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    The Great Mystery of Water Revisited


    Posts : 191
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    The Great Mystery of Water Revisited Empty The Great Mystery of Water Revisited

    Post  Arrowwind Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:51 am

    There is much research going on with water lately. Masaru Emoto brought to us a photographic exploration of the dynamic expression of healthy water.

    In my investigation I found out that structured water is not new in agricultural use, being used in Australia and Russia for some time to enhance crop production. These early structured water devices that are still available on the market use magnets to structure the water. Cost analysis of increased crop production has justified the purchase of these devices over the years. Magnet devices wear out over time as the magnets loose goss in about 10 years. The devices are inserted into the main water lines every 500 feet or so (dont remember exactly.

    Nick Noltes new device is exceptional in that it will not wear out short of taking a sledge hammer or chain saw to it. There are no moving parts. so in agriculture the cost is recuperated quickly. For the home there is no matinence on water softeners and hot water heaters will not be subject to mineral buildup
    which so often does the heater in. In general plumbing will not be subject to wear and tear from mineral issues. In some parts of the country this is a significant issue.

    What is discussed less regarding structured water is the healing benefits it may provide. I was in contact with one woman who was at her wits end dealing with a life long case of severe eczema. She had tried already all the alternative approaches I could recommend. I told her about Nolte's water device and she got one right away. A few weeks later she contacted me and told me that her skin was now healed.

    If this kind of water can keep plumbing pipes from corroding stands to reason that it may be of some value to the lymphatic and circulatory system.

    Here is Nolte talking about his discovery of structured water

    How A Strawberry Field Responds to Structured Water

    Strawberry Field Revisted

    One thing that is not disucussed that much with photonic water is its healing benefits on people. A while back I was contacted by a woman with severe lifelong eczema who was looking for an alternative therapy. Since she had already tried all that I could think in the alternative medical realms (as well as countless visits to dermatologists) of I told her about photonic water. I was unsure of photonic water as it was a new concept to me at the time. She immediately went out and purchased a photonic water device.. A few weeks later she contacted me and told me that her skin was fully healed.

    This is from the ProtonicWater site about water usage on crops. Its impressive:

    Some of its many agricultural benefits:
    Crops use 30% to 50% less water due to increased hydration, while the biomass of all crops increases 27% to 40%
    The nutrient content of seed crops and produce increases as much as 500% to 1200%, with appropriate fertilization
    Seed germination time is decreased and pesticide usage is reduced
    Shelf life of agricultural produce and cut flowers increases
    Livestock reduces water consumption consistently as hydration improves
    Livestock and poultry maintain greater health and the use of antibiotics and steroids is virtually eliminated
    The use of restructured water has proven to be of enormous benefit to commercial enterprises:
    Commercial nurseries
    Golf course maintenance


    Posts : 23280
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 69
    Location : belgium

    The Great Mystery of Water Revisited Empty Re: The Great Mystery of Water Revisited

    Post  mudra Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:44 pm

    Thanks for posting these Arrowind .
    Do you know the work of Viktor Schauberger ?
    These devices that structure water are inspired from Viktor's observations of water in nature.
    They are precious .

    For those who can't afford to buy such a device here is a way to structure water at low cost:

    H20 Magic Part 1/ 3

    or here on SecretsofWater's youtube channel :'s

    Love from me

    Posts : 191
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Location : Idaho

    The Great Mystery of Water Revisited Empty Re: The Great Mystery of Water Revisited

    Post  Arrowwind Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:54 pm

    Im not familiar with Viktor Schauberger but every self respecting hippie in the USA knows Danial Vitalis Very Happy

    We are planning on installing Nolte's version - photonic water device into our house that we are building. It will be a full house water structurer and it will service 2 gardens and the animals in the summer also so, we should be seeing some changes.

    Posts : 23280
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 69
    Location : belgium

    The Great Mystery of Water Revisited Empty Re: The Great Mystery of Water Revisited

    Post  mudra Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:12 pm

    Arrowwind wrote:Im not familiar with Viktor Schauberger but every self respecting hippie in the USA knows Danial Vitalis Very Happy

    We are planning on installing Nolte's version - photonic water device into our house that we are building. It will be a full house water structurer and it will service 2 gardens and the animals in the summer also so, we should be seeing some changes.

    That's great news Arrowwind cheers
    I am very happy you have taken that decision.
    I can't do same as I am renting the place I live in now but I am using TC carafes and vortex straws to revitalize the tap water.
    Best I can do so far.
    You'll love Viktor Schauberger I have no doubt Wink

    Love from me

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    The Great Mystery of Water Revisited Empty Structured water

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Mar 05, 2015 2:01 pm

    Links: Pollack Laboratory:
    Institute for Venture Science:
    IVS PDF:
    Water Bridge: Floating water bridge between two beakers
    Article about the Discovery:
    TEDx Talk: The Fourth Phase of Water: Dr. Gerald Pollack at TEDxGuelphU
    Pollack Laboratory Vimeo:
    Static Electricity Article:

    These links are shared by Ben Davidson, spokesman at SuspiciousObservers,
    our "weatherman" in bobhardee's daily SuspiciousObservers tubby posts.


    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    The Great Mystery of Water Revisited Empty Alexander Lauterwasser water-sound-images

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:49 pm

    For those of you who understand German, this tubby is in German only. Many images speak for themselves.
    Alexander Lauterwasser found the seed for his work, the study of form in nature, by his aquaintance with a turtle,
    when he was young. He works with addicts in detox programs as a companion and guide, creates water-sound-images
    on stage and in his research laboratory. Twice he's been in Holland and I've enjoyed his presentations very much.
    Lauterwasser is a man familiar with the Flower of Life geometry, the work of Rudolf Steiner and much more.
    In the link below, also the work of Schauberger and Emoto is presented, plus a lot more subjects related to water H20

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