According the renown meteorologist and astrologist Piers Corbyn, there will be disastrous events between June 27th and July 2nd. Corbyn, who is the owner of the Weather Action, makes his forecasts and predictions based on what he calls "The Solar Weather Technique," a combination of statistical analysis of over a century of historical weather patterns with clues derived from solar observations, in other words, the interconnectivity of Sun-Earth magnetism.
According to Space Weather, a solar prominence alert has been issued due to the growth of Sunspot 1242, which is expected to be a threat with the production of C-class solar flares. In addition, a solar wind stream flowing from a coronal hole is expected to reach Earth on July 2nd.
a "significant coronal hole in the northern hemisphere (CH460) could produce a powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake during this watch period. Targeting areas 23-27 Degrees and 36-40 Degrees North Latitude. Plotting areas at risk for this possible event are Taiwan, Volcano Islands, Gujarat-India, Gulf Of California or Yunnan-China . Time frame for this July 1-2. The area of Japan could be at risk of a significant after shock during this watch also as the large coronal hole does span across its latitude. Ionospheric/OLR anomaly's indicate regions of Luzon-Philippines, India, Kermadec Islands have increased readings and could produce a significant earthquake during this watch period."
Key words: solar wind – Sun: coronal mass ejections (CMEs) – Sun: dynamo – Sun: evolution – Sun: magnetic topology
ELECTRIC BLUE SUNSETS: The 2011 season for noctilucent clouds is gaining steam. Reports of electric-blue sunsets are now coming in from all the countries of northern Europe, Russia, Alaska and Canada. "We had our first sighting of NLCs on June 28th," reports Alan Dyer. He took this picture from Gleichen in southern Alberta:
According to Space Weather, a solar prominence alert has been issued due to the growth of Sunspot 1242, which is expected to be a threat with the production of C-class solar flares. In addition, a solar wind stream flowing from a coronal hole is expected to reach Earth on July 2nd.
a "significant coronal hole in the northern hemisphere (CH460) could produce a powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake during this watch period. Targeting areas 23-27 Degrees and 36-40 Degrees North Latitude. Plotting areas at risk for this possible event are Taiwan, Volcano Islands, Gujarat-India, Gulf Of California or Yunnan-China . Time frame for this July 1-2. The area of Japan could be at risk of a significant after shock during this watch also as the large coronal hole does span across its latitude. Ionospheric/OLR anomaly's indicate regions of Luzon-Philippines, India, Kermadec Islands have increased readings and could produce a significant earthquake during this watch period."
Understanding the evolution of magnetic flux in the heliosphere remains an unresolved issue. The current solar minimum between cycles 23 and 24 is anomalously long, which gives rare insight into the long-term evolution of heliospheric magnetic flux when the coronal mass ejection (CME) rate and the flux emergence rate from CMEs were very low. The precipitous drop of heliospheric magnetic flux to levels lower than have ever been observed directly shows that there may be a persistent loss of open magnetic flux through disconnection, the reconnection between opposite polarity heliospheric magnetic field lines relatively near the Sun (beneath the Alfve ́n point). Here, we develop a model for the levels of magnetic flux in the inner heliosphere balancing new flux injected by CMEs, flux lost through disconnection, and closed flux lost through interchange reconnection near the Sun. This magnetic flux balance is a fundamental property that regulates the plasma and radiation environment of our solar system.Key words: solar wind – Sun: coronal mass ejections (CMEs) – Sun: dynamo – Sun: evolution – Sun: magnetic topology
ELECTRIC BLUE SUNSETS: The 2011 season for noctilucent clouds is gaining steam. Reports of electric-blue sunsets are now coming in from all the countries of northern Europe, Russia, Alaska and Canada. "We had our first sighting of NLCs on June 28th," reports Alan Dyer. He took this picture from Gleichen in southern Alberta: