I wrote this several days ago but because of the 300 word limit I couldn't post it until now.
As most of us know back in February...Black History Month...Eagles Disobey made the passive aggressive suggestion that PC was racist...using the question "Why hasn't PC interviewed any black people?"
While it seemed childish and stupid at the time...I think I may have found what some of this stems from.
These accusations set Bill off. Shortly after that Bill put up his Anglo-Saxon Mission material. The theme being that white anglo elites were bent on genocide.
Then pops in Dr. John Waterman...through Kerry's side of PC. He had been on her radio show a couple times previous to this on the topic of American militias.
After Bill put up the ASM material....Waterman piped up again on Kerry's show. His whole rap was that it was a ploy to make white anglo-saxons look like the bad guys. That it was in itself a divide&conquer tactic on a part of Them. I'm trying to find the particular show but the site doesn't seem to be working for me at the moment.
So if what Waterman is claiming is true...who exactly are They?
Why that's so simple....THE JEWS!
I started reading up on Waterman and checking out his podcasts. A regular guest of his in particular. One Eli James.
I listened to 3 different podcast of this guy. Boy oh boy he's something else.
Now Waterman is essentially a Christian Apologist...which I found no personal problem with. But when he had this Eli James guy on...it put a whole new spin on it.
Their basic outlook is that the white race are the legitimate Israelites and Gods chosen people....and that the Jews are just pretenders....because they are actually the evil lineage of the fallen angels. The shows get very hateful and low brow at times....and if you read Eli's website he throws in a dose of homophobia for good measure.
That being said...Kerry is now on the same radio network as Waterman....so he seems to be trying to buddy up to her.
Now, I'm assuming Burisch has some Jewish heritage judging by the yalmaka he's pictured wearing quite a bit. So maybe the ASM material plus the Waterman rebuttal of it set his whole camp off on a tangent
Just another divide and conquer op going on it seems to me.
Important? Not really. But I think subversive stuff like this needs to be put out there and shown for what it really is.
As most of us know back in February...Black History Month...Eagles Disobey made the passive aggressive suggestion that PC was racist...using the question "Why hasn't PC interviewed any black people?"
While it seemed childish and stupid at the time...I think I may have found what some of this stems from.
These accusations set Bill off. Shortly after that Bill put up his Anglo-Saxon Mission material. The theme being that white anglo elites were bent on genocide.
Then pops in Dr. John Waterman...through Kerry's side of PC. He had been on her radio show a couple times previous to this on the topic of American militias.
After Bill put up the ASM material....Waterman piped up again on Kerry's show. His whole rap was that it was a ploy to make white anglo-saxons look like the bad guys. That it was in itself a divide&conquer tactic on a part of Them. I'm trying to find the particular show but the site doesn't seem to be working for me at the moment.
So if what Waterman is claiming is true...who exactly are They?
Why that's so simple....THE JEWS!
I started reading up on Waterman and checking out his podcasts. A regular guest of his in particular. One Eli James.
I listened to 3 different podcast of this guy. Boy oh boy he's something else.
Now Waterman is essentially a Christian Apologist...which I found no personal problem with. But when he had this Eli James guy on...it put a whole new spin on it.
Their basic outlook is that the white race are the legitimate Israelites and Gods chosen people....and that the Jews are just pretenders....because they are actually the evil lineage of the fallen angels. The shows get very hateful and low brow at times....and if you read Eli's website he throws in a dose of homophobia for good measure.
That being said...Kerry is now on the same radio network as Waterman....so he seems to be trying to buddy up to her.
Now, I'm assuming Burisch has some Jewish heritage judging by the yalmaka he's pictured wearing quite a bit. So maybe the ASM material plus the Waterman rebuttal of it set his whole camp off on a tangent
Just another divide and conquer op going on it seems to me.
Important? Not really. But I think subversive stuff like this needs to be put out there and shown for what it really is.