Part 1:
Part 2:
By Rodrigo Romo - Activation 10.10.10 -- October 10th, 2010
Rodrigo Romo channels an extremely evolved spiritual extraterrestrial (E.T.s) entity named Shtareer who is a member of the Voronandeck Order and is the brother of Micah.
Shtareer is here in Nebadon helping Micah during the quantum leap that is taking place in this quadrant of the Galaxy including our solar system and Earth and connecting with our civilization and teaching about spirituality.
This quantum leap is happening in many levels and dimensions, and these are changes in our energy fields, our relationships, our bodies, and even our climate. We are beginning this process and many of us will follow these changes and evolve.
Aside from climate changes due to our negligence towards mother Earth, there have been changes in the whole solar system including our energies and bodies in prepration for ascension.
However, I believe that we live in a civilization that is socially and economically structured to repress our evolution. There are many mechanisms around us, for the example, the TV, as one of the main controllers of the collective conscience of the masses keeping us from making contact.
As time goes by we will start seen more and more signs of repression in and attempt for us to keep us out of contact with a higher conscience. There may be groups that are investing much time and funds in order to keep us repressed. However, there are energies and groups of highly evolved physical and spiritual beings that are close by just waiting for us to take one major step.
This major step is a request (On October 10th, 10.10.10). Free will is something that they will never violate, that is why we do not realize how much extraterrestrial (E.T.) support we have at this moment, and how close they are to us.
And now it has come to one date (October 10th, 10.10.10), and it is up to 10% of the world population!
10.10.10 is a day where we believe that humanity can make a REAL change in the course of our lives and our civilization.
Rodrigo Romo has written a message (about October 10th, 10.10.10) regarding this date and explains its extreme importance for humanity.
It is a message directed to the world, to every race, cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs, philosophies, etc. (On October 10th, 10.10.10)
On October 10th, (10.10.10) let us break free from this control matrix that keeps us from seeing and believing in our natural state as peaceful, highly creative and lovable beings walking amongst good extraterrestrials (E.T.s), spiritualy evolving with the support of highly evolved good extratrial societies.
This message explains the extreme importance of this spiritual event (October 10th, 10.10.10) for our lives and our civilization and gives directives on what can we do during this date (10.10.10).
Remember this is about inner transformation during meditation, it is not about seeing a ufo or seeing ufos.
October 10th, 10.10.10 wil be a historic date.
Let us gather in meditation on 10.10.10!
UK schools doing UFO crash drills
10-10-10 Garden Grove / Anaheim Multiple -UFO- Videos
Strange Signal Comes From Alien Planet, Scientist Says
The recent discovery of Gliese 581g, an alien planet in the habitable zone of another star, has been an exciting development for scientists probing the galaxy for signs of extraterrestrial life. At least one claim of a possible signal from the planet has already surfaced – and been met with harsh skepticism among the science community.
Following the Sept. 29 announcement of the discovery of Gliese 581g, astronomer Ragbir Bhathal, a scientist at the University of Western Sydney, claimed to have detected a suspicious pulse of light nearly two years ago, that came from the same area of the galaxy as the location of Gliese 581g, according to the U.K.'s Daily Mail online. [Alien Planet Gliese581g: FAQ]
Part 2:
By Rodrigo Romo - Activation 10.10.10 -- October 10th, 2010
Rodrigo Romo channels an extremely evolved spiritual extraterrestrial (E.T.s) entity named Shtareer who is a member of the Voronandeck Order and is the brother of Micah.
Shtareer is here in Nebadon helping Micah during the quantum leap that is taking place in this quadrant of the Galaxy including our solar system and Earth and connecting with our civilization and teaching about spirituality.
This quantum leap is happening in many levels and dimensions, and these are changes in our energy fields, our relationships, our bodies, and even our climate. We are beginning this process and many of us will follow these changes and evolve.
Aside from climate changes due to our negligence towards mother Earth, there have been changes in the whole solar system including our energies and bodies in prepration for ascension.
However, I believe that we live in a civilization that is socially and economically structured to repress our evolution. There are many mechanisms around us, for the example, the TV, as one of the main controllers of the collective conscience of the masses keeping us from making contact.
As time goes by we will start seen more and more signs of repression in and attempt for us to keep us out of contact with a higher conscience. There may be groups that are investing much time and funds in order to keep us repressed. However, there are energies and groups of highly evolved physical and spiritual beings that are close by just waiting for us to take one major step.
This major step is a request (On October 10th, 10.10.10). Free will is something that they will never violate, that is why we do not realize how much extraterrestrial (E.T.) support we have at this moment, and how close they are to us.
And now it has come to one date (October 10th, 10.10.10), and it is up to 10% of the world population!
10.10.10 is a day where we believe that humanity can make a REAL change in the course of our lives and our civilization.
Rodrigo Romo has written a message (about October 10th, 10.10.10) regarding this date and explains its extreme importance for humanity.
It is a message directed to the world, to every race, cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs, philosophies, etc. (On October 10th, 10.10.10)
On October 10th, (10.10.10) let us break free from this control matrix that keeps us from seeing and believing in our natural state as peaceful, highly creative and lovable beings walking amongst good extraterrestrials (E.T.s), spiritualy evolving with the support of highly evolved good extratrial societies.
This message explains the extreme importance of this spiritual event (October 10th, 10.10.10) for our lives and our civilization and gives directives on what can we do during this date (10.10.10).
Remember this is about inner transformation during meditation, it is not about seeing a ufo or seeing ufos.
October 10th, 10.10.10 wil be a historic date.
Let us gather in meditation on 10.10.10!
UK schools doing UFO crash drills
10-10-10 Garden Grove / Anaheim Multiple -UFO- Videos
Strange Signal Comes From Alien Planet, Scientist Says
The recent discovery of Gliese 581g, an alien planet in the habitable zone of another star, has been an exciting development for scientists probing the galaxy for signs of extraterrestrial life. At least one claim of a possible signal from the planet has already surfaced – and been met with harsh skepticism among the science community.
Following the Sept. 29 announcement of the discovery of Gliese 581g, astronomer Ragbir Bhathal, a scientist at the University of Western Sydney, claimed to have detected a suspicious pulse of light nearly two years ago, that came from the same area of the galaxy as the location of Gliese 581g, according to the U.K.'s Daily Mail online. [Alien Planet Gliese581g: FAQ]