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    Broke Multiple Codes: "Lost" Lottery X-37B -- 4/11/11


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    Broke Multiple Codes: "Lost" Lottery X-37B -- 4/11/11  Empty Broke Multiple Codes: "Lost" Lottery X-37B -- 4/11/11

    Post  Carol Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:06 pm

    I'm posting this for a friend.

    Broke Multiple Codes: "Lost" Lottery X-37B -- 4/11/11 1:10 am Update:
    Warning Yellowstone, China Three Gorges Dam! Warning San Luis Dam
    Something closed my browsers just as I was about to push original post -- lost work. (Please read follow up posts below to understand some further interpretations, as I had to retype original post in sections.)

    To help you understand what is below, I'll quickly tell/warn you that Illuminati usually ignore zeros, they like 3,7,11, 23, 33 and 39 and multiples thereof. numbers like 111, 222, 1111, 2222 are power/magic numbers to them. Illuminati play a game with time zones, so dates are usually related to two, Christmas day and Boxing Day Tsunami because one event occurred on different days depending upon what time zone on the planet you used.

    'Lost' Lottery numbers = 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

    'Real' Lottery numbers = 4, 8, 15, 25, 42, 47
    [link to]

    Add common numbers (don't add them twice)= 4 + 8 + 15 +42 = 69 (multiple of 3 x 23)
    Add uncommon numbers = 16 + 23 + 25 + 47 = 111 (multiple of 3 x 37 (see discussion of X-37B below)
    Add all numbers = 4 + 8 + 15 + 16 + 23 + 25 + 42 +47 = 180 (180, and its relationship to 69 and 111 is discussed in a separate post below)

    3/10/11 aka (3/11/11) = 69th day of year = Fukushima

    4/21/11 aka (4/22/11) = 111th day of year = Next event

    X37B first launch was April 22, 2010 second Launch was March 5, 2011: 10 months 11 days in between. = 111!

    1 Month 11 days between March 11 (or 10), 2011 and April 22 (or 21) = 111!

    3/11 (Fukushima) = 3 x k = kkk

    11/11/11 = kkk

    Knights of Templar established..oops..looks like they took the month and date off wiki when erased/blocked my long report...any was related to 3/10-11 and 4/21-22.

    The point was I connected KKK with Knights of Templar with 3/10-11, 4/21-22 and 11/11/11 and 111. I connected this with Donald Trump (Trumpet?) a Knight of Templar (supposedly), going after a Black Man (Obama)....and it all made sense when I laid it out. Explained more below. KKK based upon Knights of Templar.

    Anyway, I tried to figure out important events that happened on 4/21, 4/22, 3/10 and 3/11 in the past.

    Again, I'm too tired to retype the whole thing.

    England's worst man made disaster happened on 3/10-11, Dam broke killing hundreds. Europe had worst mining accident on this date and of course Japan. All related to energy "accidents."

    On April 21, 1964 NASA rocket blew up releasing 2.1 pounds of plutonium over the planet. Other things happened, but my basic conclusion was 21 and 2.1 go to BlackJack, another code word for Obama, also a major slide-show in Telegraph newspaper (supposedly fiction) depicting 7 cities hit by Dirty Nukes, LA, Portland, DC, New York, London, Toronto, and Mexico City. I pointed out the fact that these were all places that were not in the Southern United States, and at one time or another either fought or had a beef with the confederates, slavery and the like. Pointed out European leaders now detest "multiculturalism" and that they are really expressing racism.

    Also brought in "Seven Sisters," petroleum, mining and mythology.

    I pointed out 4/21-22 Good Friday and Passover, linked to Father's losing their sons...God Lost Jesus and Egyptians lost first borns.

    Anyway, numbers 88 = 4/22 = 4 x 22 uranium 88 atomic number (Also NCAA 88 tournament), ChristChurch = 2/22/2011 = 22 22 11 = 11 11 11 11 11 = 55 = cesium atomic number, and 111 another radioactive atomic number all came into play with dates and places.

    November 30 2010 and 2011, because NASA announced, and have announced the end of both X37B missions for that date, landing dates slightly different, but 222 came into play = April 22, 2010 to November 30, 2010 and 7 months 11 days 7/11 = Launch to actual landing of first mission. 222 is 111 111 = 11 11 11 = again 3x11 = 3xk = kkk = 3 x 11 = 33rd degree Mason/Illuminati.

    I gave lots of info on what has occurred here on planet earth during mission time for X-37B = X-39 = Bilderberg Group....and how 3 x 37 = 111...

    Also went in depth that TUN (Mayan calender) 3/10-11/2011 = 1st day of ninth level, and 4/21-22/2011 = 2nd day. Each Day (Tun) in this final cycle = only 18 days).

    I'm done, they'll probably just erase my work again....


    I think Next action is going down on 4/21-22, Not certain where, but it looks like it may actually be 8.8 earthquake aftershock in Japan knocking Fukushima into sea, see Revelations 8:8 and 88 references above, or it could be dirty nukes in the cities I mentioned, or it could be Tennessee (birthplace of the KKK) and Fukushima Sister City, Or Seattle (Sister City of Christchurch, supposedly 22 people died in church itself (probably wrong) but time capsule found, and Congressman from Seattle was in Christchurch day of incident, however he bugged out 2 hours before the quake.

    I'm sorry if this is not filled out. It was. Not sure who took me off Browser last time. I'll save this work eleswhere...just in case.

    Last Edited by humuhumunukuapuaa on 4/11/2011 1:12 PM
    Through honesty, we make peace.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 5520
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Location : Poland

    Broke Multiple Codes: "Lost" Lottery X-37B -- 4/11/11  Empty Re: Broke Multiple Codes: "Lost" Lottery X-37B -- 4/11/11

    Post  burgundia Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:46 am

    Pity 777 the great work is not here to help us with all those numbers and codes.

    Posts : 32046
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    Location : Hawaii

    Broke Multiple Codes: "Lost" Lottery X-37B -- 4/11/11  Empty Re: Broke Multiple Codes: "Lost" Lottery X-37B -- 4/11/11

    Post  Carol Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:00 pm

    Burgundia, the codes are from the person who discovered them. I asked him if I could post them here and he gave permission to do so. He is not a member of Mists yet but I did invite him to join us.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 5520
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Location : Poland

    Broke Multiple Codes: "Lost" Lottery X-37B -- 4/11/11  Empty Re: Broke Multiple Codes: "Lost" Lottery X-37B -- 4/11/11

    Post  burgundia Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:42 pm

    I hope this person will accept.

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