orthodoxymoron Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:44 am
Thank-you Carol. I remember you making a post about this a year or two ago, and if I remember correctly you mentioned this Artificial-Intelligence Governed Planet having a Native-Mediator between the AI and the LOCALS, with enforcement which would make Guantanamo Bay look like Child's Play (or something to that effect). I recently had a disastrous conversation with someone who is deeply-religious regarding the contrast between the Ten-Commandments and the Murder and Mayhem (commanded and carried-out by God with the assistance of the Angels and God's Chosen People) in the Holy Bible. The Bible-Game is a No-Win Proposition if one is Open, Honest, and Idealistic. One can pick and choose various portions of the Bible which are nicer and more ethical, but one quickly ends-up dealing with the same old Murder, Mayhem, Conquest, Eternally-Burning Hell, Impossible-Rules, Contradictory-Commands, etc. But then if one rejects the Bible and Religion the result is often Bitter-Atheism or participation in Creepy-Cults or some other ridiculous alternative. I've wondered if there is a Constructive and Positive Useable-Future for Earth-Humanity if Earth is a Demonically-Possessed Artificial-Intelligence Prison-Planet known as Purgatory Incorporated??!! I keep speaking of the Bible and Ellen White, and they are both Two-Edged (and Two-Faced??) Swords with Beautiful and Profound Promises contrasted with a Hideous and Reprehensible Past, Present, and Future. I spoke with an Individual of Interest for several-years who said "I've Always Been (and Always Will Be) Opposed to Humanity" and "I'll Hang-On as Long as I Can". It's hard for me to imagine a Happy-Ending to the Human-Predicament, but Hope Springs Eternal.