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    How to host an image or picture from your computer


    Posts : 56
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Age : 39
    Location : England

    How to host an image or picture from your computer Empty How to host an image or picture from your computer

    Post  NewWorldKarma Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:53 am

    Heres the steps for you Bobbie and others who need to post a picture from their computer:


    Create you picture or select your image from your computer.


    Upload the picture to a file host (such as tinypic, imageshack etc) I use tinypic as you can sign up and use it for free probably like most image hosting sites these days.


    Once you've signed up to tinypic (takes 30 seconds) upload your picture and wait for it to appear, you need to look for the direct link

    How to host an image or picture from your computer Xmmjo3

    Its at the bottom of the code once your pic is uploaded..
    Once you have this code, you can copy it (select all the link and CTL+C)

    Once you have the code create your post and when you need to import a picture (thats been uploaded).. Select the small tree like button from the bar above,

    You will see a link and a box next to it. Simply paste in the code from tinypic and your away.. You can move the image within this text editor to where it needs to lay, just drag it around until your happy.

    Note: The button on the close-right of the tree (with a save like icon) allows you to upload a picture to this forums host, you will need to activate the host(s) either way through email that takes 2 seconds. You can choose to host it through this or my way with the tinypic host, i prefer tinypic as your pictures will stay in your account for however long, until you decide to delete them..

    How to host an image or picture from your computer Icon_surprised


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