Carol Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:11 pm
John Clarke and Bryan Dawe calculate the cost of the European debt crisis - A comedy routine. It may seemed hilarious but this is actually what's happening. Without all the financial jargon, any layman can understand what is happening to the current economy crisis.
How can broke economies lend money to other broke economies who haven't got any money because they can't pay back the money the broke economy lent to the other broke economy and shouldn't have lent it to them in the first place because the broke economy can't pay back?
QUOTEWe fight wars to make sure that banks get their compound interest.
Why did we go after Sadam Husein? Because he threatened to use Euros for payment for oil. Why did we go after Ghadaffi? Because he wanted gold for payment of oil. Why are we going to go after Iran? Because Iran wants real wealth instead of US dollars. Plus, Russia is an ally of Iran. We will be at war with Russia if Iran is attacked by us. Putin kicked out the he must also go away. War, what a racket. Thanks banks