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    Kids Understand the Relationship Between Humans and Other Animals


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    Kids Understand the Relationship Between Humans and Other Animals Empty Kids Understand the Relationship Between Humans and Other Animals

    Post  rosie Tue May 18, 2010 11:52 am

    This article echoes my own feelings concerning the abilities children have, and lose as they are placed into the school system's and a society raised within cement walls. I see open air classrooms in the future, with children and teachers learning together, the mysteries of this life.

    Children raised close to nature always seem to be more "centered" with themselves, compared to a child who has been raised in an apartment complex setting. This study verifies the fact that we are born to communicate with nature also, not just with man.
    Kids Understand the Relationship Between Humans and Other Animals 83084
    Parents, educators and developmental psychologists have long been interested in how children understand the relationship between human and non-human animals. For decades, the consensus was that as children begin reasoning about the biological world, they adopt only one -- markedly "anthropocentric" -- vantage point, favoring humans over non-human animals when it comes to learning about properties of animals.

    Although 5-year-olds adopted an anthropocentric perspective (replicating earlier studies), 3-year-olds showed no hint of anthropocentrism. This outcome, considered in conjunction with recent cross-cultural evidence including Native American children, suggests a new model of development: Human-centered reasoning is not an obligatory starting point for development, as researchers and educators had previously assumed. Instead, it is an acquired perspective, one that emerges between three and five years of age in children raised in urban environments and one that likely reflects young children's keen sensitivity to the perspectives that are presented to them, however informally, within their communities and in the media for young children (e.g., stories and films in which animals talk, sing and act like humans).

    The researchers say that perhaps most importantly, this new evidence has strong and direct implications for early science education. "If young children's fundamental perspectives on the biological world -- and the place of humans within it -- are sensitive to the experiences, beliefs and practices of their communities, then by the time they enter school, children from different backgrounds may harbor different perspectives," said Sandra Waxman, a co-author and professor of psychology. "If we are to design more effective science curricula, then it is incumbent upon us to understand the diverse perspectives that even the very youngest children bring with them as they enter their classrooms."

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