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    Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming! March 11


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    Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!  March 11 Empty Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming! March 11

    Post  burgundia Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:28 am


    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!  March 11 Empty Re: Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming! March 11

    Post  Carol Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:05 pm

    Day of Rage by Muslim Brotherhood on Friday, March 11th who are moving tanks into Bahrain with the intention of closing down Saudia Arabia's flow of oil to the U.S. They also plan to be to go to Israel and take it over too. The globalists are behind this plan to close Saudia Arabia oil fields down so we don't get oil and it will shoot up oil prices which will plunge the dollar downward because the American economy is effected by the cost of oil. The globalist/oil cartel/NWO created a crisis in the Middle East so that Americans will beg for a New World Currency. Basically the NEW WORLD ORDER have launched their take-over of the planet. Meanwhile, the world watches Charlie Sheen do a public global melt down while being totally oblivious to what is really going on behind their backs.

    The standard of currency of the world is crude oil, not money. What happens with crude oil tells us what the globalists time line is and that they are accellerating the timeline. The name of the game is control for them world-wide and it is their intention to bring all of the world under their control and their the New World Order.

    They are pushing to get oil up to $250 a barrel before opening up the US oil fields. They will be opening up 4 major US oil fields that they can produce for $16 dollars a barrel, that they will turn around and sell for $250 a barrel. The Elite need to be stopped.

    I wonder what would happen if the American people just stayed home, didn't go to work and boycotted the purchase of gas? They could have great block parties and screw these elitists. Everyone except medical, fire and police services go on strike. Just take a couple weeks of vacation and hang out with the family. Start Friday and stay home. Seems like a decent plan. All the truckers stop, planes stop, busses stop.. just stay home. That certainly would be one "safe" way to get the message across that enough is enough.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 6:41 pm