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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada)


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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Hidden from History No More! Kevin Annett and Jason Bowman by Align Shine Prosper Featured Host in Current Events Wed, July 11, 2012

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:56 am

    Hidden from History No More! Kevin Annett and Jason Bowman
    by Align Shine Prosper Featured Host
    in Current Events
    Wed, July 11, 2012


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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reverend Kevin Annett & Public Declaration To The Vatican

    Post  Jenetta Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:37 am

    (Carol) He hasn't violated the forum rules.

    So what is this all about?

    Banned from both Occupy Vancouver and Occupy Toronto, Greg Renouf has been bullying and harassing women organisers in occupy spaces. He has displayed, on many occasions, deeply racist and misogynist behaviour. His behaviour falls into easily recognisable patterns and we believe that he poses a real threat to community safety.


    This is what it is all about Carol:

    A Love Letter to Greg Renouf from your Nefarious Enemy Kevin Annett


    I guess that it’s just coincidental that such a tale about me started circulating soon after I was unceremoniously canned and banned from that station after ten years as a programmer when I spoke on the air about eyewitnesses who saw RCMP officers taking native women out to the Pickton snuff film farm.

    Maybe you can check with your buddy Inspector Montague about that one.


    As below so above; As above so below

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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada)

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:55 am

    Jenetta wrote:(Carol) He hasn't violated the forum rules.

    So what is this all about?

    Banned from both Occupy Vancouver and Occupy Toronto, Greg Renouf has been bullying and harassing women organisers in occupy spaces. He has displayed, on many occasions, deeply racist and misogynist behaviour. His behaviour falls into easily recognisable patterns and we believe that he poses a real threat to community safety.


    This is what it is all about Carol:

    A Love Letter to Greg Renouf from your Nefarious Enemy Kevin Annett


    I guess that it’s just coincidental that such a tale about me started circulating soon after I was unceremoniously canned and banned from that station after ten years as a programmer when I spoke on the air about eyewitnesses who saw RCMP officers taking native women out to the Pickton snuff film farm.

    Maybe you can check with your buddy Inspector Montague about that one.


    As below so above; As above so below[/quote]

    Grenouf is a black op, Government paid agent according to Annett in the blog talk radio I posted up.. I also found this video.. this Rabbit hole just gets deeper..


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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada)

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:49 am


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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada)

    Post  Carol Sat Jul 14, 2012 7:59 am

    Thank you for the links and other information everyone.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada)

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Jul 14, 2012 4:16 pm

    Dozens of people rally to our class action lawsuit – Mohawk-Onkwehonwe elders reaffirm support for Kevin Annett and ITCCS/ACP – and the black ops campaign against us intensifies as our lawsuit proceeds

    Dear friends,

    From mothers who’ve lost their children to in-house child trafficking, to native people searching for their murdered relatives, many victims of church and state are rallying to our class action lawsuit that commenced on July 4 in a Federal Court in Toronto. Since that day, more than thirty people have contacted us to sign onto our class action suit.

    Meanwhile, news of our effort has been reported on media around the world and has even prompted diplomatic inquiries to the Canadian government by other states.

    Jason Bowman, who commenced the suit on behalf of The Association of Citizen Prosecutors (ACP) and our ITCCS, expects to proceed soon with the next aspect of the case, despite a heightening “black ops” campaign to derail and discredit our efforts by full-time operatives like a shadowy figure going by the name of “Greg Renouf”.

    Predictably, that campaign has focused on trying to defame both Bowman and me by circulating on the internet unsubstantiated and false claims about both of us.

    In response, we’ve posted some material to counter these lies and rumors, including this recent note from Cheryl Squire of the Mohawk-Onkwehonwe Nation, who is one of the elders who authorized me and the ITCCS to operate on their territory and conduct excavations at mass graves at the Church of England Indian residential school in Brantford, Ontario:

    Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 12:06:58 AM

    Subject: Re: “The Elders of the Mohawk Nation parted company with Kevin Annett” (Frank Miller video): Google Alert – Mohawk Nation

    Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to let you all know that the video Frank Miller put out regarding Kevin Annett is his own personal opinion and he does not speak for the Mohawks at Kanata Village in Brantford.

    As you will notice in the video, it is done at the long house with a bunch of strays Frank got together to make it look like he has some support. Frank Miller and his partner have been informed that they are no longer welcome at Kanata because of the video he put on you tube which is nothing but lies.

    The truth is that Frank Miller is jealous of Kevin and just simply has great difficulty understanding how the modern world operates. Kevin still has a lot of support from the people who attend mtgs at Kanata and he is welcome to come back to Brantford whenever he chooses to continue his work regarding the residential schools.

    For those of you who don't know me, I am 100% Mohawk from Grand River Territory. I have been involved in Native politics for the past 40 years. I have two years of college, a university degree in psychology and 15 yrs. experience working front line at the Children's Aid Society of Brant. I retired last April. So I do know right from wrong and when someone is "simply lost".


    cheryl squire csquire8 at

    The criminals in high office who we’ve been battling for years always drop us strong clues by their reactions to our efforts. And from the sudden increase in such overt smears against us, we’re on the right track and have them worried.

    Clearly, focusing on their criminal liability for planning and concealing genocide in collusion with pharmaceutical companies is striking at the Achilles Heel of church and state. So we will press on all that much harder because of their mounting attacks.

    Please help us by ignoring the lies being circulated about us by “Greg Renouf” and his associates. Renouf has already been named as a provocateur and disruptor by activists in Vancouver and Toronto, and has even claimed that our entire lawsuit is a “hoax”.

    In truth, copies of the Court Application and Affidavit submitted by Jason Bowman are available online and can be sent to you on request.
    More importantly, you can provide your best help by circulating our updates and evidence as widely as possible, and join our legal and public protest actions over the months ahead.

    Thanks to you all, and keep your hearts pure, your courage strong, and your minds vigilant and clear. This battle has just begun, and our hopes are high!
    More updates are coming.

    Kevin Annett


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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty What a Debaucle

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:54 pm

    Issued by the Council of Elders of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS International Office)
    Brussels, Belgium

    9 pm GMT , Tuesday, July 17, 2012

    The Council of Elders of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) has unanimously decided to withdraw from the alleged lawsuit in the Federal Court of Canada (FCC) brought by Jason Bowman on behalf of our Tribunal and our representative, Rev. Kevin Annett – Eagle Strong Voice.

    This withdrawal includes Rev. Annett, and is effective immediately, as of 9 pm GMT or 4 pm Eastern Standard Time.

    We have terminated our involvement in this alleged lawsuit after learning from FCC officials in Toronto, Canada that no such case has in fact been filed with them by Mr. Bowman.

    This decision of our ITCCS Council arises from our resolve to bring about a genuine, competent and effective legal assault on the Crown and the Vatican, and other institutions, for Crimes against Humanity.

    Our nine-nation Tribunal represents the hopes and efforts of thousands of victims of crimes by Church and State to bring these institutions to trial and ultimate dis-establishment for their ongoing Crimes against Humanity. Our first obligation is to these victims, and we will let nothing and no-one impede their goal of genuine recovery and justice.

    Our Tribunal has decided to withdraw from the Jason Bowman action for three reasons:

    1. The failure of Mr. Bowman to file the case in the Federal Court of Canada (FCC) or to exercise proper care and professional diligence, after his public announcement of the case at a press conference held by Mr. Bowman in Toronto on July 4, 2012;

    2. Mr. Bowman's failure to respond to our concerns or to communicate his reasons for not filing the case, or to explain his strategy or actions either to our Tribunal or to his co-plaintiff, Rev. Kevin Annett, and

    3. The fact that to proceed with a case in the Federal Court of Canada is to operate within a court that is not of competent jurisdiction to address the matter of crimes against humanity by the Crown itself.

    That is, to pursue an action in the FCC would be to recognize the jurisdiction and legitimacy of the very institution we are confronting and naming as an agent of Crimes against Humanity, and would thereby negate and sabotage our own case, specifically by violating Article 25 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which is a foundation of our case.

    Our Tribunal wishes first of all to reassure all victims of crimes by Church and State that, rather than representing a step backwards, our disaffiliation from the Bowman action is a step towards a genuine and professionally competent attack on the church, state and corporate agents of genocide and other crimes.

    That is, the ITCCS and Rev. Kevin Annett intend to proceed now with many other plaintiffs to take the same evidence and case against the Crown, the Vatican, the government and churches of Canada, and pharmaceutical companies to jurisdictionally competent courts of law not under the authority of the Crown of England or so-called "canon law". These courts will include those based in other nations as well as de jure Common Law courts within Canada.

    We are already working with legal teams in several nations to commence proceedings in such courts.

    To clarify, our original aim in supporting the Bowman action in the Federal Court of Canada (FCC) was compelled by the requirement under International Law to "exhaust all domestic legal remedies" before bringing a case into a non-domestic court of law such as the International Criminal Court. We saw Bowman's efforts as a way to do so.

    However, this aim has been irretrievably compromised by Mr. Bowman's behavior and the fact that proceeding in the FCC will violate Article 25 of the Rome Statute, which compels all citizens to refrain from supporting or colluding with agencies of regimes guilty of Crimes against Humanity – such as, in this case, the government and churches of Canada and the Vatican.

    Let us also clarify that, ever since May of 2012, when Mr. Bowman first approached our Canadian representative, Rev. Kevin Annett, and offered to launch a lawsuit with Rev. Annett as a co-plaintiff, the entire process of proceeding with this lawsuit has been completely in Jason Bowman's hands.

    Our Tribunal and Kevin Annett have been forced to rely entirely on Bowman, his word and his judgement, in this matter. We proceeded to do so in good faith, despite having had no previous contact with or knowledge of Bowman or his organization, the Association of Citizen Prosecutors, which after inquiry appears to have no identifiable history.

    Neither Kevin Annett nor any member of the ITCCS has been in a position to affect Mr. Bowman's actions or the process of filing this case in the Federal Court, and we have consistently been kept in the dark by Mr. Bowman about his daily actions and ultimate legal strategy. Such a defective modus operandi by Bowman is self-destructive and bodes poorly for the success of any joint legal action with him against our wealthy corporate oppositon.

    Clearly, Mr. Bowman's negligence and unexplained delay in filing the case has provided great aid and ammunition to our powerful opponents. They, and various misinformation agencies and internet operatives, have used and are using Bowman's delay in filing the case to attack and destroy our credibility, and undermine the legitimacy of our years-long campaign against genocide and crimes committed by Church and State. We cannot allow this destructiveness to carry on.

    In closing, we wish to make it clear that:

    1. By this statement and our withdrawal from the alleged Bowman lawsuit, we are not implying anything about the motives or personal character of Jason Bowman; and

    2. At no point did our Tribunal or Rev. Kevin Annett aid or conspire with Jason Bowman or any other party to mislead or defraud the public or the court in this matter, but at all times we acted only in good faith, and with trust in Mr. Bowman and his declared efforts.

    We regret that our trust and faith was, in this case, misplaced.

    Despite these events, we remain even more committed to pursuing the legal prosecution and eventual dis-establishment of the Crown, the Vatican, and the other named defendants as conspirators in Crimes against Humanity, in de jure common law courts and other public arenas. We will not be deterred in this effort by any momentary delay or unprofessional disruption.

    We call upon concerned citizens everywhere, and all survivors of church, state and corporate terror, to rally behind our efforts and to contact our office or Rev. Kevin Annett at to join our legal campaign.

    Issued respectfully as a Public and Media Statement
    by the Council of Elders, ITCCS International Office, Brussels
    17 July, 2012

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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada)

    Post  mudra Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:28 am

    Kevin Annett 15 September 2012 Announcement

    Love Always

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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada)

    Post  gscraig Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:29 pm

    It's funny how for decades information has come to the forefront regarding Catholic priest involved with groping children even through the mainstream media outlets. Yet, someone launches a law suit and all of the sudden, that organization must defend itself more than the Church. The stranglehold that operation has foisted on the human species is unbelievable. The power we give these men of GOD.

    Keep their churches full and their pockets fat in exchange for the polishing of the shackles on your feet, mind and soul. Ever wandered why to this date, when they gained possession of the found Dead Sea Scrolls, they have yet released these findings...more specifically in it's entirety?


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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:38 pm

    I keep wondering if Earth is a Subsidiary of a HUGE Galactic Business Empire -- with Banking, Religion, and the Military at the Center of the Control Structure??!! I'm not necessarily saying these things shouldn't be central -- but the abuse and corruption seem obvious. What is it they say about Absolute Power??? Even Jesus said "I Must Be About My Father's Business". One might interpret this several ways. I keep thinking we need a Homeostasis Between the Royal-Model and the Servant-Model -- with Royal-Judgment and Representative-Voting. This is a Mysterious-Blend.

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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada)

    Post  mudra Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:23 pm

    Kevin Annett September 17, 2012 Announcement - Summons Issued

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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:39 pm

    I continue to wonder what things are REALLY like at the highest levels of secular and sacred governance in this world and solar system. I continue to suspect that the realities are NOT nice at all. I guess this is why I continue to attempt to deal with the madness (including the topic of this thread) by focusing upon solar system governance. I don't know much about it -- and I'm often not sure I really wish to know -- but a critical mass of humans and other than humans should probably work toward improving things in this solar system -- at the highest levels of governance. I continue to suspect that both divinity and humanity are highly problematic -- but I certainly don't know the details. Just going after the Pope and the Queen (and Distinguished Company) will probably NOT solve the alleged problems and abuses. I have NO idea what to do -- which is why I limit my activities to this little website. I truly do not know which way to jump.

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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada)

    Post  mudra Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:51 am


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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada)

    Post  mudra Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:47 am

    The International Common Law Court of Justice - Canada's Genocide

    The following presentation convenes the International Common Law Court of Justice. The case and evidence are presented online to an international panel of Judges and volunteer citizen jurors. Please take some time to review the case and evidence presented in this historic event.

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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada)

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:12 am




    Rev Kevin Annett: 5 Judges, 58 citizen jurors try Vatican, UK Crown for child genocide

    <object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Surviving as a Whistleblower: Kevin Annett

    Post  Aquaries1111 Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:00 pm


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    Post  mudra Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:40 am

    Rev. Kevin Annett - International Common Law Court of Justice

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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada)

    Post  mudra Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:13 am

    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 1-96638c17cc

    This book is dedicated to the more than 50,000 children whodied in “Indian residential schools” operated jointly by thegovernment of Canada and the Roman Catholic, Anglicanand United Church of Canada – and to those who continueto suffer and die from the consequences of these crimes.Any part of this book may be reproduced, photocopied,recorded or transmitted for non-commercial purposes,provided that acknowledgment is made of its author.For more information about the author or this work’ssponsoring organizations, or to order copies, please see thesesites:

    Or contact the author at:

    ph: 250-591-4573(Canada)


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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kevin Annett Public Declaration To The Vatican

    Post  Jenetta Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:34 pm

    Thanks Mudra...look forward to perusing it!
    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 187111

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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:43 am

    If my theory about a hypothetical Reptilian-Human Nazi-Mason-Jesuit Galactic-Empire is even partially true -- especially regarding the potential punishment and exploitation of Humanity -- this alleged horrific child-abuse phenomenon might make a bit more sense -- in a rather horrifying manner. That David Icke -- Arizona Wilder interview was quite graphic -- and I have no idea how true or false it might've been. I continue to be very impressed by that Icke introductory monologue. All I know is that there seems to be something dark and ominous at the core of this solar system. I have no idea who the guilty parties really are -- human and/or otherwise. The more I model idealistic modalities of solar system governance -- the more attacked and miserable I become -- and my sci-fi imagination conceptualizes some VERY upsetting and disorienting possibilities -- which make Star Wars seem somewhat tame -- and I'm NOT joking. I keep thinking about the City-States, the United Nations, and the Darkside of the Moon regarding what I suspect is a very bad present state of affairs -- and a potentially idealistic transformation of that which presently exists. I keep thinking about Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer as Ancient Brothers and/or Sisters in Arms -- who might've fought side by side -- and then potentially turned on each other -- and formed various alliances. I have no idea. The more I think about all of this -- the more my mental and spiritual state deteriorates. There are those who could reveal the Real-Story to me -- but they continue to choose NOT to give me the gory and sad details -- which might be just as well. I doubt that I could handle the truth. Hell, I can barely handle the lies...

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    Rev Kevin Annett: Public Declaration to the Vatican & The Republic of Kanata (Canada) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rev. Kevin Annett Public Declaration To the Vatican & Republic Of Kanata (Canada)

    Post  Jenetta Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:40 am

    Verdict & Sentence: Genocide In Canada

    Handed down by the Brussels-based International Common Law Court of Justice

    Arrest of 30 defendants commencing March 4th/2013 in a court order issued to them today February 25/2013.

    Defendants include Pope Ratzinger & the Vatican, Queen Elizabeth II, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada

    Reference: The current Pope is resigning the 28th of February

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    Post  mudra Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:22 pm

    WE THE JURY - Kevin Annett is joined by Mel & Lisa 2 March 2013

    Following on from the closing of the first session of the International Common Law Courts of Justice, Kevin Annett has began a series of Blog Talk Radio programs called WE THE JURY. The following clip is a recording of the first in the series, and features Mel Ve (Kevin Annett refers to Mel Ve by her legal fiction, Melani Spencer) of Freedom Central, and Lisa. The show is co hosted by Kevin's wonderful father Bill Annett.

    This show talks about the verdict of the Common Law Courts of Justice that has just happened, convicting Elizabeth Windsor, Joseph Ratzinger and Stephen Harper in relation to the child abuse, child murder, child rape and the cover up of the murder of children in Indian Residential schools in Canada.

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    Post  Jenetta Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:22 pm

    Is this why Queen Elizabeth II of England has gastroenteritis at the present time and is currently being hospitalized?


    This Friday, California Public Television will broadcast the complete Proceedings, Evidence and Verdict of our Common Law Court of Justice, to a viewership of millions of people.

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    Post  Jenetta Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:40 pm

    Just a small sample of why these charges are necessary...

    by Kevin D. Annett

    Murdered First Nations tribal member Billie Combes appears in a dream to Kevin speaking of the horrors he witnessed warning Kevin not to forget about the children who were sodomized, raped and murdered by Church and State.

    Special Report by Kevin Annett

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    Post  mudra Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:20 am

    How the Mighty have Fallen: The Next Steps in Reclaiming our World and Ourselves
    Posted on March 13, 2013 by itccs

    In just over one month, history has been made.

    One Pope has fallen, the Vatican is in disarray, and heads of state are evading arrest warrants after being publicly tried and sentenced for Crimes against Humanity.

    And thanks to the February 25 verdict of our Common Law Court, the legitimate authority of the Vatican and the British Crown has been disestablished by the fact that their heads of state are now wanted criminals.

    As at the Nuremberg Trials, not only criminal actors but the system they represent have been lawfully judged and sentenced before the world. Our Common Law Court verdict has given all of us a rare historical opportunity to reclaim power from those who have for so long usurped it.

    The question now faces us: Will we do so?

    To grasp the momentous nature of what has happened and the glowing chance humanity has been given to free itself of its oldest tyranny, let's remember a few key events:

    January 30, 2013: The International Common Law Court's Prosecution concludes its case against Thirty officials accused of Genocide in Canada, including the Pope and four top Vatican officers. The Accused do not respond to or deny the charges. The Jury of thirty three sworn citizens then judges the evidence.

    February 4: A diplomatic note is issued to the Vatican Secretariat by a European government working with our Common Law Court, concerning its impending Arrest Warrant against one of the accused, Joseph Ratzinger (aka Pope Benedict)

    February 11: Joseph Ratzinger resigns as Pope

    February 15: Ratzinger is given sanctuary and "legal immunity" by the Vatican

    February 25: The Common Law Court Jury unanimously finds Ratzinger, Elizabeth Windsor and 28 others guilty as charged of Crimes against Humanity and Criminal Conspiracy, and sentences them to 25 years imprisonment and loss of property and authority. The guilty are given one week to comply.

    March 3: The occupation and seizure of church property begins in Canada, England, the United States and Italy.

    March 4: The guilty do not comply. Common Law Citizen Arrest Warrants are then issued by the Court for the detainment of Ratzinger, Windsor and others. Attempted arrests proceed.

    March 7: A Public Notice declares that the legal and political authority of the governments, courts and police of the Vatican, Canada, England and other Commonwealth nations is nullified and disestablished. The Notice calls for new Constitutional Republics in these countries and for Civil Constitutions which nationalize church property and governance. (see, March 7)

    Our Goal, and The Next Steps
    For years, the aim of our movement has been to uproot the institutional and spiritual source of centuries of murderous crimes against the innocent by the corporate empire known as the Vatican, and its many offshoots. We have begun to do so now, lawfully and openly.

    The mask has finally slipped, for those who can see and understand. The perpetrators of the worst Genocide in human history stand not only condemned and sentenced, but legally and morally disestablished.

    As well, the aura of legitimacy and authority – what some call the Archon, or the overarching spiritual or "group mind" of the institutions we have judged – has been shattered, in the manner of a massive collective exorcism. A spell has been broken, the Angel and Archon of Rome has departed, and the ground has been prepared for a new seeding.

    The collapse of Rome is sending an enormous shock wave across our planet, on many levels: for the authority of most governments and corporations that have dominated and ruined our world emanate from the legal and belief system established by the Vatican Empire.

    Equally powerful has been our resurrection of the Common Law as a practical weapon to restore justice and sovereignty to the people.

    Everything, in short, is in transition; and the cowering of supposed "rulers" in evasion of our Arrest Warrants is a clear sign that the "mighty" are indeed fallen, and falling.

    Taking back the power from these criminals is up to every one of us now. But how will we assert this new freedom and identity, and reclaim the world?

    We're already beginning. In eight countries, twenty one local action groups have formed to reclaim the property and lands of the criminal churches named in our Verdict. And in Canada, England, the United States and Italy, the Citizens' Arrests of the guilty "Dirty Thirty" is commencing.


      Current date/time is Wed Sep 18, 2024 6:29 am