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    World Liberation Day


    Posts : 101
    Join date : 2012-01-07
    Location : In the Zoo called "Earth"

    World Liberation Day  Empty World Liberation Day

    Post  Chimpsky Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:52 pm

    Sorry if some one has already posted this, but I couldn't find it.

    On one of Carols posts there was a link to,

    Well on there was a plea for people to watch this & participate, I'm going to as I can't see any down side to it, and well it just might help sunny

    I've heard some things about this Drake character but don't have the time to read up the back story on every tom dick & harry blogging on the interweb Hypnotize

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    Drake's explanation about World Liberation Day. Listen to the interview from 35 to 37 minute mark:

    Drake Audio Clip: World Liberation Day 5/5/2012

    Posts : 23280
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    World Liberation Day  Empty Re: World Liberation Day

    Post  mudra Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:23 pm

    Thank you Chimpsky

    World liberation day global meditation time table:

    5:30 pm HAST May 5th (Hawaii)
    7:30 pm AKDT May 5th (Alaska)
    5:30 am SAST May 6th (South Africa)
    6:30 am EEST May 6th (Bulgaria)
    7:30 am MSK May 6th (Moscow)
    9:00 am IST May 6th (India)

    If your place is not listed, you can find world time zones map here:


    Love for You

    Posts : 101
    Join date : 2012-01-07
    Location : In the Zoo called "Earth"

    World Liberation Day  Empty Re: World Liberation Day

    Post  Chimpsky Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:46 pm

    Cheers Mudra, I think it is all to do with frequencies, like they play classical music in parking lots to disperse winos & drug users

    We need to change the frequency to chase them out, they have monopolised the occult against the masses, its time for change Big Grin 3

    We can really effect change with our own imaginations & intents, and take the initiative The Winner

    Posts : 23280
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    World Liberation Day  Empty Re: World Liberation Day

    Post  mudra Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:04 pm

    Chimpsky wrote:Cheers Mudra, I think it is all to do with frequencies, like they play classical music in parking lots to disperse winos & drug users

    We need to change the frequency to chase them out, they have monopolised the occult against the masses, its time for change Big Grin 3

    We can really effect change with our own imaginations & intents, and take the initiative The Winner

    I whole Heartedly agree with you Chimpsky Cheerful
    That's where The Karen it all begins


    See You under the next full moon

    Love for You

    Posts : 23280
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    World Liberation Day  Empty Re: World Liberation Day

    Post  mudra Fri May 04, 2012 4:15 am

    Just got this from 13 .
    I thought the Natural Time Calendar we are now in ties in nicely with the idea of the Independance meditation .

    On the Natural Time Calendar, we are now within Moon 11 on the Spiral of the 13-Moon Year: The Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation (May 2 - May 29). On this sacred timing system, each of the 13 Moons correspond to one of the 13 Tones of Creation. This Moon 11 brings the focus of Tone 11: The Spectral Tone of Liberation, also invoking the key words: Dissolve and Release.

    We have now completed Moon 10 - The Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, and now we move on, into the energetic of Tone 11, and the Totem of Serpent. "The snake dwells in so many places, climates and environments, comes in so many colors, shapes and sizes that this creature can be said to be one of the most versatile of all. Indeed snakes represent versatility, transmutation and change, their natural inclination to shed their skins, leaving behind the old, and adapting to the new, supports this idea."

    Where Tone 10 asked us to produce and manifest, Tone 11 invites us to now let go and release! The Spectral Tone invites us to open to the full range of possibilities, like the Rainbow Serpent, embracing the full spectrum of life! Tone 11 is the essential energy of liberation that comes after manifestation in Tone 10, and before we crystallize into a higher order in Tone 12.

    As Jose Arguelles wrote in Mayan Factor: "11 represents the dynamic of dissonance accounting for randomness and non-stability." The teaching of Tone 11 is let go of rigidity, embrace chaos, dissolution, and release from structure. We are invited to release allegiance to limitations, reliance upon format, and fixation upon control.

    Therefore, this Moon cycle is the time to free up energy, to break routines, to let go and shed what no longer serves, and to let energy travel through all parts of our lives. Let us welcome a new 28-day cycle to learn from and grow within, together! As we continue evolving and awakening, anything is possible! As Frank Owen said: "This universe of ours has no boundary. No one has ever been able to find its edge. Even the sun we see each day is but one of billions. We all dwell inside the body of this vastness."

    In Lak'ech - I am Another Yourself
    Eden Skywalker

    Love from me

    Posts : 23280
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 69
    Location : belgium

    World Liberation Day  Empty Re: World Liberation Day

    Post  mudra Fri May 04, 2012 4:34 am

    The Global Coherence team will also be holding a synchronized Care focus meditation on the day of the coming full moon


    Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s May 6, 2012 full moon (03:33 GMT/UTC) synchronized Care Focus. Thank you for being with us. In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (GMT/UTC minus 8 hours ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.*

    Note: The following website – – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone. Select time: 8 p.m. (date optional). Convert from: Location: U.S.A. – California – San Francisco. Convert to: Location: Select your Country/City.

    Let’s start by connecting in the heart with everyone in the Global Care Room and radiating love and appreciation to each other.

    The frequency pitch of the planetary consciousness shift is accelerating and the speed of change, internally and externally, is becoming more obvious. Our mental and emotional energy is often more amplified and the collective electromagnetic energy field is impacted by increased solar activity. This is affecting everything from our personal inner balance to electrical disturbances in the internet and other electronics. While the acceleration is due to more light coming into the planetary system, it can often be difficult to keep up with. Many people are feeling more tired, frustrated, anxious and overwhelmed, and at times mentally confused by so much unusual change happening. These are some of the standard symptoms of the planetary energy shift and many of them will pass in time.
    For this May Full Moon Care Focus, let’s radiate heart-focused care with the intention to imprint the consciousness field with love, peace, ease and calm to help people find more flow and balance. Radiating heart energy can help slow down the vibratory rate of the mind and emotions, helping to reduce some of the feelings of tension and allowing change to take place with more clarity and less stress.

    We’ll do this May full moon synchronized Care Focus together for fifteen minutes. It’s fine to stop sooner or continue longer if you choose. There will be music playing, or you can mute the music if you prefer.

    Care Focus: Finding Ease through Change
    Start by warming the heart with appreciation of someone or something in your life. Now breathe a feeling of inner ease through your heart area, and visualize aligning with your soul energy. This can help to slow down your mental and emotional vibrations, which increases the strength and effectiveness of your heartfelt intentions.
    Now radiate heart energy with the intention to imprint the consciousness field with ease and calm to help people find more flow and balance, allowing changes to take place with more clarity and less stress. Then for a few minutes, visualize the rapid unfoldment of this heart-based environment in all areas of the planet.

    After 15 minutes

    You can continue to do this Care Focus in the Global Care Room after the full moon period, to facilitate ease and balance through the accelerating changes.

    Thank you for your participation in this Care Focus.

    For those of you who are new participants in the synchronized Care Focus, when you log into the Global Care Room, you will see your green marker and the gold light points of others around the world in the Care Room at the same time. Realize that one gold light can represent a family, a group or an entire audience viewing the Care Room and doing the Care Focus together.

    *To join the GCI Care Focus in the Global Care Room, go to First time users will need to Sign Up for access. You can use the same e-mail and password that you use for the Global Coherence Initiative website to Sign Up. Then, simply log-in with your e-mail and password.

    Love Always

      Current date/time is Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:09 am