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    66-foot concrete dock washes ashore in Oregon, may be from 2011 Japan tsunami


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    66-foot concrete dock washes ashore in Oregon, may be from 2011 Japan tsunami Empty 66-foot concrete dock washes ashore in Oregon, may be from 2011 Japan tsunami

    Post  Carol Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:58 am

    66-foot concrete dock washes ashore in Oregon, may be from 2011 Japan tsunami Dock
    66-foot concrete dock washes ashore in Oregon, may be from 2011 Japan tsunami Dock2_uni
    66-foot concrete dock washes ashore in Oregon, may be from 2011 Japan tsunami
    June 7, 2012 – OREGON - A massive, 66-foot concrete dock mysteriously washed up on the Oregon shore this week. And officials are trying to figure out if the floating structure had traveled all the way from Japan after the March 2011 tsunami. Local affiliate KATU reports that the dock has a placard with Japanese writing that they are attempting to translate. In addition, the station traced a phone number on the placard to a business located in Tokyo. The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department sent a picture of the placard to the Japanese consulate in Portland for review. “We don’t know where it’s from,” said Chris Havel with the parks department. “We don’t know if it’s from Japan or not but we have to eliminate those possibilities as we go forward.” Even if the dock did travel thousands of miles to reach the shores of Oregon, it did not defy physics to get arrive there. While the structure is nearly 70 feet long, 7 feet tall and 19 feet wide and made of concrete and metal, it was also reportedly designed to float. The dock was first spotted floating offshore but has now made its way to land. Kirk Tite was walking along the beach on Tuesday with his two sons and described the dock as a “massive hunk of concrete and metal covered in sea creatures.” They also found a Japanese symbol and imprint on tires attached to the dock, although those could simply indicate that the tires themselves were made in Japan. –Yahoo News

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1684
    Join date : 2010-04-29
    Location : Canada

    66-foot concrete dock washes ashore in Oregon, may be from 2011 Japan tsunami Empty Re: 66-foot concrete dock washes ashore in Oregon, may be from 2011 Japan tsunami

    Post  Micjer Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:23 pm

    Lucky a ship didn't hit it while it floated out at sea. Nuke

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