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    North Korea on the verge of mass starvation


    Posts : 32367
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    North Korea on the verge of mass starvation Empty North Korea on the verge of mass starvation

    Post  Carol Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:46 pm

    North Korea on the verge of mass starvation 111006-north-korea-hospital.grid-6x2
    North Korea on the verge of mass starvation
    October 7, 2011 – HAEJU, North Korea — In a pediatric hospital in North Korea’s most productive farming province, children lay two to a bed. All showed signs of severe malnutrition: skin infections, patchy hair, listless apathy. “Their mothers have to bring them here on bicycles,” said duty doctor Jang Kum Son in the Yellow Sea port city of Haeju. “We used to have an ambulance but it’s completely broken down. One mother traveled 72 kilometers (45 miles). By the time they get here, it’s often too late.” It’s also getting late for North Korea to get the massive amount of food aid it claims to need before the harsh winter sets in. The country’s dysfunctional food-distribution system, rising global commodities prices and sanctions imposed over Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programs had contributed to what appears to be a hunger crisis in the North, even before devastating summer floods and typhoons compounded the emergency. The regime’s appeals for massive food aid have gone mostly unanswered by a skeptical international community. Only 30 percent of a United Nations food aid target for North Korea has been met so far. The United States and South Korea, the two biggest donors before sanctions, have said they won’t resume aid until they are satisfied the military-led communist regime won’t divert the aid for its own uses and progress is made on disarmament talks. South Korea also says the North is exaggerating the severity of its food crisis. Visiting scholars, tourists and charity workers have sent out conflicting views about it. The U.N.’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), for instance, said last month after visiting the North that “the damage was not so significant.” Another U.N. body, the World Food Program, which has a regular presence in the North, warned in March of growing hunger. The sharp divergence of views is one reason why the U.N.’s emergency relief coordinator will visit this month to assess the situation. North Korea’s Economy and Trade Information Center, part of the foreign trade ministry, invited Alertnet to see the extent of the crisis on a rare reporting trip to its rice bowl in South Hwanghae province in the southwest. -MSNBC

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13591
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    North Korea on the verge of mass starvation Empty Re: North Korea on the verge of mass starvation

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:10 pm

    How about having a non-lethal branch of the military provide a 'global meals on wheels' food, clothing, and medical-attention service?? Wouldn't this be better than playing 'globocop' for the UN, bombing brown people, and making enemies faster than we can kill them???

    Posts : 32367
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    North Korea on the verge of mass starvation Empty Re: North Korea on the verge of mass starvation

    Post  Carol Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:50 pm

    How about providing the education, means and materials to build vertical gardens so they can grow food too?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13591
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    North Korea on the verge of mass starvation Empty Re: North Korea on the verge of mass starvation

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:05 pm

    I agree Carol. The solutions to the world's problems are not necessarily high-tech. In many cases, high-tech has created more problems than were solved, and I continue to wonder how much of the fancy technology we so 'brilliantly created' is really stolen ancient technology -- including computers, operating systems, and software? The wealth of the world is hoarded, while people starve, suffer, and die. I continue to support responsible free-enterprise, but I am dead-set against the non-compassionate use of accumulated wealth. This world needs to change the way it does business, in a deep and fundamental way...

    Posts : 1471
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    North Korea on the verge of mass starvation Empty Re: North Korea on the verge of mass starvation

    Post  enemyofNWO Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:59 am

    This is result of 50 years of financial and economic strangulation , sanctions organized by the criminal organization that has the name of ONU and the Mafia club and puppets that surround the USA .
    I would be eating grass too for having the atomic bomb and have a national bank not owned by the criminals in Wall Street . The leaders of North Korea are painted as dictators and undemocratic , and the country is described as a giant gulag .
    But as things are revealed now by events is the USA the system is not much different from the dictatorship of North Korea . Let's think for a moment and some comparison between the USA and North Korea .

    North Korea , has not instigated wars even though technically is still at war with the South of the country .
    The USA needs wars to support the economic system that without wars would collapse . Current wars in which the USA is involved : IRAQ , Afghanistan , Somalia , plus covert engagement in many other countries . Estimated 700 military bases around the world .
    North Korea has one political party only . In effect it is a hereditary dictatorship with only one family providing the leaders of the country . In the USA the concept of one political party has been refined , there are two parties but they are both controlled by the Illuminati and Zionist and the proof of that is the foreign policies of the USA never change ( Imperialism and wars ) regardless of which political party is in power . Voting during president elections does not means anything , people vote for the people chosen by the puppet masters . Have a look at OBAMA and the CIA connection and his birth certificate . Have a look at the role of IPAC in the USA politics .
    If North Korea many people suffer from hunger , it is only partly a fault of the leaders .
    If in the USA there are 46 million people on food stamps and other people that suffer hunger it is the fault of the criminals in Wall ST and in Washington . The criminals in charge want to take down the world economy to impose the idiotic dreams of a NEW WOLD ORDER . This wet dream is going to fail . Some countries will fight to death against the NWO . I would rather have EARTH destroyed than in the hand of those bastards ! Long live NORTH KOREA !

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 1:13 am