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    Benjamin Fulford's Weekly Report of May 6, 2024


    Posts : 2190
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    Age : 79
    Location : Virginia, U.S.

    Benjamin Fulford's Weekly Report of May 6, 2024 Empty Benjamin Fulford's Weekly Report of May 6, 2024

    Post  Seashore Tue May 07, 2024 8:53 am

    The White Hats Have Won: The United States and Israel Will Cease To Exist; World Peace Will Begin

    By Benjamin Fulford

    May 6, 2024


    The United States of America Corporation will officially declare bankruptcy.

    The Republic of the United States of North America will replace it.

    It will build a new capital, possibly in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

    The state of Israel will also cease to exist. It will be replaced by the state of Judea. The original Judeans (misleadingly called Palestinians) will manage the new state together with the European immigrants. Both peoples will have equal rights and guarantees of religious and personal freedom.

    Posts : 2190
    Join date : 2010-04-14
    Age : 79
    Location : Virginia, U.S.

    Benjamin Fulford's Weekly Report of May 6, 2024 Empty Re: Benjamin Fulford's Weekly Report of May 6, 2024

    Post  Seashore Tue May 07, 2024 9:11 am

    The Republic of the United States of North America will replace it.

    What a great idea!

    Posts : 32044
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    Location : Hawaii

    Benjamin Fulford's Weekly Report of May 6, 2024 Empty Re: Benjamin Fulford's Weekly Report of May 6, 2024

    Post  Carol Tue May 07, 2024 12:20 pm

    This is from a week or go so.. too much to post all of it here.

    One last battle and the Rockefeller/Hitler branch of the KM will go down
    By Benjamin Fulford
    April 29, 2024

    The global white hat alliance scored major victories last week in the ongoing secret battle for the planet Earth. Klaus Schwab Rothschild, the Battenbergs (British Royals), Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, Barack Obama Hitler, Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci were all executed at Guantanamo Bay, according to Pascal Najadi the son of the co-founder of the World Economic Forum who claims to be directly involved.

    We have independently confirmed with MI6 that Schwab is gone and know the others listed have all been placed on an execution list.

    Mossad sources confirm the British royals have also been killed. This is why riderless horses – one of them is painted red to look like blood- are galloping around London. In Revelations 6:2, John describes seeing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and describes how he “looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.”

    This came after the Head of Israeli Intelligence Major General Aharon Haliva resigned due to the failure of the October 7th false flag in Gaza. His resignation triggered “a wholesale tsunami or clear out at Director General of Military Intelligence around the world… they are all gone,” says the head of MI6.

    In other proof, Israeli Minister of National Security, Ben Gvir was involved in a horrific traffic accident while

    Now the International Criminal Court is issuing arrest warrants for Benyamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials.
    We also know the surviving members of the Rothschild family have agreed to work with the alliance. This means one last big battle against the Hitler/Rockefeller bloodline should end this war and liberate humanity.

    The surviving Rockefellers under David Rockefeller Jr. are definitely desperate and dangerous cornered beasts now.
    This is especially true now that Rockefeller Secretary of State Anthony Blinken returned home empty handed from his beg/threaten mission to China last week. Take a look at his expression as he poses with Chinese President Xi Jinping and you can see he is deeply disappointed and scared.

    Blinken started the meeting by sucking up to China saying: “The United States does not seek a new Cold War, does not seek to change China’s system, does not seek to suppress China’s development, does not seek to revitalize its alliances against China, and has no intention to have a conflict with China.”

    Xi responded by saying “Honor words with actions rather than say one thing but do another…Today, as I see it, dwellers of the same planet should help each other. We live in an interdependent world and rise and fall together. With their interests deeply intertwined, all countries need to build maximum consensus for win-win and all-win outcomes. This is the basic starting point for China to view the world and the China-U.S. relationship,” Xi said.

    Behind the scenes, Blinken asked for trillions of dollars of loans in exchange for promises to fight “climate change,” while simultaneously threatening to attack China with weather warfare weapons, Asian secret society sources say.
    The Chinese told him to buzz off and the meeting was cut short as this video shows:

    Xi Jinping: When will he [Blinken] leave?
    Assistant: He’s leaving this evening.

    That is why Blinken outright threatened Beijing over what Washington describes as China’s support for the Russian army in a press conference after the talks.

    Since he left empty-handed, the Rockefeller faction is definitely running out of money fast. As a reminder in 2007, just before the US went bankrupt during the “Lehman shock” and was bailed out by China, the U.S. national debt was below $10 trillion, the budget deficit was about $160 billion and interest payments were approximately $400 billion. Now the debt has surpassed 34 trillion, is growing by $1 trillion every hundred days and debt servicing costs have topped $1 trillion.

    They are definitely going to try to steal your money to keep in business. The IRS has been using AI to access bank accounts of American Citizens without any kind of a search warrant…they have access to every single persons bank account. This is a blatant violation of the fourth amendment; This administration is LAWLESS!”


    They have already stolen so much from the people that 17 million US households are suffering from a lack of food.—reports-1118077054.html

    The result is a collapse of the social order in the US. The amount of people reporting they have been the victim of a crime has risen by 42.4% between 2021 and 2022. The fake Biden administration is trying to say crime is down 2% because people have given up calling the police who are unable to respond.

    Former Federal Reserve chairman, Alan Greenspan once said : “The U.S. can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. There is zero probability of default”

    Did you get that? It begs the question… why do we pay taxes if they can just print money? The fact is the rest of the world has stopped accepting their funny money and so they cannot print their way out of this.

    The Rockefellers bought time with cryptocurrency fraud and by stealing Russian assets. They may have also extorted money from the United Arab Emirates. It was pummeled with roughly a year’s worth of rain in less than a day on April 16th and French intelligence sources say the UAE now seems to have run out of money.

    Regardless, this is unlikely to keep the Rockefellers in business past June. That means we can expect them to stage some major events to try to cover for their bankruptcy and systems collapse.

    This may be why AirBnB is expecting large-scale government actions and lockdowns to begin on June 6, 2024, according to a newly obtained email.

    Their email shows they expect the following in June:
    > Declared public health emergencies and epidemics.
    > Government travel restrictions
    > Military actions and other hostilities
    > Large-scale outages of essential utilities
    > Natural Disasters

    The video below shows 25 ways the US is being destroyed by these people.

    We will look more into this below but first, we want to talk about a massive secret battle raging in Japan. The German branch of the Khazarian Mafia tried to kill the Japanese imperial family by pretending King Charles was still alive and using him to invite the royals to visit England in June. MI6 warned the royals it was a trap set by UK civil service head Simon Case and former MI6 head John Scarlett. A source close to the imperial family said they knew it was a trap and were not planning to go.

    This invitation came after a major white hat victory in the battle for control of the Bank of Japan. The yen is now plunging to multi-decade lows because the Rothschilds know the BOJ is about to be nationalized. Until that happens they will print yen like there was no tomorrow (for them true) and then laundering it out of the country via the stock market.
    BOJ nationalization is imminent because the white hats in Japan have removed the KM controlled faction headed by certain royal family members and certain members of the three legged crow secret society.

    These people confessed they were behind the recent mass murder of over 500,000 Japanese using toxic vaccines. They said they were under orders dating back to the time of President Roosevelt to reduce Japan’s population to a level (70 million people) where it could never again pose a threat to US power. Unlike the Germans, who were slaughtered outright (37 million of them were killed after WWII ended),

    The Japanese were allowed to gradually reduce their population. This is why women are indoctrinated not to have children and daily use products like shampoo and cosmetics are saturated with sterilizing chemicals.

    The removal of the traitors who went along with this means Japan has now been de facto liberated.

    The North Koreans agree saying “The pro-U.S. lackeys are bound to meet death and ruin for having completely sold off people and all valuables of the country.”

    There is only some in fighting, between the Northern and Southern Imperial clans to be settled before the take-over of the BOJ is completed.

    The White Dragon Society is recommending a division of powers between the Northern Clan – who are now formally in position- and the Southern clan who are supported by the Asian Secret Societies. In this plan the Northern clan, who also have Habsburg blood, would be in charge of diplomatic relations while the Southern Emperor would be in charge of domestic affairs. In the future both bloodlines would be reunited via marriage.

    Regardless of the infighting both factions oppose the KM. That is why thousands of Japanese citizens are now marching together in protest of the deadly experimental shots and the W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty.

    In any case, the East/West deal negotiated by Queen Elizabeth with the Asians before she was murdered will go ahead. In this deal the underlying goal shifted from “climate change” to increasing the amount and variety of life, including human life. This will be carried out by various future planning organizations that are being set up now along with the replacement organization for the UN. A more formal announcement is imminent.

    OK, now let’s get back to the still raging battle to liberate the US and Canada.

    The first thing people need to get into their heads is that Commander in Chief Donald Trump is not the Trump you are seeing on most of your screens.

    That is why this newsletter does not pay attention to all the court theatrics based around the fake Donald Trump in Mar a Largo. To understand how easy it is to fake a person these days watch this (very slanderous but funny) AI Trump offer Melania for sale.

    It is not all jokes though. In 2019 the fake Trump turned the birthday of Chabad death cult head Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson into a holiday.

    Chabad lobbying is why, on March 20, 1991, President George H.W. Bush signed HJ Res. 104, the Noahide Laws, rules that make the belief in Jesus Christ a crime punishable by decapitation by guillotine.

    In other words, as far as they are concerned, killing Christians or Muslims or anyone who is not of their tribe is legal. This is why they tried to kill us all with vaccines and why they are being in turn hunted down.

    It also turns out as much as 20% of the meat sold in super markets is human (mostly in sausage, hamburger and spaghetti sauce).

    This morning I saw an article saying a US state was about to pass a law banning cannibalism; meaning it is currently legal. The link has now apparently been removed from the net. The evidence is overwhelming though. Russian FSB sources confirm a lot of products are made from abortions including cosmetics and vaccines.

    There is also more and more evidence they torture and kill children to harvest organs and Adrenachrome. Here are some recent examples:

    Ashraf al-Qudra, the spokesman for the Palestinian Health Ministry, said on Monday that dozens of bodies unearthed from the mass graves in Gaza were decapitated and had their organs and skins removed, and this is being reported by state news agencies like the IRNA (Iran Republic News Agency).

    This find is just the tip of the iceberg. “We know that there were more children killed in Gaza in six months than in all the conflicts across the world in the last four years,” says Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine.

    This has been going on for some time. Already during the Syrian Civil War the White Helmets (Syria Civil Defence) have been accused by Russia before UN of the same human organs’ traffic.

    In Russia too, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marija Zacharova blamed Ukraine, another NATO protectorate, of the same chilling business. Russian soldiers found a horrific factory to raise children for prostitution and organ harvesting.

    In the latest from the US, MS13 Satanists in Houston were caught kidnapping and sacrificing young girls.
    This is all connected to the satanic Hitler/Rockefeller bloodline. A Pentagon official has confirmed that Ukrainian

    President Vladimir Zelensky and billionaire philanthropist George Soros are cousins.
    Our own sources tell us they are both related to Adolf Hitler, just like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Maybe that’s why they have NAZI heavy metal concerts in Zhytomyr, Ukraine.

    To trigger martial law and enforce this nonsense the Soros and Rockefeller foundations are paying for massive protests at US colleges.

    It turns out nearly half of the pro-Palestinian protesters arrested earlier this week at The University of Texas at Austin were not affiliated with the university. In other words it is the same old Black Lives Matter agents provocateurs reading a new script.

    A lot of these “student demonstrators” are illegal foreigners. Here you can see a video showing Syrian invaders are heading all across America after illegally entering the country. Nothing to see here folks, just a planned invasion brought to you by the fake Biden show
    Also, under the false pretense of ‘safety’ the KM are destroying freedom of speech around the world. The KM Zionists need to stop the truth from reaching more people so they can continue with their plans of total government control.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:40 pm