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    Post  milkteagirl Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:00 pm

    Whoever transmitted this translated message to you is irrelevant, and should remain anonymous in your mind. It is what you will do with this message which matters !

    Each one of you wishes to exercise her/his free will and experience happiness.

    These are attributes that were shown to us and to which we now have access. Your free will depends upon the knowledge you have of your own power. Your happiness depends upon the love that you give and receive.

    Like all conscious races at this stage of progress, you may feel isolated on your planet. This impression makes you sure of your destiny. Yet, you are at the brink of big upheavals that only a minority is aware of.

    It is not our responsibility to modify your future without you choosing it. Consider this message as a worldwide referendum! And your answer as a ballot!

    Has anyone read this yet?

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    Post  Sanicle Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:46 pm

    Thanks for the link Milkteagirl. Read it and think it's great.

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    James Horak: CHANGE THE WORLD! "DECIDE WHETHER WE SHOULD SHOW UP!" Empty Re: James Horak "Do You Wish That We Show Up?"

    Post  Jenetta Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:45 am

    Sanicle wrote:Thanks for the link Milkteagirl. Read it and think it's great.

    Yep...I read it too...can we wait until Hercolubus alias Planet X alias Nibiru shows up and then answer the question Yes or No?Wink Personally I rather like the message and its nice the decision can be made on a personal or collective freewill stance. I suppose the collective stance would add more punch to the whole matter.


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    Post  mudra Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:34 pm

    I know of no one around me,whether versed in the subjects we are discussing in these forums or not, that would'nt be open to a friendly visit from our brothers from outerspace . Whether conscious or not, the openness towards extraterrestrial life or at least curiosity from humans as a collective is already there. We have traces in our history of alien beings landing on our Earth and even living between humans for a while enhancing civilization . Those who remember this through their oral traditions as the Hopi and the Dogons show only respect for them . I doubt our brothers and sisters from outer space asked humanity then through channelling if humans wanted them to show up or not. They just landed when the planetary alignments allowed for it or other various factors and left accordingly . Some may have chosen to remain here too .The search of companionship is natural and common to all living beings.
    The message above posted by the OP I have seen or a very similar one on the internet about 10 years ago.The message may sound good but to me it does'nt make sense. When the next alignment is ripe our brothers and sisters from outerspace will visit us again and I believe this has'nt anything to do with whether we are looking forward for it or not .I personnally don't see how them landing here would be an infringement on our free will at all .It would just be a new experience in discovery on the same level as in the distant past we crossed seas and lands in search of life beyond our immediate sphere of influence.Of course in ancient times the populations of Earth where probably harmless in front of sophisticated alien technology which is not the case today.This probably does'nt make it easy for our friends .
    The message seems to imply that we are not willing enough for them to appear in the open or don't count enough dedicated and aware people yet . To me this is'nt true . The number of people waking up and wanting a change for the best on our planet has been steadily growing in numbers over the years since the 60's . A survey made across the world a few years ago showed that about 20% of the nowadays population is beginning to think outside of the box and turning to values through which to express respect for the environment , other fellow beings and life as a whole. That shows a drastic change in consciousness .
    Now to take things a step further I believe that our realizing our true essence as spiritual beings and waking up from the dream we are in is'nt dependant on external conditions, or another human being neither Alien beings landing here for that matter but rather that it is an inner journey at the core of our own being allowing us to find a truth that extends beyond and encompasses any of our linear experiences.When this is realized external conditions start to change too and a better world is created.

    Love from me

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    Post  milkteagirl Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:28 am

    Perhaps the message is just another poke, a different one Very Happy regardless of who did the actual poking. Seems like a nicer gesture (in comparison to all the other stuff that's floating through the net) of basically saying, "Hey, would you like us to pop in and say hi?" Then again I'm probably too naive .. Suspect

    I didn't know this message is already in the Elenin thread too .. sorry about that, folks.
    We Are You

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    Post  We Are You Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:24 am

    I first got the message from you here.
    I added it down there because it seems to be getting more updates and attention there. Thanks a lot. Since 2007, at least, this message has been around thru internet, and continues to be very important for all of us and mankind as a whole. All the thanks to you here and now.

    Here is an on-line petition
    We Are You

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    Post  We Are You Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:55 am

    Posted on October 10, 2011

    Greetings, I am Adrial a celestial of this universe. I have been aboard Athabantian since it came to assist Earth’s transition.

    You are a child of God. You are also God. These words may seem contradictory, but at my level of functioning, what you might term the 9th Dimension, we see both realities.

    Let me explain further. You, a human of Earth were created as a physical being to engage in a physical experience. This was done through the joint efforts of your oversoul, the creator God of this universe, and Earth. In combination they gave you the physicality of a human residing on Earth’s surface. Giving form to a human being is easy yet involved, for you are a complex entity.

    Individual souls for a particular lifetime are products of oversouls who individuate each soul for duty in a particular physical body. The physical shell of your body, derived from the genetics of your human parents so as to maintain the lineage of your family, was created in conjunction with Earth. All of this is done under the aegis of the creator God of this universe.

    Your great oversoul has been in existence since the creation of this universe. When a universe is being created by a creator God, it is done in cooperation with the oversouls who now supply souls for individual human bodies.

    So there is a hierarchy beginning with Creator. It extends to the creator Gods and the oversouls. From your perspective, looking upward if you will, you see Earth, the Creator God of this universe, and your own oversoul. You are a product of all three. So it is quite obvious that you are a child of God.

    In the lighter realms everything is fluid. There are no clear delineations as there are in the lower densities of form. In the lighter realms communications are not spoken, pictures and concepts are transmitted and truth is known not merely believed. Thus Oneness and truth are easy to achieve, whereas in the arena of form everything is rigid and truth is relative.

    Whether you appreciate it or not, you and I are in Oneness. You are One with every other human of Earth. You are One with Earth, with her animals, plants, insects, and rocks. You are One with the rest of this universe, and you are One with other universes. You are also One with Creator. So in Oneness you can see that you are God.

    We of the higher Dimensions are calling to you to join us in the most wondrous adventure. We are calling you to return to where your oversoul resides, from whence you agreed to come into this body. Your brothers and sisters from Andromeda and all other star systems of this universe are beckoning you to raise your vibration to meet with them in the higher dimensions. You have played in the drama of the 3rd density for long enough. It is now time to shed the fear-based costumes of the 3rd density.

    You have played the roles assigned to you well; you are to be congratulated. Do not drag your feet for the time is soon approaching when those who cling to the 3rd density will no longer be on Earth. Earth’s vibration is increasing to where it will be untenable for all but those of the 4th Dimension and higher frequencies.

    Creator is calling you to Oneness with Him, with all there is. In this Oneness you are united with all. In this Oneness you will see that you are unlimited, powerful, and eternal. In this Oneness you will see that you are a creator god.

    Now is the moment of your decision. Will you heed the call of your soul and return to the 5th Dimension and beyond, reuniting in Oneness for eternity? Or will you ignore the changes that are occurring around you and cling to the comforts, status, wealth, and security of the 3rd Dimension. This choice is yours.

    If you earnestly desire to move ahead, turn your back on the enticements and security of the 3rd Dimension. Embrace Earth’s ascension. In the 4th Dimension everyone will experience a love-based existence unlike any the current population of Earth has seen before. There will still be the opportunity for duality, but your drama will be played against a love-based backdrop.

    Those who choose to remain in the fear-based 3rd dimension will not ascend with Earth. They will be resettled in a like situation where you may continue to reincarnate until they decide to ascend to the light-filled higher dimensions.

    By choosing to move up to a light filled density, you are freeing your soul from the multiple reincarnations you have experienced. It is your decision. Listen to the yearning of your soul to explore the light-filled higher densities. Listen to the message of your soul to embrace who you truly are, a magnificent being held captive in the 3rd Dimension. Listen to the your soul as it beckons to you from the 5th dimension, urging you to decide to move from your comfort zone.

    If you would ascend, do not depend on messages from outside; go within. Many messages you receive are in conflict, urging you to look here or to look there for truth. You need not look beyond your heart to find truth. The many events swirling about you are the final distractions on your path to the lighter densities. Ignore them and focus within.

    As you have recently experienced, Mark, any allure of the 3rd Dimension is completely overshadowed by existence in the 5th Dimension. Cling to that realization. Many are looking forward to welcoming you permanently into the lighter densities. By pre-birth contract, you agreed to stuff your individuated soul into this physical form. Furthermore you agreed to forget everything you knew prior to the moment of birth, and begin the long process of rediscovering who you really are. This applies equally to all who are reading these messages and to those many who have no idea these messages even exist. All humans make such agreements.

    There are many who have not awakened; they cling to the beliefs of the 3rd Dimension. Because they choose to do so, they will repeat the lessons of the 3rd dimension again and again for many, many years. Now that you have emerged from the darkness of the 3rd Dimension, and are beginning to appreciate who you really are, you need to congratulate yourselves.

    Those of you who already reside in the 4th dimension have raised your vibrations to the point that you are no longer fear-based. You are to be congratulated. More importantly you are to honor yourselves. Each of you should be most grateful for you have emerged from the slavery of the 3rd Dimension. Appreciate what you have accomplished. Rejoice, for you will now journey with the new Earth. Your oversoul awaits the moment it can fully reunite with you in the higher vibrations.

    The universe in Oneness awaits your ascension. Be grateful that you have taken the path less travelled and agreed to ascend. Many of you who read these messages have spent time and effort giving thanks to God, and to others who assisted you in your awakening. Now is the time to recognize your own greatness and to give thanks to yourselves for what you have accomplished. Appreciate and be grateful.

    I look forward to interacting with you as you arrive at your destination. I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe.



    The messages at this site are being translated into several languages and they are also being posted on other web sites. If those of you who are doing so will send an email to, I will post the locations of these translations and postings at the end of our next message.

    Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:

    For new postings by Mark Kimmel, go to:

    You may submit other questions by emailing:

    You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this web address:

    Posted in: The Transformation
    We Are You

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    James Horak: CHANGE THE WORLD! "DECIDE WHETHER WE SHOULD SHOW UP!" Empty Yes for All whose Inner Self wants

    Post  We Are You Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:30 am

    Drake Update 6-28-12… “GREEN LIGHT”… More Informationby kauilapele

    This is a message from the "Latest Updates" page at his website. He explains more about the fabled, "Green Light" situation.

    No comments from myself on this one. Just read for yourself, and discern (Higher Discernment) for yourself.

    Thanks to LadyDragon for informing me of this.


    by Drake, June 28, 2012

    TO ALL:

    It was expressed to me through ‘channels’ to state the following :

    A - The Cavalry is coming.
    B - If needed we will be contacted.
    C - Sit back and watch the fireworks

    There are two parts to this:

    - First are the actions to be taken by our military in support of FREEDOM. This will be extraordinary in all ways. It does involve extremes in tacticalas well as logistical implementation. You may see some troop movement and supporting roles in public.
    There may be minor delays in the usual traffic flows. The design is to make sure as much as possible is taken care of without problems.

    - Second was the statement made that all of us are to be on full Alert. Engage drones and any troops under U.N. insignia. This is still in effect.
    Be absolutely sure of your target. Do not engage our military.

    IF needed our military will contact us. In the field this will be a couple of troops, an NCO, and an officer, lieutenant, captain, major, or colonel. They should be saying hello, or some other greeting, telling you they are there and want to talk.
    Otherwise, sit back and watch the fireworks.


    I suggest we remain fully alert and vigilant just in case.

    According to the information that has been given, we beat their time table. Plus it seems that our military has won its battle/argument internally, the good guys won and are now in charge.

    The three items above are what was given to me to broadcast.

    The last item was the call of GREEN LIGHT.

    There are TWO green lights. One as stated about the above (tactical) and the other deals with financials. Two commands, both acting according to what was decided as the best way to handle both.

    Each being as complicated as they are, separation of these two was the best tactical maneuver because of the acceleration or move up of our enemies’ plans of execution. This had been considered before, but left alone because both were to take place at the same time. Obviously that changed according to the enemy moving their plans ahead of their original schedule.

    I was told that a tactical GREEN LIGHT was to be called if asked about it, and I did so. We are still waiting for the secondary GREEN LIGHT of finance. I look for this very soon.

    Those who are experienced should be followed, as it is these people who demonstrate calm and cool under extremely intense situations. This can be anyone with this ability. Military personnel offer the ability to operate effectively under extremes and know how to offer the structure for success where any objective or mission is possible. Pay attention to them.

    What we have before us is the awesome responsibility of freedom. Most have no idea as to the changes this will bring about at all levels, personal, social, and publicly. Everyone will discover that we all need each other, talents, professionally, and personally. Some hard places to get past are defined as race, creed (beliefs), and superiority.

    I have never been prejudiced, as I didn’t see a lot of difference between people. Sure, some people are different looking than me, but, other than that, the person inside was the same. Most people I’ve ever gotten to know, all had their own personal beliefs, no matter what church they attended. A sort of peace made between a person and their belief in a superior entity.

    Superiority is going to be directed by what a person is able to do. A specific talent should be respected in that the person who knows and works with it, should be given a superior respect within that area.

    Due to the changes in operation and the outing of this information, it should be obvious that plans of any kind need to be fluid in order to remain viable. Just as a football play may be changed on the field, tactics change to maintain advantage. Bear in mind that this is our last chance and all of us need to make sure we win.

    Thank you,
    ~ Drake

    kauilapele | 2012/06/28 at 16:14 | Tags: American National Militia, Drake, The Drake | Categories: apocalypse, ascension, disclosure, energies, new energies, releasing, spiritual growth | URL:
    Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa 29-June-2012
    Posted on June 29, 2012 by Laura Tyco

    SaLuSa 29-June-2012

    The hot topic that occupies most of you is the commencement of the arrests so that you are in no doubt that the final days of the cabal have arrived. Needless to say, it will cause a sensation across the world and the media will have to respond. They will be inundated with calls asking for an explanation, and eventually even those that are conservative will be forced to give the true reasons for what is happening. There will be official announcements in the US, and careful steps taken to ensure that people have the correct understanding of why the arrests are taking place. Doubt will exist until it becomes clear that the actions are in the interests of all people, by providing a scenario whereby they can be released from the hold of the dark Ones. There will be deliberate disinformation circulated by those still under the control of the Illuminati, but we will make it clear that the Military are involved as a back up for those making the arrests. They are not execution squads and will only use weapons if they or the Marshalls are attacked, in the course of their legitimate pursuits.

    The first real action now enables the next part of our plans to go forward, unimpeded by interference intended to delay progress. There will be a pressing need to set up a provisional government of representatives that have proved they are trustworthy and honest. Ones who have already been primed of their responsibilities to you the people. So at last our promises to you can be shown to be genuine and your rights will be restored. First things first and when we are satisfied that no further dangers exist, we can go forging ahead with other aspects of our plan.

    Do you do not need to rub your eyes as what you see and hear about is really happening, and is the Lightworkers taking charge of your destiny. Even those of you who live outside of the US are part of the plans, and the cleansing will spread across the world. It is after all a plan for everyone who is ready to ascend, but will naturally effect those who have other plans for their future. With freedom comes choice and all of you will ultimately find yourselves exactly where you should be.

    In the distance there is of course the long awaited contact with you through disclosure. With everything that is taking place those personnel under oath of secrecy will be released from that responsibility, and free to tell you of their own experiences that support our existence. You know quite a lot already but when it is made public, it will reach those who have not normally followed such matters or in some cases are in a state of disbelief. There is clearly much work to be done to convince people we are not just your friends, but your family. However, we believe that our presence will soon be seen for what it is, and we will be welcomed to land on your precious Earth. We do of course need that contact to establish working groups to be part of the cleansing forces.

    All will happen in good time, but it will speed along once we get started as their is much to do in just a few months. We sense that the excitement is growing at the thought of your liberation from the controlling powers, and your lives being lifted up into the Light. The end times for this cycle were planned many eons ago, and in spite of any thoughts to the contrary when you needed help it arrived. Our efforts and that of the Spiritual Hierarchy have guided you to this point in time, and now you are about to seize the wonderful opportunity to ascend. Deep down you always knew that your experiences would end in your return to the higher realms. It is where you came from and where you are entitled to be as Beings of Light. The lower dimensions are home to those who have become embroiled in the darkness that has pulled them down, but they have benefitted from being around you even if they do not yet acknowledge the Light.

    Understand that many souls who do not ascend have not necessarily failed to lift themselves up, but have planned their experiences in that way. So do not judge others who follow a different path to you, and allow for them to have the same choices as you have had to map your own destiny. Your freedom may be taken from you at times but it will always be returned by divine right. Remember God and remember Mother Gaia as both are like your parents, they have always been watching you and providing you with help. It has been given even if you have not known the source of it, and now it would be nice for you to acknowledge it and show your gratitude. A loving thought or prayer would bring even more Love and Light back to you, and that is the Law of Attraction working at its highest level.

    Dear Ones from here on the going will gradually get easier, and we will be by your side to ensure that having come this far you do not fail at the last moment. Of course there will be physical changes, but as the vibrations lift up the extent of them will not be as severe as some perceived. There is no need for large scale devastation to restore Mother Earth to her pristine condition. Whilst we must allow what needs to be done, we can assist Mother Earth who certainly does not want her activities to cause undue harm to life. With adequate warning people can move out of harms way, and we will be there to help. We must not forget that the Inner Earth Beings are also waiting the call to surface, and they have so much to offer you. They are also your family from many thousands of years ago, and will delight in making contact with you again.

    You are of course a mixture of Beings who are related to various Star Civilizations of mainly humanoid origin. These will come to Earth to meet their own and you will have many uplifting meetings with them as old memories return. So you see that you are as much Space Beings as those who many view as different to yourselves. In any event you are all One with the Source so please treat others as yourself and be kind and considerate at all times.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased you are nearing the end of the road of what has been a deep and lasting experience in duality.

    Thank you SaLuSa.

    Mike Quinsey.

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    Post  We Are You Sat Sep 22, 2012 3:57 pm

    Suzanne Lie: Mytre and the Arcturians – Journey to the Mothership Part 3(a) and more...
    In This Update...

    Suzanne Lie: Mytre and the Arcturians – Journey to the Mothership Part 3(a)
    You Shall Do Greater Than I
    Don’t Adjust Your Set
    Never Thought We’d See This
    SaLuSa: September 21, 2012
    More Recent Articles

    Suzanne Lie: Mytre and the Arcturians – Journey to the Mothership Part 3(a)

    Mytre and the Arcturians – Journey to the Mothership Part 3(a)

    By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – September 21, 2012

    The Arcturians Speak:

    We are so pleased to see how many of our wonderful Ascending Ones are enjoying our journey to the Mothership. Before Mytre continues his tour of our multidimensional components, we wish to speak with you about how you can best see us in your skies. Of course, you will not see our Mothership, but we, meaning ALL the Galactics, are making ourselves more and more visible to you each day.

    You have already been instructed how to communicate with your Pineal Gland to allow “novel perception” into your conscious mind. However, there is more we wish to explain to you. Many of you have been awakening in the night with the feeling that we are very close.

    These awakenings are often because we have been communicating with you while you are in your fourth dimensional night body. We communicate in this manner because you are very receptive at that frequency of your consciousness. We also encourage you to awaken while these messages are fresh within your mind.

    Furthermore, many of you are visiting us in your night body, but you may or may not be remembering that adventure. A way to remember your visit with us is to “imagine” that you are on one of our Solar Ships. We call these Star Ships our Solar Ships, as they are small enough to enter a Solar System without damaging the gravitation of the planets. However, they are still very large by earthly standards.

    We also have Scout Ships that are small enough to land on your planet. Even our Solar Ships are too large to land on a planet. Therefore, all our inter-planetary visitations are done via our Scout Ships. These Ships are the ones that are most commonly seen. We often travel in groups of three to distinguish ourselves from stars. Also, we will blink in and out of your vision to catch your attention. We also do this to differentiate our lights from that of your stars.

    Many times we feel you, our Ascending Ones, looking up into the night sky asking, “When will they come?” Yes, we can register your thoughts, especially the thoughts of those who think about us. When you think about us, the Arcturians or other members of your Galactic Family, you send out a resonance similar to what you have known as an S.O.S. call.

    Indeed, many of you are so deeply longing for our arrival that it feels like an emergency to you. In fact, our landing is a bit of an emergency. Gaia needs Her people to Wake Up and assist with Planetary Ascension NOW. Those of you who are actively assisting Gaia are more deeply appreciated than you can imagine. However, She needs more humans to participate in releasing old, lower frequency thoughts, emotions and attachments so that She can more easily lift off, so to speak.

    By “lift off” we mean that Gaia must lift the great mass of Her body beyond the third dimension of polarity. She cannot just ascend Her loving polarity and leave behind her fearful polarity without causing great damage to Her planet. She does not want to harm her beautiful form in any manner. She sees that your plants, animals, cetaceans and many humans have released much of your dross vibrations. Therefore, Gaia knows that Her full Ascension is near.

    Unfortunately, even though we Galactics have been working to constrain and contain the Dark Ones both on the planet and in the Lower Astral Field, there are still too many humans “on the fence.” You have a lovely child’s book, Horton Hears the Who, which is about an elephant that found a small fluff and is about to damage it. Horton is a very kind Being, as all elephants are, and does not know that an entire world exists within that fluff.

    Therefore, everyone in Whoville must make a noise so that Horton hears their voices. In the end, it is one small voice from one small boy sitting alone in a tower that saves their world. Therefore, dear Ascending Ones, not one of you is too insignificant to make a difference. We need every voice from every ONE of you, from every corner, every valley and every high mountain, to call “We are READY for you NOW.”

    Your personal state of readiness is more significant than you can imagine. You are all very accustomed to individual consciousness in which you alone are often insignificant to the masses of the many. However, whether or not you are aware of it, Gaia is now within the frequency of Unity Consciousness. The animals know that, the plants know that, the Cetaceans know that and the Elementals know that.

    Fortunately, more and more humans know that each day. However, there are many humans who are only followers. They have become too beaten down by their polarized reality to take any form of initiative. Therefore, those of you who have found the strength within to remember your SELF, must call loud enough to assist those who have lost their voice.

    Of course, we are not speaking of “calling” in the same manner that the members of Whoville called. We are speaking in terms of calling with your magnificent force of unconditional love that our dear Ascending Ones have embraced. If each of you can remember to send your force of unconditional love into the hearts of EVERY member of humanity and visualize them turning to our light and choosing ascension, you will make a HUGE contribution to Planetary Ascension.

    At the same time, you can visualize that you are releasing ALL that does not resonate to the frequency of the fifth dimension and beyond. In this manner, you will assist to lighten Gaia’s load. Just as the wagon trains that travelled across the great wilderness of North America to seek a new home left a trail of abandoned possessions behind, you too will leave behind all that cannot resonate to the fifth dimension.

    However, you need not fear for any loss, for you shall be able to easily re-create those items with your thoughts and emotions once you have reached your “promised land”. Immigrants throughout your entire earthly history started off their journey wanting to take with them that which was comforting and familiar. However, many of their possessions actually possessed them and pulled them from their purist intentions.

    Hence, we remind you to be willing to enter into your new world in the same manner that you entered your current body, alone and naked. Release ALL attachments to your physical reality to free your heart and mind from the burden of possession and ownership. Each of your loved ones, no matter how old or young, is a pure multidimensional Being who is totally capable of making their own decisions about Ascension.

    Furthermore, if you have young children, it is you the parents who must open the portal for your family. Therefore, you must take care of YOUR Ascension, so that you can offer that opportunity to your loved ones.

    Find what is left of “time” in what is left of your busy days to remember that YOU are Ascending. YOU are vital to Gaia’s Ascension. Your young children are still pure of heart and mind and are likely leading you into Ascension. Look into these young ones and see their ancient Souls.

    The best thing that you can give your family is the opportunity to live on New Earth. Therefore, do not get distracted by the illusions of the remnants of 3D life. Focus on the fifth dimensional reality into which you are leading and following your children. Include them in your process, as they are still clear Souls and have more to offer than you may think.

    Our beloved Ascending Ones, we see your light and feel your unconditional love. We are as anxious to meet you, as you are to meet us; except, that we do remember your nightly visits – can you?

    The Arcturians

    We now return you to Mytre, who will continue your guided tour of our multidimensional Mothership.
    We Are You

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    Post  We Are You Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:03 pm

    We are neither snakes nor lizards – Lady Ifegena from the Dragon Realm through EnnKa October 08, 2012
    Veröffentlicht am Oktober 8, 2012 von Sirian Heaven

    My beloved friend EnnKa asked me today to tell more about us Dragons. She is a bit curious because she can’t remember me and it is surely interesting enough for mankind to take this as topic for a message.

    We Dragons are age-old Beings from a higher Dimension. Some of us are numerous thousands of years old. They are very wise and highly respected. There aren’t very much only a few thousand of our kind. Because we are now immortal there is no neccessity to reproduce steadily. It is reserved for Prime Creator to decide when an egg will be laid and who is allowed to lay that egg and what color it will have. The color of the egg specifies the color of the hatched young Dragon. The egg of my daughter Epirose is golden, therefore she will be also golden.

    Dragons have many colors from green, over blue to red, brown, black, yellow, violet and very very seldom golden. We aren’t multi-colored but single-colored, at most our claws and part of our scales have varied hues.

    In size there are different variations from small nearly dwarfish Dragons through middle sizes to big Dragons like me. Common to all Dragons is the ability to fly. Some are not so good but others excellent. We have four feet with sharp claws like those of raptors, which we can move separately. We aren’t toxic, but can breathe fire when we are full-grown.

    Please don’t mistake us for reptilians. We are neither snakes nor lizards. Our body temperature is warm and our scaly skin is dry and warm too. Our wings are soft and sensitive. If we are not cautious, we can hurt ourselves.

    We dragons love the warmth and a sunbath serves us as nourishment as well as for relaxation. We don’t need to eat but we like clear water for drinking or bathing. Like all highly evolved beings, we can nourish ourselves through sunlight alone. Therefore you don’t need to fear we could see you or your gregarious animals as our food. We don’t kill, not even when we are attacked. We are very strong and the ability to defend ourselves without causing harm to our attacker. Aren’t we known as magical creatures?

    The greatest part of us lives on Sirius A. There we have been very cordially enrolled after our expulsion from Earth and live peacefully together with the inhabitants. We are friends and neighbors and some of us have a special connection to the elves. We feel an affinity for them like they to us. We can sense which elf matches us with his energy and nature. This connection usually will be established in the youth of an elf. EnnKa is my elf since many many years. When we both fly together, she on my back, our consciousness merges to one and she can steer me alone through her thoughts, through her intentions. Even, when we aren’t together we talk telepathically. Great distances cannot restrict that, because I submit her this message telepathically too.

    As we seldom have offspring, we care intensely for the eggs and the young Dragons. We take care of them very carefully until they are grown enough to take care of themselves. This is indeed no diffcult task for us, because we don’t have to look for food neither do we have to fear attackers. Most of the Sirians are highly evolved Beings and even those who live in the forth Dimension wouldn’t risk to come too near to our nest or to a young Dragon. In earlier times there have been such attempts until we made unmistakingly clear that we guard our children. Today this fact is known overall and we use the time to play more with our children and then to teach them how to fly. It is a nice time.

    I hope that you, my beloved people of Earth, fear us now lesser as you know more about us, our appearance and our lifestyle.

    I send you my love and the greetings of the Dragon Realm. I am Lady Ifegena from Sirius.

    Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 06, 2024 11:20 pm