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    WHITE HATS REPORT #31- October 27, 2011


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    WHITE HATS REPORT #31- October 27, 2011 Empty WHITE HATS REPORT #31- October 27, 2011

    Post  Carol Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:37 pm

    WHITE HATS REPORT #31- October 27, 2011 Men-in-White-Hats-The-Trainer-
    WHITE HATS REPORT #31- October 27, 2011
    How can a Stage Two Alzheimer Patient continue to terrorize American and World Leaders!?
    America is in grave danger by Washington Autocracy who have continued to fail to address the criminal actions of Bush Senior's Dark Cabal who are in collusion with renegade bankers to destroy not only America's, but the entire World's financial system. America is not immune to the collateral damage from other countries, because our financial systems and currencies have become homogeneous and interdependent. An unchecked system has allowed the greed, self interest, and criminal activities of a few to prosper while the rest of the world collapses. JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Citibank and Wall Street stand ready to fall, as they are cross invested in the European Union with substantial loans and trading portfolios. America is in a free-fall led by a clueless President who is involved in vast criminal manipulations, a puppet on a string controlled by Bush Senior's Cabal and George Soros.

    As the global financial system spirals faster and faster to a bankrupt state, Bush Senior and Obama plan for their next move. Obama is preparing for his exit as a failed one term President, with Senior allowing him to spend more time congregating his stolen offshore bank funds, which we last reported exceeded 11 Billion Dollars. He has degradated America with the ultimate scam. And a long time ago Bush Senior started to make plans for his escape. Hence, the Bush family, Soros and cohorts over the last several weeks have been flying in mass equipment and assets to their heavily fortified 100,000 plus acre Paraguay Ranches. As the World's major financial system collapses, their plan is to take all their stolen assets and escape to the old Nazi Safe Haven immune from extradition. The Paraguayan newspapers have already announced the future arrival of the Bush family. Our justice system is neutered to stop and apprehend them. The world looks at America aghast with disbelief.

    By the end of next week investigators will have completed a comprehensive report on Bush Senior, exposing the location of his stolen global banking funds. Upon completion we will also detail an expose of Obama’s fraudulent funds. Furthermore, this information will be made available to the proper global authorities for future criminal investigations.

    As the G20 countries struggle for a global financial solution, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Nicholas Sarkozy now realize their own survival is being threatened and entrapped with the sinking ship. They see the demise of Bush Senior’s power and the disintegration of the old Cabal. Although they both understand that Bush Senior’s Dark Cabal still has some power, the encroaching reality that Bush Senior has entered the second phase of dementia is now perceived that it is time to review Geo Political loyalties. Simply stated, “The King is losing his mind,” but make no mistake that even now Senior is still calling all the shots. Obama, Geithner, Bush Junior, the Clintons and other of the co-conspirators are still moving to the will of the puppet master.

    As an example of Bush Senior’s control, as we have viewed from recent European Union events, we are very concerned that the present actions of Chancellor Merkel may possibly reveal that Bush Senior or his co-conspirators may be bribing or threatening Merkel if she does not prevent or derail by any means a solution to the European financial crisis. Remember the Cabal's new world order can only succeed with the failure of the global financial system.

    Even though Bush Senior maintains control over some of the political powers, we are seeing signs of his collapse. We have reported that Josef Ackermann played a focal role in conjunction with Bush Senior, but due to Josef Ackermann's clear criminal exposure and visibility via the White Hats, the Bilderbergs have now severed their relationship with Ackermann in hopes of preventing criminal activities encroaching on them. Ackermann's wheels are coming off. Dr. Michael Herzog has threatened to tell all when he is arraigned over the Falcone fraud executed by Ackermann, Mitt Romney, Bush Senior and other co-conspirator’s associates. We can now report from further investigation that Bush Senior, Mitt Romney and Josef Ackermann made approximately 3 Billion Dollars together with their criminal partners Dr. Michael Herzog and Paul Guenette stealing from Edward Falcone. The CIA was also a recipient of Falcone’s stolen funds. Ben Bernanke tracked this transaction following Falcone's stolen funds, but later took no action due to pressure from Bush Senior. How will the new CIA director, an honorable man and true patriot, react to this?

    Now that we see signs of the collapse of the Dark Cabal, a demented King slowly losing his mind to Stage Two Alzheimers and a President perceived by the world as greatly inept with his moral authority lost and his moral compass destroyed, the World is ready for a financial and political reset. We have reported that money exists via the World Global Settlements and lawful obligations by the United States Treasury to patriotic individuals which would more than suffice to regenerate the World Global economies.

    The United States Treasury and Federal Reserve have been offered a simple and fast way out of our dilemma:

    1. Return the long overdue funds rightfully owed to patriotic Americans.

    2. Release the World Global Settlements.

    3. Repay what was stolen from Tropos Capital and all other missing funds.

    The Federal tax revenue alone will eliminate our national debt. This responsible action will immediately channel major US humanitarian and global infrastructure projects. This will immediately help resolve the Euro financial dilemma, create millions of jobs through industrial projects and new technologies, while building a new foundation that will not only benefit America, but financially stabilize the World.

    Edward Falcone is another American Investor ruthlessly betrayed in a Bush Senior fraudulent transaction. Falcone has planned substantial construction investment projects to develop and aid communities in Florida and other US states, which would create jobs and income security for Americans. Via an audit review, over 800 Billion Dollars has been created by inter-Bank compound trading with Falcone’s stolen funds. Based on Falcone's stolen funds, the British Tax Authority may have missed 160 Billion (US Dollars) in tax revenue. This does not include all the other transactions that could possibly run into the trillions of dollars in tax revenue owed to the British Government. The largest beneficiary of these funds was the CIA, and secondly Bush Senior, whose accounts we are presently tracking. Instead of Falcone's earned capital going as planned to help America, it has triggered theft and bribery of corrupt Politicians.

    Remember, we reported a Two Hundred Million Dollar bribe taken by Vice President Joe Biden, offered by Hillary Clinton, acting for Bush Senior. Of the 3 Billion dollars reported above, Mitt Romney alone, acting with Bush Senior was paid over $1 Billion to front for Bush Senior. This money was stolen from Falcone’s program. Falcone and his associates have already communicated with key Republican Senators and their plan to remove Romney as a Presidential candidate by filing a Federal lawsuit against Romney, Bush Senior and his associates. Falcone is using the same strategy now as he did when Romney was a Vice Presidential candidate for John McCain. Just when he is most vulnerable and a likely candidate, Falcone will share the incriminating evidence and have Romney removed. The White Hats will make sure that all opposition parties are aware of the details of Romney's corruption. Romney cannot be allowed to be elected as yet another corrupt and bribe-taking United States President.

    This whole saga of Political and Banking corruption was predicated upon large scale use of London Banking, operating via nominee and hidden offshore accounts. Trillions of dollars have been traded in a series of bank programs making a total mockery of the humanitarian intent of these programs. Political entities and persons in high level positions have been bought off. Even the Bank of England itself is implicated in the Falcone affair along with Barclays, Deutsche Bank and HSBC Bank.

    This corrupt practice has now been exposed to the House of Lords and the Parliamentary Audit Committee under Margaret Hodge. While pressures and roadblocks will be imposed to delay investigations, once this gets into the hands of the opposition MP’s, Unions and media, exposure will create a Tsunami of redress consequences. It will blow the lid off in a fire storm of retribution. There are possibly Trillions in withholding Taxes which have been avoided, and will face enforced collection by the Revenue Commissioners in London once appraised. The UK’s own Fiscal dilemmas can be resolved by simple Tax enforcement and conspiring Bankers being brought to justice. Murdoch’s own media interests will be well served to expose this as Political dynamite but that has a lot to do with what the Bildeberg’s direct him to do. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has no idea of the extent of their files being held, corruption activities becoming known and being systematically tracked. As this is exposed to the European Union and British media, IT’S GAME OVER! Watergate will look like a Kindergarten birthday party.

    THE WORLD GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS MUST BE RELEASED TODAY! Also, the Iraqi Dinar revaluation is a cross-linked element of the solution, but compromised by Bush family interests and co-conspirators who have demanded and received twenty percent (20%) of the Forex differential, when exchange valuations are set to underpin the new currency. In demonstration of the collusion between Bush and Obama, Obama has agreed to this “fee” for the Bush family. Yet Obama, nor any one person in the Administration, is willing to provide a justifiable and legal position for this “fee”.

    Will Obama finally realize he is being cut loose and that Senior has no more use for him? Does he realize that he is expendable and will take the major part of the fall? Can Obama be so blind or is Valarie Jarret not serving the interests of the President and thereby the interests of the American people? Senior has allowed him to steal in excess of 11 Billion dollars in fraudulent funds. Will Obama wake up and realize that Senior will never allow him to use these funds? THE ONLY CHOICE FOR OBAMA IS TO USE HIS EXECUTIVE POWERS AND RELEASE ALL THE WORLD GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS IMMEDIATELY! He still has the power to do what is right, but will his moral compass continue to be self edifying? Obama alone will take the final punishment and be the end of his own demise.

    All this and so much more has and will continue to be unveiled. Pay what is lawfully owed and get Americans back to work. Let real Patriots get Projects started. Investigate and start the political and banking clean-up NOW!

    What happens in the next few days may be the most important events in the history of mankind.

    Oct. 27, 2011
    Posted by The White Hat Reporters

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 174
    Join date : 2010-05-09
    Age : 67
    Location : Boulder, Colorado, USA

    WHITE HATS REPORT #31- October 27, 2011 Empty Re: WHITE HATS REPORT #31- October 27, 2011

    Post  LeeEllisMusic Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:13 am

    Carol wrote:

    THE WORLD GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS MUST BE RELEASED TODAY! Also, the Iraqi Dinar revaluation is a cross-linked element of the solution, but compromised by Bush family interests and co-conspirators who have demanded and received twenty percent (20%) of the Forex differential, when exchange valuations are set to underpin the new currency. In demonstration of the collusion between Bush and Obama, Obama has agreed to this “fee” for the Bush family. Yet Obama, nor any one person in the Administration, is willing to provide a justifiable and legal position for this “fee”.

    Will Obama finally realize he is being cut loose and that Senior has no more use for him? Does he realize that he is expendable and will take the major part of the fall? Can Obama be so blind or is Valarie Jarret not serving the interests of the President and thereby the interests of the American people? Senior has allowed him to steal in excess of 11 Billion dollars in fraudulent funds. Will Obama wake up and realize that Senior will never allow him to use these funds? THE ONLY CHOICE FOR OBAMA IS TO USE HIS EXECUTIVE POWERS AND RELEASE ALL THE WORLD GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS IMMEDIATELY! He still has the power to do what is right, but will his moral compass continue to be self edifying? Obama alone will take the final punishment and be the end of his own demise.

    All this and so much more has and will continue to be unveiled. Pay what is lawfully owed and get Americans back to work. Let real Patriots get Projects started. Investigate and start the political and banking clean-up NOW!

    What happens in the next few days may be the most important events in the history of mankind.

    Oct. 27, 2011
    Posted by The White Hat Reporters

    What's your take on this Carol? The dinar RV would be good for the global economy, so not good for the cabal's plans? Yet they are hedging their bets and the RV is happening either way? Do you think the release of the RV is in Obama's hands?

    Interesting series of reports on the dinar and Global settlements here: Wading through it now ~ ~ ~

    Perhaps I need some more schooling in Global settlements I love you

    Posts : 32046
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    WHITE HATS REPORT #31- October 27, 2011 Empty Re: WHITE HATS REPORT #31- October 27, 2011

    Post  Carol Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:59 am

    No I don't. Obama is now a puppet about to be retired. The IQD appears to be the best of the solutions to solve the global monetary crisis. However, I think the person who is most concerned about the welfare of his country and doing what he can to position it for this event is Shabibi. As a result of corruption and counterfeiting Shabibi's primary concern and goal is security of the banks. These requires some of the latest most advanced mechanisms being put into place which takes time to install and test. In addition, laws are being passed for authorizing the new payroll, the new lower denoms, and the new rate. As a result, this simple RV is no longer so simple due to it several factors. Once these challenges have been met then the RV will be in a position for a "Global Reset."

    According to one report, November 1st was the deadline for oil equipment to be removed from Iraq if it didn't RV. For the RV to happen Erbil Agreement also needs to be implemented. Meanwhile, other banking institutions are positioning themselves. For example, HSBC Bank is now the proud owner of DES Bank in Iraq.

    Just recently we read that the U.S. are pulling its troops out the end of December.

    Shabibi said that there would be no RV until security is in place. So this is key. Only security in this instance is in the flow and safety within Iraq's monetary system. The banks need to be in alignment with the modern world where even ATM machines and the ability to electronically community to the rest of the world is up and running. Shabibi knows exactly what he is doing and will take what ever time it takes to get all of Iraq's ducks in a row before the RV is announced.

    I also think the only one with any fiscal brains in the European sector is Merkel. I watched what happened to Germany when the "wall" came down and was in East Berlin with family two weeks before this happened. What Germany did and how they handled their finances is a lesson for the world, particularly the Western World.

    We read that the G-20 controls the World's currency and economy. One would think given the current fiscal mess that the global economy is in that they would be pressuring Iraq to RV. One would even expect the West to be pressuring Iraq to RV. Yet, I suspect this will not happen until Shabibi is satisfied that Iraq is in a strong internal fiscal position.

    For example, we have all watched supposed "drop dead" dates for the IQD to RV come and go.

    But the Mid-east does not think like the West. To them time is not time in the way the West thinks of time. Even in Asia this is true too. In the West fiscal business men tend to think of time as short term in quarterly, semiannual or annual payouts. Often in the mid-east and Asia there is all the time in the world to get things done - so there in more of an attitude of "no hurry" as time is endless as compared to coming to an end. Based on personal observation I've observed that the West can set deadlines all they want for folks like Shabibi but Shabiti will take all the time he needs to get the job done right in the first place. Only Shabibi knows what is needed for his country to be fiscally secure. He is the one person who has the big picture in mind and the understanding of multiple ramifications if the RV is not done right.

    It appears that Shabibi offers up little appeasements here and there to stretch out when the RV will actually happen but he is too intelligent to let the genie out of the bottle prematurely. So from all I've read from the various sources of intel, when Shabibi thinks his banks have got their act together and all is secure - is when he will announce the RV. Meanwhile, investors in IQD continue to wait until Shabibi gets what he needs to get security in place.

    What makes Shabibi unique is that he is a man of integrity who puts what is best for his people first and not the other way around. The Iraqis are very fortunate to have such a man at the helm of their fiscal emergence.


    The Rothschild's control the world.

    Banks are the problem because of they way they are run. The FED determines how they are run. The FED is in fact a bank - a very big bank. In fact they are a Central Bank. A private banking cartel with a monopoly on money creation which is enforced by the government. The private shareholders of the FED are banks. Very big banks. Banks that were too big to fail like the Rothschild run BOE for instance or Goldman Sacks or Chase or BOA - there are more. They get to shop at the special discount window - an exclusive club. The FED has worked very hard to keep their ownership and business dealings secret. Nevertheless they make about 800 billion a year from printing fiat money out of thin air and charging us interest on it. This is the biggest racket and ponzi scheme on earth. They take our hard earned wages as they charge us for fiat money that government could and should print interest free.

    This is what the occupy folks should be protesting - the FED racket. But they are deceived and misled just as the Tea Party which began as an anti-bailout anti-FED movement. They were taken over by the NEOCons and rendered politically impotent as far as effecting any real change. At this point they are a pro bailout and pro FED organization. Thus the world turns. To me it seems the Occupy movement is a controlled opposition group doomed to fail to bring any real change in the FED monopoly.

    Banks take in deposits (liabilities) and among other things, make loans (assets). If their loan/deposit ratio rises above 70% the regulators tend to become uncomfortable with the banks operation. Now when the bank lends, those loan funds become a deposit in that bank (usually) or in some other bank thereby generating more loadable funds. But that's a good thing because, assuming due diligence on the part of the lending bank, an economic purpose is served and general economic expansion occurs benefiting everyone. So unless sound loans are available, money is not created. And the loans better be sound because not only do the bank examiners become irritable but any losses first hit the "loan loss reserve" but also may become a direct hit on Capital. Capital is the investors money. Now with "Dodd/Frank", lending is an even more risky action. A simple request on the part of a sound barrower to roll over a loan can trigger a loan "write down" and diminution of the loan/loss reserve. Then under the Community Reinvestment Act, banks had to make housing loans in neighborhoods where they knew they were going to eat most of those loans. If they didn't they would be fined.

    Now do banks do stupid things? Indeed they do but usually there is a little government urging behind their stupidity. This was the case when Band of America bought Countrywide. But what was a big part of Countrywide's business plan? They sold their loans to Fannie and Freddie (government agencies) who provided a limitless secondary market for crappy residential loans. But that wasn't all; the lenders bundled the loans, securitized them and sold them as "triple A" all over the world. So the government by trying to serve a political non economic purpose (home ownership for all regardless of ability to pay) screwed up the whole economy. Housing was what triggered the U.S. economic downturn. The propensity of the current administration to interfere with private economic decisions will destroy freedom as we have known it and limit the ability of Americans to work hard and innovate.

    But as far as banks creating money, they do but only as an economic purpose can be served. The real creators of money are the Federal Reserve and the Federal Government. The Federal Reserve through operations of it's Open Market Committee can and does buy securities (government bonds) thereby placing money in the hands of former bond holders who then have a bank deposit. How did the Fed get the money to buy the bonds? They printed it! But the fed can do more, it can and does manipulate interest rates to serve economic and many say, political purposes. The Federal Government has not only the ability to tax, it has the ability to barrow and spend. So it does just that and wants to do more. Currently, about 42 cents of every dollar it spends is borrowed via the sale of government bonds. Now there are signs that some of those bond buyers are becoming reluctant. The sad part is that much of the spending and borrowing is simply to feed money to those voter blocks they favor like unions and those supporting the Green religion. (Half billion to an electric car company in Finland and on and on). In other words these funds are for non economic purposes and are combined with EPA regulations designed to kill off those industries that enable our country to be competitive in a world market place. Thus, coal is the enemy as are all fossil fuels and if they had their way, before you could build a store building, a plant or anything else you would have to buy "carbon credits" from a broker company like the one in which Al Gore has invested. That, my friends is "Cap and Trade".

    So don't blame banks. They are minor players in the game of economic corruption. GAM.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 174
    Join date : 2010-05-09
    Age : 67
    Location : Boulder, Colorado, USA

    WHITE HATS REPORT #31- October 27, 2011 Empty Re: WHITE HATS REPORT #31- October 27, 2011

    Post  LeeEllisMusic Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:11 am

    Wonderful reply, Carol ~ Mahalo I love you

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