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    Native American Student suspended for speaking in his native american language


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    Native American Student suspended for speaking in his native american language Empty Native American Student suspended for speaking in his native american language

    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:49 am


    Posts : 2228
    Join date : 2011-02-28
    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    Native American Student suspended for speaking in his native american language Empty Re: Native American Student suspended for speaking in his native american language

    Post  Sanicle Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:24 am

    That's quite a strange story in that she seems to have been the only one suspended when it also says that she was speaking the native tongue with two friends who were also of the Menominee tribe. So why weren't they all suspended. The only thing I can figure is that the teacher assumed she was being insulted by this young girl, or something to that effect. But, even if that's the case, it's still a really bad basis on which to suspend her and I don't blame them in the least for being upset.

      Current date/time is Tue Jan 14, 2025 1:00 am