To cut to the chase about this whole thing I will say that I have bypassed the word filter numerous times and have never been pulled up on it before. (I can be a little bit naughty sometimes as you all know and I put my hands up.) I think it was just used here for the sake of it here. As for the accusation being abusive, I would recommnd you reading GW's post again as they are resplendent with a hue of viciousness, not only here but wherever else she goes, so fair game no? I thought I was being quite tame really. I think we have all had our moments and I noticed Carol has been less than complimentary to various people outside of this forum along with many of us here, espescially with her favoured penis emoticon! Is that not abusive? Was the abuse and the filter really the problem here? I doubt it guys. So these were letter of the law rather than spirit of the law dredged up to (in this case) support to GW and her associates. I felt it was unecessary to wheel them out and still do. I do think the accustaions of bypassing the word filter and being abusive were somewhat trite given the context and I think deep down Carol knows that and was just employing that to put me off derailing GW taking over the entire forum in the manner in which see was doing as the subject matter was important to her and a few others. I dont want to be personal in any of this, they are just my observations about what happened so please do not be offended by them.
However its your forum guys and whatever you say goes. If I was percieved as breaking them, well for my part at least it was worth it in this case and if im in for a stoning then so be it..Ive been stoned plenty of times to speak.
My intent was to save this forum from this spiteful and unconstructive energy, as we have all observed the other forums disintegrate under its dark influence before our eyes. Whereas several people here saw it differently, our wires have gotten crossed in the maelstrom but it is in these kinds of environment this kind of disturbance serves only to derail.
The bottom line is that its not about who is right and who is wrong but about motive and intent. As far as GW and the A team, the 18, Charles etc etc are concerned, their motives are not laced with the tinyist ounce of goodwill or compassion. They only desire self recognition and ego fulfilment and will step on and over anyone or anything to get it. In my opinion, to be supportive of this attitude is wrong, especially when it it accompanied with the abusive and vicious nature displayed by some of the things we have seen and heard from the members of this group and their affiliates both past and present. (The language and words used by this lot in their posts and conference calls and videos is alarming and dont forget these same people have numerous identities across the four forums and are all playing people off each other causing as much chaos as is possible. And now we see some of them presented in a new video as squeaky clean saviours of the planet. How glamorous. The resources would be better spent elswhere but im sure they will make some profit from it whilst it is still possible to do so. Hoefully few will fall for it.) Im happy it was only only a small handful (in the mists) that went along with it but it was enough for me to see how it effects people for the worst. And perhaps I was caught up in that too.
There are no heroes in this sad debacle. There is no balance in this and I dont want to be alligned (to use a Ryanism) with supporting it, her the team and so on and so on. For me there are much more important things in life (like courgettes) at this time and it is well groomed episodes like this that stop us all from getting on with them. Again I would say, 'where will this get you in one years time'.. and the story isnt even over yet before conclusions have been drawn. Not wise.
As you may know, I have rather a little soft spot for the Mists of Avalon and am very protective of her and I can be something of a reactive personality sometimes. It seems to me we were boarded by some pirates that I was not particualarly fond of that went on to sit at the captain's table which caused me to be perturbed sufficiently to the point where I commandeered a small life boat, and equipped with several months worth of courgettes and a collection of sundries, sailed off into the sunset, (only to come across starninja in her rubber dinghy in the middle of the Atlantic! We now have a small family and live on a small, but rapidly diminishing island in the arctic circle)
Im sure Captain's Mercurial and Carol will recover the good ship 'Mists' and steady her course and sail her on with her crew to her due destination. To a bountiful 5th dimensional paridisiacal island , festooned with giant courgette plants offering permanent bounty. Where scantily clad natives, along with Carol in her grass skirt undulate wildly and rythmically to the tunes of TRANCOSO, full to the brim of the local exilir drunk plentifully out of golden coconut shells covered with silver hairs. Where the chants of 'hare krisna' can be heard coming from Devakas and Rasa from a small hut on the mountainside just down from the valley of Mudra's Gardens. An island where sirarc stops talking in pretentious riddles. Touche. Then suddenly, from out of the volcano appears a shimmering crystalline space ship that hovers over the island before landing on the beach. A rampart appears from the luminous smoke as the doors open. A strange figure stands at the doorway. Its Jester Terrestrial and he says to those gathered on the shore "WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR", before he to gets caught up in the crazed mayhem of the celebrations and is soon striped down to his speedos headbanging to 665 The Number of The Neighbour by Iron Maiden.
As I look on from my boat anchored outside of the harbour and shake my head in shock.."what a bunch of wierdos"
For me this is a good opportunity to get on with preparedness, that will eventually involve relocation, which ive been doing rather a lot of and would highly recommend it, and Im very busy with various music projects too.
Sometimes things happen for a reason.
Enjoy the lodge you have constructed and leave all this nonsense behind you. it wil get you NOWHERE.
I will be around on my growing veg and wild food forum occasionaly and a few from this forum are there also which is nice. Small and cosy.
I would very much like if we could close this issue right here so we can all get on with it and go wherever it is we are going in peace.
Be good and watch out for the pirates me hearty's.
Best wishes to you all here. I hope everything goes your way. Get ready.
pps.dont forget to send out espescially constructed thought forms to counter and disable the effects of HAARP.
Last edited by Floyd on Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:40 am; edited 2 times in total