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    Congresswomen Introduce “Smart Cities and Communities Act” Despite Opposition and Warnings in re “Smart Cities


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    Congresswomen Introduce “Smart Cities and Communities Act” Despite Opposition and Warnings in re “Smart Cities Empty Congresswomen Introduce “Smart Cities and Communities Act” Despite Opposition and Warnings in re “Smart Cities

    Post  mudra Sun May 23, 2021 1:24 am

    . Congresswomen Introduce “Smart Cities and Communities Act” Despite Opposition and Warnings in re “Smart Cities

    MAY 21, 2021
    By B.N. Frank

    Worldwide opposition to “Smart Cities” continues to increase due to concerns about significant cybersecurity, economic, privacy, safety, health and environmental risks (see 1, 2, 3, 4).  In 2020, Toronto cancelled its “Smart City” plans due to public outcry (see 1, 2).

    A 2018 survey revealed that 66% of Americans did NOT want to live in a “Smart City”.  Nevertheless, two congresswomen have introduced new legislation to promote and provide funding for creating more of them.

    From Smart Cities Council:

    Announcing the Smart Cities and Communities Act!

    The Smart Cities Council is pleased to report that Representatives Suzan DelBene and Yvette Clarke are re-introducing the Smart Cities and Communities Act, today – May 20, 2021. This legislation is directed at helping our communities throughout the country. This will support the rebuilding our our cities as we re-build infrastructure and is a significant milestone in our urban renewal.

    The timing could not be better. As the nation comes out of the pandemic, Congress is set to consider historic legislation which will enable the rebuilding of our communities.

    Congresswomen Introduce “Smart Cities and Communities Act” Despite Opposition and Warnings in re “Smart Cities Db265510

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