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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus


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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:22 am

    The four enemies of a man of knowledge

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:02 pm

    The Origin of Internal Dialog-Don Juan Matus-Carlos Castaneda and others

    This video is an editorial that is for educational purposes. Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan Matis have given us great treasures with their words. Don Juan explains to Carlos how the human mind works from a shamans point of view. Don Juan's line of thinking opens up new possibilities that will help a person understand their internal dialog and how it affects their lives. I have used short clips from the movie Revolver and the movie, The Matrix to give a modern point of view that will help explain the old shamans way of thinking. I am also reading from the book Active Side of Infinity by Carlos Castaneda. More great information can be found at Eckhart Tolle TV on youtube. Elkhart Tolle explains silencing the mind.

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:28 am

    Carlos Castaneda -- A Warrior's Perspective

    Don Juan Matus explains the contrast between the actions of ordinary-men and warriors to Carlos Castaneda.

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    Post  mudra Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:10 pm

    Stopping the World

    Gerry Starnes, an Austin Texas area shamanic practitioner and teacher, addresses the internal dialog - the incessant internal chatter that most people experience. By halting the internal dialog long enough, one can "stop the world" and come fully into the present moment to access wisdom and power.

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Fri Dec 01, 2017 2:39 pm

    Honoring Dr. Carlos Castaneda by: Aerin Alexander & Dr. Miles Reid Director John-Roger & Jsu Garcia

    Dr. Carlos Castaneda was an anthropologist, visionary and author whose work continues to resonate and live on.
    During the 1960’s Castaneda developed a unique relationship with a Yaqui Indian leader, who infused him with the knowledge of the shamans of ancient Mexico, a practical type of shamanism focused on the development of one’s attention and energy in order to liberate perception and regain vitality in life.
    We (Aerin and Miles) met Castaneda in the mid 1990s and became his direct apprentices.
    We were part of a small group who knew him personally and intimately, and from whom we learned how to adapt these ancient shamanic teachings to our modern needs, to expand our consciousness and to re-establish our link to the universe at large.
    Castaneda changed completely the direction of our lives, and we are immensely grateful for the opportunity to learn to see the world in a different, more expansive and encompassing way.
    Castaneda taught us to shift our consciousness to the heart, a shift of the assemblage point, as he used to say.
    That means having our heart as the main center for perception, as a brain that communicates at a higher speed and reaches out farther than our rational mind.

    An integral part of our training with Castaneda involved the daily practice of specialized movements by which the mind becomes more open and fluid and the body stronger and more vital.

    “I (Miles) was a young medical doctor from Argentina when I met him, and I was trying to find my place as a healer and as a person. Serendipitous events led me to meet him and at the onset he said there was a reason for our encounter, that one day I was to bridge science and shamanism.
    My apprenticeship under his tutelage was a 24/7 demonstration of what it means to be fully available to life as it is meant to be for all of us.
    He taught me hundreds of movements that had been part of the ancient legacy he had learned, and asked me to demonstrate and teach them to the public. My memory of him, even today, is intrinsically intertwined with the vitality he exuded and the love he had for these movements.
    Castaneda taught me discipline, elegance and what it means giving one’s best, and then some more.”
    In body, mind and spirit Castaneda was an unparalleled role model. His curiosity, sense of humor, expansive mind, and generous heart are beyond any words we could use to describe them.
    What was most striking for us was that there was no distance between his actions and his words. He lived the legacy of the ancient sages with humbleness and sobriety.

    His unbending purpose for freedom from pseudo idealities has been a great source of inspiration for us. “In my case (Aerin), I was in my early twenties when I met him and I felt limited by my interpretations of the world and my upbringing. I couldn’t find a way to feel connected to people; I was depressed and lonely, struggling to fit into a cold world. Castaneda guided me to gather energy through the practice of movements and recapitulation, to suspend my negative self-talk and long-term negative habits. He inspired and supported me to educate my mind with science and literature.
    And he taught me to shift my center of perception to my heart by, first, learning to love the trees in his house.
    For four years I was invited daily to practice movements for long hours and to learn to prune and nurture his trees.
    By learning to care for nature, I learned to care for others and myself.
    That was the first step on shifting my consciousness to a higher purpose.”
    Castaneda urged us to find our own way of living the teachings, to validate things through our own practice and experience; to not take anything for granted, to find what we loved and to follow and share with others the possibilities of paths with heart.

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Mon Dec 04, 2017 1:55 pm

    Spanish with english subtitles

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    Post  mudra Tue Jan 02, 2018 3:09 pm

    'The self-confidence of the warrior is not the self-confidence of the average man. The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker and calls that self-confidence. The warrior seeks impeccability in his own eyes and calls that humbleness. The average man is hooked to his fellow men, while the warrior is hooked only to infinity.'

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:45 am

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 26239711

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    Post  mudra Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:46 am

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 25289410

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    Post  mudra Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:56 am

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Mandalbrot

    The Universe is a Giant Fractal
    Posted on February 20, 2018 by Lorraine

    Patterns are maintained by consistently giving energy to a system of power. I choose freedom from the routines, from the patterns, from the human collective. My life is about walking each moment in full awareness, forever touching it, honing it and knowing it through the grandeur that is our existence here upon this earth. –  Becoming Awareness

    I like to imagine the entire Universe as a giant fractal. Each component within the fractal is a pattern that constantly flows and becomes more than it is as it continues to touch the original pattern and while eternally morphing into something different and new.

    The above quote comes from my book in a chapter entitled Habitual Patterns and Thought Forms. I’ve often discussed the importance of recapitulating the historical patterns that have been handed down from generation to generation. Many people allow these patterns and associated thought forms to serve as the foundation of their reality without ever attempting to become aware of their own true nature free from these patterns.

    In order for us to hold a pattern in our minds, we must push away the rest of the fractal. When we do, we are no longer fluid; we become fixated or have fixated the position of our assemblage point. If you define someone with a word, you negate them. By giving someone a label, you eliminate all of the other things that they could be. At the same time, you are creating them to fulfill that definition because you have defined it to exist. You have defined them as a single pattern within the fractal.

    Don Juan told Carlos Castaneda that, The New Seers are the only ones who have the sobriety to see the mold of man and understand what it is; the pattern of every human attribute we can think of and some we cannot even conceive. We are what it stamps us with.

    Don Juan told Carlos that he had to go beyond the mold, that the mold was merely a stage, a stopover that brought temporary peace and serenity to those who journey into the unknown, but that it was sterile, static. It was at the same time a flat reflected image in a mirror and the mirror itself. And the image was man’s image.

    We are each taught to live our lives based upon the myths that have been passed down through centuries. There are thousands upon thousands of myths and their primary function is to provide us with a model that helps us to activate our unconscious. When this occurs, we can then integrate the unconscious into our consciousness. When we connect with our unconscious, we move beyond the patterns that we have upheld throughout our lives and our unconscious allows us to realize the unlimited potential that lies within each of us.

    I hear everyone constantly complaining about the state of our country, our world, the earth, ourselves. We fight and fight to attempt to bring about change. We are human beings, not human doings. Gandhi said BE the change you want to see in the world, not DO the change you want to see in the world.

    Buckminster Fuller said, You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

    Our true crisis in this world is the inability to experience consciousness.

    Let go of the patterns within the fractal and free the fractal, of which we are each a part, so we may continue to flow, change, and create ourselves into becoming the most of what we are capable of truly being. We must rise to the task of being the true creator beings that we are each meant to be.

    Keep Dancing!

    Lorraine Voss

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Cover
    Available on amazon.

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:59 am

    Victim Consciousness or New Level of Awareness?
    by Lorraine Voss

    And now the battle continues, since we are trapped by the forces of this world. One part of us is fighting to disintegrate and die, while another tries to maintain life and awareness at any cost. There is no peace! A warrior realizes this, and uses it to his advantage. His goal continues to be that which inspired the spark of life that created him: Access to a new level of awareness. – Carlos Castaneda, Encounters with the Nagual

    The world is being consumed at a rapid rate by a foreign, energetic line called “victim consciousness.” In my book there is a chapter entitled The Lineage where I write about the multiple lines of awareness that exist and how those that glow or shine the brightest aren’t necessarily the best ones to connect with. Rather, they glow brightly because of the amount of energy they receive. Here is an excerpt from that chapter:

    The brightest lines are the lines into which people place a lot of energy. This makes them shiny and brilliant which appeals to the subconscious and attracts people to them easily, like moths to a flame. People provide a lot of energy to those lines by being exposed to the constant bombardment of subliminal messaging they receive through the stories, realities, beliefs, and judgments of others. These subliminal messages are fed to the public and the public, without even realizing it, attaches a lot of importance to those lines. They become brighter as the result of collective consciousness feeding them. It’s been going on for centuries. Many of those lines are man-made and have increased energetically through the world of reason and have become anchored in reality. Some of the lines are of anger, fear, greed, despair, violence, and unworthiness, to name some of the brighter yet less virtuous lines.

    The victim consciousness line is ridiculously bright at this time. Do not confuse victimization with that of being a victim. Victimization occurs when someone is targeted and has prevailed by not becoming reduced to being a perpetual victim as a result of the victimization experience. But a person who functions in the world as a victim is one who becomes the experience of victimization and as a result, chooses to perpetuate that story. A person of victim consciousness lives in the place of pity and becomes, by the habitual behavior of portraying themselves as just that, a victim. They become a victim to external forces that they have become aligned with to the point of viewing the entire world as the enemy.

    Again from my book, One of the biggest lies that has been imposed upon people for centuries is that they are unworthy and incomplete as human beings. The idea of unworthiness is a deceitful maneuver that was set in place by the system, the man-made matrix. It is insinuated that from the moment people enter into this beautiful world that they are not whole, are born in sin, and that there are countless expectations to be met and adhered to through a lifetime of obedience and compliance in order to ensure their salvation…

    read on: Arrow

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Sun Dec 23, 2018 2:15 am

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 48423210

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  Ashera Sun Dec 23, 2018 5:26 am


    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 DvCEr5zX0AMA6Ay
    Mehrere Hundert Migranten aus dem Mittelmeer gerettet

    The mesas. I dived there a few, as far as I could get with my own breath and equipment

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 DrT5uTxXQAAhcq_
    Mallorca – der erste Gedanke, der vielen durch den Kopf schiesst, lautet «Ballermann». Doch die Insel im Mittelmeer hat weit mehr zu bieten

    Middle Earth

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Dh0qarzWAAAP2FV
    Einer, der für #Christus gereist ist, war #Paulus. Der #Apostel reiste sein halbes Leben lang kreuz und quer durch’s Mittelmeer. Allein seine zweite #Reise (Karte) um das Jahr 50 n.Chr. dauerte drei Jahre


    On the top of Yggdrasil, the World Ash in the center of Middle Earth, in the Ven Lowlands, known as the Valley, where the four streams formed a swamp, lived a little bird called Wideopener, and under the roots an evil hag who heeded a box locked with 1000 chains. To open the box...

    I am not a Shivaist... my method was Mulapakriti (Mimir) and Mahapurusha (Menglad). it is to say so "Wu-wei Tantra Alchemy" - The Way of the Völva

    I am no ones follower, and even more not of naughty males who stab themselves with steak knives to appear as vanguard on the way to the Zauberberg... (where I anyway never aimed to go)

    May well be that our Stronzo Lord Shiva likes Mistress Berge, but I do not!

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  Ashera Sun Dec 23, 2018 11:58 pm

    What do I care what you believe? Did you ever think?

    The welcome idiots - ready to get rescued and exploited. The ideal populace of the junkerdom in the name of the LORD

    You want it darker, we kill the flame
    - Leonard Cohen


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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Mon Dec 24, 2018 1:47 am


    Please consider removing your posts from this thread and transfer them to a thread of your own, under an approprate topic, where they will be relevant
    and may get the attention you are calling for.Unless I miss something I don't see any reason they should be on mine.

    Thank you.
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    Post  Ashera Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:11 pm

    I will not read your threads anymore. Get up in smoke!

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    Post  mudra Wed Dec 26, 2018 2:02 am

    It's fine with me Ashera if you don't read my threads.

    I wish you well.

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:06 pm

    Be fluid, at ease in whatever situation you find yourself. Your challenge is to deal with people with ease regardless of what they do to you. Remember what I have said, that it is of no use to be sad and complain and feel justified in doing so, believing that someone is always doing something to us. Nobody is doing anything to anybody, much less to a warrior. -

    Don Juan Matus, Carlos Castaneda: The Eagles Gift

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Sun Sep 08, 2019 1:15 am

    The Universal shift of Consciousness
    Carlos Castaneda information

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    Post  mudra Sun Sep 08, 2019 1:16 am

    The Universal shift of Consciousness
    Carlos Castaneda information

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    Post  mudra Mon Sep 23, 2019 4:08 pm

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 71262610

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    Post  mudra Mon Sep 23, 2019 4:10 pm

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    Post  mudra Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:47 am

    Following the Eagle's Flight: Understanding the books of Carlos Castaneda

    Introduction: Following the Eagle's Flight - A Conceptual Guide to the Books of Carlos Castaneda.

    Ever since I could remember, I've had a vague awareness that the world was more than it seemed. As a child, I often felt surreal, like life was a play and everyone else pretended it was real. Growing up, this feeling mainfested itself into passions for science, literature and metaphysics. I began reading anything that helped deepen my understanding of life's mysteries.

    The first time I read Carlos Castaneda, I was in high school. The book was Don Juan: A Yaqui's Source of Knowledge and to be honest, it didn't impress me. While the book was entertaining, I never gave any credence to Castaneda's experiences and considered them only as drug-induced possibilities. How could anybody turn into a crow? Instead I read: Watts, Rand, Kerouac, Keats, Pirsig, Jung, and anyone else who I thought had legitimately glimpsed into the human condition. I went to college, traveled for a few years and tried anything that could turn my vague awareness into a conscious knowing. I took a job teaching science but I was more interested in the metaphysical universe than the physical one. By that time, I understood that all humans possessed the ability to experience something greater than themselves. In fact, I would argue that the themes of most books deal with a person's experience of trying to tap into a greater power. The problem for me was that neither science, philosophy nor religion had ever explained that "greater power" in a rational, causual way.

    A few years later, I came across The Art of Dreaming and after only a few pages, I realized that this book was attempting to explain in detail, the metaphysical universe. I wondered whether I had missed something in Castaneda's first book so I immediately bought the entire series from a second-hand book shop and started reading. The more I read, the more I realized that Castaneda's books were not about drug-induced fantasies but about a system of knowledge (Toltec) that explained the nature of the universe. To understand that system, I knew I had to pluck out all the important pieces from each book and try and put them back together like a puzzle. After initially reading the series, I reread it again, this time marking each important passage and typing it into a computer. Having no idea how the pieces of knowledge fit together, I began organizing each idea conceptually trying to understand the main themes of Castaneda's writing. Finally, four years later, I put the last pieces of the puzzle together and stepped back to see what had been created. I wasn't disappointed. Castaneda had managed to weave into his books, the Toltec's entire system of knowledge. I was amazed at the simplicity behind the knowledge yet the thoroughness to include everything in its description. I no longer scoffed at the idea of someone becoming a crow, in fact, it seems very rational to me now. To ensure that I had left nothing out of the Toltec system of knowledge, I read the other books written by other members in Castaneda's group. All books verified and repeated what Castaneda wrote with the exception of Taisha Abelar's The Sorcerer's Crossing. Her book not only verified the Toltec knowledge but enhanced some explanations that were vague or incomplete. Her writings are included along with Castaneda's work.

    Three themes emerged from Castaneda's work: First, the description of the universe and humans as energy. Second, the description why humans fail to perceive the universe and themselves as energy. Third, the description on how to perceive the universe and ourselves as energy via the sorcerer's way. See the summary of the Sorcerer's Way.

    To truly appreciate the core ideas of the Toltec knowledge, the work was designed to be read completely from beginning to end. Through a series of questions and answers, each Toltec concept is built upon each other thus enabling the reader to move deeper and deeper into the knowledge as they read. Each quotation is followed by the particular book's intials (see bottom of page for key) and page number.

    Finally, I would like to caution those who wish to understand Toltec knowledge through academic means only. You can't. This intellectual organization of knowledge serves as a starting point for people to question their reality but does nothing to help you experience that reality. To truly understand what it means to stop the world, to slip between its cracks and to follow the flight of the Eagle, you need to put away the books, stop talking about it and act. And you might, if you maintain your actions, (intent) and act impeccably, you just might be lucky enough to verify for yourself some of the concepts of the Toltec path.

    Jay French

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Tue Sep 24, 2019 8:19 am

    Some of the question being asked and answered at the link above

    DJ - The Teachings of Don Juan
    SR - A Separate Reality
    JTI - Journey to Ixtlan
    TOP - Tales of Power
    SRP - The Second Ring of Power
    EG - The Eagle's Gift
    FFW - The Fire from Within
    POS - The Power of Silence
    TAOD- The Art of Dreaming
    TSC - The Sorcerer's Crossing (Taisha Abelar)

    What makes up the universe?
    What is the source of the universe's energy?
    Why is the source of all energy called the eagle?
    Do we really "see" the eagle?
    Is it dangerous to see the eagle?
    Does the eagle really look like an eagle?
    What is the eagle's purpose?
    Can you pray or ask favors from the eagle?
    What does the eagle respond to?
    How is the eagle's energy dispersed throughout the universe?
    What are the eagle's emanations?
    Why are the eagle's emanations also called the eagle's commands?
    What do the eagle's emanations look like?
    How are the eagle's emanations arranged in the universe?
    How would you describe the great bands?
    Are they really bands?
    How many great bands are there in the universe?
    What do the earth's 48 great bands of emanations produce?
    How are the earth's 48 great bands of emanations divided?
    What does the organic being band produce?
    What does the organic being cluster look like?
    How are the organic beings aligned on the band?
    What do the seven inorganic bands produce?
    What are the other 40 great bands like?
    What do these other 40 bands look like?
    What sustains or controls the eagle's emanations?
    What is the difference between will and intent?
    What is intent?
    What are the different names of intent besides will?
    How does intent appear to people?
    Can intent communicate with us?
    How does intent communicate with us?
    What is the voice of the spirit?
    How do we understand the voice of the spirit/intent?
    How can we hear the voice of the spirit?
    What are all living creatures really?
    Does every creature have a body of energy?
    What are some other names for this body of energy?
    What exactly is the energy body?
    Does our energy body belong to the physical body?
    What is the real division in humans?
    What separates the physical body and the energy body?
    What does our energy look like?
    What determines the luminosity of a living creature?
    Are the emanations inside the bubbles the same as the eagle's emanations outside?
    What do you call the emanations outside the physical body but still within the cocoon?
    What do you call the emanations outside the cocoon?
    What shape do the emanations form?
    What do sorcerer's eggs look like?
    Were our luminous shapes always shaped like an egg?
    What is the purpose of the luminous egg?
    What are some characteristics of the luminous egg?
    Are men and women's eggs different?
    What causes the intense shine in the luminous egg?
    What is the assemblage point?
    How big is it?
    Where is the assemblage point on the luminous body located?
    Where is the assemblage point on the physical body located?
    What is the assemblage point's purpose?
    What is the glow of awareness/man's band of awareness?
    What does the glow of awareness look like?
    Where is it located?
    What is the purpose of the egg's long fibers that come out from the navel are?
    What kind of fibers do people have?
    What can you tell about someone from their fibers?
    How do the eggs move?
    Does the egg has any weaknesses?
    What is the luminous gap's purpose?
    When does this gap open?
    Are all gaps the same?
    How does the egg protect itself from the rolling force?
    What is the front plate?
    How do people see the luminous eggs?
    Analogy of the luminous ball: a ball of jack cheese
    How is the double divided/how does the energy circulate in the energy body?
    How does the double perceive?
    How does the double perceive energy in dreaming?
    What things can perceive the double?
    What can the double do?
    What is the physical body?
    Where do men and women store their energy?...
    Where are the energy centers in the physical body?

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 9 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:41 pm

    Taisha Abelar radio Interview

    Love Always

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