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    Interviews of Montauk Project Survivor Stewart Swerdlow by a Romanian-Born Ancient Origins Researcher


    Posts : 2191
    Join date : 2010-04-14
    Age : 79
    Location : Virginia, U.S.

    Interviews of Montauk Project Survivor Stewart Swerdlow by a Romanian-Born Ancient Origins Researcher Empty Interviews of Montauk Project Survivor Stewart Swerdlow by a Romanian-Born Ancient Origins Researcher

    Post  Seashore Sat Apr 15, 2023 9:15 am

    There is a 13 video playlist I've discovered today on a YouTube channel of a deep researcher by the name of Steve Locse, born in Romania, now living in Spain.  He describes his channel as on the topic of the Physics of Creation.  His interviews of Stewart get into the specifics of Stewart's life experiences and the two of them compare notes about Stewart's understanding of the various species in the cosmos as compared to Steve's other contacts who have their own findings.

    Here is the first interview in the series:

    The Alien Connection with Stewart Swerdlow and Steve Locse - part 1 - The Platform

    Steve Locse

    Jun 20, 2016

    In the following sessions we will talk about the incredible experiences of Stewart and also about the history of mankind based on the information received by Stewart and we will compare it with Anton Parks's version and the Arvisuras. We will start a research together to find detailes of a great value in order to put pieces together.

    Link to the playlist:  Steve Locse - Stewart Swerdlow Playlist

    Posts : 2191
    Join date : 2010-04-14
    Age : 79
    Location : Virginia, U.S.

    Interviews of Montauk Project Survivor Stewart Swerdlow by a Romanian-Born Ancient Origins Researcher Empty Re: Interviews of Montauk Project Survivor Stewart Swerdlow by a Romanian-Born Ancient Origins Researcher

    Post  Seashore Sat Apr 15, 2023 12:41 pm

    Correction:  The actual first interview—

    My first contact with Stewart Swerdlow

    Steve Locse

    May 25, 2016

    In this video I just make a first contact with Stewart who granted me a few minutes during his european tour and I appreciate this deeply. This time I only talked about me shortly and my theory, and made a few questions which we could not investigate enough. Very soon we'll speak with calm having much more time to expose his version and compare it with Arvisuras.


    Posts : 2191
    Join date : 2010-04-14
    Age : 79
    Location : Virginia, U.S.

    Interviews of Montauk Project Survivor Stewart Swerdlow by a Romanian-Born Ancient Origins Researcher Empty Re: Interviews of Montauk Project Survivor Stewart Swerdlow by a Romanian-Born Ancient Origins Researcher

    Post  Seashore Sat Apr 15, 2023 1:44 pm

    The third video of the playlist is about the years Stewart spent in the Montauk Project.

    Stewart mentions that people should watch the movie Montauk Chronicles.

    Apparently someone has posted it on Bitchute:



    First published at 14:41 UTC on June 29th, 2021.

    It has been referred to as Area 51 east. Montauk is a remote U.S. town located on the very eastern tip of Long Island, New York. High on a hill above the rocky waters of the Atlantic Ocean looms a giant rusted radar tower. It's a ghost relic of the past that local fishermen use as a marker to help guide their ships safely to shore. The old military tower is also a landmark for what once was an active Camp Hero Air Force Base. The base has a recorded history that dates back to the revolutionary war. During world World War II Camp Hero was used as a defense station and was equipped with giant mark seven cannons that were loaded and ready in the event of a Nazi attack. There are those who say that in the 1970's the base was used for a much different purpose. Montauk Chronicles is the story of three men who claim they were brainwashed and forced against their will by a clandestine organization to take part in secret experiments. Evil atrocities are said to have occurred deep beneath the surface of the Camp Hero Air Force base. Alfred Bielek, Stewart Swerdlow, And Preston Nichols all tell tales of experiments that were conducted on nearly one hundred thousand people over the course of about ten years. Kidnappings, murder, torture, time travel, mind control, and extra terrestrial contact are all said to have occurred at Camp Hero. Montauk Chronicles is the very first and honest (cinematic) examination of the Camp Hero Legends.It raises many questions of our place in the universe and what the future may hold for humanity. It's an entertaining journey into the unknown and a study of fear, lies, paranoia and the truth.

    Link (Button to embed didn't work)

    Last edited by Seashore on Sat Apr 15, 2023 1:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Tried to make embed button work)

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