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    James Corbett on Red Ice radio - 21.1.2011 Geopolitics, Eugenics & Depopulation


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    James Corbett on Red Ice radio - 21.1.2011  Geopolitics, Eugenics & Depopulation Empty James Corbett on Red Ice radio - 21.1.2011 Geopolitics, Eugenics & Depopulation

    Post  mudra Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:42 pm

    Red Ice radio - 21.1.2011 - 1/4 - Geopolitics, Eugenics & Depopulation

    James Corbett joins us from Japan to discuss the big picture from a geopolitical and conspiratorial point of view. We highlight areas such as the manipulation of the financial system and currencies. We talk about the banks and the bailouts. Then, we connect the eugenics agenda and the ongoing chemical castration of men with estrogen mimicking chemicals in waterbottles and many other plastic products. Is this part of the de-population agenda? Later, we talk about the GMO and pharmacological agenda that is being ran by the psychopathic elite with the aid of the corporate media. Topics Discussed: the Corbett Report, news and media in Japan, the financial system, international news, Amero, North American currency, Washington DC, the philosophy of the panopticon, international currency, the surveillance society, eugenics, Galton and Darwin interbreeding, Bisphenol-A, psychopathic elite, economic system, generational, doing good, compartmentalization, Syngenta, Monsanto, John P. Wheeler III, dead microbiologists, swine flu and bird flu.

    Love Always

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