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    World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World-


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    World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World- Empty World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World-

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:10 pm

    You're gonna love this video brothers and sisters
    eXchangers unite !!!

    World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World-


    Posts : 5352
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    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World- Empty Re: World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World-

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:22 pm

    World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World- Please Repost

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    World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World- Empty Re: World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World-

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:34 pm

    That was a very cool video, Susan! Thank-you for posting it!

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    World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World- Empty Re: World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World-

    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:56 pm

    glad you enjoyed it !!!

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    World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World- Empty Re: World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World-

    Post  devakas Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:21 pm


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    World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World- Empty Re: World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World-

    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:31 pm

    iT iS wonderful to see people waking up !!!

    Posts : 1471
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World- Empty Re: World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World-

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri Jun 24, 2011 6:09 am

    A third of Russians wish they could shoot dead corrupt officials

    A sociological research study has revealed that over a third of the country's population wish they could shoot down all bribe-takers and speculators while 70 per cent of Russians admit they are hostile to people of other nationalities.

    As many as 34 per cent of Russians “always” feel like killing the corrupt and 38 per cent of the population “sometimes” wish they could do so writes Kommersant, citing the Russian Academy of Sciences' (RAS) analytical report entitled “20 years of reforms in the eyes of Russians”. In Moscow the number of citizens who are fed up with bribe-takers is even higher: almost two thirds of locals would gun them down.


    The hard times inspire people to dark thoughts . It's a natural phenomenon to attach blame to others guilty or innocent . My favorite thought is to get rid of the Illuminati families with the Guillotine ..... Will thoughts ever become real ?

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    World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World- Empty Re: World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World-

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:07 am

    I like to listen to Alex Jones for information, and to help me think more agressively, but then I try to redirect the negative energy into positive solutions. I guess it takes all kinds. I could never do what Alex does. Or maybe I could, but I have chosen to go in a different direction. I just wish I could remember, think, and talk like he can. He truly amazes me. He never slows down. He never lets up. I'd like to be about half-way between where he is and where I am, but I don't know how to get there. Once again, this thing needs to remain an infowar, and Alex agrees with this view, as far as I can tell. I want all violence to stop.

    Posts : 1471
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    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World- Empty Re: World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World-

    Post  enemyofNWO Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:54 am

    Revolution Spreads To Germany: Hundreds Of “Fat Cats” Cars Burned Across Country

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    World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World- Empty Re: World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World-

    Post  Carol Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:13 am

    I've been following what is going on around the planet and am somewhat awed by how people are rising up to fiscal oppression. Finally - after the Banker's bailout, they get the big picture and are extremely pissed. They are waking up.

    But what are they waking up to?

    How much of this is orchestrated by the globalists who seek a one-world government? And how much is actually grass-roots efforts by the citizens in the various countries around the world?

    One thing for sure right now... the global economy is teetering. I do know that if the Iraqi dinar revalues much of this will stabilize for a brief period of time until the earth changes smack everyone down to the ground. Too bad this revalue isn't happening sooner instead of later where a number of really good people with new money can do a lot of good. The way things are going one wonders when the going gets tough if it will be every man for himself.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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