rG=3.39x1011 meters and for a G-Hypersphere volume of so 7.69x1035cubic meters.
{This radius is about 2.3 Astronomical Units and about the distance of the Asteroid Belt from the star Sol in a typical (our) solar system.}
This modelling of a mapping of the quantum-microscale onto the cosmological macroscale should now indicate the mapping of the wormhole scale onto the scale of the sun itself.
rw/RSun(i)=Re/rE for RSun(i)=rwrE/Re=1,971,030 meters. This gives an 'inner' solar core of diameter about 3.94x106 meters.
As the classical electron radius is quantized in the wormhole radius in the formulation Re=1010rw/360, rendering a finestructure for Planck's Constant as a 'superstring-parametric': h=rw/2Rec3; the 'outer' solar scale becomes RSun(o)=360RSun(i)=7.092x108 meters as the observed radius for the solar disk.
19 seconds later; a F-Hypersphere radius is about rF=3.45x1011 meters for a F-count of so 1.02x10103 spacetime quanta.
We also define an E-Hypersphere radius at rE=3.44x1014 meters and an E-count of so 10112 to circumscribe this 'solar system' in so 230 AU.
We so have 4 hypersphere volumes, based on the singularity-unit and magnified via spacetime quantization in the hyperspheres defined in counters G, F and E. We consider these counters as somehow fundamental to the universe's expansion, serving as boundary conditions in some manner. As counters, those googolplex-numbers can be said to be defined algorithmically and independent on mensuration physics of any kind.
The mapping of the atomic nucleus onto the thermodynamic universe of the hyperspheres
Should we consider the universe to follow some kind of architectural blueprint; then we might attempt to use our counters to be isomorphic (same form or shape) in a one-to-one mapping between the macrocosmos and the microcosmos. So we define a quantum geometry for the nucleus in the simplest atom, say Hydrogen. The hydrogenic nucleus is a single proton of quark-structure udu and which we assign a quantum geometric template of Kernel-InnerRing-OuterRing (K-IR-OR), say in a simple model of concentricity.
We set the up-quarks (u) to become the 'smeared out core' in say a tripartition uuu so allowing a substructure for the down-quark (d) to be u+InnerRing. A down-quark so is a unitary ring coupled to a kernel-quark.
The proton's quark-content so can be rewritten and without loss of any of the properties associated with the quantum conservation laws; as proton → udu → uuu+IR=KKK+IR.
We may now label the InnerRing as Mesonic and the OuterRing as Leptonic.
The OuterRing is so definitive for the strange quark in quantum geometric terms: s=u+OR.
A neutron's quark content so becomes neutron=dud=KIR.K.KIR with a 'hyperon resonance' in the lambda=sud=KOR.K.KIR and so allowing the neutron's beta decay to proceed in disassociation from a nucleus (where protons and neutrons bind in meson exchange); i.e. in the form of 'free neutrons'. The neutron decays in the oscillation potential between the mesonic inner ring and the leptonic outer ring as the 'ground-energy' eigenstate.
There actually exist three uds-quark states which decay differently via strong, electromagnetic and weak decay rates in the uds (Sigmao Resonance); usd (Sigmao) and the sud (Lambdao) in increasing stability. This quantum geometry then indicates the behaviour of the triple-uds decay from first principles, whereas the contemporary standard model does not, considering the u-d-s quark eigenstates to be quantum geometrically undifferentiated.
The nuclear interactions, both strong and weak are confined in a Magnetic Asymptotic Confinement Limit coinciding with the Classical Electron radius Re=ke2/mec2 and in a scale of so 3 Fermi or 2.8x10-15 meters.
At a distance further away from this scale, the nuclear interaction strength vanishes rapidly. The wavenature of the nucleus is given in the Compton-Radius Rcompton=h/2πmc with m the mass of the nucleus, say a proton; the latter so having Rcompton-proton=rp=2x10-16 meters or so 0.2 fermi.
The wave-matter (after a de Broglie generalising wavespeed vdB from c in Rcompton) then relates the classical electron radius as the 'confinement limit' to the Compton scale in the electromagnetic finestructure constant in Re=Alpha.Rcompton.
The extension to the Hydrogen-Atom is obtained in the expression Re=Alpha2.RBohr1 for the first Bohr-Radius as the 'ground-energy' of so 13.7 eV at a scale of so 10-11 to 10-10 meters (Angstroems).
These 'facts of measurements' of the standard models now allow our quantum geometric correspondences to assume cosmological significance in their isomorphic mapping.
We denote the OuterRing as the classical electron radius and introduce the InnerRing as a mesonic scale contained within the geometry of the proton and all other elementary baryonic- and hadronic particles.
Firstly, we define a mean macro-mesonic radius as: rM=½(rF rG)~ 3.42x1011 meters and set the macro-leptonic radius to rE=3.44x1014 meters.
Secondly, we map the macroscale onto the microscale, say in the simple proportionality relation, using (de)capitalised symbols:
We can so solve for the micro-mesonic scale Rm=Re.rM/rE ~ 2.76x10-18 meters.
So reducing the apparent measured 'size' of a proton in a factor about about 1000 gives the scale of the subnuclear mesonic interaction, say the strong interaction coupling by pions.
The Higgsian Scalar-Neutrino
The (anti)neutrinos are part of the electron mass in a decoupling process between the kernel and the rings. Neutrino mass is so not cosmologically significant and cannot be utilized in 'missing mass' models'.
We may define the kernel-scale as that of the singular spacetime-quantum unit itself, namely as wormhole radius rw=10-22/2π meters.
Before the decoupling between kernel and rings, the kernel-energy can be said to be strong-weakly coupled or unified to encompass the gauge-gluon of the strong interaction and the gauge-weakon of the weak interaction defined in a coupling between the OuterRing and the Kernel and by-passing the mesonic InnerRing.
So for matter, a W-Minus weakon must consist of a coupled lepton part, yet linking to the strong interaction via the kernel part. If now the colour-charge of the gluon transmutates into a 'neutrino-colour-charge'; then this decoupling will not only define the mechanics for the strong-weak nuclear unification coupling; but also the energy transformation of the gauge-colour charge into the gauge-lepton charge.
There are therefore precisely 8 gluonic transitive energy permutation eigenstates between a 'radiative-additive' Planck energy in W(hite)=E=hf and an 'inertial-subtractive' Einstein energy in B(lack)=E=mc2, which describe the baryonic- and hyperonic 'quark-sectors' in:
mc2=BBB, BBW, WBB, BWB, WBW, BWW, WWB and WWW=hf.
The permutations are cyclic and not linearly commutative. For mesons (quark-antiquark eigenstates), the permutations are BB, BW, WB and WW in the SU(2) and SU(3) Unitary Symmetries.
So generally, we may state, that the gluon is unfied with a weakon before decoupling; this decoupling 'materialising' energy in the form of mass, namely the mass of the measured 'weak-interaction-bosons' of the standard model (W- for charged matter; W+ for charged antimatter and Zo for neutral mass-currents say).
Experiment shows, that a W- decays into spin-aligned electron-antineutrino or muon-antineutrino or tauon-antineutrino pairings under the conservation laws for momentum and energy.
So, using our quantum geometry, we realise, that the weakly decoupled electron must represent the OuterRing, and just as shown in the analysis of QED Quantum-Electro-Dynamics. Then it can be inferred, that the Electron's Antineutrino represents a transformed and materialised gluon via its colour-charge, now decoupled from the kernel.
Then the OuterRing contracts (say along its Magnetoaxis defining its asymptotic confinement); in effect 'shrinking the electron' in its inertial and charge- properties to its experimentally measured 'point-particle-size'. Here we define this process as a mapping between the Electronic wavelength 2πRe and the wormhole perimeter λw=2πrw.
But in this process of the 'shrinking' classical electron radius towards the gluonic kernel (say); the mesonic ring will be encountered and it is there, that any mass-inductions should occur to differentiate a massless lepton gauge-eigenstate from that manifested by the weakon precursors.
{Note: Here the W- is inducing a lefthanded neutron to decay weakly into a left-handed proton, a left-handed electron and a right-handed antineutrino. Only left-handed particles decay weakly in CP-parity-symmetry violation, effected by neutrino-gauge definitions from first principles}.
This so defines a neutrino-oscillation potential at the InnerRing-Boundary. Using our proportions and assigning any neutrino-masses mυ as part of the electronmass me, gives the following proportionality as the mass eigenvalue of the Tau-neutrino:
mντ=meλw.rE/(2πrMRe) ~ 5.4x10-36 kg or 3.0 eV.
So we have derived, from first principles, a (anti)neutrinomass eigenstate of 3 eV.
This confirms the Mainz, Germany Result as the upper limit for neutrino masses resulting from ordinary Beta-Decay and indicates the importance of the primordial beta-decay for the cosmo-genesis and the isomorphic scale mappings stated above.
The hypersphere intersection of the G- and F-count of the thermodynamic expansion of the mass-parametric universe so induces a neutrino-mass of 3 eV at the 2.76x10-18 meter marker.
The more precise G-F differential in terms of eigenenergy is 0.052 eV as the mass-eigenvalue for the Higgs-(Anti)neutrino (which is scalar of 0-spin and constituent of the so called Higgs Boson as the kernel-Eigenstate). This has been experimentally verified in the Super-Kamiokande neutrino experiments published in 1998 and in subsequent neutrino experiments around the globe, say Sudbury, KamLAND, Dubna, MinibooNE and MINOS.
This Higgs-Neutrino-Induction is 'twinned' meaning that this energy can be related to the energy of so termed 'slow- or thermal neutrons in a coupled energy of so twice 0.0253 eV for a thermal equilibrium at so 20° Celsius and a rms-standard-speed of so 2200 m/s from the Maxwell statistical distributions for the kinematics.
The Electron-(Anti)Neutrino is massless as base-neutrinoic weakon eigenstate.
The Muon-(Anti)Neutrino is also massless as base-neutrinoic weakon eigenstate.
The Tauon-(Anti)Neutrino is not massless with inertial eigenstate meaned at 3.0 eV as a characteristic energy level.
The weakon kernel-eigenstates are 'squared' or doubled (2x2=2+2) in comparison with the gluonic-eigenstate (one can denote the colourcharges as (R2G2B2)[½] and as (RGB)[1] respectively say and with the [] bracket denoting gauge-spin and RGB meaning colours Red-Green-Blue).
The Scalar Higgs-(Anti)Neutrino becomes then defined in: (R4G4B4)[0].
The twinned neutrino state so becomes MANIFESTED in a coupling of the scalar Higgs-Neutrino with a massless base neutrino in a (R6G6B6)[0+½]) mass-induction template.
The Higgs-Neutrino is bosonic and so not subject to the Pauli Exclusion Principle; but quantized in the form of the FG-differential of the 0.052 Higgs-Restmass-Induction.
Subsequently all experimentally observed neutrino-oscillations should show a stepwise energy induction in units of the Higgs-neutrino mass of 0.052 eV. This was the case in the Super-Kamiokande experiments; and which was interpreted as a mass-differential between the muonic and tauonic neutrinoic forms.
mνhiggs=meλw.rE/(2πrMRe){1/rG-1/rF} ~ 9.3x10-38 kg or 0.052 eV.
Next we interpret this scalar (or sterile) Double-Higgs (anti)neutrino as a majoron and lose the distinction between antineutrino and neutrino eigenstates.
We can only do this in the case of the Zo decay pattern, which engage the boson spin of the Zo as a superposition of two antineutrinos for the matter case and the superposition of two neutrinos in the antimatter case from first principles.
So the Zo IS a Majorana particle, which merges the templates of two antineutrinos say and SPININDUCES the Higgs-Antineutrino.
And where does this occur? It occurs at the Mesonic-Inner-Ring Boundary previously determined at the 2.776x10-18 meter marker.
This marker so specifies the Zo Boson energy level explicitely as an upper boundary relative to the displacement scale set for the kernel at the wormhole radius rw=lw/2π and the classical electron radius as the limit for the nuclear interaction scale at 3 fermis in: RcomptonxAlpha.
So the particle masses of the standard model in QED and QCD become Compton-Masses, which are HIGGS-MASSINDUCED at the Mesonic-Inner-Ring (MIR) marker at RMIR=2.776x10-18 meters.
The Compton masses are directly obtained from E=hf=mc2=hc/λ and say as characteristic particle energies.
At the Leptonic-Outer-Ring or LOR; λLOR=2πRe and at the MIR λMIR=2πRMIR for characteristic energies of 71.38 GeV and 71.33 MeV respectively.
So we know that the Higgs-Mass-Induction occurs at those energy levels from the elementary template and as experimentally verified in terms of the neutrino masses by Super-Kamiokande in 1998.
The LOR-energy of course indicates the Muon mass as a 'heavy electron' and the MIR-energy indicates the associated 'heavy quark' mass.
This has been described before in the general mass induction scales for the diquarks as consequence from the bosonic bifurcation of string masses (XL-Boson string splits into quark- and lepton fermions as fundamental supersymmetry and the magnification of the Planck-scale).
We also know, that the elementary protonucleon seed mc has grown in a factor of Yn~(1.618034)n~1.72 for a present n=1.1324..to create the present nucleonmasses in a perturbation of its finestructure.
Subsequently, the MIR-energy of 71.38 GeV represents a Zo-Boson seed, which has similarly increased between a factor of √(Yn)~1.313 and Yn~1.724.
These values so give present boundary conditions for the Higgs Boson in terms of its Zo coupling as the interval {93.73-123.09} GeV* or {93.53-122.83} GeV. The latter interval reduces by 1.58% to {92.10-120.89} GeV, as we have used the 'effective electron mass' me, differing in that percentage from the bare electron's restmass in our calculations.
The lower bounded HB so manifests in the form of the Zo and as the majorana Higgs-Induction and coupled to the Spin-Induction of the Scalar Higgs Antineutrino.
As described previously; the Zo-Boson mass is the mean of the top-quark K-Mean and so relates the quark energy levels to the Higgs inductions for both spin and inertia. This occurs at the down-strange ds-diquark level of the cosmogenesis.
The W-Boson masses are the summation of the quark K-Means and represents the summation of all lower diquark energy levels from doubleup to doubledown.
As the down-strange or MIR-LOR energy level is coupled as a Kernel-MIR level in the bottom-antibottom mesonic diquark system, the energy difference between the Zo- and the W-bosons should amount to that b-quark energy of about 10 GeV and which indeed is experimentally verified as such.
Finally the doublestrange diquark level then becomes the well known Fermi-Energy of the Superquark K-Mean at 298.453 GeV*=297.834 GeV and which reduces to 293.13 GeV in the 1.58% in the SI mensuration system for an Fermi energy of 1.164x10-5 1/GeV2.
Quantum Relativity then stipulates, that the Higgs-Mass-Induction energies will assume particular energy value related to the diquark mass induction table of the K-Means, coupled to the weakon masses as indicated.
The overarching energy level is however that at 92 GeV as the lower bound and as represented in the definition of the Zo-Boson as a Majorana Spininduced scalar Higgs boson. The upper bound is the Fermi energy of the Super-Diquark as a doublestrange.
This 92 GeV level represents a seedling energy of 71.38 GeV from the primordial universe and when the XL-Boson aka the heterotic string class HO(32) decayed into a fermionic quark-lepton bifurcation and which today is represented in the diquark eigenstates of the standard model in particle physics through its Unitary Symmetries.
Tony B.
Well, this described some of the technical details behind this press release and you asked for it Carol.
So please see it as a simple data sharing and nothing else from us dragon philosophers.
All the best and this forum is the first to receive this information.
In Lakech from Allisiam
Floyd- Posts : 4104
Join date : 2010-04-16
- Post n°8
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
Science may only go so far as to penetrate the nature of the physical universe through the perspective of the perhaps somewhat limited 5 human senses. What lies beyond that can only be detected by supersenses, different kinds of eyes and ears and ways of receiving and interpreting information. Humans will always have a limited view of the nature of manifestation. Whether you want to call it gods work or somthing elses. Perhaps god is part of it but not the cause.
JesterTerrestrial- Posts : 1766
Join date : 2010-04-11
- Post n°9
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
And what do these scientists think the particles their god particle finding machine is made from... Lol God Particles?!
Do i get a no bell peace prize for knowing this or do i gotta be @ war with another nation?
And it looks like this amazing discovery was already discovered haha good job Peace JT!
Do i get a no bell peace prize for knowing this or do i gotta be @ war with another nation?
And it looks like this amazing discovery was already discovered haha good job Peace JT!
devakas- Posts : 2038
Join date : 2010-04-10
- Post n°10
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
Raven wrote:devakas wrote:demonic energies tries to tap into creators mysteries, lets call them right -enthusiastic cheaters
More biased underinformed 'commentary' from the NABS navel gazers western and eastern style. The nature of the 'God Particle' was described right here on this forum some time ago. On my thread at:
This has now been validated using the 'scientific method'.
In Lakech from Allisiam
I agree with you Tony is enthusiast
Materialists always forget that spirit can not be measured or observed with material instruments. Their only business to learn how matter becomes and remains matter. That is all.
This is why they stay in a dark for long many lifetimes, as they remain always behind of understanding anything about God.
Nice video Design of Divinity
One cannot understand God via their material senses, He can only be understood when He reveals Himself through the proper practice of spiritual life.
with respect
Floyd- Posts : 4104
Join date : 2010-04-16
- Post n°11
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
results announced at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (Cern) were met with thunderous applause.
At the meeting, Prof Peter Higgs, the former University of Edinburgh theoretician who with five others predicted the Higgs particle's existence in 1964, praised the efforts of the LHC teams.
Continue reading the main story
Start Quote
I think we have it - we have a discovery”
End Quote
Rolf Heuer
Cern director-general
"It's really an incredible thing its happened in my lifetime," he said.
The CMS team claimed that by combining two of its data sets, they had attained a confidence level just at the "five-sigma" point - about a one-in-3.5 million chance that the signal they see would appear if there were no Higgs particle.
However, a full combination of the CMS data brings that number just back to 4.9 sigma - a one-in-2 million chance.
Joe Incandela, spokesman for CMS, was unequivocal.
"The results are preliminary but the five-sigma signal at around 125 GeV we're seeing is dramatic. This is indeed a new particle," he told the Geneva meeting.
Fabiola Gianotti, spokeswoman for the Atlas experiment, announced even more irrefutable results.
At the meeting, Prof Peter Higgs, the former University of Edinburgh theoretician who with five others predicted the Higgs particle's existence in 1964, praised the efforts of the LHC teams.
Continue reading the main story
Start Quote
I think we have it - we have a discovery”
End Quote
Rolf Heuer
Cern director-general
"It's really an incredible thing its happened in my lifetime," he said.
The CMS team claimed that by combining two of its data sets, they had attained a confidence level just at the "five-sigma" point - about a one-in-3.5 million chance that the signal they see would appear if there were no Higgs particle.
However, a full combination of the CMS data brings that number just back to 4.9 sigma - a one-in-2 million chance.
Joe Incandela, spokesman for CMS, was unequivocal.
"The results are preliminary but the five-sigma signal at around 125 GeV we're seeing is dramatic. This is indeed a new particle," he told the Geneva meeting.
Fabiola Gianotti, spokeswoman for the Atlas experiment, announced even more irrefutable results.
devakas- Posts : 2038
Join date : 2010-04-10
- Post n°12
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
from Bhagavad Gita 7.4 verse
Krishna says:
bhūmir āpo 'nalo vāyuḥ
khaḿ mano buddhir eva ca
ahańkāra itīyaḿ me
bhinnā prakṛtir aṣṭadhā
Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego — all together these eight constitute My separated material energies.
that is real knowledge..... Where has the sky with its many millions and millions of stars come from, where has fire, air come from. What is aim of life, what is my relationship with creator. But disease in human mind, scientists mind is there. Instead of protecting efforts, giving fair life to all living entities efforts, they fight and waste their lifes and others in darkness. They try to satisfy their ego and their diseased mind thinking that they are to be controlers of the matter, controlers of the life.
Krishna says:
bhūmir āpo 'nalo vāyuḥ
khaḿ mano buddhir eva ca
ahańkāra itīyaḿ me
bhinnā prakṛtir aṣṭadhā
Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego — all together these eight constitute My separated material energies.
that is real knowledge..... Where has the sky with its many millions and millions of stars come from, where has fire, air come from. What is aim of life, what is my relationship with creator. But disease in human mind, scientists mind is there. Instead of protecting efforts, giving fair life to all living entities efforts, they fight and waste their lifes and others in darkness. They try to satisfy their ego and their diseased mind thinking that they are to be controlers of the matter, controlers of the life.
mudra- Posts : 23276
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Age : 69
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- Post n°13
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
The "God Particle" And Mans Desire For Divinity
Love Always
Love Always
devakas- Posts : 2038
Join date : 2010-04-10
- Post n°14
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
Nobel laureate physicist Erwin Schrodinger eloquently stated the abilities and the inabilities of science:
Some members of a curious human species have dedicated their lives and fortunes to the search for their origins in a dark universe
to conclude:
“ Without Higgs Boson the universe would be a very different place… no ordinary matter as we know it, no chemistry, no biology, and no people.”- CERN explained.
“I am very astonished that the scientific picture of the real world around me is very deficient. It gives a lot of factual information, puts all our experience in a magnificently consistent order, but it is ghastly silent about all and sundry that is really near to our heart, that really matters to us. It cannot tell us a word about red and blue, bitter and sweet, physical pain and physical delight; it knows nothing of beautiful and ugly, good or bad, God and eternity. Science sometimes pretends to answer questions in these domains, but the answers are very often so silly that we are not inclined to take them seriously.
Some members of a curious human species have dedicated their lives and fortunes to the search for their origins in a dark universe
to conclude:
“ Without Higgs Boson the universe would be a very different place… no ordinary matter as we know it, no chemistry, no biology, and no people.”- CERN explained.
devakas- Posts : 2038
Join date : 2010-04-10
- Post n°15
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
Higgs Boson particles are unvisible only with CERN devices. Higgs said they should be something instead of loosy undefined mass of scatered particles - should be something that holds together mass.
Science is in deep ingorance mode - They got an idea how much they do not know, learned uknown to know unknown
Science is in deep ingorance mode - They got an idea how much they do not know, learned uknown to know unknown
devakas- Posts : 2038
Join date : 2010-04-10
- Post n°16
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
Does Quantum Physics Make it Easier to Believe in God?
To recap: (a) Probabilities in quantum mechanics must be the probabilities of definite events. (b) When definite events happen, some probabilities should jump to 0 or 100%. However, (c) the mathematics that describes all physical processes (the Schrödinger equation) does not describe such jumps. One begins to see how one might reach the conclusion that not everything that happens is a physical process describable by the equations of physics.
devakas- Posts : 2038
Join date : 2010-04-10
- Post n°17
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
Threecaster wrote: Our current science is similar to the take of the Blind Men and the Elephant, where perhaps Newtonian Physics are the legs, Relativity and Quantum Physics are the trunk and Chemistry and Math are the Tail...
Once five blind men came upon an elephant. They began feeling the elephant and speculating on what it was. One felt its big legs and concluded, “Oh, the elephant is just like a pillar.” The second man felt the trunk and concluded, “Oh, this elephant is just like a snake.” The third man felt the ear of the elephant and concluded, “This elephant is like a big fan.” The fourth man felt the tail of the elephant and concluded, “This elephant is like a broom.” And the third man felt the belly of the elephant and concluded, “This elephant is like a big boat.” - That’s an analogy of institutionalised blind faith in its various forms ...
devakas- Posts : 2038
Join date : 2010-04-10
- Post n°18
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
Does The Higgs Boson Rule Out The Existence Of God? Deepak Chopra, ask Deepak
devakas- Posts : 2038
Join date : 2010-04-10
- Post n°19
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
brilliant qUOte by scientist
Sir Arthur Eddington
What is the truth about ourselves? Various answers suggest themselves. We are a bit of stellar matter gone wrong. We are physical machinery, puppets that strut and talk and laugh and die as the hand of time pulls the strings beneath. But there is one elementary inescapable answer. We are that which asks the question. Whatever else there may be in our natures, responsibility towards truth is one of its attributes. This side of our nature is aloof from the scrutiny of the physicist. I do not think it is sufficiently covered by admitting a mental aspect of our being. It has to do with conscience rather than consciousness
Sir Arthur Eddington
What is the truth about ourselves? Various answers suggest themselves. We are a bit of stellar matter gone wrong. We are physical machinery, puppets that strut and talk and laugh and die as the hand of time pulls the strings beneath. But there is one elementary inescapable answer. We are that which asks the question. Whatever else there may be in our natures, responsibility towards truth is one of its attributes. This side of our nature is aloof from the scrutiny of the physicist. I do not think it is sufficiently covered by admitting a mental aspect of our being. It has to do with conscience rather than consciousness
devakas- Posts : 2038
Join date : 2010-04-10
- Post n°20
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
one more brillllllliant
Sir Arthur Eddington
The materialist who is convinced that all phenomena arise from electrons and quanta and the like controlled by mathematical formulae, must presumably hold the belief that his wife is a rather elaborate differential equation, but he is probably tactful enough not to obtrude this opinion in domestic life. If this kind of scientific dissection is felt to be inadequate and irrelevant in ordinary personal relationships, it is surely out of place in the most personal relationship of all, that of the human soul to the divine spirit.
Sir Arthur Eddington
The materialist who is convinced that all phenomena arise from electrons and quanta and the like controlled by mathematical formulae, must presumably hold the belief that his wife is a rather elaborate differential equation, but he is probably tactful enough not to obtrude this opinion in domestic life. If this kind of scientific dissection is felt to be inadequate and irrelevant in ordinary personal relationships, it is surely out of place in the most personal relationship of all, that of the human soul to the divine spirit.
devakas- Posts : 2038
Join date : 2010-04-10
- Post n°21
Re: Proof of 'God particle' found...
“The god particle has zero charge, zero spin and a near-zero lifespan; it exists for less than a trillionth of a second. Does that sound like God to you?” I counter-questioned when asked after a recent talk whether the discovery of the god particle disproved the existence of God.
“No, not really,” replied the questioner, taken aback.
“Exactly,” I said emphatically, “Its discovery has very little bearing on the existence of God; it is just one step forward in one theory [the Standard Model] that deals with one sub-branch [quantum physics] of one branch [physics] of human knowledge [science], which itself studies one slice of reality [material nature].”
» Scientists take the first ever photograph of light as both a wave and a particle
» 'God particle' scientists come up with cancer-blasting beam as an alternative for debilitating radiotherapy
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» 'God particle' scientists come up with cancer-blasting beam as an alternative for debilitating radiotherapy
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