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    The Real History of the Black Genetic. The First Known Humans On Our Planet


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    The Real History of the Black Genetic.  The First Known Humans On Our Planet Empty The Real History of the Black Genetic. The First Known Humans On Our Planet

    Post  gscraig Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:00 pm

    Figured it was time to see if our minds can begin to wrap around these facts.

    Most of us are aware of the fact that it has been established (so far) that the black people were the first on the planet, which was in Africa. Where of course, it is widely accepted, written and acknowledged is the cradle of human life. If you didn't know this, then the link (aside from others) I decided to post will be much harder for you to absorb. Many of us often are wondering of our true star genetics, but perhaps those most ancient of cultures (most being black) that made references to aliens need to be better understood first.

    Now, I won't type too much, because this is really an area we all at some point or another should research a bit. Even those whom are bringing to light so much ancient knowledge, are failing to mention the skin tone of these ancients.

    Now, if you still believe that the white genetic (skin) came from black people who eventually migrated to the northern reaches of the planet and due to the colder climate turned white...THEY GOTCHA!!!

    That is still a mystery, but there are various extra-terrestrial related writings that touch on this bit. It range from the white genetic being brought here per some books to increase human evolution, per others rejected from closer to our galaxy, as an engineered genetic for proctection that became too violent, enraged and desired vanity and power. Others include one species already naturally evolving on the planet, then introduced with another genetic which was from those whom are controlling the planet.
    Feeling that they are our true creators.

    There are many tales and perspectives, but the truth hidden from us about black people, I feel, is the long ignored key, and only begin to open pandora's box.

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    The Real History of the Black Genetic.  The First Known Humans On Our Planet Empty Re: The Real History of the Black Genetic. The First Known Humans On Our Planet

    Post  gscraig Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:21 pm

    A fare warning as well. The narration to an extent seem to have some separatist undertone to it, but the information, I felt was well worth passing on.


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    The Real History of the Black Genetic.  The First Known Humans On Our Planet Empty Re: The Real History of the Black Genetic. The First Known Humans On Our Planet

    Post  devakas Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:44 am


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    The Real History of the Black Genetic.  The First Known Humans On Our Planet Empty Re: The Real History of the Black Genetic. The First Known Humans On Our Planet

    Post  Carol Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:53 am

    hmm, I've talked to a number of contactees and they did identify how the many different races origins are really from other planets.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    The Real History of the Black Genetic.  The First Known Humans On Our Planet Empty Re: The Real History of the Black Genetic. The First Known Humans On Our Planet

    Post  gscraig Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:40 pm

    Hello Carol,

    I for the most part agree with this information coming from some contactees, artifacts and ancient writings in regards our origins coming from the stars. The point of the post is that many are not aware of the truth about the true origins of cultures on this planet and a "beyond average" attempt to downplay a lot of it's connection to the black race.
    So, we often are hearing about research of contributions to current society from past civilizations, but if you are lied to about who those past civilizations and people really were, you are that much disconnected from the deception that exist today.

    For example, the Sumerians and Egyptians were of the black race, and both spoke of ET's and our creation. Now, if scientist chose to hide or nullify who these races were (skin tone), then the key to understanding them and what they are truly trying to tell us becomes that much more important. Sometimes we have to understand what are the real keys and why they were hidden in our history first, before we can connect to where we emerged via the stars.

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    The Real History of the Black Genetic.  The First Known Humans On Our Planet Empty Re: The Real History of the Black Genetic. The First Known Humans On Our Planet

    Post  gscraig Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:44 pm


    This has intrigued me a bit, so I came across some inventions from black people. I had also discovered some early adaptions came from slaves in the Americas, whom often had the credit taken by their masters or masters family members. At any rate, I found these two videos of some of the things black people or in America, the African Americans invented. This is more recent/modern inventions, but there are many inventions that trace back to the early Sumerians and Egyptians (again, predominantly black race).

    I had read that the light bulb initial discovery was great, but very flawed and impractical, lack longevity as well expensive for
    public use until a black assistant of Edison invented a way to make it what it is today.

    Kinda get the feeling we've been more hoodwinked on this planet than one can imagine.

    [/youtube][youtube]<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/youtube]

    [youtube]<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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    The Real History of the Black Genetic.  The First Known Humans On Our Planet Empty Re: The Real History of the Black Genetic. The First Known Humans On Our Planet

    Post  gscraig Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:03 pm

    Interesting recent discovery. Although, it is still coming from mainstream.

    All Non-Africans Part Neanderthal, Genetics Confirm


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    The Real History of the Black Genetic.  The First Known Humans On Our Planet Empty Re: The Real History of the Black Genetic. The First Known Humans On Our Planet

    Post  sunkissed Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:35 am

    Very Hard to accept but is the truth.

    Substances of life:

    1. Chlorophyll: is essential to the process of photosynthesis… it is a green pigment found in almost all plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. often called the building block of life. Without chlorophyll there is no life.

    FACT: The default colour of All plants, algae and cyanobacteria is GREEN

    2.Melanin: is a pigment that is ubiquitous in nature, being found in most organisms. Spiders and most NOT ALL White people are the few groups in which it has not been detected or have very little or no melanin in their bodies, a condition known as albinism..

    Fact: Similar to plants, the default colour of a human being is BLACK, Without MELANIN in the body Embarassed , you are a defective human being, in valid, genetic mutant etc

    So this is why BLACK people are often referred to as the CHOSEN ONES, children of RAH, or those of the SUN... sunny

    study Chlorophyll is the FIRST Cousin to Melanin.

    Now you know why Black people love marijuana, (ORGANIC MARIJUANA (NATURAL SUBSTANCE) which are packed full of protein and omega three fatty acids. And lots and lots of chlorophyll A & B)



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    The Real History of the Black Genetic.  The First Known Humans On Our Planet Empty Re: The Real History of the Black Genetic. The First Known Humans On Our Planet

    Post  Brook Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:59 am

    Now you know why Black people love marijuana, (ORGANIC MARIJUANA (NATURAL SUBSTANCE) which are packed full of protein and omega three fatty acids. And lots and lots of chlorophyll A & B)

    What a raciest statement! I suppose you have some scientific theory as to why they would love watermelon as well? Or perhaps why they all look alike.
    The Real History of the Black Genetic.  The First Known Humans On Our Planet Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSYjnj9HtHxgxQCYLVmdcIc-668Jg_G61A69qimNUpfBPpte-Iy

    sorry, but I have a HUGE problem with racism and statements such as that!

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    The Real History of the Black Genetic.  The First Known Humans On Our Planet Empty Re: The Real History of the Black Genetic. The First Known Humans On Our Planet

    Post  gscraig Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:24 pm

    I'd have to agree with Brook on that point. You're making a generalization of an entire race of people. I know many black people who do not like marijuana, and many whom never cared to try it. Be careful with labels that often are based on mainstream agendas, propaganda and conditioning. This often and successfully breeds a superiority complex amongst the inhabitants of this planet. Thus, we all become that much more divided and clueless about ourselves and the box we've all been placed in.

    Throughout history their is documentation of using blacks for experiments, slavery, slaughtering, and self conflict. Yet, their origins would seem to hold a pivotal key to us all understanding who we really are. Some that history show that they were not as violent or as advanced with weaponry (in some cases had none), which contributed to their undoing.

    It's funny how things are starting to come to the forefront in this window of time we're all in.


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    The Real History of the Black Genetic.  The First Known Humans On Our Planet Empty Re: The Real History of the Black Genetic. The First Known Humans On Our Planet

    Post  gscraig Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:26 pm

    I stumbled upon this and decided to purchase the video. The video is very revealing and I highly encourage everyone to purchase or seize a copy by whatever means. Some of the information I was aware of and understanding African Americans are aware of, but they don't mention due to what has been socially accepted. To a degree, each race on this planet can state that fact.

    Many of us question a lot of what we as a species have been taught to believe, and many of us have found ourselves looking to the ways of our ancestors to get an idea how things were or perhaps should be today. As most of us know, The Mayans, Indians, Egyptians, Aztecs, Dogon, Sumerians, Zulu, Incas, to name a few were all tribes of colored skin. Now, we used to be taught in school that Africa is the cradle of life on this planet, but we don’t hear that much anymore. I’ve always thought that these nuggets of truth, was key to research for a better understanding of what’s really going on now. I shared before quite a bit has been left carved in stone by the ancestors, so the rendering of these carvings are quite difficult, but yet they've been long ignored. Mostly, due to deception and ridicule of the ancients, but also because some of it force people out of there comfort zones that they have embraced as truth.

    Just a suggestion to consider for your enlightenment

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    The Real History of the Black Genetic.  The First Known Humans On Our Planet Empty Re: The Real History of the Black Genetic. The First Known Humans On Our Planet

    Post  gscraig Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:45 pm

    There's presentation in the video of historical documents that outlines interactions and trading that was occuring between the indians and africans in America, long before Columbus was proclaimed it's founder. This reminded me of something I posted in regards to Egyptian like civilizations and mathematics being found in the State of Ohio. Again, there's enough out there to connect the dots to the the truth

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