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    Spirit does Matter


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    Spirit does Matter - Page 2 Empty Re: Spirit does Matter

    Post  mudra Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:24 am

    Spiritual Awakening and the Near-Death Experience
    Near-death survivors speak of the same mystical joy experienced by saints, yogis, and lamas. Meditation offers another path.

    When the mind closes down and the senses are stilled, mystics describe the sudden effulgence of pure light illuminating consciousness, accompanied by a flood of joy. After this experience, called enlightenment, illumination, or oneness with the Divine, people feel a happiness so unlike and above any other that they try to reach out to those still in the darkness we call everyday life. But enlightenment is not just for the saints, yogis and lamas who achieve it. It can come to any of us at any time--at the time of death, in a deep and life-changing dream, or in a supreme awakening in meditation. And it is within the reach of us all. We have only to want it and ask for it.
    I myself have wanted it, with deep passion, all my adult life. So in the early '70's, when I began to hear that ordinary men and women injured in a car wreck, or having major surgery on the operating table, felt their consciousness bathed in a flood of light, I got very excited. Their descriptions didn't sound that different from the enlightenment I was striving to reach by stilling the mind in meditation.
    By a lucky break, I got the chance to correspond personally with the guru of the near-death movement, the late Dr. Elizabeth Kubler Ross. She confirmed my hopes: the experience of light and bliss was indeed connected with something that happens at the time of death, or what our body believes is death. Because I was nowhere near enlightenment despite all my long hours of meditation, Dr. Kubler Ross's news opened to me a world of spiritual possibilities I had not dreamed of before. And then, the unthinkable happened: a member of my family had a near-death experience.
    My mom, stricken with the latter stages of Parkinson's disease, was lying in bed one night. She needed to go to the bathroom but found her muscles would not do as she wanted. In fact, nothing would; every single muscle locked. Not a thing could move, not even her finger. Her lungs refused to draw breath. The heart seemed to stop. Dad was there right beside her, but she couldn't call out. This was it: total lockdown. Nothingness, and utterly desolate abandonment. the end of everything-death.
    As my mother later recounted to me, a surge of life-giving energy came then from nowhere, pulsating through the blood, suffusing the heart. Unutterable joy filled her every cell. And she heard a voice in her consciousness saying, "You are wonderful. You have always been wonderful. And you will always be wonderful."
    My mom knew then that nothing could take away from her what she truly was. Physically she was not cured; Parkinson's disease continued to wrack her body. But the power of that experience nevertheless made her feel she was floating in bliss for a full five days. And even after that, she told me, no matter what pain her body suffered or indignity her condition subjected her to, that wonderful glow never left her. When, near the end of her life, we taught her to say the mantram "Rama" as continuously as she could, this formed a continuous link with her own deep inner experience. She knew she was wonderful, life was wonderful, and even death would be wonderful. As in the case of Mahatma Gandhi, her last word in this life was "Rama."
    My mother had been a good wife, mom, and friend. But she was in no way remarkable. Was the experience of bliss flooding her wracked body different in any way, say, from the vision St. Francis had when he said, "If it had continued for a minute longer, I would have melted away"? Literature on near-death experiences will tell you that, even if Mom's epiphany was different in degree from that of great sages and teachers, it was in no way different in kind. Nor is the light that floods the consciousness of that person who nearly dies on the operating table any different in kind from the Buddha's experience under the bodhi tree 2500 years ago. So is enlightenment indeed possible for all? Here is why I have come to believe that it is.
    Medically, near-death experiences like my mom's are caused by air hunger. The person cannot breathe, the heart muscle fails, and powerful substances are released, potent ones to dull and make bearable the colossal pain of the dying process.
    I am constantly asking myself why this experience is accompanied by such a profound feeling of spirit. The only answer I can give at present is the one that I have received from the experience itself-a love so profound, deep, and unifying that is seems it can only come from a universal presence and from nowhere else.

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    Post  mudra Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:31 am

    Explaining out-of-body and near-death experiences

    This article expatiates on the phenomenon of out-of-body experience(OBE) , astral projection , etheric projection and near-death experience based on the works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, who used the term exteriorization to denote all such phenomena. Please note that this post is *not* a how-to guide on astral projection. It is dangerous to forcibly attempt any kind of exteriorization or astral projection for it may put one into contact with malevolent supernatural forces which could even lead to one’s death. It is better to let exteriorization happen naturally with the practice of Yoga and under the guidance of an able Master/Guru.

    To die, to sleep;
    To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;
    For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
    When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
    Must give us pause:

    (Shakespeare. Hamlet Act 3, Scene 1)

    The Yogic explanation of all out-of-body phenomena is based on the fact our being is composed of five major sheaths (see Constitution of Man) and that these sheaths correspond to various planes of the Universe(see Cosmology). Our total consciousness is not limited to the physical body but is actually distributed into the various sheaths. There are links which join these sheaths and the whole composite is held together by the psychic being (soul). At the time of death, the psychic being dissolves these links and then the various sheaths fall apart.

    Note that there is no such thing as unconsciousness; what we experience during sleep, trance or fainting is just a transfer of consciousness between the various sheaths of our body. A Yogin accomplishes this transfer of consciousness from one sheath to another through meditation.

    There are four states of consciousness as per the Mandukya Upanishad:

    Waking (Jagruti): In the waking state, our consciousness in terms of mind, vital and physical is focussed on the physical world.
    Dream (Swapna): When we fall asleep, our consciousness withdraws from the physical world and retreats into the occult mental and vital worlds. For a Yogin, this withdrawal of consciousness occurs as part of meditation itself. One may identify two stages in this dream state:
    The first stage we experience after falling asleep is a state of slumber where our consciousness lies submerged near the subconscient. After waking up from this state, we remember little except some incoherent images recorded in our own subconscient. In medical terms, this stage is called NREM or non-REM sleep.
    The next stage occurs when a major portion of our consciousness transfers into the vital or mental sheaths. This transfer occurs spontaneously in those who have well-developed Udana Prana (The Udana Prana or Upward Moving air is one of the five major Pranas which comprise the vital body or Pranamaya Kosha). This rise in consciousness enables our inner sheaths to separate from the physical body and travel independently in their own domain giving rise to the phenomenon called OBE. In medical terms, this dream experience occurs during REM sleep. Dreams and OBE occur more frequently than we assume but we do not remember them because our inner sheaths lack the ability to record what is happening in those other worlds. This inability to remember disappears with the practice of Integral Yoga when we are able to interiorize better (i.e. when growth in consciousness enables us to navigate effectively in the occult world.)
    Deep Sleep (Sushupti): Here, the consciousness shifts into the causal body and we experience the state of Divine Bliss (Sachchidananda) which refreshes and energizes the soul. In medical terms, this is called slow-wave sleep
    “The Fourth” (Turiya): This is the state which encompasses all the three described above. It is the state of a person who has gained liberation (salvation). The liberated soul is conscious of all sheaths at all times and is able to navigate unrestricted through the various occult worlds. It is as the Buddha described “I am awake” because there is no fall into the subconscient at any time.

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    Post  mudra Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:08 pm

    Consciousness Drives The Universe

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    Post  mudra Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:54 am

    Metaphysical Misunderstanding - The Truth of Co-Creation

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    Post  mudra Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:01 am

    Part 1- Power of KI (気) or CHI (氣) or "QI" known as Internal Energy video series

    Part 2- Power of KI (気) or CHI (氣) or "QI" known as Internal Energy

    Part 3- Power of KI (気) or CHI (氣) or "QI" known as Internal Energy

    Part 4- Power of KI (気) or CHI (氣) or "QI" known as Internal Energy

    Part 5- Power of KI (気) or CHI (氣) or "QI" known as Internal Energy

    Part 6- Power of KI (気) or CHI (氣) or "QI" known as Internal Energy

    Part 7- Power of KI (気) or CHI (氣) or "QI" known as Internal Energy

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    Post  mudra Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:20 pm

    A gift from Lawless through facebook

    The Incredible Power Of Concentration - Miyoko Shida

    The extraordinary Power of Silence ...

    Thubs Up Thubs Up Thubs Up 

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    Post  mudra Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:15 pm

    This is too amazing not to share

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    Post  mudra Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:38 am

    Mind Over Matter: Princeton & Russian Scientist Reveal The Secrets of Human Aura & Intentions

    A Russian scientist has been studying the human energy field and is claiming that people can change the world simply by using their own energy. While this idea is not new, not too many have taken the time to scientifically go about proving such ideas -although the field of quantum physics has shed some powerful light on the topic over the years. Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, professor of physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University, states that when we think positive and negative thoughts, each have a different impact on our surrounding environment.

    “We are developing the idea that our consciousness is part of the material world and that with our consciousness we can directly influence our world,” said Dr. Konstantin Korotkov.

    We cannot see energy very easily with the human eye and thus the world of unseen energy can be difficult for the mind to grasp without scientific measurements to verify what is taking place. Perhaps this is why the study of consciousness affecting our reality has been virtually untouched for so long. To help create a bridge between our physical and unseen world, scientific experiments using a technique called bioelectrophotography are being carried out. In these experiments, an assumption must be made that states the human body and consciousness is constantly emitting energy. Following this assumption, Bioelectrophotography aims to capture these energy fields seen as a light around the body. In the metaphysical world this energy emission is known as a person’s aura, while in the scientific field, it is often refereed to as our energy field.

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    Post  Mercuriel Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:21 am

    I have come to find out that Spirit - Mine that is - Is the most valuable thing I will ever have.

    It is the "Liver / Experiencer" of Life and the Body and or Avatar portrayed. The Body/Avatar is merely the Suit that Spirit as It becomes Soul - Wears for a time or group of moments while It experiences All That Is in It's various mediums over Eternity.

    It is this Life - The Life of the Soul which is the most important. Hence why the Choices We make must be Wise ones as Our Soul will have to live with the Ramifications of those Choices longer than We may want to...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Post  mudra Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:47 pm

    Amazing Hydrokinesis and Aerokinesis Demonstration

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    Post  mudra Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:23 pm

    Lisa Harrison's Michael Monk Interview

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    Post  mudra Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:27 pm

    A Loving Relationship With Nature (Bamboo)

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    Post  mudra Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:44 am

    True Power

    The power that humanity understands and works with is not the true power, what we call energy is not the true energy. We only label something as being energy when it becomes measurable in the physical reality. Energy becomes measurable when resistance is applied to the flow/vibration and thus becomes heat or electricity. There would be no heat or electricity without resistance. Even lightning requires the air to resist it in order to manifest, otherwise it would be a smooth transfer from sky to Earth.

    True source energy free flows with zero resistance and is not measurable and thus the bulk of humanity refuses to believe in it. True power is communication and cooperation, not the force that ensues by applying large amounts of resistance to vibration. A true master gets their power by sending out source energy with zero resistance and communicates with the external universe. Atoms and molecules know when they are communicating with unconditional love and pure intentions and take great joy in responding to the desire of 'God' which is what you are when possessing those 2 qualities combined with an expanded soul.

    A true master can harness more power using invisible and immeasurable energy than could ever be achieved with nuclear bombs, power plants and other sources of what we 'believe' to be 'energy'. By projecting their consciousness into oneness with the external world and communicating unconditional love and pure intentions a master can alter the course of planets, even birth new suns. There is no limit to what can be done with communication combined with loving, pure intentions.

    The bulk of humanity have yet to learn the true power behind communication and pure intentions, thus they completely write off the power and abilities of the subtle energy fields that all humans emit. But mighty miracles can be wrought with proper use of the subtle energy we all emit. We cannot yet birth new suns but we can heal others, move wind, change weather, travel to other dimensions and many other wonderful and seemingly miraculous things.

    And I wish to state that the most miraculous thing we can do is merge our consciousness with the external universe, feeling all life as being an extension of our body. No greater joy, no greater pleasure exists than this. Imagine feeling all the atoms and molecules in the air, spinning and vibrating as being part of your very self. Imagine feeling the sunlight, even the sun itself as being an extension of your body. Infinite joy, pleasure, peace and love await one if they but take a little time to master their mind and understand energy.

    Michael Monk

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    Post  mudra Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:54 am

    Michael Monk | Michael Grubb | Telekinesis

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    Post  mudra Fri Nov 18, 2016 3:03 pm

    Robert Monroe's Out of Body Experiences

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    Post  mudra Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:41 am


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    Post  mudra Fri Jan 06, 2017 3:17 pm

    Qi Gong master Angela Yan's work 阎氏气功(中文字幕).mpg

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    Post  Swanny Sat Jan 07, 2017 6:09 am

    I could do with some of that to treat my frozen shoulder Water

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    Post  Carol Sat Jan 07, 2017 11:57 am

    This is for you Swanny.

    Spirit does Matter - Page 2 Sauna2

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Swanny Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:06 pm

    Thanks Carol I reckon that would help :)

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    Post  mudra Sat Jan 07, 2017 1:48 pm

    Swanny wrote:I could do with some of that to treat my frozen shoulder Water

    I am sure it would help Swanny.
    I am taking some chi gong classes this year.
    But I am still a beginner.

    Now Carol's sauna I am sure will do marvels in the meantime Cheerful

    As for me I am giving you a warm hug Swanny.

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    May your pain soon be relieved.

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    Post  Swanny Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:45 am

    Thanks Mudra xx Flowers

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    Post  mudra Thu Feb 09, 2017 3:46 pm

    Spirit does Matter - Page 2 5219b_java_51Y7244SZKL

    The Magus of Java - the story of John Chang

    Supernatural Power John Chang With Gong Powers Epoch Times

    John Chang - Mo Pai Nei Kung

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    Post  mudra Sun Sep 17, 2017 12:14 pm

    Become Invisible and Unknowable: Patanjali Yoga Sutra 128 Nithyananda Satsang 5 March 2011

    In this discourse, living avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda speaks on the samyama on sound. He elaborates on this sutra.

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    Post  JoeEcho Mon Sep 18, 2017 5:36 pm

    mudra wrote:Become Invisible and Unknowable.....

    Becoming invisible and unknowable is like playing the ultimate 'hide and seek' game.

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