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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States


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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:44 pm

    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States China-russia
    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States:
    Rothschild Co-Opted United States Flooding Syria & Iran With The Same US-backed Al Qaida Mercenaries
    Who Toppled The Libyan Government.
    Grim Ministry of Defense bulletin issued to Prime Minister Putin and President Medvedev today states that President Hu has “agreed in principal” that the only way to stop the West’s aggression led by the United Statesis through “direct and immediate military action” and that the Chinese leader has ordered his Naval Forces to “prepare for warfare.” Hu’s call for war joins Chinese Rear Admiral and prominent military commentator Zhang Zhaozhong who, likewise, warned this past week that “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a Third World War,” and Russian General Nikolai Makarov who grimly stated last week, “I do not rule out local and regional armed conflicts developing into a large-scale war, including using nuclear weapons.”

    The raising of global tensions between the East and West was exploded this past fortnight when Russian Ambassador Vladimir Titorenko and two of his aides retuning from Syria were brutally assaulted and put in hospital by Qatar security forces aided by CIA and British MI6 agents attempting to gain access to diplomatic pouches containing information from Syrian intelligence that the United States was flooding Syria and Iran with the same US-backed al Qaida mercenaries who toppled the Libyan government.

    Further evidence in these diplomatic pouches, this bulletin says, reveals that the United States is preparing an“ultimate solution” to the Middle East Crisis should nuclear war break out by attacking Syria and Iran with lethalbiological agents intended to kill tens of millions of innocent civilians.

    The discovery of the biological agent to be used by the West was revealed a fortnight ago by Dutch virologist Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Centre in the Netherlands who lead a team of scientists that discovered that a mere five mutations to the avian flu virus was sufficient to make it spread far more easily and would make it the most lethal killer of mankind ever invented.

    States’ Constitutional Militias/Civilians Buy More Firearms In 3 Months, Than What It Takes To Outfit The Entire Chinese And Indian Armies Combined!
    “Crisis is an Opportunity”: Engineering a Global Depression to Create a Global Government. Should the US begin an attack utilizing this deadly virus, this bulletin continues, its most likely method of delivery would be via itsRQ-170 Sentinel Drone which is operated by the CIA.

    These frightening assessments of future US actions against its enemies were revealed in this bulletin based upon Russian intelligence analysts examination of the RQ-170 Sentinel Drone brought down over Iranian territory last week by the Russian made Avtobaza ground-based electronic intelligence and jamming system used against this unmanned aerial vehicle with little damage and that showed it be equipped with a sophisticated aerosol delivery system.

    more at link

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:48 pm


    To fully understand the underlying reasons behind the United States and its Western allies push for TotalGlobal War was recently detailed by the top American investigative journalist Greg Hunter whose shocking in depth report titled “Is the World Spinning Out of Control?” revealed that the entire edifice of the Western economic systems is crumbling under the weight of over $100 Trillion in debt no one is able to pay and wherein he warned: “Never in history has the world been this close to total financial chaos and nuclear war at the same time.”

    Sadly, but as always, the American people are not being allowed to know the horrific future their elite leaders are planning for them, a situation made even worse this past week when the US Senate passed a new law by a 93-7 vote that is warned will destroy America for all time by giving total control of this once free nation over to its military forces and destroy their Constitution.

    As we noted in our previous report, it is worth mentioning again the words of the American Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, who warned his fellow citizens over 200 years ago about what is happening today by saying:

    “I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.” -Thomas Jefferson

    “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:49 pm

    Obama Burns Through The Middle East With Orchestrated False Flags And America’s Blood On His Hands!
    The Obama administration plans to leverage charges that Iran plotted to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States into a new global campaign to isolate the Islamic republic.

    “It’s critically important that we unite the world in the isolation of and dealing with the Iranians,” Vice President Joe Biden said on “The Early Show” Wednesday. “That’s the surest way to be able to get results.” Biden also said that U.S. action against Iran could go beyond sanctions, but added that “we’re not going there yet.”

    Violation Of The War Powers Act By Barry Soetoro: Obama Facing A Domestic Military Intervention For His Removal

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:55 pm

    This is from last November.

    Anonymous releases it's latest message and warning of whats to come if we goto war with Iran.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:57 pm

    This is from June 2010

    Iran has been antagonized by the western Media particularly the US media, most Americans do not even realize that Iran is not an arab country and is more secular than Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Nonetheless, arabs too have great rich culture and are loving people. Iran is a Persian nation with a distinctive culture and language. Annual Purchasing Power Parity makes Iran the 17th largest economy which is continuing to diversify. Iran the first country to develop an engine that runs on natural gas is now the 16th largest automaker in the world. Contrary to statements made by govt officials, Iran is not an anti semitic country and currently is home to over 20 thousand Jews. The Islamic Republic may not be the true representation of the Iranian people but under the new theocracy, Jews actually received better treatment than before and Iranian Jews are free to visit Israel to see family members. I wish one day the US will ally with Iran like they did during the 2001 Herat Uprising and join forces in fighting terrorist groups like the Taliban, an old threat to Iran and the region.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:59 pm

    This is from last October 2011.

    RUSSIA WARNS USA, ISRAEL, NATO AGAINST ATTACK ON IRAN CONSEQUUENCESRussian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned the United States and other Western nations on Thursday against imposing unilateral sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program, Interfax news agency reported.

    The European Union has said it may impose unilateral sanctions if a UN Security Council resolution fails.
    Global Terror
    Iran eases grip on al-Qaeda / Associated Press
    American intelligence officials concerned movement of terror group operatives in and out of Islamic Republic foreshadows release of Qaeda's 'management council'; former CIA officer says, 'Movement like this doesn't augur well'
    Full Story

    US President Barack Obama's administration has been lobbying Western companies not to do business with Iran, but has not imposed sanctions against them.

    Countries facing Security Council sanctions "cannot under any circumstances be the subject of one-sided sanctions imposed by one or other government bypassing the Security Council", Lavrov was quoted as saying by Interfax.

    "The position of the United States today does not display understanding of this absolutely clear truth."

    Russia is in talks with the United States and other UN Security Council members on a fourth round of sanctions. Moscow has indicated it could support broader sanctions but has stressed they must not harm the Iranian people.

    'Clear signs of improvement'
    Washington has not publicly warned of unilateral sanctions but has made clear it wants tougher measures than veto-wielding Security Council member Russia is likely to accept.

    Permanent Security Council member China has joined Russia in opposing Washington's plans to impose tough, wide-ranging sanctions on the Islamic Republic over its refusal to suspend sensitive uranium enrichment activity and open up fully to UN nuclear inspections.

    Lavrov's warning came just before the arrival in Russia on Thursday of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil, a non-permanent member of the Security Council that is also opposed to further sanctions against Iran.

    Lula was expected to meet senior Russian offihown clear signs of improvement, specifically with the signing of a nuclear-disarmament treaty that would reduce their deployed nuclear warheads by about 30 percent.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:03 pm

    RT: China Says Either WW3 or New World Order
    As the leaders of two of the world's biggest and fastest-growing emerging economies meet in Moscow, political analysts predict the strategic co-operation between the two nations could shift the balance of power in the world.

    “I believe the world is now at a historic crossroads,” Dr Kiyul Chung told RT. “Or some may say the world is at the brink of either being subdued or overcoming the US/NATO military intervention in Libya, [which is] now moving possibly to Syria or even to Iran, if Russia and China, or [the] Shanghai Co-operation Organization are [too] weak to stop US-led NATO military aggression in [the] North African region So I hope Russia and China [can] lead this new global movement to balance the power in the world, so they can build new world order where no more unilateral, aggressive or even colonial methodology [is] being put into a sovereign nation such as Libya.”
    “China-Russia trade and economic relationship and huge development between the two nations, I believe, is not only impacting the European continent, but also the global scene,” added Dr Kiyul Chung. “This economic and trade relationship is not limited only to economy, it is also a strategic relationship. So, it is going to have a huge impact on the world.”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:20 pm

    US military intelligence: ‘Iran won’t start the war’
    17 February, 2012 - In a briefing over the escalating hostilities between the US and Iran, American intelligence officials say it is unlikely that Iran will initiate any military action against the United States. If and when the US does launch a strike on Iran, however, the consequences could be catastrophic.

    Speaking from Washington, DC this week, Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lieutenant General Ronald Burgess said an attack at the hands of Iran is unlikely, unless, of course, the US acts first. Burgess also added that, despite increased sanctions imposed by the US and a build up of American military forces surrounding the country, Iran is unlikely to halt the nuclear program that has become the cause of international concern.

    "Iran today has the technical, scientific and industrial capability to eventually produce nuclear weapons. While international pressure against Iran has increased, including through sanctions, we assess that Tehran is not close to agreeing to abandoning its nuclear program," Burgess said.

    The United States and some of its allies insist that Iran is producing nuclear warheads; Iran says their research is working towards atomic energy, not nukes. As the US continues to come down on Iran for allegation of a weapons program, Burgess warns that Tehran shows no signs of terminating their efforts anytime soon.
    If the US tries to terminate it themselves, however, there could be trouble.

    "Iran can close the Strait of Hormuz at least temporarily, and may launch missiles against United States forces and our allies in the region if it is attacked," Burgess explained this week to a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing.

    "Iran could also attempt to employ terrorist surrogates worldwide. However, the agency assesses Iran is unlikely to initiate or intentionally provoke a conflict," the lieutenant general added.

    With an Iran-initiated attack unlikely in the eyes of the American intelligence community, that gives the US an upper hand in deciding on a date to begin an assault of their own.

    Recent weeks have seen escalating concerns over an Iran-Israel conflict and how the US could end up at war if they decide to come to the aid of their Israeli allies. Burgess told the committee, “To the best of our knowledge Israel has not decided to attack Iran.” But given the lovey-dovey relationship between the allies, an attack out of Israel would likely prompt the US to begin an attack immediately.
    read more at link

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:23 pm

    Iran threatens to hit US targets worldwide in case of war
    08 February, 2012 - On Wednesday the Iranian ambassador to Moscow, Seyed Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi declared that Iran has the capabilities to carry out military strikes on US interests around the globe.
    This comes after President Obama announced the United States would freeze all Iranian assets held in the US. The executive order which was signed on Monday was in reaction to what the US is calling deceptive practices by Iran.

    "The issue of a military attack from America on the Islamic Republic of Iran has been on the agenda for several years," said Sajjadi.

    The building provocation by Washington has been cornering Tehran and Sajjadi has stated that a US-led attack on Iran would be like committing suicide. Sajjadi went on to say Iran would by no means attack first.

    According to Sajjadi, “Even if it (US) attacks, we have a list of counter actions.”

    Sajjadi's words don't seem to be empty words. Last Thursday, Israeli Deputy Prime Minister, Moshe Yaalon, disclosed that, according to his sources, the big blast at the Iranian missile base near Tehran in November of last year blew up a new missile system with a range of 10,000 kilometers, one capable of targeting the United States.

    Iran has warned the US and its allies that a military strike would be "painful" and Iran would be forced to aim their aggression on Israel and US bases in the Gulf. In addition a closure of the Strait of Hormuz would quickly follow. The US and its allies have attempted to force Iran to shut down their nuclear programs for fear of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons and at the same time the US Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, has gone public admitting Iran does not have nuclear weapons. Iran has stated their nuclear program is not for military purposes and insists a nuclear bomb is not in the works.

    Despite Panetta’s statements Washington has not disregarded the military option. Additionally, Panetta has announced that Israel may launch a military strike on Iran within the next 90 days. However, the Iranians remain defiant in the face of such threats.

    “The Americans know what kind of country Iran is. They are well aware of our people’s unity,” said Sajjadi.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:26 pm

    ‘Israel to strike Iran in April, May or June’ – US Defense Sec
    03 February, 2012 - US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has said that Israel could attack Iran in the next few months. This follows Israeli reports that Iran has the capability to develop four nuclear bombs and reach the US with a missile strike.
    Panetta sees a ‘strong possibility’ of an Israeli strike on Iran in either April, May or June, according to Thursday’s Washington Post. The attack would occur before Iran enters a so-called ‘immunity zone’, when its nuclear facilities will be too heavily fortified for an attack to succeed.
    Post columnist’s David Ignatius, who broke the story, believes the overriding fear in Israel is that Iran has come close enough to making a nuke that only the USA will be capable of militarily stopping them.

    Ignatuis was once called “mainstream media’s chief apologist for CIA crimes” by Johns Hopkins’ Melvin A. Goodman over the former’s support for US intelligence and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Panetta and the Pentagon declined to comment on the Post’s piece, though Reuters has anonymous confirmation from the White House of the Defense Secretary’s position.

    Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Friday worshippers that “threatening and attacking Iran” would only harm the United States. “In response to threats of oil embargo and war, we have our own threats to impose at the right time," according to the Jerusalem Post.

    Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak also announced late on Thursday that a “nuclear Iran will be more complicated to deal with, more dangerous and more costly in blood than if it is stopped today”. “Whoever says later might find that it will be too late,” Barak added.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:28 pm

    The Secret Solar System Rulers seem to plan this sort of thing -- decades ahead of time -- for who knows what reasons. Why Do We Have to Have Any Wars Whatsoever? Why Don't We Skip World War Three and the New World Order? But haven't we had a World Order for thousands of years? Hasn't the Damned Antichrist really been here for thousands of years? Why Do We the People of Earth Keep Allowing the People (and Other Than People) Behind the Curtain to Keep Manipulating and Playing Us Like the Completely Ignorant Fools We Seem to Be? When will the corrupt stop ruling the stupid?

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:36 pm

    Destination Persian Gulf? US nuclear sub and destroyer enter Red Sea

    Laser-guided smart-bombs: Made in Iran

    ‘War in Iran would mean WWIII’
    30 January, 2012 - The military build-up and economic sanctions against Iran are designed to unleash a global war from the Mediterranean to China with unpredictable consequences, warns Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

    Fear and loathing in Central Asia: Will US go to war with Iran?
    As sparks fly dangerously close to the powder keg of US-Iranian relations, speculation is rife and rumors are spreading like wildfire. Will there be a war? Who wants it? And what will happen to this very lucrative region?

    ‘US builds hospitals in Georgia, readies for war with Iran’
    The United States is sponsoring the construction of facilities in Georgia on the threshold of a military conflict in Iran, a member of Georgian opposition movement Public Assembly, Elizbar Javelidze has stated.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:45 pm

    US officials believe Iran sanctions will fail, making military action likely
    • Growing view that strike, by Israel or US, will happen
    • 'Sweet spot' for Israeli action identified as September-October
    • White House remains determined to give sanctions time
    Officials in key parts of the Obama administration are increasingly convinced that sanctions will not deter Tehran from pursuing its nuclear programme, and believe that the US will be left with no option but to launch an attack on Iran or watch Israel do so.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:49 pm

    Iran sends 'message of peace and friendship'...
    Dispatches warships back to Mediterranean...
    Iran claims its navy enters Mediterranean as tensions with Israel grow
    18 Feb 2012 -The admiral said the deployment would also convey Tehran's "message of peace and friendship." The claim, released through the official Iranian news agency, came at a time of growing speculation that Israel will launch airstrikes against Iran's nuclear programme.

    William Hague: Iran sanctions are 'peaceful and legitimate'

    Last edited by Carol on Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    We Are You

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Let´s hope we can avoid WW3

    Post  We Are You Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:53 pm

    Let´s hope we can avoid WW3

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:35 pm

    A brief history of Iran and America's relations and the facts that have led to this political gridlock. This is something that as an American you MUST WATCH!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:55 pm

    What in the world is going on?

    Follow the money.

    Who benefits from a war with Iran? The US and Israel?

    How would the US get out of paying off a debt when it's broke? Create a global diversion via conflict and war.

    Who really gets the shaft? Everyone who participates or are touched by war. Humanity, the environment, life itself.

    How to beat them all? Don't go to war - period. War is not an option.

    There are ways to handle this without the loss of any life. Perhaps it is the US that should have sanctions set against it?

    Perhaps Iraq will RV its currency and reset the global economy - however for who? The globalists? Certainly for some of the common men.

    What is really happening in the world of finance? Complete financial global meltdown.

    Who should be held accountable for this financial mess? - think individuals who orchestrated this, participated and benefited.

    How to get the US money under control? (Think change the color of the currency for starters just to outfox the counterfeiters)

    How to hold the US accountable for what it owes? Think US oil reserves. The US has more oil in reserves then the entire middle east. US citizens would never have to pay tax, have free gas and all US debts could easily be repaid. The entire US infra structure could be rebuilt. If Congress can vote to bail out the bankers it can also vote to seize US oil and use it for the benefit of the US and not the globalists.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:54 pm

    How do we structure a solar system economy where war cannot gain a foothold? In other words, how can we take the profit out of war? Jesus said 'The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil'. I tend to interpret this as 'The Irresponsible Pursuit and Use of Money is Evil'. I think we should study what Jesus said, and apply the principles and concepts in new and innovative ways, to our day and age. To me 'War is a Sin'. I think the United States and China should be Best Buddies -- and we should never go to war with each other. We should be 'Business Partners' rather than 'Sparring Partners'. We need to pretty much eliminate violence in this solar system. But having said that, I suspect that we might need some sort of a massive Solar System Defense Infrastructure -- which might be used to defend against outside threats -- but which would never be used against member states of the hypothetical United States of the Solar System (or equivalent).
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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Wellfare State and The Law of One (Scandinavian Economic Model and The Unconditional HIGHEST LOVE)

    Post  We Are You Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:44 am

    "The whole world (Earth) is kept as 3D scenario as far as at least one of us is improving ourselves everyday by HIGHESTLAW (unconditional LOVE), sure we do can"

    ""The entire universe is within the human mind. All minds are within all minds. We
    mutually live within the thought spheres of others. The economic and social problems of each
    person live in everyone; no one is alien to another. We are all within the mind of everyone
    else. The beggar lives within the mind of the rich man and the latter lives in the mind of the
    beggar. We are all submerged in the ocean of universal mind." Whoever seeks/wishes to solve all his/her economic and social problems must also find a solution for everybodyelse as well, this is The Law of One (unconditional HIGHEST LOVE)."

    "Worldwide unconditional LOVE in practice is the solution (not worldwide deadly radiation), that is no question about this one, let´s make it simple simply the best like this, sure we can do."

    "Nothing is more important than LOVE"
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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty

    Post  We Are You Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:14 pm


    Fundamentals of Gnostic Education, a book by Samael Aun Weor
    Fundamentals of Gnostic Education Gnosis, the consciousness, and Learning How to Think.

    "The fundamental education is the science of the consciousness; it is the science that allows us to discover our relationship with human beings, nature, and all things." - Samael Aun Weor

    In this amazing and deeply moving analysis of the problems that exist in modern systems of education, Samael Aun Weor demonstrates with superior logic and tremendous love how vital it is for people to learn not "what to think, but HOW to think." By awakening the consciousness and developing the heart and mind in equilibrium comes the potential to alter the painful realities that humanity is suffering within every day. Perhaps his most quotable book, it is an absolute necessity for all students of the Gnostic tradition, and is especially beneficial for instructors and parents.

    "What is the value of studying law and becoming lawyers if we perpetuate fights? What is the value of accumulating much knowledge within our mind if we continue to be confused? What is the value of technical and industrial skills if we use them for the destruction of our fellowmen? It is worthless to receive instruction, to attend classes, to study, if in the process of our daily living we are miserably destroying one another. Indeed, the true objective of a fundamental education must be to create true men and women, who—because of their psychological integration—are cognizant and intelligent." - Samael Aun Weor

    The Revolution of the Dialectic, a book by Samael Aun Weor
    Religious Principles
    Written by Samael Aun Weor

    All religions are precious stones strung on the golden thread of Divinity.

    All religions conserve the eternal values. False religions do not exist.

    All religions are necessary; all religions fulfill their mission in life.

    It is absurd to state that our neighbor’s religion is useless and that only ours is authentic. If the neighbor’s religion is not good then my religion is not good either because the values are always the same.

    It is stupid to state that the religion of the indigenous tribes of America is idolatry because they too have the right to say that our religion is idolatry. If we laugh at them, they can also laugh at us. If we say that they adore or that they adored idols, then they too can say that we adore idols.

    We cannot discredit the religion of others without discrediting ours as well because the principles are always the same. All religions have the same principles.

    Under the sun, every religion is born, grows, develops, multiplies into many sects, and dies. This is how it has always been and will always be.

    Religious principles never die. The religious forms can die, but the religious principles, in other words, the eternal values, can never die. They continue; they are re-dressed with new forms.

    Religion is inherent to life in the same manner that humidity is to water.

    There are profoundly religious people who do not belong to any religious form.

    People without religion are conservative and reactionary by nature. Only religious people can achieve the revolution of the dialectic.

    There is no reason that justifies religious wars like those that have occurred in Ireland. It is absurd to classify others as unfaithful, heretics, or pagans because of the simple fact that they do not belong to our religion.

    The sorcerer, who in the heart of the African jungles exercises his priesthood before the tribe of cannibals, as well as the aristocratic Christian archbishop who officiates in the metropolitan cathedrals of London, Paris, or Rome, rest on the same principles. The only thing that varies is the structure of their religion.

    Jesus, the Divine Rabbi of Galilee, taught all human beings the path of the Truth and the revolution of the dialectic.

    The Truth was made flesh within Jesus. The Truth will become flesh within every human being who achieves Integral Revolution.

    If we study religions, if we perform a comparative study of religions, we will then find the worship of Christ within all of them. The only thing that varies is the name given to Christ.

    The Divine Rabbi of Galilee has the same attributes as Zeus, Apollo, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl, Lao-Tse, Fu-Xi the Chinese Christ, Buddha, etc.

    One remains astonished when one carries out a comparative study of religions because all of these sacred religious personages that personify Christ are born on the 24th of December at 12 o’clock midnight.

    All of these sacred personages are children of immaculate conceptions. All of them are born by the deed and grace of the Holy Spirit. All of them are born from Virgins who are immaculate before childbirth, within childbirth, and after childbirth.

    The poor and unknown Hebrew woman Mary, mother of the adorable Savior Jesus the Christ, received the same attributes and cosmic powers as that of the Goddess Isis, Juno, Demeter, Ceres, Vesta, Maia, Adonia, Insobertha, Rea, Cybele, Tonantzin, etc.

    All of these feminine deities always represent the Divine Mother, the Eternal Cosmic Feminine Principle.

    Christ is always the child of the Divine Mother. Worship of the Divine Mother is rendered by all the holy religions.

    Mary is fecundated by the Holy Spirit. Tradition narrates that the Third Logos in the shape of a dove, fecundated the immaculate womb of Mary.

    The dove is always a phallic symbol. Let us remember Peristhera, nymph of the court of Venus, who was transformed into a dove by love.

    Among the Chinese, the Christ is Fu-Xi, the Chinese Christ who is miraculously born by the action and grace of the Holy Spirit: While a virgin named Hoa-Se walked on the river bank, she placed her foot on the footstep of the Great Man. Immediately she was affected emotionally seeing herself surrounded by a marvelous splendor and her womb became with child. After twelve years had gone by, on the fourth day of the tenth Moon, at midnight, Fu-Xi was born. He was named Fu-Xi in the memory of the river on whose river bank he was conceived.

    In Ancient Mexico, Christ is Quetzalcoatl, the Messiah and transformer of the Toltecs: One day, while Chimalmat was alone with her two sisters, a messenger from heaven appeared to her. Upon seeing him the frightened sisters died. When Chimalmat heard from the angel’s mouth that she would conceive a boy, the conception of Quetzalcoatl (the Mexican Christ) took place instantly, even though Chimalmat had not been with a male.

    Among the Japanese, the Christ is Amida, who by praying for all sinners intercedes before the Supreme Goddess Ten-Sic-Dai-Tain. Amida, the Japanese Christ of the Shinto Religion, is the one who has the powers to open the doors of Gokuraku - Paradise.

    The German Eddas mention the Khristos, the God of their theogony, who similarly to Jesus was born on the 24th of December at midnight; the same occured with Odin, Wotan, and Belen.

    When one studies the Gospel of Krishna the Hindu Christ, one is astonished upon discovering the same Gospel of Jesus. However, Krishna was born many centuries before Jesus.

    Devaki, the Hindu virgin, conceived Krishna by the action and grace of the Holy Spirit. The child-God Krishna was transported to the stable of Nanden and the gods and angels came to adore him. The life, passion, and death of Krishna are similar to that of Jesus.

    It is worthwhile to study all religions. The comparative study of religions leads one to comprehend that all religions conserve the eternal values, that no religion is false, that all are true.

    All religions talk about the soul, about Heaven, Hell, etc. The principles are always the same.

    The Averno was the Hell among the Romans. The Tartarus was the Hell among the Greeks. The Avitchi is Hell among the Hindus, etc.

    The Olympus was Heaven among the Romans and Greeks. Each religion has its Heaven.

    When the religion of the Romans terminated, when it degenerated, the priests then became soothsayers, jugglers, etc. Nonetheless, the eternal principles did not die. Those principles were dressed with the new religious form of Christianity.

    The pagan priests, denominated Augur, Druid, Flamen, Hierophant, Dionysus and Sacrificer, were re-baptized in Christianity with the sacred titles of Clergy, Pastors, Prelates, Pope, Annointed, Abbot, Theologian, etc.

    The Sibyls, Vestals, Druidesses, Popesses, Deaconesses, Menades, Pythonesses, etc. in Christianity were denominated as Novices, Abbesses, Canonesses, Superior Prelates, Reverends, Sisters, and Nuns.

    The Gods, Demigods, Titans, Goddesses, Sylphids, Cyclops, and Messengers of the gods of ancient religions were re-baptized with the names of Angels, Archangels, Seraphim, Powers, Virtues, Thrones, etc.

    If the gods were adored in antiquity, they are also adored now, except with different names.

    Religious forms change according to the historical times and the races. Each race needs its special religious form.

    People need religion. People without religion are in fact totally barbarian, cruel, and pitiless.

    Revolution of the DialecticThis chapter is from Revolution of the Dialectic (1983) by Samael Aun Weor.
    We Are You

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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty

    Post  We Are You Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:56 pm


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    ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States Empty Re: ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:57 pm

    I haven't done much commenting on countries I know very little about -- including China -- not because I don't love them -- I simply don't wish to place my foot in my mouth (especially when my head is up my....never mind). What worries me a lot, is the Shadow Manipulation of All Countries (including China).

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