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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting


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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:55 pm


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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  mudra Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:58 am

    Shifting of the Poles
    by Patrick J. Kiger


    A pole shift is sometimes confused with a pole reversal, in which the magnetic poles switch places, so that north becomes south and vice-versa. From studying the magnetism of ancient rocks, scientists have learned that pole reversals have occurred at irregular intervals throughout the Earth's history, on average about once every 300,000 years. The last was about 780,000 years ago. According to University of California professor Gary Glatzmaier, who has modeled the phenomenon with a supercomputer, pole reversals are the result of the movement of molten iron in the Earth's outer core, which can cause twists in the planet's magnetic field. Pole reversals take place over thousands of years, during which time magnetic poles can show up in strange places — the magnetic north pole, for example, might suddenly show up on the island of Tahiti in the Pacific. Recently, some have pointed to magnetic field disturbances an area known as the South Atlantic Anomaly as a possible sign of an upcoming pole reversal — which conceivably could even occur in 2012, to the likely delight of apocalyptic believers — though scientists warn that it is not likely. If a pole reversal did happen, according to Stanford University geophysicist Norm Sleep, it might cause some strange phenomena. Auroras would be visible at the equator instead of the poles, compasses would cease to be reliable, and radio transmissions would be adversely effected. Cosmic rays might pierce the Earth's atmosphere more easily. Overall, though, life would still go on.

    Some believe a sudden pole shift could spawn massive volcanic erruptions. Scientists dismiss the idea of sudden pole shift, beliving it would unfold over millions of years.

    While the idea is dismissed by scientists, some believe that a sudden pole shift could slosh the oceans from their basins in massive tsunamis.
    A physical pole shift, in contrast, would be triggered by uneven weight distribution in the Earth's interior or somewhere upon its surface, such as the formation of a giant volcano far from the equator. In theory, the force of the Earth's rotation would pull the heavy object away from the axis around which the planet spins. If that weight became sufficiently imbalanced, the Earth would tilt and rotate itself until the weight was redistributed near the equator. In the process, entire continents might shift from the tropics to the Arctic, at a rate far faster than the continents normally drift due to plate tectonics.
    The potentially catastrophic effects of a planetary weight imbalance was contemplated as far back as 1842 by French mathematician Joseph Adhémar, who believed that erosion of the polar ice cap could cause the ice to suddenly collapse into the ocean, shifting the Earth's center of gravity and causing a massive tsunami that would wreak widespread carnage. In the 1870s, scientists developed the theory that periodic pole shifts due to the rise of new continents were the cause of ice ages. Astronomer and mathematician George Darwin — whose father, Charles, developed the evolutionary theory of natural selection — ultimately disproved that explanation by calculating that a land mass one-quarter the size of the Northern Hemisphere would have to rise 10,000 feet out of the sea — the height of the Tibetan plateau, the highest spot on Earth — just to move the pole by one-and-half degrees.
    The pole shift idea would resurface again. In 1948, an electrical engineer named Hugh Auchincloss Brown garnered a New York Times headline by claiming that the Antarctic ice cap was increasing dangerously in size, and it threatened to tip over the planet "just as you might roll a pumpkin over so that a frosted side could thaw out in the sun." Brown claimed that the New York area might find itself immersed thirteen miles beneath the ocean surface. He advocated blasting away much of the ice cap with atomic weapons to save civilization, and spent years bombarding the press, members of Congress, and scientists with written proof of his theory, to no avail.
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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  mudra Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:27 pm

    Magnetic Polar Caps Shifting - Finally Mainstream Waking Up

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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  mudra Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:54 pm

    The Interplanetary Magnetic Field
    It comes from the Sun!
    back to

    The Sun is a big magnet.

    During solar minimum the Sun's magnetic field, like Earth's, resembles that of an iron bar magnet, with great closed loops near the equator and open field lines near the poles. Scientists call such a field a "dipole." The Sun's dipolar field is about as strong as a refrigerator magnet, or 50 gauss. Earth's magnetic field is 100 times weaker.

    During the years around solar maximum (2000 and 2001 are good examples) spots pepper the face of the Sun. Sunspots are places where intense magnetic loops -- hundreds of times stronger than the ambient dipole field -- poke through the photosphere. Sunspot magnetic fields overwhelm the underlying dipole; as a result, the Sun's magnetic field near the surface of the star becomes tangled and complicated.

    The Sun's magnetic field isn't confined to the immediate vicinity of our star. The solar wind carries it throughout the solar system. Out among the planets we call the Sun's magnetic field the "Interplanetary Magnetic Field" or "IMF." Because the Sun rotates (once every 27 days) the IMF has a spiral shape -- named the "Parker spiral" after the scientist who first described it.

    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Spiralfield
    Above: Steve Suess (NASA/MSFC) prepared this figure, which shows the Sun's spiraling magnetic field from a vantage point ~100 AU from the Sun.

    Earth has a magnetic field, too. It forms a bubble around our planet called the magnetosphere, which deflects solar wind gusts. (Mars, which does not have a protective magnetosphere, has lost much of its atmosphere as a result of solar wind erosion.) Earth's magnetic field and the IMF come into contact at the magnetopause: a place where the magnetosphere meets the solar wind. Earth's magnetic field points north at the magnetopause. If the IMF points south -- a condition scientists call "southward Bz" -- then the IMF can partially cancel Earth's magnetic field at the point of contact.

    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Mgsphere_med
    Above: Earth's magnetosphere. From the Oulu Space Physics Textbook.

    "When Bz is south, that is, opposite Earth's magnetic field, the two fields link up," explains Christopher Russell, a Professor of Geophysics and Space Physics at UCLA. "You can then follow a field line from Earth directly into the solar wind" -- or from the solar wind to Earth. South-pointing Bz's open a door through which energy from the solar wind can reach Earth's atmosphere!

    Southward Bz's often herald widespread auroras, triggered by solar wind gusts or coronal mass ejections that are able to inject energy into our planet's magnetosphere.

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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  mudra Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:57 pm

    Estimated planetary K index

    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Kp

    Kp-indices of 5 or greater indicate storm-level geomagnetic activity. Geomagnetic storms have been associated with satellite surface charging and increased atmospheric drag.

    more infos at the link .
    The page updates every 5 minutes.

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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  Carol Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:06 pm

    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Article-0-0CAC0182000005DC-893_468x417
    Magnetic makeover: Thanks to gradual shifting of the Earth's magnetic field, Tampa International Airport has to renumber its runway, with '19R' and '19L' taking over from '18R' and '18L' to reflect the magnetic shift
    Shift in magnetic north pole affects... Tampa airport
    Last updated at 2:37 AM on 7th January 2011
    Runways at a Florida airport are to be given brand new numbers, but not for cosmetic reasons - the changes are thanks to movement in the Earth's magnetic field.
    Changes in our planet's core are causing the north magnetic pole to speed towards Russia at nearly 40 miles a year. But the affects of the magnetic shift are being felt over 3,500 miles south of the Arctic - at Tampa International Airport. The Sunshine State hub has been forced to shut down its primary runway until next week so that numeric designators at the end of runways and taxiway signage can be altered to account for the magnetic pole's movement.
    'The magnetic poles actually shift, they are constantly in movement and when pilots align themselves with the runway they align their compass to the runway so they have to match,' said Tampa International Airport Director of Operations Robert Burr.
    'So as the poles have shifted, the compass has shifted, so we have to make sure the runways are consistent with the compass for the aircraft.'

    The location of the magnetic north pole, most recently recorded at Ellesmere Island in northern Canada, remains a vital fact for compass users, even though satellite-powered global positioning systems have become commonplace.
    The magnetic shift may sound dramatic but its slow pace - and the comparative strength of the Earth's magnetic field - means people have little to fear.
    A complete inversion of the magnetic poles would have a greater impact, though its effects would primarily be limited to the animal kingdom, with birds choosing to fly south for the summer and north for the winter, and herding creatures confused over the ideal habitat.

    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Article-0-0CAC0F4A000005DC-494_468x527
    Global impact: The movement of the north magnetic pole, currently at Ellesmere Island, means a cosmetic change for Tampa airport, 3658 miles to the south
    The movement of the Earth's north magnetic pole towards Siberia are caused by rapid changes in the magnetism of the planet's core.
    The latest changes are the most dramatic in a century - the pole had been begun moving to the northeast at about 9 miles per year in 1904 but since 2007 has been racing towards Siberia by at least 35 miles each year.

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    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:19 pm

    A magnetic reversal in progress?

    The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) is known to be growing in extent and spreading westwards from South Africa, as the Earth’s internal magnetic field rapidly weakens in this region. This may be early evidence of a forthcoming reversal in the direction of the Earth’s internal magnetic field. We do not know in detail precisely what occurs during such reversals, including the changes observed in the magnetic field and the time a reversal takes to complete. However these factors are important in knowing where the radiation risk may be increased and how the atmosphere might respond.

    Earth’s magnetic field has had many highs, lows and reversals in its past. The last reversal was around 800,000 years ago. So the Earth is known to be able to re-generate its field and has done so during human pre-history. Understanding the development of the SAA may therefore be significant in understanding the reversal process and its impact on life and the natural environment.

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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  mudra Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:05 pm

    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Magnetic-north-pole-moving_11471_600x450
    Blue lines show Earth's northern magnetic field and the magnetic north pole in an artist's rendering.

    Richard A. Lovett in San Francisco
    for National Geographic News
    December 24, 2009

    Earth's north magnetic pole is racing toward Russia at almost 40 miles (64 kilometers) a year due to magnetic changes in the planet's core, new research says.

    The core is too deep for scientists to directly detect its magnetic field. But researchers can infer the field's movements by tracking how Earth's magnetic field has been changing at the surface and in space.

    Now, newly analyzed data suggest that there's a region of rapidly changing magnetism on the core's surface, possibly being created by a mysterious "plume" of magnetism arising from deeper in the core.

    And it's this region that could be pulling the magnetic pole away from its long-time location in northern Canada, said Arnaud Chulliat, a geophysicist at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris in France.

    Finding North

    Magnetic north, which is the place where compass needles actually point, is near but not exactly in the same place as the geographic North Pole. Right now, magnetic north is close to Canada's Ellesmere Island.

    Navigators have used magnetic north for centuries to orient themselves when they're far from recognizable landmarks.

    Although global positioning systems have largely replaced such traditional techniques, many people still find compasses useful for getting around underwater and underground where GPS satellites can't communicate.

    The magnetic north pole had moved little from the time scientists first located it in 1831. Then in 1904, the pole began shifting northeastward at a steady pace of about 9 miles (15 kilometers) a year.

    In 1989 it sped up again, and in 2007 scientists confirmed that the pole is now galloping toward Siberia at 34 to 37 miles (55 to 60 kilometers) a year.

    A rapidly shifting magnetic pole means that magnetic-field maps need to be updated more often to allow compass users to make the crucial adjustment from magnetic north to true North.

    Wandering Pole

    Geologists think Earth has a magnetic field because the core is made up of a solid iron center surrounded by rapidly spinning liquid metal. This creates a "dynamo" that drives our magnetic field.

    (Get more facts about Earth's insides.)

    Scientists had long suspected that, since the molten core is constantly moving, changes in its magnetism might be affecting the surface location of magnetic north.

    Although the new research seems to back up this idea, Chulliat is not ready to say whether magnetic north will eventually cross into Russia.

    "It's too difficult to forecast," Chulliat said.

    Also, nobody knows when another change in the core might pop up elsewhere, sending magnetic north wandering in a new direction.

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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  mudra Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:05 pm

    Magnetic Field Pole Shift Forces Runway Closure. Boat's will Sink & Fish Death to the Ocean

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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  mudra Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:11 pm

    In the above video Scott says there will be boats sinking due to loosing buoyancy during these pole reversals .
    I googled " boats sinking " to see if anything was coming up and I found the following article :

    SKorean fishing boat sinking in Antarctic Ocean
    SUNDAY Dec 12, 2010

    A South Korean fishing boat with 42 sailors aboard is sinking in the Antarctic Ocean, a coast guard official said Monday.

    The company that owns the vessel reported that the ship was sinking in waters about 1,400 miles (2,250 kilometers) south of New Zealand, a South Korean Coast Guard officer said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of office rules. The officer said she no details about rescue efforts and the present state of the vessel.

    Eight of the 42 people aboard the ship are South Koreans, the officer said.

    Chinese, Indonesian and Vietnamese sailors also are aboard the ship, Yonhap news agency reported.

    South Korea's YTN television station said the coast guard has asked New Zealand for help.

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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  Carol Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:39 pm

    From GLP

    Solar Radiation Leaking through a Failing Magnetosphere Likely Cause of Plant Blights and Animal Mass Deaths


    Before you ask, no, I don't have a link to a scientist or a newspaper that is reporting this, nor am I likely to ever be able to produce such a link.
    I don't think we will ever be told what is happening, because to be frank, if people knew the truth a state of lawlessness would most likely be the result.

    In a nutshell, what is happening is a change in polarity of the magnetic field of the Earth, brought about by crossing from one side of the galactic plane to the other. Eventually the north pole of the magnetic field will end up in Antarctica , and the south pole in the arctic regions.
    The problem does not lie so much in the polarity changing, but in what happens to the magnetic field as the Earth nears and actually penetrates the galactic plane.

    This is the reason for the chem trailing phenomenon, it has all but been admitted that it's purpose is Tellers plan to block solar radiation.

    What we are observing in the data is a rapid weakening of the field strength and an instability never before observed. The north pole is now moving over 40 miles per year. At this rate the north pole would become the south pole in less than three centuries, but what will actually happen is it will occur much more rapidly, because the closer we get to the galactic plane the quicker the changes will occur.

    This is what is going to happen in 2012. The magnetic field will be almost non existent as far as a coherent shield against solar particle radiation, and most if not all of the surface vegetation will die, as will animals unable to hide and find food in the aftermath. this includes the majority of humanity. IMHO all of the weirdness we have been exposed to in recent years is an attempt to distract us from what is happening around us, the real danger, the elephant in all of our living rooms.

    This thread will attempt to provide empirical evidence that these deaths and blights are the direct result of a progressively worst failure of the Earths magnetic field.

    I will start out with the following story, because it does indeed provide direct empirical evidence that the Sun was the cause of the blight in this case. Note the statement about how wheat that was shaded by hard objects such as fences and hills was not damaged:

    Investigators baffled as wheat fields wither

    Mysterious yellowing affects 40,000 acres of Eastern Oregon; new problem feared


    Capital Press

    The Oregon Department of Agriculture and Oregon State University are investigating the yellowing of upward of 40,000 acres of wheat in Umatilla and Morrow counties.

    So far, the cause is a mystery, and researchers do not know if the problems in the two counties are related.

    In early November, Umatilla County growers noticed wheat fields turning yellow and dying, OSU Extension soil scientist Don Wysocki said.

    Sixteen fields from three to 10 miles northwest of Pendleton were affected, Wysocki said. They are "more or less but not completely contiguous," he said. Not every field in the area was affected.

    The area was predominately planted to soft white Clearfield variety ORCF-102, but other varieties were also affected, Wysocki said.

    "There's probably more than one thing going on in these particular fields, like in any field," he said.

    OSU Morrow County Extension associate professor Larry Lutcher said 30,000 to 40,000 acres of wheat in his county have plants with yellow or purple tips. The discoloration spreads inward and downward on the leaf. In some cases, plants are completely desiccated and will not recover.

    The symptoms have been observed in many fields in the county, Lutcher said, but do not appear tied to any particular location.

    "Most of the symptoms in Morrow County are unlike anything I have ever seen," Lutcher said.

    Lutcher said he doesn't believe the problem will spread to other fields, but he can't be certain.

    "This does appear to be a new problem -- a problem that no one seems to have experience with," he said.

    Neither Lutcher nor Wysocki were sure if the circumstances in the two counties were connected.

    "The big question on everyone's mind right now is, how will the crop look this spring and will replanting be necessary?" Lutcher said.

    Oregon Department of Agriculture Special Assistant to the Director Brent Searle said the department was contacted by farmers in early November.

    The department sampled and tested the fields, but final results are not yet in.

    Preliminary samples showed some root pathogen issues, but Searle said the investigation is still in the information-gathering stage.

    The department and university sent surveys to growers asking about field history, planting dates, chemical use and where seed was purchased. OSU also examined nearby fallow land to see if it was similarly impacted.

    The information may help identify common factors or patterns, Searle and Wysocki said.

    In Umatilla County, the patterns are oriented across the fields, with "shadow effects" suggesting protection in areas behind slopes or fence rows, Wysocki said.

    But the patterns of the die-off aren't typical of anything anyone has seen before, Searle said.

    "The weather's been really weird this year and there was a tight planting window, and then temperature swings and rains and the grain jumped real fast in growth," he said. "It could be a whole combination, perfect storm kind of thing. We're just trying to sort it all out right now."

    Most growers in Umatilla County were replanting their fields, Searle and Wysocki said.

    Replanted acres aren't expected to have a problem, Wysocki said, "but we can't rule that out."

    One of the clues is that all of the birds that are involved are black in color and died at night. These birds are changing their behavior to avoid sunlight because their coloration is designed to optimize absorption of solar radiation. It doesn't help that they are not evolved to be active on moonless or dark nights, and in the process of doing so they are colliding with each other and stationary objects while in flight.

    All species are being effected, including humans. I will get to that as this thread develops, there is alot of information to present,. Some are just more vulnerable and exposed than others. What is happening to the plant life will become undeniable soon, already there are widespread unexplained blights and spotting of vegetation. this spotting is cause by high energy particles penetrating the leaves of the vegetation, which are specifically designed to absorb sunlight.. I believe much of the genetic engineering of crops was an attempt to make them radiation resistant.

    On December 21, 2012 the Earth, the Sun and the galactic center will all align in three dimensions for the first time in human history as the solar system traverses the galactic plane on the winter solstice. All of this by the way is compelling evidence of an intelligent design or arrangement to the universe. BTW, there are those who will point out that the Sun The earth and the Galactic center line up every year on the solstice, and that IS true, but only in two dimensions, as seen looking down from above the galactic plane, but not on it. On the solstice in 2012, the alignment will be three dimensional.

    The magnetosphere of the Earth is known to be energized by the electron flow from the Sun. During times of reduced solar wind speed and flux, a corresponding decrease in the overall strength of the magnetosphere is always observed as a result, this is cause and effect proof.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  mudra Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:56 pm

    Shift Is

    with Gregg Braden

    There are many quantifiable scientific indicators proving that the Earth and the Solar System are going through changes which have never previously occurred in recorded human history. Many psychics and channelers say that we have entered the beginning of a dimensional shift which is already deeply affecting all of our lives. And some predict that within the next decade we will enter into an Ascension process fulfilling the prophecies of Jesus.

    Gregg Braden is probably the most recognized person who is evaluating and revealing the scientific phenomena pointing to this shift. He became intrigued with all this when he was working for Phillips Petroleum in the late 1970s and noticed that the magnetics of the earth were at their lowest point in 2000 years and decreasing at a rapid rate.

    Eventually, Braden wrote a book — Awakening to Zero Point — that documented this and other indicators of our rapidly changing planet.

    Wynn: Is it true that the magnetic poles of the earth are in the process of shifting right now?

    Gregg: In May-June-July of 2002, it was very well acknowledged and esteemed scientific journals actually were saying for the first time that we are in the process of a polar reversal.

    Back in the 1960s, geologists were certain that the earth periodically went through a reversal. They could tell from core samples, ice samples, and fossils, as well as magnetized particles that were locked into certain positions in the rock of the earth. Geologists were so certain about this phenomenon that they actually mapped out the last four-and-a-half-million years, and the resulting records suggested that the earth has gone through fourteen of these polar reversals.

    At that time, back in 1961 and 1962, scientists felt that the last pole reversal occurred at about the time of the last Ice Age, ten to twelve thousand years ago. And they were certain it would happen again, but not for thousands of years, so it was nothing to worry about.

    But through the 1990s, geologists continued to refine this kind of information. They had been saying it took thousands of years for this to happen. Then they began to say, "Well, it can happen in hundreds of years." But now, recent evidence from some of the ice cores in Greenland and Antarctica say that it could happen in as little as a decade.

    But now, we know that the poles are actually moving. We're living it right now. We don't know exactly what that means, because even though it's happened fourteen times in the last four and a half million years, it's never happened with six billion people on the earth.

    Wynn: Are you saying that it's common knowledge?

    Gregg: It's common knowledge to people that need to know these things. For example, FAA regulations say that when the poles move beyond five or eight degrees, the runways at the airports have to be renumbered to correlate with the magnetic headings that the pilots are seeing. The first airport in the United States to comply with this mandate was Minneapolis/St. Paul, where they spent something on the order of eighty-five thousand dollars to go through and renumber the runway headings.

    But what happened in the May-June-July time frame of 2002 is that journals such as Nature, Science, Scientific American, and New Scientist released reports saying that we are definitely in the process of a magnetic reversal, and the AP wires picked it up.

    Scientists have no idea what the impact is going to be to electronic and electromagnetic power grids. But even more, they don't know what it means to human immune systems. Alternative healing modalities have shown a connection between magnetics and the immune system, which also would imply that our immune systems could very well be keyed into the magnetic fields of the earth.

    We know that birds and animals migrate along the lines of these magnetic fields. So there is speculation that the changes taking place in the magnetic field are responsible for the changing migratory patterns in birds that have been recorded in Asia and North America.

    The change in the fields also may explain why whales are beaching themselves. The lines of navigation that the whales have always followed have shifted and now lead them onto a beach. When we take them back out into the water and set them free, they continue to align themselves with the same magnetic lines, and in following them, they end up on the beach again.

    So, yes, it's common knowledge now. The most respected scientific journals say that we're in this shift. And even though we don't know precisely what that means, it's significant that it is being acknowledged in peer-review kinds of literature, and not just in speculative or pseudo-scientific magazines.

    Wynn: When was this magnetic shift first acknowledged?

    Gregg: It would have been in the June/July time frame of 2002. People were sending me emails that they had seen it, and giving me references. I also found references in the magazines myself.

    Wynn: Would we survive a complete pole shift?

    Gregg: Any answer to that question must of necessity lie within the realm of speculation, because in traditional recorded human history it's never happened. On the other hand, there are Native traditions and ancient Hebrew biblical traditions suggesting that a magnetic shift may have happened even more recently than the last Ice Age. That was 10,000 to 12,000 years ago, but these traditions suggest that the last shift may have happened as recently as 3,600 years ago.

    Native legends speak of a day 3,600 years ago when the sun rose from the west as it had always done, hovered in the sky for more than a full day, and set in the east — but the next day, it rose in the east and set in the west, as it does today. Hebrew traditions speak of this event, also, saying that it happened during a battle. The ancient Hebrews took it as a sign that one side was receiving celestial assistance, because it stayed light long enough for the battle to complete in their favor.

    We can't verify this in the rock or fossil records, because 3,600 years is too short a period of time for such an event to be reflected there. All we have to go by are traditions, legends, and myths preserved in oral and written documents.

    What the trandition tells us, however, is that if something like this were to happen, the people of the earth would live through it. It would have to be a really strange day to live through, but if the ancient legends are true, it happened and the people apparently survived. However, we don't know how it affected their lives.

    Wynn: Do you have any idea how this magnetic shift might change consciousness?

    Gregg: The speculation is that there is a correlation between consciousness and magnetics. In order to understand how this connection might work, it is useful to compare it to a computor's memory. The magnetic fields in the memory are held in place through an electrical charge — a trickle charge — within the computer itself. When the batteries in the computer die, the charge is gone, and the memory is lost. We have to reload the operating system.

    Similarly, by researchers and descendents of indigenous peoples believe that when the earth goes through what science sees as a magnetic reversal, it also will be a great shift and cleansing of the earth's consciousness. There will be nothing holding all the magnetic patterns that have been put in place. So when we awaken from this shift, what becomes consciousness will be our truest nature, our truest essence. And the memory of all of the evil or all the bad things or all of the grudges or the ego and we've held against one another as individuals and nations will not be part of that new consciousness, that new grid.

    From that perspective, many traditions predict, sense, or speculate that we are nearing a time of what they call the Great Cleansing, and that this cleansing is happening at a level of core memory of consciousness.

    Wynn: So is it possible to assume that in some way, our memory is connected to this magnetic field?

    Gregg: I think so. I think that because of the strange accounts of the astronauts who left earth and went into space during the Apollo Program. In leaving the earth's atmosphere and circling the planet many miles above the surface, the affects of earth's magnetics were negligible. And the astronauts began to have experiences that they were not prepared or trained for, that were totally unanticipated.

    When they were in space and looked back to earth, they began having insights and feelings, awakenings and awarenesses that they had never had when they were on the earth. It meant something different to each one of them.

    In much the same way, friends of mine who went to Viet Nam were all changed when they came home. It changed everyone. For some, the change was so painful that they could never speak about it, and for others, the change was a catalyst in their lives and they spoke of it incessantly.

    And I believe there was actually a PBS special that documented this same phenomenon with the astronauts, that they were never the same afterward. When they came back, there were some who didn't know what to do with their outer space experience. Some turned to drugs and alcohol. Others channeled the change that occurred within them in very positive, life-affirming projects.

    One of this latter group was Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who founded the Noetic Sciences Organization in an effort to validate the phenomenon of human consciousness. Another astronaut undertook the search for Noah's Ark, and actually found it embedded in the ice on Mt. Ararat, right where the Bible said it would be.[1]

    Wynn: So the implication here is that these astronauts, because they left the magnetic field of the earth, had some kind of spiritual awakening?

    Gregg: They certainly went through a catharsis when they were no longer in the influence of the earth's magnetic field.

    We also see something similar happening when we look at the magnetic fields of the earth. They are not constant over the surface of the earth, and contour maps, available through United States Geologic Survey, show the varying intensities of magnetic fields over the surface of the earth — where magnetic fields have a very high intensity and where the intensity if very low.

    Those fields have shifted over time, and may actually account for why populations of humans have migrated to the places they've migrated to. They might have been following these magnetic contours.

    What happens is that in the places where the magnetics are very low, where their effects are negligible, tremendous change and innovation appear to occur. Where the magnetics are traditionally high, those are the places of stagnation where changes, although they do happen, take a long time and change is very slow in coming.

    If I were coming here from another world and didn't know anything about the people of the earth, and if I were looking for a place where the opportunity of change was the greatest, I would look for the zero contour lines. And if you look at a map of the magnetics on earth today, what you find is that there is a zero contour line that runs along the West Coast of North America — along the California coast and on up off the coast of Alaska. In other words, the magnetics along the West Coast are almost nil!

    When we think of the West Coast, we think about wacky California. Well, the truth is California is a seed, one of several, and it's traditionally been very innovative in technology, science, fashion, finance, and the arts, because there is an opportunity for tremendous change there.

    Within North American, the flip side of that would be an area of highest magnetics, where the magnetic fields are the most dense. And you find this down through some of the Southeastern states — the very states that are traditionally viewed as being conservative. This doesn't mean that change can't happen there. What is says, however, is that change takes a long time there, and people have to see a really good reason before they are going to budge from what they've always done.

    Wynn: So where the magnetic field is less dense, people are more open to the moment?

    Gregg: They're open to change, period. It doesn't mean that the change is good, bad, right, or wrong. It's important to be clear about this. The consciousness of the people will determine how that change comes about.

    I'll give an ironic example. There is a zero contour line that runs right through the Middle East. It actually runs almost directly underneath the area we call the Suez Canal, right up into Israel, right along the coast of the Red Sea. Yes, right in that area is a zero contour line. This means that area is ripe for change. But again, how that change comes about — whether it's peaceful and constructive or angry and destructive — is determined by the consciousness of the people who live there.

    Wynn: So it's not good or bad either way?

    Gregg: Precisely. It simply is an opportunity for change. At the same time, the highest magnetic contour lines noted anywhere on the planet earth have traditionally been in portions of the former Soviet Union, Russia, and Siberia. We know that in that part of the world, there was a system that was in place, and while change came about, it was slow and painful, a long time coming, with a lot of suffering. But when that change happened, there was a cascade effect, and it happened almost overnight.

    So the correlations are very interesting between human consciousness, the opportunities for innovation, change, doing things in a new way, and the magnetics of our world.

    The Earth has many areas of high and low change.

    Wynn: Our readers are going to want to know how they can best face the changes that are coming in our world as a whole.

    Gregg: I'll be as concise as I can. I think that the answer to that is perhaps encapsulated best in the words of those who have come before us, the ancient Essenes, in a text that's more than 2,500 years old. It reminds us of our relationship to the world around us, and says simply that the world around us is nothing more and nothing less than a mirror of what we have become from within.

    So when we see a world that appears angry, cruel, and thoughtless, that produces suffering for our brothers and sisters all over the world — from this perspective, that world is a mirror of what we have become as individuals, families, societies, and nations. It's not right, wrong, good or bad. It's simply a reflection of who we are. The condition of the planet is a feedback mechanism.

    So if we want to see change in our world, we must become that change in our every day lives. If we want to see peace, tolerant understanding, compassion, and forgiveness at the global level, we must become that. At the dinner table. With our families. We must become that with our schools.

    We must demand that we be entertained through peace, compassion, and understanding. It doesn't have to be dull and boring. It can still be very exciting, but it does not have to be ruthless, thoughtless, cruel, or heartless.

    So in our daily lives, every moment of every day, we make a choice that either affirms or denies life in our bodies. Because we are linked through this grid. Our individual choices all pool into the collective answer to our future.

    If we'd like to see a collective change, we must individually become that change.

    Wynn: We have this date of 2012 that many people are saying is this time of global shift or Ascension. What do you think is going to happen?

    Gregg The date 2012 is interesting because it comes up in Mayan traditions, Egyptian traditions, some of the Christian traditions, and even in the Bible Code — which is very controversial unto itself.

    My sense is this date could be any date. If we focus on a date and live our lives preparing for a change on that date, we miss life. From my perspective, if we simply live each day of our lives to its fullest, we reconcile the experiences that cross our paths each day, we reconcile the opportunity to honor life, to honor our relationships with one another.

    If we are honest, truthful, considerate, caring and compassionate, if we live this each day, we have already prepared for whatever could possibly come on 2012 or any other day, any other year, any time in our future.

    I know people who are living their lives hoarding boxcars full of food and ammunition, preparing for the day when our world changes. I understand, and I think it's good to be self sufficient. I understand what they are saying. But also what I've seen is that so much of their lives is dedicated to preparing for that day, they've missed the beauty and the mystery of life that unfolds in every day. And it's in perceiving this beauty and mystery that we prepare for the greatest challenges!

    Wynn: So basically, if one wants to approach this change with the maximum positive outcome for themselves, the key is to live each day with the maximum output of love, compassion, and caring?

    Gregg: Yes, and to do this, we have to live each day consciously. Be aware of the opportunities. Recognize the opportunities that cross our paths. Every day, we're given the opportunity to be tolerant of another belief system, to forgive someone who has hurt or angered us, to reconcile our own judgments about what should or should not be in our world.

    If we can reconcile these things as they cross our paths and consciously deal with them in the moment, then we know we're changing the chemistry of our bodies by changing the way we feel, and are thus preparing ourselves for whatever transitions the earth is going to go through.

    If that makes sense.

    Wynn: Yes, it does to me. Is there anything really important to close with for our readers that I might have missed?

    Gregg: For the first time in our history, the fate of our species, our entire species, rests upon the choices of a single generation. And what we've just done is talked about what some of those choices are all about.

    Love Always

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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  Mercuriel Fri Jan 28, 2011 10:54 am

    Are We even looking at the fact that as these Chems are loaded into the Atmosphere - It produces a Chemical Filter all on It's own ?


    I mean that - As the Sunlight comes in - What would be normally be Natural and Unharmful with the Earth as It was - Suddenly becomes a Toxic - Radiative Atmosphere - With the Chemical Filter in the Mix...


    Simply put - Look through any Filter and It changes the Light exiting the Filter. I mean how do People think Teller's Idea was to work anyways ?

    Huh ?

    The easiest way to look at it is that if Chemtrails can theoretically change or prevent an Evolutionary Shift - It can also poison, change and / or drive into destruction Organisms under that so-called Filter - No ?


    That said - The wholesale Pollution of the Enviroment - HAARP and Scalar Tech. - Along with the Chem Filter that They've covered the Globe with in an attempt to prevent Our Evolution is causing this - Not Prime Creator IMO...

    That stated - We're all entitled to Our opinion(s) and while I am not attempting to besmirch anyone else's - I seek to state Mine and have...

    Vibration out into the Ether and All that good stuff so to speak...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

    Posts : 32046
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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  Carol Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:29 pm

    When North Goes South
    Sunday February 6 at 8 pm ET on CBC News Network

    When North Goes South

    Watch this program online.
    45:06 min

    The earth has two North poles, the geographic and the magnetic. The magnetic pole is the one that attracts the needles of our compasses. It’s always moving, but could it be about to flip? What will be the impact? Paleomagnetism has taught us that the magnetic pole flips regularly, going from north to south and vice versa, once every 250,000 years on average. However, the last inversion occurred 780,000 years ago! Are we on the eve of such a major event?

    When North Goes South follows Canadian geophysicist Larry Newitt and French geologist Jean-Jacques Orgeval as they meet astronauts, marine biologists, paleo and archeomagneticians, in an attempt to understand, measure and explain the consequences of a pole inversion.

    When North Goes South is directed and produced by Yanick Rose and Stéphane Nicolopoulos for TGA Production and Idéacom International. F.M. Morrison is Senior Producer for The Nature of Things.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 23276
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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  mudra Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:05 pm


    Love Always

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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  Carol Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:53 pm

    Pilots, boaters adjust to shift in magnetic north

    Magnetic north, the point at the top of the Earth that determines compass headings, is shifting its position at a rate of about 40 miles per year. In geologic terms, it's racing from the Arctic Ocean near Canada toward Russia.

    As a result, everyone who uses a compass, even as a backup to modern GPS navigation systems, needs to be aware of the shift, make adjustments or obtain updated charts to ensure they get where they intend to go, authorities say. That includes pilots, boaters and even hikers.

    "You could end up a few miles off or a couple hundred miles off, depending how far you're going," said Matthew Brock, a technician with Lauderdale Speedometer and Compass, a Fort Lauderdale company that repairs compasses.

    Although the magnetic shift has little impact on the average person and presents no danger to the Earth overall, it is costing the aviation and marine industries millions of dollars to upgrade navigational systems and charts.
    Why is magnetic north shifting?

    The Earth's core of hot liquid iron is constantly moving. That motion, combined with forces such as the Earth's rotation, dictate the position of magnetic north, not to be confused with geographic north, or the North Pole.

    "Magnetic north is shifting all the time; it's a continuous process, not an event," said Jeffrey Love, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey Geomagnetism Program, based in Golden, Colo.

    Over the past century, the shift has been increasing in speed. It went from creeping as slow as nine miles per year in the early 1900s to more than 35 miles per year in the 2000s. However, that acceleration also is part of natural cycle, Love said.

    "In 10 to 20 years from now, it might be slowing down," he said.

    Currently, the shift creates about a one-degree difference in compass direction every five years, Love said. Accordingly, the Federal Aviation Administration evaluates airport runway numbers every five years, said Kathleen Bergen, FAA spokeswoman.

    The FAA could not say how many airports are affected. However, scores of large and small airports in the United States have either changed or plan to change their runways' numbers, which are based on compass directions.

    Palm Beach International Airport changed its three runway numbers in December 2009 at a cost of $268,686. That included repainting the runway numbers, replacing signs and updating publications, said airport spokeswoman Casandra Davis.

    Now the airport's main east-west runway is numbered 10-Left and 28-Right. Previously, it was 9-Left and 27-Right.

    Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport plans to renumber its south runway as part of the $791 million expansion in 2014, said Mike Nonnemacher, the airport's director of operations. Shortly after that, the north runway numbers will be upgraded, he said.

    "We wish to keep our runway designations close to what the compass says," Nonnemacher said.

    When Miami International Airport's new north runway was built in 2003, it was given an updated number based on the magnetic shift, said airport spokesman Greg Chin.

    "At that time, we had foresight to number the runway toward where it will be shifting," he said.

    Because GPS navigation draws on satellites, it has no reliance on magnetic north. On the other hand, satellites and GPS systems can malfunction. For that reason, Tom Cartier recommends all pilots and boaters keep a compass handy as backup.

    "The magnetic compass is what gets you home in your boat or plane when everything else quits," said Cartier, a senior deck instructor at Maritime Professional Training in Fort Lauderdale. "It's a very, very valuable piece of equipment."

    Cartier said large ships and planes have sophisticated electronic navigation systems, but the vast majority of small boats and planes have magnetic compasses and rely on them heavily.

    "They don't have the money to spend for a sophisticated system," he said.

    He added that boaters should always bring updated maps, showing the latest corrections for the magnetic north shift, even if they have GPS.

    The oil industry also relies on knowing the exact position of magnetic north, as companies use a device, similar to a compass, to determine what angle to drill into the earth, Love said.

    "They don't drill straight down," he said. "They need to orient their drill bits to know which way they're going."

    Many mobile companies equip smart phones with magnetometers, allowing their customers to see what direction they're heading. Those phones are likely to have a device that adjusts for the shift in magnetic north, said Manoj Nair, a research scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Geophysical Data Center.

    Humans aren't the only ones affected by magnetic north. Birds that fly south for the winter and some sea turtles that migrate from Africa to South America must learn to adjust their senses so they end up migrating in the right direction, Love said.

    "Some sea turtles live for a long period of time, up to 100 years," he said. "They have to accommodate the change in the magnetic field, because it changes substantially over 100 years.",0,2819271.story

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : straight ahead

    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  lindabaker Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:06 pm

    Mercuriel wrote:Are We even looking at the fact that as these Chems are loaded into the Atmosphere - It produces a Chemical Filter all on It's own ?


    I mean that - As the Sunlight comes in - What would be normally be Natural and Unharmful with the Earth as It was - Suddenly becomes a Toxic - Radiative Atmosphere - With the Chemical Filter in the Mix...


    Simply put - Look through any Filter and It changes the Light exiting the Filter. I mean how do People think Teller's Idea was to work anyways ?

    Huh ?

    The easiest way to look at it is that if Chemtrails can theoretically change or prevent an Evolutionary Shift - It can also poison, change and / or drive into destruction Organisms under that so-called Filter - No ?


    That said - The wholesale Pollution of the Enviroment - HAARP and Scalar Tech. - Along with the Chem Filter that They've covered the Globe with in an attempt to prevent Our Evolution is causing this - Not Prime Creator IMO...

    That stated - We're all entitled to Our opinion(s) and while I am not attempting to besmirch anyone else's - I seek to state Mine and have...

    Vibration out into the Ether and All that good stuff so to speak...


    Mercuriel, I have been away for a few days and missed this post. I don't understand the part about: "our opinion(s)" which I take means you disagree with something on some level, and then "vibration out into the Ether and all that good stuff." I have no idea what that means, and I usually think I know what you mean. I'm stumped on this one. Thanks if you can clarify, Linda

    Posts : 23276
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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  mudra Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:20 pm

    lindabaker wrote:
    Mercuriel wrote:
    Vibration out into the Ether and All that good stuff so to speak...


    Mercuriel, I have been away for a few days and missed this post. I don't understand the part about: "our opinion(s)" which I take means you disagree with something on some level, and then "vibration out into the Ether and all that good stuff." I have no idea what that means, and I usually think I know what you mean. I'm stumped on this one. Thanks if you can clarify, Linda

    As Mercuriel is away at the moment I'll take the liberty to help you lift the veil on this Linda.
    I translate this as " Don't be bluffed by the filter ...Know what's behind it and tune with it in Spirit .Heart to Heart so to say .It's all good. Sol as part of prime Creator means no harm .
    Hope my brother does'nt mind and also that I got him right.

    Love from me

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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  Carol Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:41 am

    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Wobble
    LISS is showing three "wobbles" within one day - February 21, 2011

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 23276
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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  mudra Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:43 am

    Dutchsinse on COAST to COAST AM tonight 22/2/2011

    Tonight - February 22, 2011 ---

    Dutchsinse on Coast to Coast AM ! I had several minutes to speak to millions on the topic of the recent "science data" censorship issue.


    Be sure to go to coast to coast am ... and I give them much respect for covering this topic AT THIS TIME... wow!

    Love Always

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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  Carol Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:48 am

    This is from the Green DIY Energy Team:

    Are all predictions you're hearing for 2012 crazy?

    Everything from black holes to earth’s magnetic pole shifting.
    And this isn’t just from no-name scientists. More mainstream
    professionals are raising legitimate concerns about the earth’s
    journey ahead.

    See this Special Report here...

    - NASA predicts Solar Flares to intensify starting this year
    knocking out communications and even power grid transformers.

    - Some are warning of the dangers of earth’s magnetic poles shifting.

    - Nearly every religion, and numerous historical prophets, predict something big to happen on Dec 21, 2012. (Is it a coincidence that it's right around the Winter solstice?)

    - The Mayan Calendar (the most accurate in history) just abruptly ends on Dec 21, 2012.

    - There is proof that most all large governments have 2012 survival plans.

    Why are there so many December 21, 2012 predictions?

    This is more to this report than just 2012. It is packed full of "Survival" ideas...

    How to Best Survive any Situation: * Natural Disasters; earthquakes and more

    * Weather...for any part of the world
    * Terrorism, Civil Unrest
    * Food Supplies, clean water sources and heat
    * How you can generate your own electricity
    * Survive both cold and heat extremes
    * Safety & Self Defense, protect your family
    * And a lot more!

    * Even Surviving Economic Crises (like the) Collapse of the Dollar

    Do you have a plan?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 23276
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 69
    Location : belgium

    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  mudra Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:58 am

    Your COMPASS may now be wrong

    Ordinary Compasses Thrown Off by Changes in Earth's Magnetic Field
    By Loren Grush
    Published February 25, 2011

    A computer simulation shows the Earth's magnetic field lines and two poles, with blue lines directed inward and yellow lines directed outward.

    A computer simulation shows the Earth's magnetic field lines and two poles, with blue lines directed inward and yellow lines directed outward.

    The Earth's magnetic field is changing at an increasing rate, throwing off airports and altering the aurora borealis -- and its effect on ordinary compasses could mean the difference between homeward bound and hopelessly lost.

    Earth’s northernmost magnetic point -- or magnetic north -- is distinct from its geographic North Pole, and scientists have long known that the magnetic poles are on the move.

    But the magnetic poles have been moving faster lately, sliding towards Siberia at 34 miles per year at a speed that's accelerated 36 percent over the last 10 years, according to the United States Geological Survey, or USGS.

    Since compasses rely on magnetic north to point you in the right way up the trail, the average $2-dollar model could very well point you in the wrong direction. Depending on location and journey length, unaware hikers or boaters could find themselves hundreds of miles off course if they don’t calibrate for the shift, experts said.

    “At Washington D.C., the compass points 10 degrees to the west of true north," Jeffrey Love, USGS advisor for geomagnetic research, told "And this is increasing at Washington at a rate of about 1/10 of a degree per year.”

    But don't touch that calibration dial just yet: The accuracy of compasses fluctuates with the field, he said, meaning compasses are more or less accurate depending on where you use them.

    “It's different at different places on the earth,” Love said.

    The magnetic shift is costing the aviation and marine industries millions of dollars to upgrade navigational systems and charts, Florida's Sun Sentinel reported.

    "You could end up a few miles off or a couple hundred miles off, depending how far you're going," Matthew Brock, a technician with Lauderdale Speedometer and Compass, a Fort Lauderdale company that repairs compasses, told the paper.

    Luckily for the younger generation, modern GPS technology is able to account and adjust for magnetic north’s deviation, also called magnetic declination. And scientists reassure the general public that the average individual will most likely not be affected at all by the shift in the magnetic field.

    But hikers should be aware: The shift adds up to a one-degree difference in compass direction every ten years, Love said.

    A spokesman for the National Park Service says cartographers aren’t scrambling to update their maps any time soon.

    “We haven’t issued any warnings to hikers, and we don’t really plan to do that,” Jeffrey Olson, a representative for the National Park Service, told “Many or most trail guides will provide hikers with the location of the pole, and then they can feed those coordinates into any GIS.” A Geographic Information System is anything that works with location data. “That will help them find their way back.”

    There are other effects to the roaming pole as well: Americans will be less likely to see the aurora borealis, for example.

    “As the pole of the magnetic field migrates towards Siberia, the latitude that we observe the aurora borealis will increase for America,” Love told “It’s easier to see at higher latitudes. The optimal spot right now to see it is Fairbanks, Alaska, but it will slowly move north from there.”

    And there have been some inconveniences for the Federal Aviation Administration, too. Airports across the country have repainted their runways so as to be more precise in terms of latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates, and many are planning to adjust in the future.

    The polar shift is directly related to the movement of Earth’s magnetic field, which in turn, is related to the movement of Earth’s liquid iron core. The core is in a constant state of convection, or the transfer of heat within fluids. Since the core is convecting, it produces what Love referred to as a “naturally occurring electrical conductor.” And with electric current comes the magnetic field.

    Fluctuations in the magnetic field have occurred for hundreds of thousands of years, so the shifting pole doesn’t exactly worry scientists. Sometimes the movement is slow, sometimes fast. The rapidity of the change has to do with the amount of activity going on in the earth’s core. But over time, the axel pole and the magnetic pole eventually equal one another.

    “It’s a mathematical construct,” John Tarduno, professor of geophysics at the University of Rochester, told “The magnetic field is calculated over the entire planet. So when we think of the pole moving a large amount, we’re really talking about the magnetic field changing on a time scale. It’s true that that pole will wander around the true axis pole. But over thousands of years, the axel pole and magnetic pole will average to be in the same location.”

    That's small consolation for someone looking to find their way home with a compass, of course.

    Add to the ever evolving nature of Earth’s magnetism the fact that the overall magnetic field has been decreasing as well. Scientists have only been able to measure the intensity of the field since the 1830s, but ever since then, its strength has been on the decline, having decreased by about 10% since it was first measured. But for those concerned with this polar shift -- or even a possible polar reversal -- Love says there is no need to worry in our lifetime.

    “Reversals -- which is the changing of the polarity of the magnetic field -- that typically takes about 10,000 years to happen,” Love told And “10,000 years ago civilization did not exist. These processes are very slow and therefore, we don’t have anything to worry about.”

    Read more:

    Love Always

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    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Empty Re: Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting

    Post  Carol Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:44 pm

    Magnetic North Pole is Now Shifting Earthcore
    Lost Horizon: Magnetic field reversal effects increasing
    March 1, 2011 - The Earth’s magnetic field is changing at an increasing rate, throwing off airports and altering the aurora borealis — and its effect on ordinary compasses could mean the difference between homeward bound and hopelessly lost. Earth’s northernmost magnetic point — or magnetic north — is distinct from its geographic North Pole, and scientists have long known that the magnetic poles are on the move. But the magnetic poles have been moving faster lately, sliding towards Siberia at 34 miles per year at a speed that’s accelerated 36 percent over the last 10 years, according to the United States Geological Survey, or USGS. “At Washington D.C., the compass points 10 degrees to the west of true north,” Jeffrey Love, USGS advisor for geomagnetic research, told “And this is increasing at Washington at a rate of about 1/10 of a degree per year.” But don’t touch that calibration dial just yet: The accuracy of compasses fluctuates with the field, he said, meaning compasses are more or less accurate depending on where you use them. “It’s different at different places on the earth,” Love said. The magnetic shift is costing the aviation and marine industries millions of dollars to upgrade navigational systems and charts, Florida’s Sun Sentinel reported. –Fox News

    “Almost all tectonic movement can be linked to magnetic reversals. Seafloor spreading, sea level changes, mountain growth, earthquakes, and volcanism all seem to speed up whenever the frequency of reversals speeds up.” -Peter Vogt, U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:03 am