mudra Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:46 pm
The Corporate Takeover of Science and the Destruction of Freedom
By Colin Todhunter
Global Research, September 17, 2012
When rich companies with politically-connected lobbyists fund their own research and distort outcomes for their own ends, we are in serious trouble. Due to the corporate takeover of science, our choices, rights and freedoms are currently in the process of being destroyed.
In a genuine ‘age of reason,’ science would assist in providing clear answers to issues, and the public would be able to engage in open, honest debate over the rights and wrongs of policies. Instead, corporate interests have used their junk science, lobbyists, presence within the heart of governments and PR machines to muddy the waters and sometimes engage in fear-mongering so that public debate has too often become distorted and campaigns of deliberate misinformation have become commonplace.
‘Scientific’ debate is now often played out in full public glare and acrimony has become the norm, particularly when someone’s huge profits are threatened. Corporate greed leads to debate being stifled whereby scientists and various groups who do not support particular corporate stances are made to look like they are the ones who are pushing dogma based on self-interest and not the other war around.
No wonder, therefore, that the public is sometimes left feeling confused. Even when the weight of credible scientific evidence is overwhelming, powerful companies and interest groups are highly skilled in creating ambiguity and controversy through their spin machines. Think back to how the tobacco companies set out to fool the public for decades. Of course, having access to huge funds helps.
ExxonMobil gave $2.9m to US groups that were set up to misinform the public about climate change, and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) reportedly offered scientists money to publish articles critical of the International Panel on Climate Change’s 2007 climate change study. The AEI had received more than $1.6m from Exxon. A couple of years ago, the American Petroleum Institute, which includes ExxonMobil, Shell and BP, had encouraged its members to send employees to rallies against a climate change Bill that required large utilities to use greater renewable energy sources.
Whatever the merits concerning the evidence about climate change, the aim of such campaigns is to deceive the public by giving the impression of serious doubt coupled with popular dissent over proposed policies. Money talks. The public listens.
Another well-worn tactic used to sway public opinion involves big companies trying to whip up the belief there is some kind of conspiracy or unscrupulous group that is working against them and, by implication, the population in general. For instance, those who say that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) pose a danger to health or the environment, are dismissed as having an ideological axe to grind against those corporations that want to rake in massive profits.
‘Experts’ from well-funded corporate backed think-tanks are often wheeled onto our screens to put forward points of view based on methodologically unsound junk science. Science has become a football to be kicked around and a victim of corporations that have scant regard for the public interest.
If corporate ideology fails, however, it’s always nice to know that there is good old fashioned bullying to rely on. For example, a WikiLeaks cable highlighted how GMOs were being forced into European nations by the US ambassador to France who plotted with other US officials to create a ‘retaliatory target list’ of anyone who tried to regulate GMOs.
Food, crops and cancer
The corporate takeover of science has led to many terrible but highly profitable practices. The issue goes far beyond the advertising industry referring to dodgy science to con the public into buying an anti-aging cream, a fat reducing food supplement or a wonder-beauty product. Think of US-based agribusiness concerns, their aim to control the food supply and the 250,000 plus suicides by indebted Indian farmers who were duped or coerced to buy expensive seeds year after year from one centralised corporate entity.
Backed up by their selective scientific findings, dodgy research, political contacts and spin machines, powerful corporations have placed at their mercy farmers who are no longer able to grow their own crops and harvest their own seeds. Convincing farmers to ditch centuries’ old tried and tested methods of crop production might be good for the profit and loss margins on a spreadsheet, but accounts for little when it results in death or fear of the future.
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