Proof positive of creating a generation of disable kids who totally are stressed out due to their medical condition resulting from these shots and subsequently stress out their parents. This type of situation creates all types of health care costs and the medical communities answer is more drugs, which do not work and create more brain damage. Our daughter was in treatment since the age of 2 after the shots and has been in counseling her entire school life dealing with the cognitive and behavioral backlash of what these shots did. She is now 16. My husband and I are trained professionals and it was a huge challenge raising her. She was an only child. I can just imagine what this is like with multiple children and not having any professional training along with limited financial resources. If I didn't know what the signs were ahead of time I wouldn't have known something was very wrong or even that neuro-biofeedback treatment was an option. Fortunately I recognized the autism symptoms and could counter act some of it. However, she has Aspergers which means she is quite gifted. Teaching her the appropriate emotional response and behavior skills - along with helping her to develop empathy towards others has been ongoing. When she was little we were dealing with multiple meltdowns throughout the day, screaming, tantrums, throwing stuff, trying to injure others or herself, and so on it goes. It was so bad my only hope during those years is that it would get better because it was so bad it couldn't get worse. In the beginning I knew I had to hold her so she could injure herself and sometimes it would take 45 minutes or more before she would calm down. We used to have to wrap her in a sheet so she couldn't injure us or trash her room. People who have never had to deal with the outcome of what these shots can do have no clue of the damage they do to the children and their families - let alone the impact on society. Now are daughter is an A student, funny, delightful, empathetic and doing well. We still have her poor self-image to work with and she really prefers to stay at home then go out and socialize because of how her past behavior had such a negative impact on other children in school. This whole time we have been working with her on her social skills and self-image. She's finally getting it but the worst of it is she has a medical condition created by the pharmaceutical companies and the Health Department's campaign to vaccinate all children. Why do they get off scott free? Answer me that.
Having worked in the Public Health Department I knew the shots were dangerous and did not want to give them to her. My husband, the nurse, was brain-washed by the medical community and insisted she get them. He took her to get them. Then we both had to deal with the fallout. So that was 16 years ago and this information is just making MSM. How utterly, utterly tragic for all of the children and families that had to suffer because of what the pharmaceutical companies and Health Departments have been doing all of these years.
How many generations of damaged kids are there now? And who picks up the tab? No wonder America is going down the tubes.