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    Is the Earth Hollow ?


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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  mudra Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:25 pm

    Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Is the Earth Hollow ? Hollow-earth_2

    Lazeria Map Collection: Is the Earth Hollow?

    This presentation was compiled and taped several months before Harry Hubbard and Paul Schaffranke were heavily involved in the Burrows Cave affair. This program was meant to be entirely educational, but after the first half hour or so, the viewer begins to have his mind stretched beyond the normal limits. Compulsory confusion are the next reactions as the two hosts of the show stay on course by spinning a single thread through these rare and strange maps that Harry has collected over the years. All Harry and Paul do is give you the information which deals with extremely sensitive subject matter. If you or your family needs something to discuss at the dinner table, this video will keep your mind occupied quite well. All who have seen this video have claimed it, so now we will do the same: Seeing this video will change your life forever. Not in a spiritual sense at all, but definitely in a dogmatic sense. This first edition of the documentary was recorded in the same condo on the beach as were most of the early Tomb videos, however, it is presented to you completely from memory with a couple of cue cards. Ride with Paul Schaffranke and Harry Hubbard as they transcend the element of time to go back into history long enough to prove to you that we all might have been taken for a really big Ride.


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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:46 pm

    Thank-you mudra for starting yet another very interesting thread. You have been doing excellent work in the mists. Here is an interesting Jesuit-related video. Filmed in Denver, August of 1997, at the Global Science Congress Convention. Arousing and provoking lectures by Paul Schaffranke and Harry Hubbard as they briefly outline certain spectacles of thought and nature. Displayed are maps from the Lazeria Collection, and the first public showing in North America of the world's oldest map of Atlantis, crafted by the Jesuit Priest, Atanasias Kircher in 1665, which proves that modern day Plato books have been tainted with important sections left out for obvious reasons. Here's more. A lot more. Things have almost gotten to the point that if one wishes to be an insider, the information is out there. One might not have power, but they certainly can have knowledge, if that's what they want. The truth is out there...


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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  Sanicle Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:25 am

    Interesting that my personal research has led me to websites examining the hollow Earth as well Mudra. Here's a link to another website on the subject:

    And here are a couple of images they have on this site of the opening to the hollow Earth at the North Pole, shot from space, right at the top of each image.

    Is the Earth Hollow ? NorthPole2 Is the Earth Hollow ? NorthPole

    Last edited by Sanicle on Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:35 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  Micjer Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:33 am

    And the south pole...

    Play this video a few times and watch where the center of the light seems to be coming from towards the end. Takes a minute to download but well worth the wait.

    Is the Earth Hollow ? Aurora_img_2005254

    Remember that with the hollow earth theory, there is an inner sun. Doesn't it appear the soutern lights in this vid may be coming from within the earth?

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  Sanicle Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:14 am

    Great find Micjer. Here's another one taken from the same video. A picture really is worth a thousand words.

    Is the Earth Hollow ? SouthPole

    Apparently the territorial claims are not recognized by everyone but according to this map, turned around in an attempt to match the global shot in the second image...
    Is the Earth Hollow ? Antarctic_region_2000 Is the Earth Hollow ? Antarctic_region_2000-1
    that would mean this area is in the territory that no-one is claiming?

    This is where Wiki says the Russian Vostok base is....
    Is the Earth Hollow ? 250px-LakeVostok-Location

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  Micjer Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:59 pm

    That is very interesting that area has not been claimed. Good find also.

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  mudra Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:34 pm

    The Hollow Earth Confessions of a Pilot

    The pilot's bit is interesting also later on the info that one is'nt allowed to explore caves without government permission , something I did'nt know.

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  mudra Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:45 pm

    Thank you Oxy, Sanicle and Micjer for your additionnal research cheers


    Love from me


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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  Micjer Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:42 pm

    Don't forget this clip. I have been researching this topic for a while.

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  mudra Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:52 pm

    North Pole Inner Earth expedition part 1 of 3

    The Hollow Earth Documentary is the official documentary pre to the 'North Pole Inner Earth Expedition' (NPIEE) featuring Brooks Agnew, (PHD.) on the Hollow Earth Theory.

    North Pole Inner Earth Expedition (NPIEE) Update 4-4-2011 Part 1.wmv

    Love Always

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  Sanicle Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:00 am

    Just for the record I wish to say that I won't be following this train of thought any longer as I decided, belatedly, to ask my sylph friend 'E' about this theory. Her response was that the Earth is not hollow and that the anomolies that we see at the poles are a result of the centrifugal force generated by our spinning planet, the magnetic poles, and she also mentioned biomagnetics which I thought was interesting given that that term relates to the interaction of living beings with electromagnetic energies outside itself. In this case, I guess that would be Mother Earth and the Sun.

    She did however say that there are many spaces, tunnels, etc underground including seas (one of which she says is under the Atlantic Ocean!). She also said that lots of beings live in these underground worlds, many of whom we know nothing of.

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  malletzky Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:25 am

    Maybe you'll find this online book interesting too:

    Here a short excerpt:

    It was just two o'clock in the morning when I was aroused from a restful sleep by the vigorous ringing of my door-bell. The untimely disturber proved to be a messenger bearing a note, scrawled almost to the point of illegibility, from an old Norseman by the name of Olaf Jansen. After much deciphering, I made out the writing, which simply said: "Am ill unto death. Come." The call was imperative, and I lost no time in making ready to comply.

    Perhaps I may as well explain here that Olaf Jansen, a man who quite recently celebrated his ninety-fifth birthday, has for the last half-dozen years been living alone in an unpretentious bungalow out Glendale way, a short distance from the business district of Los Angeles, California.

    It was less then two years ago, while out walking one afternoon, that I was attracted by Olaf Jansen's house and it's homelike surroundings, toward its owner and occupant, whom I afterward came to know as a believer in the ancient worship of Odin and Thor.

    There was a gentleness in his face, and a kindly expression in the keenly alert gray eyes of this man who had lived more than four-score years and ten; and, withal, a sense of loneliness that appealed to my sympathy. Slightly stooped, and with his hands clasped behind him, he walked back and forth with slow and measured tread, that day when first we met. I can hardly say what particular motive impelled me to pause in my walk and engage him in conversation. He seemed pleased when I complimented him on the attractiveness of his bungalow, and on the well-tended vines and flowers clustering in profusion over its windows, roof and wide piazza.

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  Sanicle Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:38 am

    Thanks for the link Malletzky. That was a really good read. I still don't quite get a clear image from the description given of this 'inner sun'. Here's a excerpt from Part 3.
    The great luminous cloud or ball of dull-red fire -- fiery-red in the mornings and evenings, and during the day giving off a beautiful white light, "The Smoky God," -- is seemingly suspended in the center of the great vacuum "within" the earth, and held to its place by the immutable law of gravitation, or a repellant atmospheric force, as the case may be. I refer to the known power that draws or repels with equal force in all directions.

    The base of this electrical cloud or central luminary, the seat of the gods, is dark and non-transparent, save for innumerable small openings, seemingly in the bottom of the great support or altar of the Deity, upon which "The Smoky God" rests; and, the lights shining through these many openings twinkle at night in all their splendor, and seem to be stars, as natural as the stars we saw shining when in our home at Stockholm, excepting that they appear larger. "The Smoky God," therefore, with each daily revolution of the earth, appears to come up in the east and go down in the west the same as does our sun on the external surface. In reality, the people "within" believe that "The Smoky God" is the throne of their Jehovah, and is stationary. The effect of night and day is, therefore, produced by earth's daily rotation.

    The first part I've bolded gives the impression that this sun is like a ball suspended in mid-air, so to speak, and yet the second bolded section gives it a "base" that sounds solid, although pocketed with openings. In another section, it seemed to be described as pillar-like. And how would it 'rise' and 'set' if it's 'suspended' in the centre of the Earth? So I'm confused. Question May I ask how you see it?

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  Micjer Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:04 pm

    One more oddity I have found.

    If you go to google earth and put in the following co-ordinates....

    89 54 01.59 S and 179 32'35.89E this is in the middle of antarctic and the elevation is 0 feet!

    Check it out. General area where light seems to be coming out from above pics.

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  mudra Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:51 pm

    Sanicle wrote:Just for the record I wish to say that I won't be following this train of thought any longer as I decided, belatedly, to ask my sylph friend 'E' about this theory. Her response was that the Earth is not hollow and that the anomolies that we see at the poles are a result of the centrifugal force generated by our spinning planet, the magnetic poles, and she also mentioned biomagnetics which I thought was interesting given that that term relates to the interaction of living beings with electromagnetic energies outside itself. In this case, I guess that would be Mother Earth and the Sun.

    She did however say that there are many spaces, tunnels, etc underground including seas (one of which she says is under the Atlantic Ocean!). She also said that lots of beings live in these underground worlds, many of whom we know nothing of.

    Thank you for that additionnal point of view Sanicle.
    Considering Earth is a living being it would make senses we could find "veins"and "arteries" within her , a "heart" beating , various organs and fluids and these would sustain life .
    I am sure one day we'll know and hopefully will be able to visit these lands and meet the living life forms that dwell there .

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  mudra Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:56 pm

    malletzky wrote:[size=16][font=Comic Sans Ms]Maybe you'll find this online book interesting too:

    Thank you mal Thubs Up

    Love for You

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  mudra Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:08 pm

    Visitors to the inner Earth by professor Salomon

    alomonThe Inner Earth—Has It Been Visited?

    Works of fiction that describe visits to the Inner Earth are familiar to readers: Dante’s Inferno; Jules Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth; Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland; Abraham Merritt’s The Moon Pool ; the Pellucidar novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan at the Earth’s Core, etc.). Less familiar (though no less readable) are the alleged factual accounts of such visits.

    This book is about individuals who actually visited the Inner Earth—or so it was claimed. Their stories are taken from a variety of sources: ancient poems, medieval chroni- cles, New Age pamphlets, pulp magazines, folklore studies, self-published accounts.
    Did they in fact make these visits to the Earth’s interior, either physically (entering at a cave, or a fairy hill, or the North Polar opening), or else spiritually (a journey of the soul)? So we are told. Read on, and judge for yourself.

    Love Always
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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  Sanicle Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:00 am

    Just found this series of videos that relate to 'Hollow Earth', Area 51 and other things that I thought might interest others here too. (Love the bit about the underwater crystal pyramid off the coast of Hawaii.) I'm currently watching Part 2 but thought I'd post the beginning here for others. The interview is with Colonel Woodard who spent 11 years at Area 51, leaving determined to tell the world what he learned.

    Hollow Earth and Area 51-Interview with Col Woodard-Pt 1 of 8

    Naturally I'm intrigued to find out what he has to say after the post I made earlier in this thread. Wink

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  Sanicle Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:10 am

    OK, I've watched all eight parts now and I'm really not too sure about this Colonel being interviewed and some of what he has to say. For those interested, here's a link to his/her website.

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  sabina Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:53 pm

    wondering what is happen to Brooks Agnews expedition_
    he wants to charter a russian icebreaker to explore the north pole.
    2012 he will start his journey I hope he will get the money together,some tv channels will broadcast live
    from inner earth.
    Still wondering where the germans are whitch got lost with the submarine at the end of the war.
    Hope we will find out and Brooks will have sucess with the russian icebreaker to explore the northpole
    All the best Sabina I love you I love you

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  Micjer Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:39 pm

    Brooks Agnew - Hour 1 - North Pole Inner Earth Expedition in 2012

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Re: Is the Earth Hollow ?

    Post  Micjer Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:24 pm

    A lot of people cannot imagine the possibility that the earth may be hollow. Observe the following demonstration and remember that the center of the earth is not solid. It is considered to be a liquid. (molten lava supposedly..which I don't believe)

    Remember there was a day that the normal thinking was that the earth was flat!

    Last edited by Micjer on Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Is the Earth Hollow ? Empty Hollow Earth

    Post  arvan33 Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:55 pm

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:05 am