Dr. Judy Wood has been presenting evidence that an energy weapon was what really took the towers down. Did you know that there were about 1200 toasted out cars in the surrounding blocks of the towers, yet no toasted people found from this. Many of the engines of the autos were gone... just plain gone! Then some burnt out cars found 3/4 mile from the towers
Did you know that first responders reported cars exploding all over the place?
1200 Cars toasted, flipped over, engines missing, yet no people on the street hurt. She suspects its because the cars have rubber tires allowing for the build up of energy in the vehicle.
Dr Woods states that these cars were not actually burned. That something else happened. The damage does not match the signatures of burn for the most part, al though there was some fire. When she says toasted she does not mean burnt, but she means totaled, unrepairable. Windows blown out and not even a shred of glass left. Also cars that look like they had sat there for years rusting... covered with rust.
I ask you? Have you heard about these cars? Did you know that this had happened? Her youtube videos will show you reporters on film going around looking at these cars, that were found and filmed before building 7 came down.
and steel toed boots melted but no burned feet?
EMTs on the bridge 1/2 mile away reported significant heat, yet no paper close to the site was burnt, yet you have cars totally distroyed.
She also discusses cold fusion.
and did you know that there was a hurricaine close to and perpendicular to NYC that was reported to be likely stronger than Katrina and it met with another high pressured system met over NYC the day of 9/11 yet no news weather report on it?
Her conclusion is that a weapon was used but not a conventional weapon of kenetic energy such as a bomb, or even airplanes crashing. It was likley directed energy, possibly microwave or something else.
here is her website:
Part 1 Where did the towers go by Judy Wood
Part 2
here is a one one on one interview of Dr Woods, and I cant seem to activate this video, sound quality is better and is very revealing. Why was this powerful hurricaine not reported on the days before 9/11?
and here in this red ice interview she says that the site is still dangerous