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    Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’


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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  giovonni Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:55 pm

    It's Wake-Up Time !

       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Bernanke-ronpaul-300x115
    Chairman Ben Bernanke faced-off with Fed-hating Representative Ron Paul during his monetary policy report to Congress on Wednesday. The head of the Fed was forced to respond to accusations of enriching already rich corporations while failing to help Main Street, while he was pushed on his views on gold. “Gold isn’t money,” Bernanke said.

    story & video below:

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  Brook Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:49 pm


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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  giovonni Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:48 pm

    Hi BROOK !

    It's really getting crazy wild now - seems its all coming to a head cyclops

    As in past situations - i doubt whether Congress or the president would want to face the political raft for suspending Social Security benefits quite yet - but it's not a impossibility is it Blink

    note ~ these Washington wheeler-dealers can always muster a scheme...
    "Washington has found ways to protect Social Security payments in the past. The Treasury Department in 1996 announced it did not have enough money to pay Social Security benefits for the month of March because it could not issue new debt. However, Congress passed a law allowing the department to temporarily issue securities in an amount equal to those payments, in such a way that would not count against the debt ceiling in the short-term." scratch


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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  giovonni Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:57 pm

    Ron Paul: "We Will Default Because The Debt Is Unsustainable"
    "When a country is indebted to the degree that we’re indebted, the country always defaults. We will default because the debt is unsustainable," Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) said on the House floor today.

    "If we don’t understand this, this default will not be because we don't send out the checks. We will send out the checks. It will be defaulted on because people will get their money back, or they will get their Social Security checks and it won't buy anything."

    original source video/speech:
    [url] tainable.html[/url][I]


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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:10 am

    I like Ron Paul, but I don't dislike Bernanke. I do dislike the IRS and the Federal Reserve, but if Bernanke told the truth about what's really going on, I think all hell would break loose. He seems to be keeping the lid on what could potentially be a very explosive situation. The existing system seems to be corrupt and hostile toward the public. I want to End the Fed, and institute a 5% National-Federal Point of Sale Tax on every sale, even stocks and produce. I suppose that foreign visitors would not be exempted either. No exceptions. No exemptions. No forms. No kidding. Agents would enforce the point of sale collection of this tax, and the money would go directly to the government, without going through private hands. I realize this would create a problem for the black projects, secret government, secret space program, and underground bases, but the legitimate aspects of these programs could be legitimately and openly funded, without resorting to corrupt taxation, blood-money, and illegal-drug money. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  giovonni Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:33 am

    Who owns America? Hint: It's not China
    A close-up look at who holds America's debt.
       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ China-yuan-dollar-2011-04-27

    Truth is elusive. But it's a good thing we have math...
    Read more here:

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  gscraig Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:26 am

    I like Ron Paul, but I don't dislike Bernanke. I do dislike the IRS and the Federal Reserve, but if Bernanke told the truth about what's really going on, I think all hell would break loose. He seems to be keeping the lid on what could potentially be a very explosive situation. The existing system seems to be corrupt and hostile toward the public. I want to End the Fed, and institute a 5% National-Federal Point of Sale Tax on every sale, even stocks and produce. I supose that foreign visitors would not be exempted either. No exceptions. No exemptions. No forms. No kidding. Agents would enforce the point of sale collection of this tax, and the money would go directly to the government, without going through private hands. I realize this would create a problem for the black projects, secret government, secret space program, and underground bases, but the legitimate aspects of these programs could be legitimately and openly funded, without resorting to corrupt taxation, blood-money, and illegal-drug money. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

    In my opinion, this suggestion only uphold the current system as it is. We do not need government, a Federal Reserve or IRS. All of this institutions rely on a form a enslavement to function. A completely new process designed solely for the greater good of all, is what's needed. There are a lot of things we pay for, that comes free and their are people who will labor for some of the goods that there earth provides in exchange for something other than currency.

    We only think of existing within the confines of the systems we know and have been exposed and conditioned to. The people can build/create it's own system and it may be best to exist on a state by state level.

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  giovonni Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:51 pm

    A blatant set-up...Annoyed

       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRDx79YZSBo2BE4O4MXsyi2DEm1mCrhI-aeWgNTGH7-ugwgPq0P
    Investors: The $1 Billion Armageddon Trade Placed Against The United States

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  Simplicity Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:52 pm

    Is anyone aware of the Fair Tax?
    imo...this one move could literally change everything

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  giovonni Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:28 pm

    Scentsy wrote:Is anyone aware of the Fair Tax?
    imo...this one move could literally change everything

    Thanks Scentsy for the posting this Thubs Up

    There is no question this is perhaps a better method (fairest way across the board) for raising revenues to operate (a limited) government. And note - i emphasize limited ! But i am sensing the thing that really needs to change is the out of control spending habits of our government via - funding multiple wars for instance ! Blink

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  Simplicity Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:47 pm

    giovonni wrote:
    Thanks Scentsy for the posting this    Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ 83084

    There is no question this is perhaps a better method (fairest way across the board) for raising revenues to operate (a limited) government. And note - i emphasize limited ! But i am sensing the thing that really needs to change is the out of control spending habits of our government via Congress    Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ 420354

    The very idea of this excites me. Of course, Washington would never allow it unless we, the people, rise up and demand it....and we could!

    It could very possibly almost wipe out corruption at its very core...

    The JIG is UP on the crazy spending, too
       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Teehee

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  giovonni Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:11 am

    G Big Grin 2 ld Isn't M Big Grin 2 ney

    Gold Breaches $1625, U.S. Credit Ratings Downgrade Now Almost Certain

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  giovonni Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:56 am

    You have to love his tenacity... study

    So...Lawfully speaking, a dollar is still 371 grains of fine silver.

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  giovonni Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:15 pm

    "The operative factor is not how much we allow ourselves to borrow, but how much our creditors are willing to lend" ?

    Debt Deal Is A Blank Check

    Posted by Peter Schiff
    From FORBES

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  giovonni Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:20 pm

    it appears some in Congress are truly running amok and trying to destroy the U. S. Constitution...


    Ron Paul Sounds Alarm on “Disturbing” Super Congress

    Congressman warns new all-powerful committee will ram through tax hikes

    Paul Joseph Watson
    Tuesday, August 2, 2011

    Congressman Ron Paul warns that the all-powerful new “Super Congress” created by the vote on the debt ceiling will be used to fast-track tax increases while concentrating more power over the nation’s purse strings in the hands of the Washington elite.

    As we reported yesterday, the “Super Congress,” which was approved by the House yesterday and is set to be rubber stamped in the Senate today, will establish a new level of unaccountable government, and will strip elected representatives of the right to amend legislation or filibuster on whatever issues it sees fit, not merely limited to the debt situation.

    This body will have “extraordinary new powers” to quickly force legislation through both chambers, including gun control, entitlement cuts and tax hikes.

    In a statement made yesterday in response to the passage of the Budget Control Act, Congressman Ron Paul expressed his alarm at the establishment of this “disturbing” new committee, and warned that it would be used to ram through tax increases.

    “The legislation produced by this commission will be fast-tracked, and Members will not have the opportunity to offer amendments,” said Paul. “Approval of the recommendations of the “Super Congress” is tied to yet another debt ceiling increase. This guarantees that Members will face tremendous pressure to vote for whatever comes out of this commission– even if it includes tax increases. This provision is an excellent way to keep spending decisions out of the reach of members who are not on board with the leadership’s agenda.”

    The Congressman added that the committee represents “Nothing more than a way to disenfranchise the majority of Congress by denying them the chance for meaningful participation in the crucial areas of entitlement and tax reform. It cedes power to draft legislation to a special commission, hand-picked by the House and Senate leadership.”

    Indeed, the White House has already indicated that it will harness the power of the Super Congress, thereby becoming the de facto deciding 13th member, to terminate the Bush tax cuts from 2012 onwards.

    As CBS News reports, Congress will be mandated to carry out an up or down vote, with no amendments allowed, on the recommendations of the super committee on December 23rd, one month after the new body completes its work, which will be focused on cutting Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security.

    “Congress could not modify the committee’s recommendation,” reports CBS, an admission that powers ascribed to elected lawmakers that are enshrined in the Constitution are being completely gutted.

    If Congress rejects the super committee’s proposals, “then automatic across the board spending cuts of at least $1.2 trillion would go into effect.”

    Second Amendment organizations like Gun Owners of America fear that this new super committee of lawmakers would not stop at ruling over the debt issue, and that it could move on to target the right to bear arms by pushing legislation on “Gun owner registration, “bans on semi-automatic firearms,” and the “adoption of a UN gun control treaty.”

    The fact that the establishment of a body which threatens to completely re-write over 200 years worth of constitutionally-based legislative practice has sailed through with barely a whimper of debate from politicians or the mainstream media is a damning indictment of how the Obama administration’s penchant for executive autonomy has aggressively seized control of the political process.

    Once again, it is up to the grass roots to raise the alarm on this shocking development in the hope that it can later be shot down by a federal judge still familiar with the basic tenets of the constitution.


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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  giovonni Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:33 pm

    the truth will set you free... Enlightened


    When a cut is not a cut
    By Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) - 08/01/11

    One might think that the recent drama over the debt ceiling involves one side wanting to increase or maintain spending with the other side wanting to drastically cut spending, but that is far from the truth. In spite of the rhetoric being thrown around, the real debate is over how much government spending will increase.

    No plan under serious consideration cuts spending in the way you and I think about it. Instead, the "cuts" being discussed are illusory, and are not cuts from current amounts being spent, but cuts in projected spending increases. This is akin to a family "saving" $100,000 in expenses by deciding not to buy a Lamborghini, and instead getting a fully loaded Mercedes, when really their budget dictates that they need to stick with their perfectly serviceable Honda. But this is the type of math Washington uses to mask the incriminating truth about their unrepentant plundering of the American people.

    The truth is that frightening rhetoric about default and full faith and credit of the United States is being carelessly thrown around to ram through a bigger budget than ever, in spite of stagnant revenues. If your family's income did not change year over year, would it be wise financial management to accelerate spending so you would feel richer? That is what our government is doing, with one side merely suggesting a different list of purchases than the other.

    In reality, bringing our fiscal house into order is not that complicated or excruciatingly painful at all. If we simply kept spending at current levels, by their definition of "cuts" that would save nearly $400 billion in the next few years, versus the $25 billion the Budget Control Act claims to "cut". It would only take us 5 years to "cut" $1 trillion, in Washington math, just by holding the line on spending. That is hardly austere or catastrophic.

    A balanced budget is similarly simple and within reach if Washington had just a tiny amount of fiscal common sense. Our revenues currently stand at approximately $2.2 trillion a year and are likely to remain stagnant as the recession continues. Our outlays are $3.7 trillion and projected to grow every year. Yet we only have to go back to 2004 for federal outlays of $2.2 trillion, and the government was far from small that year. If we simply returned to that year's spending levels, which would hardly be austere, we would have a balanced budget right now. If we held the line on spending, and the economy actually did grow as estimated, the budget would balance on its own by 2015 with no cuts whatsoever.

    We pay 35 percent more for our military today than we did 10 years ago, for the exact same capabilities. The same could be said for the rest of the government. Why has our budget doubled in 10 years? This country doesn't have double the population, or double the land area, or double anything that would require the federal government to grow by such an obscene amount.

    In Washington terms, a simple freeze in spending would be a much bigger "cut" than any plan being discussed. If politicians simply cannot bear to implement actual cuts to actual spending, just freezing the budget would give the economy the best chance to catch its breath, recover and grow.

    Blog Source & Comments;

    Rep. Paul introduces bill to cancel $1.6T in debt held by Federal Reserve
    By Pete Kasperowicz - 08/02/11

    Rep. Ron Paul on Monday introduced legislation that would lower the federal government's debt by canceling the roughly $1.6 trillion in debt held by the Federal Reserve.

    Paul has argued for the last few weeks that the idea represents a quick way to make the growing fiscal crisis more manageable. Under his bill, H.R. 2768, the $1.6 trillion that the Treasury owes to the Federal Reserve would disappear.

    The Federal Reserve began buying Treasury bonds in earnest late last year as part of its effort to keep long-term interest rates down. But Paul has argued that Fed purchases of Treasury debt represent a debt that the government owes to itself, and one that also leads to an unwanted and inflationary increase in the money supply.

    Paul has also said the Fed is allowing the federal government to continue a spending binge it otherwise would not be able to afford, and is forcing the Fed to print money to keep up.

    "If the federal government cannot cut spending and bring the budget back into balance, the Fed undoubtedly will be forced to simply monetize trillions of dollars in Treasury debt, which is nothing more than a stealth form of default," Paul said back in May.

    Paul is highly critical of the debt-ceiling agreement that the House approved Monday, and said that rather than require real cuts in spending, the bill mostly cuts planned spending levels in the future. According to the legislation, discretionary spending in 2012 would be just $7 billion less than in 2011, and in 2013 it would be just $3 billion less than 2011 before allowing increases above 2011 levels.

    "No plan under serious consideration cuts spending in the way you and I think about it," Paul wrote in a piece that appeared on The Hill's Congress Blog. "Instead, the 'cuts' being discussed are illusory, and are not cuts from current amounts being spent, but cuts in projected spending increases."

    Blog Source & Comments;

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  devakas Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:52 pm


    Putin calls our american economy parasites Blushes

    The U.S. spends beyond its means and "lives like a parasite off the global economy," Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Monday, 1 August 2011.

    U.S. President Barack Obama said earlier in the day he had reached a deal with Republican and Democratic leaders to raise the nation’s debt ceiling by at least $2.1 trillion and avoid a default.

    The proposed legislation is expected to be put to a vote in Congress later on Monday.

    Speaking at a Russian political youth camp, Putin said the U.S. exists to build up its debt by relying on credit.

    "It lives beyond its means, taxing the global economy with its problems and living like a parasite off the global economy and the monopoly of the dollar," he said.

    At the same time, the Russian head of government admitted that in the present day situation the United States took a "balanced" decision as a possible default would also have affected the global economy, which would have been "no good at all," he concluded.


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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  giovonni Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:38 pm

    devakas wrote:outch...

    Putin calls our american economy parasites Blushes

    The U.S. spends beyond its means and "lives like a parasite off the global economy," Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Monday, 1 August 2011.

    U.S. President Barack Obama said earlier in the day he had reached a deal with Republican and Democratic leaders to raise the nation’s debt ceiling by at least $2.1 trillion and avoid a default.

    The proposed legislation is expected to be put to a vote in Congress later on Monday.

    Speaking at a Russian political youth camp, Putin said the U.S. exists to build up its debt by relying on credit.

    "It lives beyond its means, taxing the global economy with its problems and living like a parasite off the global economy and the monopoly of the dollar," he said.

    At the same time, the Russian head of government admitted that in the present day situation the United States took a "balanced" decision as a possible default would also have affected the global economy, which would have been "no good at all," he concluded.

    i saw this story yesterday, at the time i didn't quite know what to make of it scratch

    But it sure fits in here quite well...Thanks for posting Thubs Up

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  giovonni Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:04 am

    The Debt Crisis Is A Trojan Horse To Cause The Fall of America
       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Trojans
    "The long transformation of America from a relatively free society into a full-fledged, technocratic police state is now complete."

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  giovonni Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:15 am

    Is it just me... Or does it look like his nose is growing...?


       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSTQi524n5TITa_ti9zeQn7-3YWgyWYj1RXIMgUBXcTujY4sLouWQ


    No Chance of Default, US Can Print Money: Greenspan
    "The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that.
    So there is zero probability of default"

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  Seashore Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:05 am

    I worry about focusing on gold as money, because I think a gold standard will result in a limitation on how much wealth there will be to spread around, according to how much gold there is to be had. People who have gold as an investment are certainly smart, but I hope we won't try to base our currency on it in the future.

    My understanding of the mess we're in is that we have to somehow take control of our own government away from the international bankers and corporations and Wall Street so that we can bring back our manufacturing base - our jobs - and begin issuing our own currency. I've been following the efforts of Ellen Brown, who has done a lot of research and writing, and she advocates public banking modeled after the Bank of North Dakota, the only state in the United States that has a state-owned bank. This bank does not compete with local banks; it partners with them.

    Also, my understanding is that this thing called a "derivative" is killing us. That bailout in 2008 was associated with Wall Street's liabilities for derivatives - things like "credit default swaps" and "collateralized debt obligations." These things used to be regulated and need to be regulated again. From Webster Tarpley's article of October 2, 2008:
    Wall Street Derivatives Monster: $1 Quadrillion-Plus Of Junk

    In reality, Wall Street is nothing but a derivatives monster, a black hole of hundreds of trillions of dollars of poisonous derivatives. Total world derivatives are now between $1 QUADRILLION (i.e., one thousand trillion) and $1.5 quadrillion, and Wall Street represents the lion’s share of this. (We are forced to use estimates because most derivatives are not just unregulated, they are also unreported, so literally nobody knows the exact size of the derivatives bubble.) No money that is put into Wall Street will ever pass through it to benefit anyone else. The Wall Street derivatives black hole is so powerful that it could easily eat the whole earth and the entire solar system, and still be just as bankrupt as it was to start with. Banks like JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, and the Bank of America long ago gave up providing commercial bank services in the form of loans to companies seeking to purchase new plant and equipment for capital investment and job creation. The banks do not discount commercial paper any more. They deal in derivatives and speculation, and little else. A year ago, JP Morgan Chase alone officially had $93 TRILLION in derivatives of certain types – more than six times the total Gross Domestic Product of the United States, and this is a very low-ball estimate indeed. When they were still investment banks, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley created the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) in London to facilitate their oil futures speculation; there are indications that Goldman and Morgan between them accounted for almost half of the run-up in the world oil price, meaning in effect that these two criminal organizations were responsible for almost 25% of the total price of oil. This means that about a quarter out of every dollar paid at the gas pump by commuters, cab drivers, and truckers was going to subsidize Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.
    Link to the article: "Force The Fed To Open A Main Street Lending Facility For Producers, Not Wall Street Parasites"

    Regarding government spending, yes, we need to stop our empire building (immoral wars) and building bases all over the world, so in that sense we need to cut back spending.

    All of this depends on taking back control of our government. I hope we can do it somehow.

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  Carol Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:43 am

    Surly you can see by now what is happening Seashore. Our government has grown so large that it is imploding on itself much like in the fall of Rome. That is what corruption does. Fortunately for us Obama will not be re-elected. However, given how the president is a puppet (more often a clone as the real individual these days is often murdered early on in office and replaced) there really isn't much hope of the economy improving... until the Iraqi Dinar revalues. Then there will be a global upsurge, all will be well for a bit before it is overcome by earth changes.

    The financial problem is too corrupt and too huge to be fixed. There are a few towns in the US and North Dakota who actually do live within their means... yet, Los Angeles's titanic is already hitting the ice burg along with many other cities and states across the US. What is going on financially with government is not sustainable as it is based on a model of more going out then what is coming in.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  Seashore Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:51 am

    Carol wrote:Surly you can see by now what is happening Seashore. Our government has grown so large that it is imploding on itself much like in the fall of Rome. That is what corruption does.

    I would agree that what's happening can be compared to the fall of Rome.

    Carol wrote: Fortunately for us Obama will not be re-elected.

    I don't know how you know that, but like you say the president is a puppet so it doesn't make any difference whether it's Obama or some other puppet.

    Carol wrote:Then there will be a global upsurge, all will be well for a bit before it is overcome by earth changes.

    Earth changes are a separate issue altogether. What happens with earth changes will not make the government more or less corrupt or make the people more or less aware.

    Carol wrote:The financial problem is too corrupt and too huge to be fixed.

    If we give up, yes, it can't be fixed for sure, because no one will fix it.

    There is increasing awareness and there are good people working toward positive change. What will happen? I don't pretend to know. But I don't think waiting for things to fall apart more than they already have is the answer.

    I think we should be advocating for solutions such as taking control of the ballot box (ending corporate control of electronic voting). That would be step one. Because nothing is going to change with the system we have now for electing Congress.

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       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  Carol Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:09 pm

    The problem goes much deeper then what is at the ballot box. Take Obama as an example. When one discovers the facts about the man (AFTER THE FACT and he is in office) it just goes to show that those who control the elections also control the masses via distorted mass media. The only real hope is in local government or smaller territories as compared to how it is done now. Even then there is no guarantee and I've been involved in government for so many years to see how easily it is for some one to become co-opted and then corrupted. I've been maintaining these past years a lottery system where qualified citizens names go into the lottery and then the ones selected get a term limit. To me this method of selection at least can do just as good if not better then what we are dealing with now. And it would save millions of dollars that would be better served spent on the nations infrastructure. I don't know about you but I'm sick of the never-ending expensive candidate re-election campaigns and lobbyists who buy them off.

    According to Melon Thomas, the next president will be a woman.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13654
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Empty Re: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:31 pm

    If there is a sinister and corrupt secret government which rules the world, and probably the solar system, attempting to make positive changes in individual countries, including the U.S., might very well be an exercise in futility, which is why I keep going on and on about solar system governance. Get a copy of 'A Foreign Policy of Freedom' by Ron Paul. It is excellent! I like the idea of politicians getting PhD's in governance, so they have at least half a chance of knowing what they're doing. Of course, there is such an animal as an 'Educated Idiot'. If politicians had to pass a complex battery of tests, before they could run for office, this might eliminate a lot of the subprime nitwits. We need Female Presidents and Popes. Perhaps the Controlled Patriarchy needs to transition into a Free Matriarchy. Women are harder to control, aren't they? Maybe that's why they use men to control us, sort of like drones. It is supposedly better to back a currency with silver, because it is more plentiful, but who knows about gold and silver mining operations throughout the solar system? How about Obi Wan Kenobi for President? Or how about Pope Kenobi?
       Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ Obi_wan_kenobi_1

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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