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    Reptilian report


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    Reptilian report Empty Reptilian report

    Post  bobhardee Mon Jun 25, 2018 7:06 pm


    This is worth the listen. Hang in there with it. It gets better as it goes along.  It just audio so no video. It's one of those that the more you listen, the more real it sounds.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jun 25, 2018 8:22 pm

    Bob, I'm presently thinking in terms of Us Being Ancient-Reptilians Who Genetically-Engineered Humanity (after inventing supercomputers and artificial-intelligence which was used in the creation of humanity). Just Speculation. What if Darth Vader was a Prototype-Humanoid?? We share the same initials (D.V.). What if we are Interdimensional-Reptilians in Human-Form?? What were we before we were human?? It might frighten us. I'm skeptical about Reptilian and Grey Aliens just recently stumbling upon Humanity (as they travel the cosmos in their UFO's). The Aliens might be those of us who chose not to become Human. Perhaps they are supervising our genetic and sociological development. Perhaps we are at war with them in a War in Heaven and Earth between Soul-Relatives. Who Knows?? 'RA' called me a 'Commoner' when I made a benign-comment about 'Tall Long-Nosed Greys'!! 'RA' scoffed when I used the term 'Regressive'. 'RA' invited me to join the Masons, but I declined. The leader of Masonry is supposedly 'Lucifer'. The leader of Masonry is supposedly a 'Tall Grey Alien'. What if 'RA' (who told me "I Am RA") = 'Lucifer' = 'Leader of Masonry' = 'Grand-Master of the Illuminati'?? This stuff scares the hell out of me. It seems to involve hidden-factions, hidden-wars, and secret space-programs (just to mention a few). Think long and hard about '2001: A Space Odyssey' concerning the HAL 9000 Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer (possibly with a soul) and Pod-Propulsion (which might be developmental-stage Planetary-Propulsion). I think deception and corruption are rampant, so researchers beware. This thing could get really nasty and confusing. I'm frankly heading for the exit, rather than digging-deeper. A former-member of this forum once scolded me, saying "The Rabbit-Hole Mostly Goes Right Up Your @$$!!" My name is similar to 'David Bowman' and 'Peter Venkman'. My life has numerous 'Oh, God!' John Denver parallels. I need to stop. They have ways to make me stop. Many Ways.

    Reptilian report Judge-Maxwell
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    Reptilian report Hal
    Reptilian report Bowman3
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    Reptilian report Nibirans-with-winged-disk-851x501
    "That Completely-Ignorant FOOL Is NOT Our President!!"
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    Reptilian report Empty Re: Reptilian report

    Post  bobhardee Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:38 pm

    You covered most everything and then some.   The one area I would like to hear your opinion on is regarding Rh negative blood. I grew up believing that the term blue blood meant someone that could trace their heritage to royalty......and somehow royalty had Rh negative blood.....that hey had gotten from one of Jesus's children.   Or something crazy like that.  My grandmother was a Bacon and that was our ticket for the family to it is.  Not sure how many of my family members have Rh negative blood. Only 15% of the population has the Rh negative bloodlines.  That that makes Rh negative special but it does make it interesting.
    Looking forward to it.
    Bob H.

     There are a lot of these type videos about Rh negatives and I grabbed one of the first I came to.  Hope it worth the watch.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jun 26, 2018 11:58 pm

    Bob, I don't know about blood-types and blood-lines in connection with royalty and such. Being one of the 'chosen-few' might actually be a bad-thing if this world is as bad as it seems to be historically and presently. A lady with the last-name 'Bacon' lived down the street from us when I was growing-up, and we were good-friends. She was aware of the significance of the 'Bacon' name, but she certainly wasn't rich, famous, and royal. Think of Francis Bacon (just to name one). I've tried to include myself in my online religious and political science-fiction, to make it more real and personal, but I wouldn't do it again. This line of thinking has brought me nothing but trouble. I've concluded that if I actually were genetically or spiritually significant, that would probably be a bad-thing in this screwed-up world. I'm honestly trying to forget about this madness, and get back to some sort of 'normal' before it's too-late. The info-war might be the end of civilization as we know it (and not in a good-way). All the videos of forbidden-stuff are interesting in a morbid-curiosity way, but a steady-diet of this is probably a bad-thing. The general-public is presently being exposed to stuff which Presidents probably knew little about (just a few short years ago). There seems to be an unprecedented information-dump in progress, which the visible-authorities seem powerless to restrain. The visible PTB still don't openly talk about what internet-forums discuss 24/7 throughout the world. I'm honestly attempting to opt-out of the information-war, but it might be too-late for me. I might be too-far down the rabbit-hole to be able to climb back out. I feel horrible 24/7 and I think it has everything to do with my agonizing over the madness (which I can't remedy anyway). Researchers Beware.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Reptilian report Empty Re: Reptilian report

    Post  bobhardee Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:37 am

    You said that you are trying to get back to normal. On my. Why would anyone want to do that. Not sure about your area of the world .....but Normal in the American South is just a few steps away from people throwing up their arms and saying Hiel Trump! It's heart breaking. Never thought we would revert back to the post civil war days of racism, but by golly we are headed in that direction. I'm not sure that the anger is so much against Obama as much as it is to realize that the minorities showed up and the poles to elect one of their own. Now most of the anger is toward the Mexicans. There are smart people I know and love that believe that Trump is truly the answer.....and the ultra right Christians believe he is God's chosen one. If that's the case then God and I are going to have a few choice words one day. ( I don't really mean that God but you are big and powerful and understand my frustration). Trump is nothing more than a Con man. I didn't like Jim Baker who got people to send him money when he was on the PTL channel because he was a con man. He went to jail for it but now he's back and he's hanging out with Trump. I didn't like Berie Maddoff because he conned money out of people in an investment scheme. I didn't like VW for their con on the environment with the diesel standards scheme. All of those are just cons. Just like Trump. Only people did not worship Baker or Maddoff or VW the way they are Trump.
    Nope if that's normal, I think I stay crazy.
    When you were growing up and someone used the term blue blood. What came to mind?
    Bob H.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jun 27, 2018 11:52 am

    Bob, regarding blue-bloods, and power-worship, here is a link and video you might find interesting. People will look the other way, live in dreamland, sell their souls to you-know-who, become morally-ambiguous, etc., if they think they'll win by doing so. When one looks closely at history, it's NOT nice!! Never underestimate the power of stupid-people in large-groups!! The corrupt rule the stupid!! Worshipping Absurdity is SO Overrated!! I suppose 'Normal' in my case, might simply involve a smaller internet-footprint. I suppose ignorance is bliss and a virtue. Vegetating is probably less-threatening than Pontificating!! So Be It. BTW, PTL = Pass The Loot and Pay The Lady!!


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    Post  bobhardee Wed Jun 27, 2018 1:21 pm

    Come on Oxy, as the man used to say at the state fair when you slammed down the hammer in an effort to win a prize. "Close but no cigar"
    Bob H

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    Reptilian report Empty Re: Reptilian report

    Post  NANUXII Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:28 am

    Hello Bob & Oxy

    If i may , reptilians did not manufacture us imo. They did help seed some off shoots yes but the majority of manufacture came from the indigenous of Orion.

    Rh blood is one strain , the blood of the very ones who created us is very rich in copper , copper when in conjunction with ammonia and salt goes a purple / blue colour.

    hence why they are called blue blood's

    Its merely the higher copper content of the blood , copper is a very good conductor , we run on electricity , the better the conductor the better our brains and bits work.

    Your blood type is only an indicator , its the colour of it that is the tell. If you see your blood in a thin vessel you will be able to tell , it should be a sort of violet/ purple colour and if youre lucky it will look iridescent.

    The iridescence is a marker of the purity of the blood.

    The video you posted is one i have listened to many times, it is an excellent transcript but be careful , chris has added things to it that make the reptilians seem negative, its done on purpose , realise his additions are not part of the original text , they are his opinions only.

    Oxy . i was looking at your photos , the one of the moon almost made me fall off my chair ... you know its very accurate , almost scarily so.


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    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Jul 06, 2018 12:54 pm

    NANUXII, I've been wondering if Renegade Angelic-Beings from Orion invented and/or used supercomputers to engineer varieties of containers to give physicality to their angelic-souls?! What if Darth Vader is representative of one of the first Humanoid-Containers?! What if Reptilians and Greys were the next Humanoid-Containers?? What if Human-Beings were the next Humanoid-Containers?? What if this final-step caused an Uncivil-War in Heaven and Earth, concerning Physicality and Governance-Modalities?! What if Gods, Goddesses, Angels, Demons, Reptilians, Greys, and Humans are ALL US?! What If We Are 'Flukes of the Universe'?! What If We Have No Right to Be Here?! What If the Universe is Laughing Behind Our Backs?! What If All of the Above Was a Complex and Dangerous Renegade-Risk With a Questionable-Outcome?! How Might All of the Above Be Objectively-Evaluated?? What If All of the Above Has Been An Ongoing Investigative-Judgment, Culminating In Eschatological-Jurisprudence?! What Would the Sovereign Queen of the Air Say?? What Would Nicholas Roerich Say??

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    Post  burgundia Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:39 pm

    I am RH negative.

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    Post  bobhardee Fri Jul 06, 2018 7:48 pm

    me too.

    Bob H

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    Reptilian report Empty Re: Reptilian report

    Post  NANUXII Sun Jul 08, 2018 7:55 pm

    If you ever get any bloods or infusions that use a winged infusion set , the thin line after the butterfly will show you under natural light how pure/original your blood is.

    the colour of blood is the first tell that your genetics have lineage bock to the original star seeds of Orion or other genetic experiments.

    Blue / Purple slight to no iridescence = Orion / Genetic Experimentation

    Red = Humanoid

    Dark Red = Humanoid / Other genetic experimentation

    Violet Iridescent = Original Terran's of Earth / some experimentation

    Very Dark Red = Blood transfusion time

    Original terran's are reptilian who favored the south african , south american and australian continents.

    The study of the reptilian brain, which we all have ( that should give some evidence as to who was here first ) has 4 main areas of cognition.



    Social Recognition ( importance of stacking order )


    Interestingly the reptilian brain is the most honest part of our genetic make up. The reptilian inheritance is strong in those who oppose oppression. Those who have their reptilian senses dormant are usually found in jobs they hate , taking orders , buried in serfdom.

    If you have the blue purple blood you will have ability to exersise your esp and develop your skills to a very good degree. Those with violet have similar skill sets but a dormant connector to their own people.

    I know there have been many negative propaganda to reptilians and its very difficult if not impossible to ratify the veracity of these claims. The only true way is to look at their ancestors that still live here on this planet.

    Their true nature is peaceful. They are Social Creatures with no ego.

    When trackers take you into the bush they warn you of snakes, which is wise, but they will always lead with a stick and tap the ground ahead of them because snakes will hear/feel this and retreat.

    Its only when one is cornered or feels endangered that it will strike to defend its self. Unless its a red belly black, they are prone to attack more than any other snake..


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    Post  bobhardee Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:17 pm

    Thanks Nanuxii

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    Post  bobhardee Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:52 pm


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    Post  bobhardee Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:02 pm

    Interesting story from Jordon Maxwell.

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    Post  bobhardee Tue Jul 10, 2018 11:38 am

    Two planetary groups that have been at war for a very long time and we humans are in the middle. Interesting. Comments welcome. I would like to hear anyone's thoughts about this presentation.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:49 pm

    Bob, that was an interesting video, which might contain significant truth, but how do we REALLY know what's true, and what's BS?? Sorting-out current events is often seemingly impossible, and things get exponentially-worse as we attempt to view forbidden ancient history and theology. If there were three primary galactic-factions, there would be at least three different versions of history. There might be three competing factions within each of the three major galactic-factions!! Fractions of Factions!! The real history of the universe might contain unimaginable evolution, creation, and power-struggles!! Our official history and theology might be cover-stories, for legitimate and illegitimate reasons. The Gods and Goddesses might be the Biggest Bad@$$es in the Universe!! A faction which wished to take-over a planet might make glorious-promises and be very-nice until they achieved unrivaled-power, at which time they might become Heartless-Enslavers!! Consider Politics and Marriage!! Perhaps the Whole-Bible is a Contradictory-Matrix which educates some of us to deal with Abundant-Absurdities. The Bible can be made to say just about anything, and this is probably the case for just about everyone and everything. My levels of certainty, security, and peace, are at all-time lows, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Earth-Humanity might face Paradise-Gained and Paradise-Lost in the near-future, and I am extremely-apprehensive (short and long term).

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    Post  NANUXII Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:52 pm

    bobhardee wrote:7/9/2018
    Interesting story from Jordon Maxwell.

    I have heard Maxwell say these stories before. His recount is most honest and accurate.

    It should speak volumes as to the true mo of reptilian types.

    If you were to stumble across a ritual of bad entities they would not leave anyone to tell the tale.

    think on this.


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    Post  Carol Fri Jul 13, 2018 7:37 am

    There is a reason why many choose to do their good work below the radar. Becoming too visible is dangerous unless surrounded by Marine Special Force Seals 24/7 like President Trump.

    Love this thread Bob. Thank you so much for your many interesting posts.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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