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    Wall Street Wizard Claims He's From Future


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    Wall Street Wizard Claims He's From Future Empty Wall Street Wizard Claims He's From Future

    Post  Carol Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:59 pm

    Wall Street Wizard Claims He's From Future Arrest
    Insider Trading Charges
    The story claims that the FBI have arrested a Wall Street wizard named Andrew Carlssin, on insider-trading charges. The FBI claims that with an initial investment of only $800, Carlssin built a personal fortune worth over $350 million in just two weeks!

    Authorities claim that every trade he made capitalized on unexpected business developments, which the FBI and the Security and Exchange Commission claim cannot be coincidence or luck. "The only way he could pull it off is with illegal inside information. He's going to sit in a jail cell on Rikers Island until he agrees to give up his sources," quotes a confidential SEC source. The source added, "If a company's stock rose due to a merger or technological breakthrough that was supposed to be secret, Mr. Carlssin somehow knew about it in advance."

    The past year of nose-diving stock prices has left most investors crying in their beer. So when Carlssin made a flurry of 126 high-risk trades and came out the winner every time, it raised the eyebrows of Wall Street watchdogs.

    The Accused Defence

    When investigators hauled Carlssin in for questioning, they got more than they bargained for: A mind-boggling four-hour confession.

    Sources at the Security and Exchange Commission confirm that 44-year-old Andrew Carlssin offered the bizarre explanation for his uncanny success in the stock market after being led off in handcuffs on January 28. In a bid for leniency, Andrew Carlssin has reportedly offered to divulge "historical facts" such as the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden and a cure for AIDS.

    Carlssin declared that he had traveled back in time from over 200 years in the future, when it is common knowledge that our era experienced one of the worst stock plunges in history. Yet anyone armed with knowledge of the handful of stocks destined to go through the roof could make a fortune.

    "It was just too tempting to resist," Carlssin allegedly said in his videotaped confession. "I had planned to make it look natural, you know, lose a little here and there so it doesn't look too perfect. But I just got caught in the moment."

    Now all he wants is to be allowed to return to the future in his "time craft." However, he refuses to reveal the location of the machine or discuss how it works, supposedly out of fear the technology could "fall into the wrong hands."

    Officials are quite confident the "time-traveler's" claims are bogus. Yet the SEC source admits, "No one can find any record of any Andrew Carlssin existing anywhere before December 2002."

    "We don't believe this guy's story -- he's either a lunatic or a pathological liar," says an SEC insider.

    Source: original story printed Weekly World News and posted at

    Personal note: I've no idea if this story is bogus yet it does hold some entertainment value. And just for the record, even Col. Corso said the US Government had discovered time travel and that was years and years ago. Project Pegasus (a US time travel project) was in the 1960s, well over 40 years ago.

    Part 2

    Time-Traveler Resurfaces
    by Dirk Vander Ploeg

    Posted: March 31, 2006.

    Andrew Carlssin being escorted to jail by FBI agents in January 2003 for alleged SEC violations.
    Andrew Carlssin, the alleged time-traveler and insider-trader, has surfaced in Toronto, Canada.

    Stories and rumors have circulated on Internet websites and in chatrooms for years about how Carlssin turned $800 into a $350 Million fortune. This sudden wealth raised the suspicion of the Security and Exchange Commission, which requested the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrest him. The FBI initially detained him in January 2003.

    "The only way he could pull it off is with illegal inside information", said a confidential SEC source.

    While in custody on Rikers Island Carlssin is alleged to have confessed, "It was just too tempting to resist. I had planned to make it look natural, you, know, lose a little here and there so it doesn't look too perfect. But I just got caught in the moment."

    He also claimed that he had traveled back in time from over 200 years in the future where knowledge concerning the volatility of the stock market was w]ell known. This is where the story takes another strange twist. While waiting arraignment in jail Carlssin just disappeared. What's even more surprising is that the story disappeared as well. No newspaper or media reports followed up on the original story. Repeated phone calls and emails to both the SEC and the FBI failed to even acknowledge the arrest of Carlssin.

    But now the mystery has been solved. In an exclusive interview Carlssin, speaking on the record, tells all. His only conditions were that his exact location not be revealed and that the name of his new company not be disclosed until it goes public, which he predicts will be in 2007.

    Andrew Carlssin is alive and well and living in the Toronto area! "I don't know what all the fuss was about", said Carlssin. "The authorities and I came to a mutual understanding and I was released to leave the country."

    Carlssin was a 44-year-old when the incident was reported three years ago, but he doubts that he has aged a day. When asked what he had been doing during the missing years, he chuckled and simply said, "No comment!"

    The original story that appeared in the Weekly World News stated that Carlssin was from the future. Commenting on the story he said, "Timing is everything and everything happens in time. I am here now so this is my time."

    Carlssin states that he works in the oil industry and is developing equipment to extract oil from the Alberta tar sands. Carlssin claims that Alberta sits atop the biggest petroleum deposit outside the Middle East, and that 300 billion barrels a day can be recovered. Until now there has been a catch. Alberta's oil isn't the stuff that geysers up from the ground. It is mixed with tar and sand and is almost impossible to extract economically.

    Carlssin states that he had invented a process that filters out the tar and sand and the oil recovered is the richest and cleanest in the world. The process, which he named "Carlssinicity", extracts the oil for a cost of only one dollar per barrel and does not pollute the atmosphere! He claims to be very excited about the project and foresees his invention revolutionizing the world and the way we perceive oil. "It's as easy as making a pot of coffee", he added.

    In concluding the interview Carlssin added, "Oil is not the product of dead dinosaurs. It is the biological breakdown of renewable organic matter: the blood and energy of the planet. Every school age child knows this…or will."

    I don't know if it really was Andrew Carlssin I interviewed over the telephone, but I believe it was and I don't think this will be the last time we hear from him. I asked why he contacted me specifically and he said, 'Anyone that believes in UFOs already believes in me.

    One more thing, the caller reminded me that Saturday was April 1. Timing is everything!

    Last edited by Carol on Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:14 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32413
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Wall Street Wizard Claims He's From Future Empty Re: Wall Street Wizard Claims He's From Future

    Post  Carol Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:06 am

    Today: January 8, 2011
    Chiropractor claims to travel through time

    COLUMBUS, Ohio - A chiropractor who claims he can treat anyone by reaching back in time to when an injury occurred has attracted the attention of state regulators.

    The Ohio State Chiropractic Board, in a notice of hearing, has accused James Burda of Athens of being "unable to practice chiropractic according to acceptable and prevailing standards of care due to mental illness, specifically, Delusional Disorder, Grandiose Type."

    Burda denied that he is mentally ill. He said he possesses a skill he discovered by accident while driving six years ago.

    "My foot hurt and, knowing anatomy, I went ahead and I told it to realign and my pain went away," Burda said Thursday.

    Burda calls his treatment "Bahlaqeem."

    "It is a made-up word and, to my knowledge, has no known meaning except for this intended purpose. It does, however, have a soothing vibrational influence and contains the very special number of nine letters," Burda's Web site says.

    The board alleges in three counts against Burda that the treatment is unacceptable and constitutes "willful and gross malpractice." Burda has until May 1 to request a hearing. The board can levy penalties ranging from a reprimand to revoking his license to practice, said Kelly Caudill, the board's executive director.

    Caudill said she could not discuss the board's allegations while the investigation continues and could not comment on whether any of Burda's patients had complained. She said the board began the investigation when it learned of Burda's Web site. Burda said he likely will seek a hearing.
    original story from 2006

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    pineal-pilot-in merkabah
    pineal-pilot-in merkabah

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    Wall Street Wizard Claims He's From Future Empty Re: Wall Street Wizard Claims He's From Future

    Post  pineal-pilot-in merkabah Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:46 am

    stockmarket traders = nutso but the chiropractor thing makes more sense..

    Posts : 100
    Join date : 2010-04-17

    Wall Street Wizard Claims He's From Future Empty Re: Wall Street Wizard Claims He's From Future

    Post  eleni Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:19 pm


    Posts : 32413
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    Location : Hawaii

    Wall Street Wizard Claims He's From Future Empty Re: Wall Street Wizard Claims He's From Future

    Post  Carol Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:12 am

    On tonight Time Travel (Sun 01-09)
    Guest host Whitley Strieber is joined by psi researcher, author, and experiencer, Starfire Tor, who'll discuss time shifts & time slips, the Core Matrix, the nature of time travel, and the government's involvement with time travel technology.

    Time Travel (Sun 01-09)
    Guest host Whitley Strieber (email) is joined by psi researcher, author, and experiencer, Starfire Tor, who'll discuss time shifts & time slips, the Core Matrix, the nature of time travel, and the government's involvement with time travel technology.

    1. Time Travel - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death and other unexplained ... The traditional cinematic idea of time travel, where a person steps into a machine and ...

    2. Time Travel & Teleportation - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    Part of DARPA's Project Pegasus as a young child, and now a practicing attorney, Andrew D. Basiago seeks to end the U.S. government's time travel cover-up. ...

    3. Basiago's Time Travel Photo - Articles - Coast to Coast AM
    Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death and other unexplained phenomena. Overnight talk radio with daytime ratings.

    4. George's Time Travel Report - Articles - Coast to Coast AM
    George Noory gave a report on Monday's show about the recent "time travel" experiment he underwent just after Christmas. He described the experience ...

    5. Time Travel & Cosmology - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death and other unexplained ... Based on Einstein's theory of relativity, time travel to the future is known to be ...

    6. Time Travel & Parallel Universes - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    Time travel, which he said won't be discovered until around 3050, takes people to parallel worlds rather than their own, Goldberg explained. ...

    7. Future Lives & Time Travel - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    Author and hypnotic regressionist Dr. Bruce Goldberg offered details about future life progression, time travel, soul mates, Atlantis and aliens. ...

    8. Developing Time Travel - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    Travel into the past could only occur during the time frame that the machine had been turned on, as those are the moments that are "preserved," he explained. ...

    9. The Quest for Time Travel - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death and other unexplained ... of time travel, overcoming its limitations, and his plans to build a time machine. ...

    10. Rendlesham UFO Case & Time Travel - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death and other unexplained ... interview with Michio Kaku about time travel, advanced civilizations, and the Large ...

    11. Positive Psychology - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    The Time Travel experiment and a teleportation device I am working on ... A dimension of time and space that interconnects all things in the universe. ...

    12. Inner Earth, Egypt, & Consciousness - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    Citing how time slows down at the speed of light, Agnew said he is able to experience a kind of time travel while practicing a 17th breath meditation, ...

    13. Dr. Bruce Goldberg - Guests - Coast to Coast AM
    Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death and other unexplained ... Expert in hypnosis and time travel, Dr. Bruce Goldberg discussed visiting parallel ...

    14. Time Travelers & Open Lines - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death and other unexplained ... Another caller named Doug told George about his time travel visions into the future. ...

    15. Oliver Williams - Guests - Coast to Coast AM
    Oliver Williams is the website editor for the time travel story of John Titor. He first saw John Titor's internet postings in the fall of 2002. ...

    16. Philosophical Physics - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    He believes time travel into the future is possible, but not the past. ... By detaching himself from time, the time traveler has slowed down the changes ...

    17. The Physics of Spirit - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death and other unexplained ... Wolf believes time travel may already be here, citing evidence of boot prints seen in ...

    18. Do you believe the government experimented with time travel ...
    Coast to Coast AM - Live Nightly 1am-5am EST / 10pm-2am PST. Home > Polls > Do you believe the government experimented with time travel and teleportation ...

    19. Einstein & Science - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death and other unexplained ... He also touched on time travel, UFO evidence, String Theory, global dimming, the ...

    20. Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death and other unexplained ... It's as if your consciousness can travel in time, both forward and back, he said.Large ...

    21. Our Universe and Beyond - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death and other unexplained ... Time Travel. Win. Real. Time Travel. Win. Real. Time Travel. Win. Real. Parallel Universes. Win ...

    22. Predictions and Time Travels - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
    Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death and ... Scallion also shared some of his time travel visions, such as witnessing the construction of the Great ...

    23. Steven Gibbs - Guests - Coast to Coast AM
    Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death and other unexplained ... to him by time travelers.In order to physically travel through time, Gibbs explained, ...

    24. Dannion Brinkley - Guests - Coast to Coast AM
    Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death and other unexplained ... time-space explorers, and revealed his experiences with time travel & teleportation ...

    There are pages of links to different time travel shows they've done on Coast. Enjoy

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:56 am