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    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden!


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    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Empty Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden!

    Post  mudra Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:18 pm

    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden

    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ2RFKcN_T2JAjstpkx2_XoK4LUY6BpIjgG8I3Z-m6UI35C3BoK

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    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Empty Re: Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden!

    Post  Sanicle Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:57 am

    I agree.......RIDICULOUS. And I'll add one more word.........PATHETIC!

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    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Empty Re: Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden!

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:10 am

    Throw away the key...

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    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Empty Re: Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden!

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:31 am

    ACTIVIST VICTORY: Oak Park Drops Charges Against Julie Bass and Her Vegetable Garden.

    "Editor's Note: The real victory here is that would-be tyrants buckled under the pressure of true activism. Great job to everyone who used the tools of the system against the system -- Facebook, petitions, blogs, and tens of thousands of phone calls -- to stand up to this ridiculous injustice. And a hat tip to those in the alternative media who spread this story. So, for the cynics who say that any effort is a waste of time against a power so pervasive, let this be just one more example as to what is possible when people decide to actually take action and DO SOMETHING.


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    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Empty Re: Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden!

    Post  mudra Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:43 am

    enemyofNWO wrote:ACTIVIST VICTORY: Oak Park Drops Charges Against Julie Bass and Her Vegetable Garden.

    "Editor's Note: The real victory here is that would-be tyrants buckled under the pressure of true activism. Great job to everyone who used the tools of the system against the system -- Facebook, petitions, blogs, and tens of thousands of phone calls -- to stand up to this ridiculous injustice. And a hat tip to those in the alternative media who spread this story. So, for the cynics who say that any effort is a waste of time against a power so pervasive, let this be just one more example as to what is possible when people decide to actually take action and DO SOMETHING.


    Great news enemyofNWO .
    Thanks for sharing sunny

    Love from me

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    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Empty Re: Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden!

    Post  Aquaries1111 Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:58 pm

    mudra wrote:Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden

    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ2RFKcN_T2JAjstpkx2_XoK4LUY6BpIjgG8I3Z-m6UI35C3BoK

    Love Always

    Julie Bass's blog: Update.. she's still fighting the good fight..

    August 5, 2012

    ok- here for your critique/comments/criticisms/suggestions is the preliminary draft of the letter i would like to start sending out to people in government. after i wrote it i thought perhaps the issue would be better addressed at a local level, but now i think that rather than individuals repeatedly having the same fight we should take care of this once and for all. it is a waste of time, energy, and resources for this battle to be fought again and again, only to have yet another local bureaucrat overstep in another location and have the drama unfold once more. it is painful to watch, but way worse to be in the middle of. so here, without further rambling, is the letter:

    Dear Sir/Madam:

    In the past year or so, I have seen a growing assault on a specific type of individual freedom. A seemingly innocuous activity has drawn the ire of local officials, and when I tell you what it is, you will think it is so silly you just might laugh. You might even think that paying attention to this issue is a waste of your limited time, but I can assure you from my own personal experience that it absolutely is not.

    In June of 2011 I faced a 93 day jail sentence for growing vegetables in my front yard. Yes, you read that correctly. There was no other issue, no hidden criminal mischief, no homeowner’s association, no history of any other violations. There was nothing in the municipal code that prohibited growing vegetables in the front yard, nor was there anything, unsightly or even vaguely menacing. Yet I was charged with a misdemeanor. If my case was an isolated incident, we could just attribute it to an overzealous city planner and that would be the end of the story.

    But in September of 2011, Memphis high school teacher Adam Guerrero was ordered to dismantle a similar garden. In his case, he used the garden to educate students from the local high school about growing food, making soap and biodiesel, harvesting honey, and giving youth productive and constructive ways to use their time. For this he was dragged into court and labelled a troublemaker.

    In June of 2012 Karl Tricamo of Ferguson, Missouri was ordered to tear up his front yard garden in spite of the fact that it clearly violated no zoning ordinance. He chose to stand his ground rather than capitulate to bullying by his city, but it was a difficult fight, and one that a law-abiding citizen should not have to wage. Karl won his fight too, but the city is planning to retaliate by drafting new and stricter gardening ordinances that will prevent him from continuing to plant in the future.

    Perhaps most egregious, though, is the case of Denise Morrison in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Denise grew a varied garden of herbs, flowers, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. She was cited by her city for violating their zoning ordinances. And while her case was pending, before she had her hearing, city workers came and razed her garden. That’s right. No due process. no fair trial. All because some local bureaucrats wouldn’t tolerate one woman growing some of her own food.

    So what can you do? I am asking you to be courageous enough to sponsor a bill that will protect a citizen’s right to grow food. I am asking you to pass into law something that should already be obvious to thinking people: that a free citizen should have the right (barring legitimate concerns over safety and welfare of others, of course) to grow food on their own property. Protect individuals from the petty tyranny of local governments.

    Yes, I know we can vote in local elections, and we do. But wouldn’t it be wonderful if you took a stand on this issue? I’ll tell you who would support you, because they supported me during my fight with the city (which i won, by the way): people who care about: food safety, food rights, water conservation, organics, local politics, human rights, keeping government in check, farming, slow food, eating local, environmentalists, water quality, saving money, healthy diets, teaching and learning, improvising in a tough economy, self-sufficiency, therapeutic benefits of gardening, taking pride in what you work for (a most American value), ______________________________________________ (this is where i need blog readers to suggest more if i forgot any, which i’m sure i did…)

    It used to be that Americans were encouraged to plant Victory Gardens. Average people felt they were helping their country and their families by putting their hands in their soil and growing some of what they ate. They took pride in the fact that they were able to see the results of their effort on their very own dinner table. Today many people struggle from paycheck to paycheck. Slogans are thrown around about how best to help people who are just trying to “make it”. Here you have case after case of people who are willing to do what it takes to plant what some have termed the new “Survival Gardens”. How wonderful it would be for them to be able to flourish in peace!

    At the heyday of our battle, we had several hundred thousand visitors following my story on my blog. I’m sure there were at least that many following our story on other websites and through other media. Undoubtedly you would have more than that supporting you in this issue.

    I will eagerly await a response from you.

    Thank you and best wishes,

    Julie Bass


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    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Empty Re: Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden!

    Post  Carol Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:59 pm

    I've been following these types of stories with great dismay as this is yet another example of the basic right to provide food for oneself on ones own land is in jeopardy. I'm happy that Oak Park dropped Charges Against Julie Bass and Her Vegetable Garden but how many others are going through similar trials due to myopic visions of those who would have everyone grow grass instead. The reality is everyone should be grown their own food and learn to become as self-sufficient as possible.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Empty Re: Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden!

    Post  Floyd Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:04 am

    Ahh...the land of the free.

    Government cronies let Monsanto crap all over the land and on peoples livelihoods but you cant grow a Xxxxxxxx potato in your own front Garden.
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    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Empty Re: Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden!

    Post  Carol Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:07 am

    Agreed Floyd. However, since we live in a rural area I've got potatoes growing in several places along with the pineapples. It still makes me ill that kids can't have lemonade stands and are sited or that they are trying to ban kids from working on their family farms. It's totally fricking insane. I don't think I could survive in surbia anymore. It's way too restrictive.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Empty Re: Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden!

    Post  Floyd Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:30 am

    Carol wrote: It's way too restrictive.

    I think you would have enjoyed living Albania in the 70's more!

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    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Empty Re: Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden!

    Post  Carol Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:11 am

    hah... it was much more fun in San Francisco in the 70s where I was living. There is a lot to be said for having grown up in California. Especially southern California as a teen and the beaches.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Empty Man Sentenced to 30 Days for Catching Rain Water on Own Property Enters Jail

    Post  Carol Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:13 pm

    Man Sentenced to 30 Days for Catching Rain Water on Own Property Enters Jail

    This is fricking insane!

    ( – Gary Harrington, the Oregon man convicted of collecting rainwater and snow runoff on his rural property surrendered Wednesday morning to begin serving his 30-day, jail sentence in Medford, Ore. “I’m sacrificing my liberty so we can stand up as a country and stand for our liberty,” Harrington told a small crowd of people gathered outside of the Jackson County (Ore.) Jail.

    Several people held signs that showed support for Harrington as he was taken inside the jail.

    Harrington was found guilty two weeks ago of breaking a 1925 law for having, what state water managers called “three illegal reservoirs” on his property. He was convicted of nine misdemeanors, sentenced to 30 days in jail and fined over $1500 for collecting rainwater and snow runoff on his property

    Harrington says he is not diverting the state's water -- merely collecting rainwater and snow melt that falls or flows on his own property.

    Harrington has vowed to continue to fight the penalty, stating that the government has become “big bullies” and that “from here on in, I’m going to fight it.”

    "We as Americans, we need to stand on our constitutional rights, on our rights as citizens and hang tough. This is a good country, we’ll prevail,” he said.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Empty Re: Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden!

    Post  mudra Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:56 pm

    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Original

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    Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden! Empty Re: Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Organic Vegetable Garden!

    Post  mudra Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:04 pm

    Food Victory! Quebec Couple Wins Right To Grow Vegetables On Front Lawn

    Love Always

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