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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus


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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:45 am

    You are welcome BB.
    Very happy these posts resonate with you Big Grin 3

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:47 am

    Giving Thanks
    by Female warrior

    When a person aligns with intent – the universal life force energy that constantly flows through and around everything at all times – they may come to find themselves floating in complete surrender and looking into or feeling into the unknown. Once they get their bearings, something magical begins to occur. The veil lifts so to speak, and the conditioning that may have prevented them from seeing, feeling, sensing, knowing, and intuiting things as they really are is gone. They begin to understand and come to know what it means to experience the oneness with the Universe.

    This heartfelt joy of ultimate oneness ushers in such a deep sense of gratitude. Appreciation and gratefulness permeate the heart and soul of one’s being, while simultaneously bursting forth, from you, an immense emanation of gratitude back into the universe. The sacred hoop of eternal oneness has been restored, the connecting link that unites you once again to the profundity of an infinite and eternal universe, never to be separated again.

    GratitudeThis is gratitude that is grounded in humility. It’s the sensation of knowing that you have touched Infinity and can feel a genuine and sincere thank you extending from the inner core of your being. Touching the very fabric of existence, the vibrational frequencies between you and the Eternal have facilitated such a harmonic moment.

    You are overwhelmed at the sheer awesomeness of what you now know to be possible once you are able to get out of your own way and stop trying to make things happen. More than being in the flow, you have, by aligning with this universal life force energy, become the flow, an extension of it, because of it. You have become the creator, creation, created. And you come to realize that it is your humility, trust and commitment that have made this possible.

    Another thing that we need to remember is to be grateful for the challenges that we face in our lives. Nietzsche said, “What does not destroy me makes me stronger”. Everyone faces challenges in their lives whether in their careers, relationships, finances, environmental factors, etc. The challenges that we have to contend with do, indeed, make us stronger as well as wiser. They teach us how to rise above uncomfortable situations, avoid confrontation, use wiser judgment and make sensible decisions. Because we are able to benefit from our challenges and ultimately grow as a result of these challenges, we should always give gratitude for that which has been the contributing factor.

    Thank you to all of you warriors who have been reading this blog for the past six years. Thank you to those who offer perspective, insight, wisdom, and experiential knowledge – it is through your shared awareness that I continue to evolve and recognize that all perceptions are valid. Thank you, also, to the petty tyrants. If it were not for you I would not be able to rise above the petty tyranny of the world to dance on higher ground.

    Keep dancing!

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:44 pm

    Beginning Again

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Tesla

    by Female Warrior

    Trust and surrender. Be in the flow. Raise your vibration. Heighten your awareness. Live authentically. Dream a new dream. Create your reality.
    These are all wonderful thoughts, exquisite goals. There are multitudes of books, courses, seminars, and workshops available in the world for you to learn how to do these things. You can listen to tapes and watch videos and read every book that has ever been written in order to learn everything you need to know in preparation for this endeavor. But once you have all of the required knowledge will you actually make the choice to follow through?
    Have you stopped to consider how our connection with the Earth facilitates the awakening of our vibrational frequencies, brings us to states of higher consciousness and into realms of deeper awareness. Sitting within silence allows us to become empty vessels through which the Spirit may flow. With our minds empty our thoughts become pure and our awakening reunites us with our connection with the universal life-force energy (intent) where we are able to witness the oneness of creation. When we witness the magical beauty of creation we are able to align with the silent flow of primal energy, thus leading to our own creative evolution.
    Although cliché, one of the first things that we need to consider is that we are spiritual beings having an Earthly experience. We have chosen to be here, to become embodied by the physical form of being human. Because of this we have to realize that we’ve manifested ourselves into this reality in order to be here now. If we were able to accomplish that feat, just imagine what potential we have!
    Earth. Energy. Evolution. It’s really simple. We are beings of the Earth and we are made of pure energy. When we live our lives with an attitude of gratitude for all that the Earth provides for us and are aligned with the energy of the Earth, we become aligned with the energy of all of creation. And within this energy of creation we are able to live our lives in a state of constant creativity within our authentic life-force essence. When we exist in this manner, we are able to perceive beyond the limited paradigms that have been presented to us and a world of possibilities opens up. And then, evolution occurs.
    When we sit upon the Earth in stillness, silence replaces the bombardment of words that have always shaped and formed our realities. We begin to become aware in a new way. The sounds of the Earth coax us into listening and a new form of conscious awareness opens within us. We hear in a way we have never heard before, sounds emerge from a living planet that have the potential to make us laugh and smile and appreciate the awesomeness and beauty in which we have the privilege of residing.
    As we continue in this practice of silence and gratitude upon the Earth, we arrive at a state of humility, respect, and wonder and we have no choice but to see and intuit and know the deep connection that we have with everything within the entire web of life. Our gift for recognizing that we are but a mere piece of an enormous living whole comes through us in the form of knowledge and greater still, wisdom. We begin to recognize that to trust and surrender and to be in the flow is the only way to exist. Once our vibrational frequency has increased, our awareness becomes heightened and we come to know that the only choice we have is to live authentically. The only dream we have is the dream of the planet; the dream of the universe. And the only reality that exists is the one in which we are creators and co-creators.

    Keep Dancing!

    source Arrow


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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:30 pm

    Leaver vs. Taker

    by female warrior
    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Seasons-montage

    Every man is in touch with everything else, not through his hands, but through a bunch of long fibers that shoot out in all directions from the center of his abdomen. Those fibers join a man to his surroundings; they keep his balance; they give him stability. ~ A Separate Reality

    More than stability, our connection with all else has the potential to provide us with stability while existing within multiple realities with fluidity. While we can attain balance when we are connected with the universal life flow of energy moving in, through and around us at all times, it is important to remain in a state of impeccable balance with our energy by ensuring that those around us are unaffected by our actions. This, as Daniel Quinn describes, is Leaver energy – the premise of the Leaver story is ‘man belongs to the world’ – in balance with all beings and situations as they unfold.

    There are a lot of people in the world who consider themselves to be balanced individuals but the overriding energy that they emanate and thrust upon others is what Quinn calls the Taker mentality – the premise of the Taker story is ‘the world belongs to man’ – to exist in balance with all beings and situations as long as it is flowing in the manner that the Taker commands. The Taker goes so far as to believe that everything within the world, including the beings within it (plants, animals, natural resources, and other humans beings), also belong to them and will demand, often indirectly, that others bend to their will at which point the Taker consumes them energetically, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. The mind of the Taker, which is strongly rooted in the ego, is one of control, compliance, and conformity. The Taker appears to be strong as they constantly take control of their world and the world around them. But this is false strength as it comes from ego and fear as it emanates from within the center of their own reality without any respect or regard for the multitudes of other realities spinning all around them.

    The task of the Taker is to ensure that they mold everyone around them into how they would like to create them to be and to force them to relinquish their own dream(s) in order to fully acknowledge and maintain the reality that the Taker has created for him/herself. This is immature, selfish, unevolved, and outright predatory.

    In Journey to Ixtlan don Juan said, for a warrior to be inaccessible means that he touches the world around him sparingly. And above all, he deliberately avoids exhausting himself and others. He doesn’t use and squeeze people until they have shriveled to nothing, especially the people he loves. Takers do this.

    Since the Leaver wants to allow things to flow without becoming confrontational, they are prone to become the prey of the Taker and without appropriate boundaries this can lead to loss of personal power and to being energetically consumed. So what is the Leaver, who operates through their connection with the natural flow of spirit, to do? The Leaver needs to have some sort of self-preservation strategy when dealing with this unnatural predatory energy.

    • Access energy – we all have access to the inexhaustible well of universal life force energy – align!
    • Take a stand – do not let others drain you of your precious life force energy – declare your boundaries!
    • Stop their world – sit before them in a state of inner silence –amplify and reflect back to them their own drama as it unfolds!
    • Be autonomous – maintain your reality and your dream – you are your own creator!
    • Avoid passivity – speak your mind – do not bend to their will!
    • Exercise your freedom – utilize free will and if necessary, walk away – unplug from their energy completely (no explanations necessary, you have nothing to defend)!
    • Trust and surrender – to what Spirit has in store for you – not to what others impose upon you!
    • Keep dancing – around the myriad of other people’s stories – dance your truth in constant creativity and freedom!

    The world of the Takers is one vast prison, and except for a handful of Leavers scattered across the world, the entire human race is now inside that prison. ~ Daniel Quinn, Ishmael


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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:23 pm

    01 of 15: Teachings of Carlos Castaneda Don Juan Matus

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:33 pm

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 11147138_1655667098053121_5972543620038042698_n

    Silence is a passageway between worlds.
    When our mind stays silent, incredible aspects of our being emerge.
    Starting from that moment, a person becomes a vehicle of intent, and all his acts begin to ooze power.

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:36 pm

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 11825597_848250455271691_6577033599819466886_n

    Blue Moon – New Cycle of Awareness

    Don Juan said that seeing was the crucial element in both the destruction of the ancient seers’ world and in the reconstruction of the new view. It was through seeing that the new seers discovered certain undeniable facts, which they used to arrive at certain conclusions, revolutionary to them, about the nature of man and the world. These conclusions, which made the new cycle possible, were the truths about awareness he was explaining to me. – The Fire From Within

    All full moons are energetically powerful. They remind us that when we become too full with thoughts, ideas, indulgences, etc. it is time to gradually release so that we can move back to a state of newness, of emptiness. When we are empty, we begin to become full again, just like the moon. We are filled with new ideas, visions, intuitions; all of which allow us to become more attuned to ourselves so we can continue to move with fluidity through the monthly cycles of renewal and release.

    When two full moons occur in one month they are called blue moons and they only appear on an average of once every three years, rarely seen more than once in a single year though this does happen. The last blue moon that appeared was on August 31, 2012. The next blue moon to appear is scheduled for January 31st, 2018. Tonight’s blue moon is very powerful on an energetic level.

    We all know that 2012 kind of came and went. The blue moon that occurred in 2012 brought a great emptying. Expectations had been high for a major shift to occur and while nothing of astronomical proportion occurred such as the XXXX hitting the fan or major catastrophic events, something did indeed happen. Everything went quiet. Some people experienced a sense of loss, loss of creativity, loss of incentive and loss of energy; others were plummeted into states of turmoil and confusion. Things that had seemed important no longer seemed to be so. So the earth did what the earth does. It just kept spinning on within the flow of the universe.

    read on:

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:15 pm

    To Create is an Act of Power

    The self-confidence of the warrior is not the self-confidence of the average man. The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker and calls that self-confidence. The warrior seeks impeccability in his own eyes and calls that humbleness. The average man is hooked to his fellow men, while the warrior is hooked only to infinity. – Don Juan, Tales of Power

    Everyone has the ability to make a choice. Let’s say that we can choose something productive, artistic, positive, or innovative. This sounds like a great way to utilize our precious life-force energy. To create something is an act of power. It is the harmony of thought and action, an opportunity for bringing the tonal and the nagual into balance. Everything creative comes from the tonal. It allows the position of the assemblage to be fluid and open to perceive things in new ways. The energy flows.

    Now let’s look at the possibility of choosing something with a negative, harmful, repetitious or derivative outcome. This choice is not harmonious or creative and has the propensity to put the person into states of self-pity from which self-importance arises. This plummets one into deeper states of remorse or self-doubt. Such a choice is rooted in the tonal, in the everyday grind, and lacks creativity. In fact the tonal cannot create – it can only witness, judge, and mold things to justify the position of a fixated assemblage point.

    We wind up using the same amount of energy in choosing creativity or repetition. When we choose creativity, the positive and harmonious, we actually wind up increasing our energy. We have become creators and co-creators with intent in alignment with Source energy. We are light, intuitive, open, and free. With an increase in energy we see that the sky is the limit. Actually, we recognize that there are no limits to our creativity.

    read on: Arrow

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:49 pm

    the art of stalking

    by FemaleWarrior

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 A2a74f4b-65b1-4a68-b837-24626ef4b89b

    The art of stalking is the riddle of the heart; the puzzlement sorcerers feel upon becoming aware of two things: first that the world appears to us to be unalterably objective and factual, because of peculiarities of our awareness and perception; second, that if different peculiarities of perception come into play, the very things about the world that seem so unalterably objective and factual change. – Don Juan, The Power of Silence

    The art of stalking has to do with gaining enough energy to drastically shift the position of the assemblage point. After years of practice with stalking, the warrior is able to have their emanations, their luminous fibers, match the emanations at large which are all of the lines of energy in the universe. The goal for committed warriors is to reach a state of total awareness – to be able to recognize the totality of the mold of man. The mold of man contains every human attribute that you can think of as well as those that you are unable to perceive until you have attained total awareness.

    Stalking is not about manifesting something into your reality. Stalking is about eliminating the things within your humanness that define you as a human. Stalking is about cleaning all of your links – this is achieved by erasing personal history, constant recapitulation, and removing yourself from the mold of man. As you do this you will gain the energy that is necessary for accessing unique and new states of awareness and can begin your work on the mastery of intent.

    Stalking yourself is the act of releasing all of your masks, the ones that you wear in order to fit in with the world or the mold of man. For this you need to be: ruthlessness without harshness, cunning without cruelty, patience without negligence, and sweetness without foolishness. So what do these mean?

    Ruthless is having compassion without pity.
    Cunning is to arrive at what you hope to achieve without self-importance.
    Patience is to know that what you are cultivating has already happened but you don’t sit and wait for it to come to fruition, you continue to take action.
    Sweetness is to be able to be coy and at the same time lethal in accomplishing your task.

    Stalking is done by a warrior so that they are able to align with intent. Stalking is necessary for total freedom; without stalking ourselves in first and second attention we are unable to adequately shift the position of our assemblage points at will. What is happening is that you are basically stopping your own world consistently. Reminding yourself to release the thoughts, actions, and traits that align you with being a human being. It’s all about strengthening your connecting link to the spirit or with intent.

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Wed Aug 12, 2015 11:22 am

    warrior-seers of a new era

    Posted on August 12, 2015 by FemaleWarrior

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Yogameditatorlite2012

    According to Don Juan, massive changes in energy are happening at the present time, which will inevitably cause the emergence of a new cycle of warriors. To differentiate them from their predecessors, I have called them modern seers, or seers of the new era. ~ Carlos Castaneda

    As more and more of these warriors-seers emerge, the teachings of Castaneda are undergoing a wonderful transformation. As Castaneda said to Armando Torres, the most remarkable thing about them (modern seers) is their capacity of revision. At this time, seekers of knowledge are forced to thoroughly examine everything that has been said in the past, adapting traditional knowledge to the modality of the time, in order for the warrior’s way to be truly and finally understood by people.

    The old seers had a tendency to become trapped by self-importance. They allowed their assemblage points to become fixated upon the monumental feats that they were able to achieve once they had amassed the energy necessary to perceive things outside of the man-made matrix. This trap prevented them from immersing themselves into the necessary and deeper states of dreaming and kept them bound to the second attention.

    The warrior-seers of this new era recognize that there is strength in numbers and because of that they are committed to shared success. Each of them uphold great resolve and work diligently at deepening their connection to intent knowing that it is through this connection that they will attain total freedom. They are able to see the cooperative intertwining of a system of energy as it flows through the universe and have no attachments to the calculated strategies that come from those who aspire to achieve fame, influence or authority. In addition, they are beyond the inert practices of convention, obsolete rhetoric, and stereotypical tradition.

    The warriors of this new era are doing what they love to do on their path with heart. They are passionately and creatively aligning with intent, awareness, and freedom so that they may return, unfettered, to eternity. Often working in silence, they have become energetically united to tell a story of truth because of their commitment, because of their inherent bond with intent and freedom. They have come to discover that no one single person can do it alone. That no one person ever has and never will. They are dancing together along all of the lines of awareness, liberating whoever they meet by allowing them the very freedom of creation.

    The goal of modern seers is, more than ever, total freedom; but to achieve it, it is important that the strategies are continually refined. – Carlos Castaneda

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:27 am

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 11258864_1663669000586264_8279695711251756724_n

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    Post  mudra Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:14 am

    bridging earth and sky
    by female warrior

    As you descend into the heart and substance of the Earth, you will find Spirit alive and shining, waiting to assist you in your conscious upliftment. The gift of a connection with nature is the ability to communicate with and benefit from the great wisdom that awaits you there and to awaken yourself through that communion to a new level of being. ~ Brooke Medicine Eagle, The Last Ghost Dance

    The power of the earth is unparalleled. For the past twenty years of my life I have been integrating the awareness of the Toltec path with the beauty of the sweat lodge space or temazcal as it is known in Latin American countries. The essential components of the sweat lodge are the four elements; earth, water, air, and fire. The essential components of the Toltec path are shifting the assemblage point from its fixated position in order to connect with intent and perceive in a new and more authentic manner. The joining of these two beautiful paths creates a bridge and the ability to connect with emptiness, silent knowledge, intent, the infinite mystery and the awesome awareness of the earth.

    I have come to know the sweat lodge as a hub of awareness, one through which an amazing connection between earth and sky occurs. This connection creates a bridge, one that allows us to move with fluidity into higher realms of consciousness. To the Native Americans, Mother Earth and Father Sky means more than just the earth and sky. Through their songs they express how the earth and sky are creator beings and how they are not separate, they are always united in oneness. Wakan Tanka, the Great Spirit, the infinite mystery, is the totality of our universe, the Source energy through which we become connected again. This recollection comes to us when we are in the sweat lodge.

    To the Toltec, the earth often refers to the state of first attention or the tonal and the sky, second attention or the nagual. Again, these are not separate states of awareness; each state of being can be accessed and integrated with ease, creating a bridge of unity in awareness.

    We crawl into the lodge on hands and knees, an act of humility and honor to the earth. Sitting in the dark, breathing in the steam from the water poured on the hot rocks allows the concerns of the world to evaporate as our form is cleansed and purified. The steam moistens the earth upon which we sit and the fragrance of soil permeates our being, drawing us closer to her. Remembrance! As more water is poured, we shed our skins revealing our spirit to the infinite mystery. Transcendence! We recognize that this connection of earth and sky is our lineage, that we are travelers of both time and space. Bridge! And then we know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, as above, so below. Unification!

    Through the breath we have become the hollow bone, the conduit through which spirit moves. Connection complete. There is no separation. The lodge space creates is a womb of creative energy that allows us to spin and spiral and dance between earth and sky, to witness constant acts of creation and co-creation. Being in lodge reinforces our link to earth and to spirit, providing us with the energy needed to exist in a state oneness, free from the concerns of the ego. We are gently uplifted through the pulse of the earth into the heart of gratitude and our connection with spirit brings us to the true knowing of our place within this great web of creation, a state of higher consciousness, a new level of being.

    Though I try, there are truly no words to describe it, one has to experience it for themselves.

    Aho and keep dancing!


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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:41 am

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Eagle

    The characteristic of miserable seers is that they are willing to forget the wonder of the world. They become overwhelmed by the fact that they see and believe that it’s their genius that counts. A seer must be a paragon in order to override the nearly invincible laxness of our human condition. More important than seeing itself is what seers do with what they see. ~ Don Juan, The Fire from Within

    Warriors marvel at the wonder of the world. They marvel at the beauty and they marvel at the insanity. They do what they do for the love of doing it. They cry, they laugh, they know compassion, forgiveness, love, wonder, awe, fear, and sadness. They sense with every ounce of their being every single sensation or feeling that arises. It is all of these wonders and feelings that bring total awareness to a warrior. To deny yourself of that which arises is avoidance; to become attached to it is foolishness.

    Power is as power moves. How we react to what arises makes all the difference for a warrior. We love without expectations. We cry without pity. We experience pain, grief, sadness, and fear without allowing it to consume us. We forgive with compassion. And sometimes, just like everyone else, we walk away. Doing these things is not a sign of weakness for a warrior, it’s a sign of strength. In that strength is sobriety and in that sobriety is freedom. Sobriety used through Castaneda’s books refers to restraint; to be free from the pitfalls of overdramatizing an event or energizing another through excessive emotion.

    The warriors that I know are fully human, not some kind of automatons who are sitting around waiting for their opportunity to dart past the eagle in order to be free. The point is to be free here and now and in that knowing comes the carefree abandon of living life to its fullest without regret while recapitulating the attachment to the concepts and the mold of man that hold many people prisoner.

    In the above quote don Juan says, A seer must be a paragon in order to override the nearly invincible laxness of our human condition. Essentially he is saying that a seer must be the example of what it means to be a warrior in order to succeed in helping to restore humanity to a state of awareness free from the social order; to afford them the opportunity to awaken from their slumber.

    I am already given to the power that rules my fate. And I cling to nothing, so I will have nothing to defend. I have no thoughts so I will see. I fear nothing, so I will remember myself. Detached and at ease, I will dart past the eagle to be free. ~ The Eagle’s Gift

    To have no points to defend is a defining moment for a warrior; to be able to sit in complete silence in the face of extraneous circumstance no matter how big or small is what it means to be impeccable with your energy. To observe the indescribable force blowing through and around you and the decisions that people choose to make within it is art in motion – constant acts of creation. And more and more often there is nothing to do but laugh.

    To defend is to act from a point of self-importance which can cause imbalance and create anger and ill-will. Many people, basically fundamentalists of any belief, will defend the fixated position of their assemblage point in order to preserve and maintain the patterns and stories as they perceive them and even attempt to impose those patterns upon others no matter how superfluous their stored data has become. For a warrior, it is a waste of energy to defend the position of an assemblage point when the point is to keep the assemblage point fluid.

    Don Juan went on to say, when challenged by Carlos about the description of the Eagle, Those truths are not something to defend passionately. If you think that I’m trying to defend them, you are mistaken. Those truths were put together for the delight and enlightenment of warriors, not to engage any proprietary sentiments. When I told you that a nagual has no points to defend, I meant, among other things, that a nagual has no obsessions.

    There is no truth, there is only perception.

    Nearly all of the nuggets of information within the volumes of Castaneda’s work were put together for the delight and enlightenment of warriors. When the Buddha was asked to declare a truth, the Buddha remained silent because he knew that everyone had to arrive at their own truth based on one’s perceptions gained through their own experience. The gift of being a warrior of freedom is to be able to stand fully in the creation of your own truth with integrity, detachment, and no points to defend.


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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  Sanicle Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:49 am

    Many people, basically fundamentalists of any belief, will defend the fixated position of their assemblage point in order to preserve and maintain the patterns and stories as they perceive them and even attempt to impose those patterns upon others no matter how superfluous their stored data has become. For a warrior, it is a waste of energy to defend the position of an assemblage point when the point is to keep the assemblage point fluid.

    Don Juan went on to say, when challenged by Carlos about the description of the Eagle, Those truths are not something to defend passionately. If you think that I’m trying to defend them, you are mistaken. Those truths were put together for the delight and enlightenment of warriors, not to engage any proprietary sentiments. When I told you that a nagual has no points to defend, I meant, among other things, that a nagual has no obsessions.

    There is no truth, there is only perception.

    .........When the Buddha was asked to declare a truth, the Buddha remained silent because he knew that everyone had to arrive at their own truth based on one’s perceptions gained through their own experience.

    Yes, yes, yes Mudra.  Thank you for posting this.  Hugs

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:04 pm

    Sanicle wrote:
    Yes, yes, yes Mudra.  Thank you for posting this.  Hugs

    I knew you would recognize some truth in this sweetie sunny

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:59 pm

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 The_ar10

    All of Castaneda's books through "The Active Side of Infinity" free in PDF format: Arrow

    And here some pearls that fell off from those books: Arrow The wisdom of Don Juan

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Sun Jan 17, 2016 11:18 am

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Bigstock-Lines-Of-The-Soul-56342126-RESIZE-770x500

    Life outside the box

    by Female Warrior

    A warrior cannot have the luxury of following people’s ways, nor can he be a reactionary, because his freedom means to exercise other alternatives. ~ Carlos Castaneda, Encounters with the Nagual

    This is a great quote. Our freedom is contingent upon our ability to remain awake and fluid, to not become bound by ideas, stories, and patterns. All of the paths in the world have the potential to enslave us, to turn us into followers of specific protocols, doctrines, or dogmata. It is when we decide to belong to a specific membership that we adopt the ideas of another which carries the danger, for a warrior, to act from a point of reason. This ultimately leads one to inadvertently employ or uphold bastions of judgements against those outside of their chosen and often structured beliefs; as though they have something to defend.

    I try to be careful and mindful when I write, to ensure that I am not unwittingly fixating the position of someone’s assemblage point. But then I must remind myself that through my writing I am merely offering tools for awareness, stories from my own experience, and that if someone allows their assemblage point to become fixated upon my words then it is they who must work on fluidity and freedom from the patterns.

    We must recognize that it is our aim, as warriors of freedom, to go against the grain, to free ourselves from the preconceived ideas and patterns of how to live in the world. To, as Carlos said, exercise other alternatives.

    So what are the alternatives? They are many and all come from a point of creation. When we do what others do we are emulating them, but when we do what we do out of our love for doing it then we are creating our own experience moment by moment.

    Is it a challenge? Yes – we live in a world that nearly demands that we comply with the arduous task of upholding patterns, living within the confines of authoritative control, and accomplishing things in the so-called “right” way.

    Is it possible? Not only is it possible, it is fun and fulfilling. To exist in extraordinary states of awareness is not only part of our birthright but as warriors of freedom it becomes evidence, to a world lost in patterns, that there is another way in which to exist.

    Life outside the box is an innovative, imaginative, and inspiring way of living that will encourage others to reconnect to their own visions, dreams, inspiration, and creativeness. As I’ve said before, don’t believe a word I say, test it for yourself. Keep dancing!

    Love Always

    Posts : 23317
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    Age : 70
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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Fri May 06, 2016 10:13 am

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 12141753_526654457485656_661876762192267678_n
    Don Juan reminded me that he had talked a great deal about one of the most sturdy aspects of our inventory: our idea of God. That aspect, he said, was like a powerful glue that bound the assemblage point to its original position. If I were going to assemble another true world with another great band of emanations, I had to take an obligatory step in order to release all ties from my assemblage point.
    „That step is to see the mold of man,” he said.

    „You must do that today unaided.”
    „What’s the mold of man?” I asked.
    „I’ve helped you see it many times,” he replied.
    „You know what I’m talking about.”

    I refrained from saying that I did not know what he was talking about. If he said that I had seen the mold of man, I must have done that, although I did not have the foggiest idea what it was like.
    He knew what was going through my mind. He gave me a knowing smile and slowly shook his head from side to side.

    „The mold of man is a huge cluster of emanations in the great band of organic life,” he said. „It is called the mold of man because the cluster appears only inside the cocoon of man.
    „The mold of man is the portion of the Eagle’s emanations that seers can see directly without any danger to themselves.”

    There was a long pause before he spoke again.
    „To break the barrier of perception is the last task of the mastery of awareness,” he said. „In order to move your assemblage point to that position you must gather enough energy. Make a journey of recovery. Remember what you’ve done!”

    I tried unsuccessfully to recall what was the mold of man. I felt an excruciating frustration that soon turned into real anger. I was furious with myself, with Don Juan, with everybody.
    Don Juan was untouched by my fury. He said matteroffactly that anger was a natural reaction to the hesitation of the assemblage point to move on command.
    „It will be a long time before you can apply the principle that your command is the Eagle’s command,” he said. „That’s the essence of the mastery of intent. In the meantime, make a command now not to fret, not even at the worst moments of doubt. It will be a slow process until that command is heard and obeyed as if it were the Eagle’s command.”

    He also said that there was an unmeasurable area of awareness in between the customary position of the assemblage point and the position where there are no more doubts, which is almost the place where the barrier of perception makes its appearance. In that unmeasurable area, warriors fall prey to every conceivable misdeed. He warned me to be on the lockout and not lose confidence, for I would unavoidably be struck at one time or another by gripping feelings of defeat.
    „The new seers recommend a very simple act when impatience, or despair, or anger, or sadness comes their way,” he continued. „They recommend that warriors roll their eyes. Any direction will do; I prefer to roll mine clockwise.
    „The movement of the eyes makes the assemblage point shift momentarily. In that movement, you will find relief. This is in lieu of true mastery of intent.”’

    I complained that there was not enough time for him to tell me more about intent.
    „It will all come back to you someday,” he assured me. „One thing will trigger another. One key word and all of it will tumble out of you as if the door of an overstuffed closet had given way.”
    He went back then to discussing the mold of man. He said that to see it on my own, unaided by anyone, was an important step, because all of us have certain ideas that must be broken before we are free; the seer who travels into the unknown to see the unknowable must be in an impeccable state of being.

    He winked at me and said that to be in an impeccable state of being is to be free of rational assumptions and rational fears. He added that both my rational assumptions and my rational fears were preventing me at that moment from realigning the emanations that would make me remember seeing the mold of man. He urged me to relax and move my eyes in order to make my assemblage point shift. He repeated over and over that it was really important to remember having seen the mold before I see it again. And since he was pressed for time there was no room for my usual slowness.
    I moved my eyes as he suggested. Almost immediately I forgot my discomfort and then a sudden flash of memory came to me and I remembered that I had seen the mold of man. It had happened years earlier on an occasion that had been quite memorable to me, because from the point of view of my Catholic upbringing, Don Juan had made the most sacrilegious statements I had ever heard.
    It had all started as a casual conversation while we hiked in the foothills of the Sonoran desert. He was explaining to me the implications of what he was doing to me with his teachings. We had stopped to rest and had sat down on some large boulders. He had continued explaining his teaching procedure, and this had encouraged me to try for the hundredth time to give him an account of how I felt about it. It was evident that he did not want to hear about it anymore. He made me change levels of awareness and told me that if I would see the mold of man, I might understand everything he was doing and thus save us both years of toil.

    He gave me a detailed explanation of what the mold of man was. He did not talk about it in terms of the Eagle’s emanations, but in terms of a pattern of energy that serves to stamp the qualities of humanness on an amorphous blob of biological matter. At least, I understood it that way, especially after he further described the mold of man using a mechanical analogy. He said that it was like a gigantic die that stamps out human beings endlessly as if they were coming to it on a massproduction conveyor belt. He vividly mimed the process by bringing the palms of his hands together with great force, as if the die molded a human being each time its two halves were clapped.
    He also said that every species has a mold of its own, and every individual of every species molded by the process shows characteristics particular to its own kind.

    He began then an extremely disturbing elucidation about the mold of man. He said that the old seers as well as the mystics of our world have one thing in common?they have been able to see the mold of man but not understand what it is. Mystics, throughout the centuries, have given us moving accounts of their experiences. But these accounts, however beautiful, are flawed by the gross and despairing mistake of believing the mold of man to be an omnipotent, omniscient creator; and so is the interpretation of the old seers, who called the mold of man a friendly spirit, a protector of man.
    He said that the new seers are the only ones who have the sobriety to see the mold of man and understand what it is. What they have come to realize is that the mold of man is not a creator, but the pattern of every human attribute we can think of and some we cannot even conceive. The mold is our God because we are what it stamps us with and not because it has created us from nothing and made us in its image and likeness. Don Juan said that in his opinion to fall on our knees in the presence of the mold of man reeks of arrogance and human selfcenteredness.

    As I heard Don Juan’s explanation I got terribly worried. Even though I had never considered my self to be a practicing Catholic, I was shocked by his blasphemous implications. I had been politely listening to him, yet I had been yearning for a pause in his barrage of sacrilegious judgments in order to change the subject. But he went on drumming his point in a merciless way. I finally interrupted him and told him that I believed that God exists.

    He retorted that my belief was based on faith and, as such, was a secondhand conviction that did not amount to anything; my belief in the existence of God was, like everyone else’s, based on hearsay and not on the act of seeing, he said.
    He assured me that even if I was able to see, I was bound to make the same misjudgment that mystics have made. Anyone who sees the mold of man automatically assumes that it is God.
    He called the mystical experience a chance seeing, a oneshot affair that has no significance whatsoever because it is the result of a random movement of the assemblage point. He asserted that the new seers are indeed the only ones who can pass a fair judgment on this matter, because they have ruled out chance seeings and are capable of seeing the mold of man as often as they please.
    They have seen, therefore, that what we call God is a static prototype of humanness without any power. For the mold of man cannot under any circumstances help us by intervening in our behalf, or punish our wrongdoings, or reward us in any way. We are simply the product of its stamp; we are its impression. The mold of man is exactly what its name tells us it is, a pattern, a form, a cast that groups together a particular bunch of fiberlike elements, which we call man.

    What he had said put me in a state of great distress.
    But he seemed unconcerned with my genuine turmoil. He kept on needling me with what he called the unforgivable crime of the chance seers, which makes us focus our irreplaceable energy on something that has no power whatsoever to do anything. The more he talked, the greater my annoyance. When I became so annoyed that I was about to shout at him, he had me change into yet a deeper state of heightened awareness. He hit me on my right side, between my hipbone and my rib cage. That blow sent me soaring into a radiant light, into a diaphanous source of the most peaceful and exquisite beatitude. That light was a haven, an oasis in the blackness around me.

    From my subjective point of view, I saw that light for an immeasurable length of time. The splendor of the sight was beyond anything I can say, and yet I could not figure out what it was that made it so beautiful. Then the idea came to me that its beauty grew out of a sense of harmony, a sense of peace and rest, of having arrived, of being safe at long last. I felt myself inhaling and exhaling in quietude and relief. What a gorgeous sense of plenitude! I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that I had come face to face with God, the source of everything. And I knew that God loved me. God was love and forgiveness. The light bathed me, and I felt clean, delivered. I wept uncontrollably, mainly for myself. The sight of that resplendent light made me feel unworthy, villainous.

    Suddenly, I heard Don Juan’s voice in my ear. He said that I had to go beyond the mold, that the mold was merely a stage, a stopover that brought temporary peace and serenity to those who journey into the unknown, but that it was sterile, static. It was at the same time a flat reflected image in a mirror and the mirror itself. And the image was man’s image.

    I passionately resented what Don Juan was saying; I rebelled against his blasphemous, sacrilegious words. I wanted to tell him off, but I could not break the binding power of my seeing. I was caught in it. Don Juan seemed to know exactly how I felt and what I wanted to tell him.
    „You can’t tell the Nagual off,” he said in my ear. „It is the Nagual who’s enabling you to see. It is the Nagual’s technique, the Nagual’s power. The Nagual is the guide.”
    It was at that point that I realized something about the voice in my ear. It was not Don Juan’s, although it sounded very much like his voice. Also, the voice was right. The instigator of that seeing was the Nagual Juan Matus. It was his technique and his power that was making me see God. He said it was not God, but the mold of man; I knew that he was right. Yet I could not admit that, not out of annoyance or stubbornness, but simply out of a sense of ultimate loyalty to and love for the divinity that was in front of me.

    As I gazed into the light with all the passion I was capable of, the light seemed to condense and I saw a man. A shiny man that exuded charisma, love, understanding, sincerity, truth. A man that was the sum total of all that is good.
    The fervor I felt on seeing that man was well beyond anything I had ever felt in my life. I did fall on my knees. I wanted to worship God personified, but Don Juan intervened and whacked me on my left upper chest, close to my clavicle, and I lost sight of God.
    I was left with a tantalizing feeling, a mixture of remorse, elation, certainties, and doubts. Don Juan made fun of me. He called me pious and careless and said I would make a great priest; now I could even pass for a spiritual leader who had had a chance seeing of God. He urged me, in ajocular way, to start preaching and describe what I had seen to everyone.
    In a very casual but seemingly interested manner he made a statement that was part question, part assertion.

    „And the man?” he asked. „You can’t forget that God is a male.”
    The immensity of something indefinable began to dawn on me as I entered into a state of great clarity.
    „Very cozy, eh?” Don Juan added, smiling. „God
    is a male. What a relief”

    After recounting to Don Juan what I had remembered, I asked him about something that had just struck me as being terribly odd. To see the mold of man, I had obviously gone through a shift of my assemblage point. The recollection of the feelings and realizations I had had then was so vivid that it gave me a sense of utter futility. Everything I had done and felt at that time I was feeling now. I asked him how it was possible that having had such a clear comprehension, I could have forgotten it so completely. It was as if nothing of what had happened to me had mattered, for I always had to start from point one regardless of how much I might have advanced in the past.

    „That’s only an emotional impression,” he said. „A total misapprehension. Whatever you did years ago is solidly enclosed in some unused emanations. That day when I made you see the mold of man, for instance, I had a true misapprehension myself. I thought that if you saw it, you would be able to understand it. It was a true misunderstanding on my part.”

    Don Juan explained that he had always regarded himself as being very slow to understand. He had never had any chance of testing his belief, because he did not have a point of reference. When I came along and he became a teacher, which was something totally new to him, he realized that there is no way to speed up understanding and that to dislodge the assemblage point is not enough. He had thought that it would be sufficient. Soon he became aware that since the assemblage point normally shifts during dreams, sometimes to extraordinarily distant positions, whenever we undergo an induced shift we are all experts at immediately compensating for it. We rebalance ourselves constantly and activity goes on as if nothing has happened to us.

    He remarked that the value of the new seers’ conclusions does not become evident until one tries to move someone else’s assemblage point. The new seers said that what counts in this respect is the effort to reinforce the stability of the assemblage point in its new position. They considered this to be the only teaching procedure worth discussing. And they knew that it is a long process that has to be carried out little by little at a snail’s pace.

    Don Juan said then that he had used power plants at the beginning of my apprenticeship in accordance with a recommendation of the new seers. They knew by experience and by seeing that power plants shake the assemblage point way out of its normal setting. The effect of power plants on the assemblage point is in principle very much like that of dreams: dreams make it move; but power plants manage the shift on a greater and more engulfing scale. A teacher then uses the disorienting effects of such a shift to reinforce the notion that the perception of the world is never final.

    I remembered then that I had seen the mold of man five more times over the years. With each new time I had become less passionate about it. I could never get over the fact, however, that I always saw God as a male. At the end it stopped being God for me and became the mold of man, not because of what Don Juan had said, but because the position of a male God became untenable. I could then understand Don Juan’s statements about it. They had not been blasphemous or sacrilegious in the least; he had not made them from within the context of the daily world. He was right in saying that the new seers have an edge in being capable of seeing the mold of man as often as they want. But what was more important to me was that they had sobriety in order to examine what they saw.

    I asked him why it was that I always saw the mold of man as a male. He said that it was because my assemblage point did not have the stability then to remain completely glued to its new position and shifted laterally in man’s band. It was the same case as seeing the barrier of perception as a wall of fog. What made the assemblage point move laterally was a nearly unavoidable desire, or necessity, to render the incomprehensible in terms of what is most familiar to us: a barrier is a wall and the mold of man cannot be anything else but a man. He thought that if I were a woman I would see the mold as a woman.

    Don Juan stood up then and said that it was time for us to take a stroll in town, that I should see the mold of man among people. We walked in silence to the square, but before we got there I had an uncontainable surge of energy and ran down the street to the outskirts of town. I came to a bridge, and right there, as if it had been waiting for me, I saw the mold of man as a resplendent, warm, amber light.

    I fell on my knees, not so much out of piety, but as physical reaction to awe. The sight of the mold of man was more astonishing than ever. I felt, without any arrogance, that I had gone through an enormous change since the first time I had seen it. However, all the things I had seen and learned had only given me a greater, more profound appreciation for the miracle that I had in front of my eyes.
    The mold of man was superimposed on the bridge at first, then I refocused my eyes and saw that the mold of man extended up and down into infinity; the bridge was but a meager shell, a tiny sketch superimposed on the eternal. And so were the minute figures of people who moved around me, looking at me with unabashed curiosity. But I was beyond their touch, although at that moment I was as vulnerable as I could be. The mold of man had no power to protect me or spare me, yet I loved it with a passion that knew no limits.

    I thought that I understood then something that Don Juan had told me repeatedly, that real affection cannot be an investment. I would have gladly remained the servant of the mold of man, not for what it could give me, for it has nothing to give, but for the sheer affection I felt for it.
    I had the sensation of something pulling me away, and before I disappeared from its presence I shouted a promise to the mold of man, but a great force whisked me away before I could finish staling what I meant. I was suddenly kneeling at the bridge while a group of peasants looked at me and laughed.

    Don Juan got to my side and helped me up and walked me back to the house.
    „There are two ways of seeing the mold of man,” Don Juan began as soon as we sat down. „You can see it as a man or you can see it as a light. That depends on the shift of the assemblage point. If the shift is lateral, the mold is a human being; if the shift is in the midsection of man’s band, the mold is a light. The only value of what you’ve done today is that your assemblage point shifted in the midsection.”

    He said that the position where one sees the mold of man is very close to that where the dreaming body and the barrier of perception appear. That was the reason the new seers recommend that the mold of man be seen and understood.
    „Are you sure you understand what the mold of man really is?” he asked with a smile.
    „I assure you, Don Juan, that I’m perfectly aware of what the mold of man is,” I said.
    „I heard you shouting inanities to the mold of man when I got to the bridge,” he said with a most malicious smile.
    I told him that I had felt like a worthless servant worshiping a worthless master, and yet I was moved out of sheer affection to promise undying love.
    He found it all hilarious and laughed until he was choking.
    „The promise of a worthless servant to a worthless master is worthless,” he said and choked again with laughter.
    I did not feel like defending my position. My affection for the mold of man was offered freely without thought of recompense. It did not matter to me that my promise was worthless.

    (The Fire From Within)

    Love Always

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Fri Dec 16, 2016 2:03 pm

    Encounters with the Nagual- RECAPITULATION

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Thu Jun 29, 2017 6:21 am

    The Sorcerer’s Diagram

    “We are perceives,” he proceeded. “The world that we perceive though, is an illusion. It was created by a description that was told to us since the moment we were born. “We, the luminous beings, are born with two rings of power, but we use only one to create the world. That ring, which is hooked very soon after we are born, is reason, and its companion is talking. Between the two they concoct and maintain the world. So, in essence, the world that your reason wants to sustain is the world created by a description and its dogmatic and inviolable rules, which the reason learns to accept and defend.”

    “The secret of the luminous beings is that they have another ring of power which is never used, the ‘will’. The trick of the sorcerer is the same trick of the average man. Both have a description; one, the average man, upholds it with his reason; the other, the sorcerer, upholds it with his will. Both descriptions have their rules and the rules are perceivable, but the advantage of the sorcerer is that will is more engulfing than reason The diagram in the ashes had two epicenters; one he called ‘reason’, the other, ‘will’. ‘Reason’ was interconnected directly with a point he called ‘talking’.”

    Through ‘talking’, ‘reason’ was indirectly connected to three other points, ‘feeling’, ‘dreaming’ and ‘seeing’. The other epicentre, ‘will’, was directly connected to ‘feeling’, ‘dreaming’ and ‘seeing’; but only indirectly to ‘reason’ and ‘talking’. I remarked that the diagram was different from the one I had recorded years before. “The outer form is of no importance,” he said. “These points represent a human being and can be drawn in any way you want.” “Do they represent the body of a human being?” I asked. “Don’t call it the body,” he said. “These are eight points on the fibres of a luminous being.”

    “A sorcerer says, as you can see in the diagram, that a human being is, first of all, will, because will is directly connected to three points, feeling, dreaming and seeing; then next, a human being is reason. This is properly a centre that is smaller than will; it is connected only with talking.”

    “What are the other two points don Juan”? “We may say that every one of us brings to the world eight points. Two of them reason and talking are known by everyone. Feeling is always vague but somehow familiar. But only in the world of sorcerers does one get fully acquainted with dreaming, seeing, and will, And finally, at the outer edge of that world one encounters the other two. The eight points make the totality of oneself”. He showed me in the diagram that in essence all the points could be made to connect with one another indirectly.

    read on: Arrow

    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Ken-eagle-feather
    (Courtesy of Ken Eagle Feather)

    Love Always

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Thu Jun 29, 2017 6:43 am

    The sorcerer's diagram

    The Sorcerer's Diagram Part II

    Love Always

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Sat Sep 23, 2017 6:42 am

    Autonomous perception
    Posted on May 11, 2017 by Lorraine Voss

    Once you learn to discern the voice of Mother Culture humming in the background, telling her story over and over again to the people of your culture, you’ll never stop being conscious of it. Wherever you go for the rest of your life, you’ll be tempted to say to the people around you, “how can you listen to this stuff and not recognize it for what it is? ~ Daniel Quinn

    I have come to realize through my life experience that the more I think I know, the less I actually know. This is a good thing, a very good thing. I don’t have as many opinions as I used to because I have come to know that everything is true, right and correct, at least from the perspective of the person who holds those perceptions. And that’s okay; it is, after all, their world, their creation, and we can’t possibly know what they’ve been through or what they are doing to maintain that perception. And unless they ask, there is nothing we can tell ‘em.

    We humans become so fixated on how we need to create ourselves or what we need to become, always seeking something outside of ourselves to believe in, to give our power away to. We are obsessed with getting it right and are hard on ourselves when we are not in so-called balance or living up to the ideals of so-called masters. We cling to our ideas of what awakening, enlightenment, and freedom that are often based on the teachings of the Buddha, Castaneda, Jesus Christ, Zen Masters, Allah, Bodhisattvas, etc. We compromise each other’s state of being by assuming to know where someone is at and what they are experiencing. We cast doubt upon each other by questioning the reality of others and then we may even have the audacity to tell others that what they believe in is a lie.

    Our freedom is contingent upon our ability to remain awake and fluid, to not become bound by ideas, stories, and patterns. All of the paths in the world have the potential to enslave us, to turn us into followers of specific protocols, doctrines, or dogmata, many of which are detrimental to our natural existence within this beautiful and constantly changing web of creation. It is when we decide to belong to a specific membership that we adopt the ideas of another which carries the danger, for a warrior, to act from a point of reason. Structured and limited beliefs ultimately lead one to inadvertently uphold tons of judgements against those who believe differently.

    A warrior cannot have the luxury of following people’s ways, nor can he be a reactionary, because his freedom means to exercise other alternatives. ~ Carlos Castaneda, Encounters with the Nagual

    We work so hard to become aligned with our perspective of liberation through the teachings of our favorite guru that we rarely consider or seek or are open to that which resides outside of those parameters. We judge each other’s progress, evolution, and levels of awareness cynically and are bold enough to think we know when, how, and why someone needs to experience growth, do more work, have a healing, choose a different direction, stuff their emotions, etc. And we judge ourselves.

    We must recognize that it is our aim, as warriors of freedom, to go against the grain, to free ourselves from the preconceived ideas and patterns of how to live in the world. To exercise other alternatives, as Castaneda said in the above quote.

    read on:

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Sep 23, 2017 6:44 am; edited 2 times in total

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Sat Sep 23, 2017 6:43 am

    Death is Equal to Everything Else
    Posted on September 22, 2017 by Lorraine Voss

    I shifted my eyes so I would see his personal life disintegrating, expanding uncontrollably beyond its limits, like a fog of crystals, because that is the way life and death mix and expand. That is what I did at the time of my son’s death. That’s all one could ever do, and that is controlled folly. Had I looked at him I would have watched him becoming immobile and I would have felt a cry inside of me, because never again would I look at his fine figure pacing the earth. I saw his death instead, and there was no sadness, no feeling. His death was equal to everything else.” ~ Don Juan, A Separate Reality

    I did not understand this statement of Don Juan’s until July 2, 2017 as I witnessed cancer, the ultimate predator, steal my husband’s 53 years-young exuberant life causing him to cease to exist. I knelt beside him holding his hands and said, “merge with cosmic consciousness,” as he took his last breath and I felt his energy retreating inwards, as in a vacuum, until it was all within him, at the center of consciousness within himself. And then he was gone. And so was all of his energy. The bedroom was quiet, so incredibly noiseless and still. I looked at our very good friend who sat there with me and I said, “He did it. He took all of his energy with him and left with utter efficiency.” He replied, “Yes, he most certainly did.”

    We sat there for a few minutes uncomprehendingly trying to comprehend what had just occurred. And then there was a strange otherworldly cry. Three of us in the house all heard a different thing. One heard a child, one a woman, and I heard a man. We all heard it coming from different points of origin. I heard it come from the back yard; one heard it in the front yard, and one in the garage. We do not know what it was. Maybe it was a pack of coyotes, circling the perimeter while energetically connecting to this ethereal event. An ally perhaps, helping to guide him safely to infinity? Inorganic beings? A welcoming committee?

    Don was my soul mate, my best friend for 24 years and my husband for the last 17 of those years. He was a prolific artist and I have posted his artwork on my blog over the years. He was a warrior in every sense of the word, and I was reminded, many times leading up to his departure and afterwards, of this quote from The Eagle’s Gift that I had long ago memorized.

    I am already given to the power that rules my fate. And I cling to nothing, so I will have nothing to defend. I have no thoughts so I will see. I fear nothing, so I will remember myself. Detached and at ease, I will dart past the eagle to be free.

    Don had, indeed, made death an advisor. He was fearless and took people to the edge of the mindless machinations of the human condition, beyond the patterns that had, so long ago, taken root to direct and control humanity in its quest to destroy and conquer everything in its path. From a young age Don knew that there were volumes of knowledge and awareness to be accessed that lie just beyond the periphery of what we refer to as the man-made matrix. Don assisted people in freeing themselves from this matrix so that they may return to themselves, free from the limitations imposed upon them by the dominant paradigm.

    Only the idea of death makes a man sufficiently detached so he is incapable of abandoning himself to anything. Only the idea of death makes a man sufficiently detached so he can’t deny himself anything. A man of that sort, however, does not crave, for he has acquired a silent lust for life and for all things of life. He knows his death is stalking him and won’t give him time to cling to anything, so he tries, without craving, all of everything.~ A Separate Reality

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  Swanny Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:50 pm

    I did not understand this statement of Don Juan’s until July 2, 2017 as I witnessed cancer, the ultimate predator, steal my husband’s 53 years-young exuberant life causing him to cease to exist. I knelt beside him holding his hands and said, “merge with cosmic consciousness,” as he took his last breath and I felt his energy retreating inwards, as in a vacuum, until it was all within him, at the center of consciousness within himself. And then he was gone. And so was all of his energy. The bedroom was quiet, so incredibly noiseless and still. I looked at our very good friend who sat there with me and I said, “He did it. He took all of his energy with him and left with utter efficiency.” He replied, “Yes, he most certainly did.” wrote:

    I remember visiting my girlfriends body in the chapel of rest. There was no energy left in her body, it was just an empty shell. Although she did manage to squeeze my hand Very Happy

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    The teachings of Don Juan Matus  - Page 8 Empty Re: The teachings of Don Juan Matus

    Post  mudra Mon Sep 25, 2017 3:30 pm

    Swanny wrote:

    I remember visiting my girlfriends body in the chapel of rest. There was no energy left in her body, it was just an empty shell. Although she did manage to squeeze my hand  Very Happy

    Thank you for sharing this Swanny. I remember a similar experience with two different persons. What struck me then is not only were their bodies empty of energy but it seemed the quarters themselves where these persons used to live also felt different. Something had left from these spaces that made them more " alive " before.

    Love from me

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