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    U.S. Navy controls inventions that claim to change "fabric of reality"


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    U.S. Navy controls inventions that claim to change "fabric of reality" Empty U.S. Navy controls inventions that claim to change "fabric of reality"

    Post  mudra Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:42 am

    U.S. Navy controls inventions that claim to change "fabric of reality"

    Inventions with revolutionary potential made by a mysterious aerospace engineer for the U.S. Navy come to light.

    U.S. Navy holds patents for enigmatic inventions by aerospace engineer Dr. Salvatore Pais.

    Pais came up with technology that can "engineer" reality, devising an ultrafast craft, a fusion reactor, and more.

    While mostly theoretical at this point, the inventions could transform energy, space, and military sectors.

    The U.S. Navy controls patents for some futuristic and outlandish technologies, some of which, dubbed "the UFO patents," came to life recently. Of particular note are inventions by the somewhat mysterious Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, whose tech claims to be able to "engineer reality." His slate of highly-ambitious, borderline sci-fi designs meant for use by the U.S. government range from gravitational wave generators and compact fusion reactors to next-gen hybrid aerospace-underwater crafts with revolutionary propulsion systems, and beyond.

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