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    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”


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    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 Empty Re: PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 10:54 am

    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 Tillerson-Qatar
    Lawmakers Call on State Dept. to Declassify U.S.-Qatar Deal on Terrorism Financing

    Tillerson signed U.S.-Qatar Memorandum of Understanding in July after Arab powers severed ties. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson exits a brief media availability before his meeting with Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman Al Thani - BY: Natalie Johnson — December 21, 2017 5:00 am

    A bipartisan group of lawmakers are demanding the Trump administration provide greater transparency of an agreement brokered between the United States and Qatar to combat terrorism financing in the Gulf state.

    Secretary of State Rex Tillerson traveled to Doha in July to sign the U.S.-Qatar Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) just one month after several Arab powers severed ties with Qatar over alleged support for Iran and Islamist terrorist groups.

    Members of Congress have lamented the deal's secrecy and are calling on the State Department to declassify the document.

    "I read the letter and didn't believe that the letter contained anything that shouldn't be made transparent and readily available to the American people," Rep. Jim Banks (R., Ind.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, told the Washington Free Beacon on Wednesday. "If the MOU is made transparent and public, Congress would be able to more effectively and objectively measure the progress of the agreement."

    In a letter to Tillerson on Dec. 14, Banks joined three other lawmakers to urge the State Department to reconsider the classification of the agreement so Congress can better assess Qatar's compliance.

    "Senior administration officials have stated in both public settings that the MOU is evidence that progress is being made in the joint effort to fight terrorism and discourage terror financing," said the letter, signed by Banks, Reps. Ron DeSantis (R., Fla.), Scott Perry (R., Penn.), and Robert Pittenger (R., N.C.). "While we sincerely support the joint initiative, by not having direct, consistent access to the MOU because of classification, the legislative branch is unable to effectively and objectively measure this reported progress."

    Banks said he's unsure why the administration decided to classify the agreement and that it raises more questions than answers about the process.

    Responding to pressure from lawmakers, the State Department in November permitted Congress to view the document four months after its implementation, though only for a few hours and under strict supervision.

    Like Banks, Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D., N.J.) told the Washington Post‘s Josh Rogin he didn't see any classified markings on the document. He said in addition to his concern over the deal's secrecy, the document fails to specify the consequences Qatar would face if it failed to make progress on combatting terrorism financing.

    "I want to see more concrete steps on how the administration plans to enforce it," Gottheimer told the Post. "There weren't enough specifics and teeth. … Treasury hasn't been aggressive enough."

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 Empty Re: PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:03 am

    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 Pjimage-25-1-600x295
    REPORT: House Republicans Holding ‘Secret Talks’ To Build Criminal Case Against Senior FBI & DOJ Officials

    As of late, we have watched Republican lawmakers point a lot of fingers and toss out a bunch of theories as to who should be held responsible for sourcing, procuring and disseminating the discredited ‘Trump dossier.’ A new report reveals lawmakers are secretly building a criminal case against top Justice Department and FBI officials for mishandling “the contents of a dossier that describes alleged ties between President Donald Trump and Russia.”

    POLITICO reports:

       A group of House Republicans has gathered secretly for weeks in the Capitol in an effort to build a case that senior leaders of the Justice Department and FBI improperly — and perhaps criminally — mishandled the contents of a dossier that describes alleged ties between President Donald Trump and Russia, according to four people familiar with their plans.

       A subset of the Republican members of the House intelligence committee, led by Chairman Devin Nunes of California, has been quietly working parallel to the committee’s high-profile inquiry into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. […]

       The people familiar with Nunes’ plans said the goal is to highlight what some committee Republicans see as corruption and conspiracy in the upper ranks of federal law enforcement. The group hopes to release a report early next year detailing their concerns about the DOJ and FBI, and they might seek congressional votes to declassify elements of their evidence.

    When pressed for more details, Rep. Mike Conaway (R-TX) replied to POLITICO, “I don’t talk about what we do behind closed doors,”

    “I’m not going to talk about that,” added Rep. Peter King (R-NY)

    House investigators appear to be building criminal case while advocating for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a second special counsel to investigate the FBI and Justice Department’s role in the dossier. According to Fox News reporter Jake Gibson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has called on a senior Justice Department attorney to look into appointing a special counsel to investigate recently demoted official Bruce Ohr’s contacts with Fusion GPS. Thus far, Sessions has found no cause to appoint a second special counsel.

    According to the Washington Post, Comey’s FBI agreed to pay the British Spy who compiled the garbage dossier after the election to continue to dig up dirt on Trump and Russia. The FBI pulled out of this arrangement once the author of the dossier, Christopher Steele was publicly identified in media reports.

    Disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok played a key role in analyzing the infamous ‘Trump dossier,’ supplied by shady research firm Fusion GPS.

    The move by House Republicans also signals they believe Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) may be right about how the dossier was likely used to obtain FISA warrants to spy on Trump transition officials. Below is a recap of Jordan’s theory laid out on Fox Business News with host Lou Dobbs.

       Rep. Jim Jordan: There are a couple of fundamental questions here. Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele? I asked that of the Attorney General two weeks ago he wouldn’t answer the question. Did they actually vet this dossier?… Because it’s been disproven, a bunch of lies, a bunch of National Enquirer garbage and fake news in this thing. Did they actually check it out before they brought it to the FISA Court which I’m convinced they did. And all of this can be cleared up if they release the application that they took to the court… I think they won’t give it to us because they did pay Christopher Steele. I think they did use the dossier as the basis for the warrants to spy on Americans associated with President Trump’s campaign… (Strzok) is the guy who took the dossier to the Fisa Court.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 Empty Re: PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:16 am
    Tucker: FBI is out of control, thinks it's above the law
    Tucker's Thoughts: FBI agent Peter Strzok was heavily involved in 2 politicized cases -the Clinton email investigation, Russian collusion probe and oversaw interviews with Mike Flynn. Yet he sent controversial anti-Trump texts. #Tucker
    Rep. Jim Jordan: FBI Used Dossier to Wiretap Trump, Strzok involved, FBI Paid Fusion GPS
    THE SMOKING GUN... Rep. Jim Jordan: FBI Used Dossier to Get Trump Wiretap, Strzok Brought Request to FISA Court, FBI Paid Fusion GPS
    Jordan: We need to depose Peter Strzok, talk to Bruce Ohr

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:22 pm

    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 478188E600000578-0-image-m-6_1513876562576
    New probe into Hillary's role in 'Uranium One' deal as Jeff Sessions o
    rders Justice Department to investigate claims of Clinton sleaze

    - Attorney general wants career prosecutors to look into the Uranium One deal
    - FBI agents have looked before into claims the transaction was corrupt and lined Bill and Hillary Clintons' pockets
    - Deal sold a company with 20 per cent of U.S. uranium mining capacity to a Russian state-owned firm
    - Several U.S. agencies had to sign off, including Hillary's State Department
    - Bill Clinton got a $500,000 speaking fee from a Russian bank tied to the deal
    - Others who struck it rich with Uranium One deal gave the Clinton Foundation at least $33.6 million

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions has instructed Justice Department prosecutors to ask FBI agents about a past criminal investigation into a business transaction that put 20 per cent of America's uranium mining capacity in the hands of the Russian government.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 Empty Re: PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:47 pm

    This is a long article, but it says many things that need to be said -
    Lying Biden – In Hussein Obama’s 8 Years “Not a Hint of Scandal” – Except For…
    Posted on December 20, 2017 by Rick Wells

    "Joe Biden, Obama’s partner in crime, claims there were no scandals under his eight year reign of terror, Joe’s senile or a liar. The scandals started in the 2008 campaign. His (Obama's) foreign birth..." (made him constitutionally ineligible to serve in the office of president).

    Joe Biden is a liar and a brazen hypocrite. He claims, along with the disinformation peddlers hosting him on CBS that in eight years there wasn’t even the hint of a scandal in the Obama regime. The scandals were effectively covered up through a corrupt network that is just now starting to be exposed, but it was there, much more than a hint, from before he ever took office. The identity of the criminal illegal alien squatter, impersonating a president of the United States, was never confirmed, and the obviously fraudulent birth certificate was forensically proven to be a forgery. The other documents he used, along with his status as a foreign student while enrolled in college, confirmed that he was a fraud. The deep state, which we were much less aware of at the time, protected him.

    There are other instances, many of them traceable directly back to the Obama White House, such as the IRS targeting of conservative groups prior to the 2012 election, the VA waiting list scandal, where Veterans were placed on phony waiting lists to hide the dismal system that resulted in many dying while waiting to be seen for treatment. There’s the GSA rampant spending for parties along with a much more treacherous inclusion of the Muslim Brotherhood in some of the highest positions of government, and favoritism shown to Islamic groups. The FBI training manuals were scrubbed of all references to Islamic terrorism under Robert Mueller and on the orders of Hussein Obama.

    Illegal aliens were welcomed with open arms and border agents turned into baby-sitters as CBP and ICE were turned into illegal alien induction and distribution mechanisms rather than border enforcement agencies. “Refugee” and legal immigration levels shot to new highs, particularly from terrorist nations as Obama sought to fundamentally transform America into a brown Islamic nation.

    Benghazi, and the lies surrounding it by Hillary Clinton, Ben Rhodes and Susan Rice was a major scandal that still has not been resolved as to what Hillary Clinton’s role was in the incident, why the security requests went unanswered and what exactly was the CIA doing running weapons to terrorists from those compounds. And what was the United States doing in propagating the Arab spring under Obama and Clinton, who infamously gloated over her ousting of the Libyan leader Muammer Gaddafi, turning a stable, prosperous nation into a terrorism and ISIS hotbed.

    Why did Obama help ISIS to grow and establish their caliphate? Why were they not picked off as they traveled across Syria and Iraq in an indefensible convoy to establish their caliphate? Why were most sorties useless exercises with the jets returning without dropping their bombs due to excessively restrictive rules of engagement? Why was the war on terror micromanaged by Susan Rice with untenable rules of engagement for military ground personnel?

    Why were five terrorists released from Gitmo in exchange for one lousy deserter, and others traded away to any country that could be bribed into taking them so that he could close Gitmo, and why did Obama lie about it being a “recruiting tool?” Who was he trying to please?

    Why did Obama bow to a Saudi King and lambaste our nation around the globe? What about his signing us up for the global welfare and wealth redistribution program of the Paris Climate accord, self-ratifying it unconstitutionally by declaring that it wasn’t a treaty and then committing the United States to participation?

    What about the Iran deal and the huge payout they received in addition to concessions on their military programs and cash in exchange for hostages? What about Obama and Kerry kissing the Iranians’ backsides when they commandeered two of our patrol boats on the morning of his State of the Union address?

    What about John Kerry giving his daughter millions in State Department aid money? What about his other Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, the espionage criminal who stole American secrets and then stashed them at her house on an unsecured server?

    What about Obama’s Fast and Furious cartel gun-running operation, the scandal that got his Attorney General slapped with a contempt of Congress citation and one of our border agents killed? What about Solyndra and the rest of the phony climate green agenda profiteering?

    DOD and pentagon sources said thru 3rd party contacts, that the senate sent back to the house, the TR Bill that was ready to be signed by Trump because 3 dirty new entries were sneakily inserted by the house dems hoping the Senate would miss the new entries .. the comnent that followed was “ the dems are opposed to the GCR” so whatever it was that was inserted was against the GCR. Who’s to say there wasn’t a partnership in some of that lucrative drug money for the Islamist squatting in our White House as well.

    Despite this partial list and many more that they are keenly aware of, being in the fake news industry, the bobble heads at CBS were drooling over Biden, and his comment that there was no scandal in eight years went completely unchallenged by any of them. They’re not news, not by the most liberal definition of the word. Propaganda is their game, and hypocrisy equal to that of “not a smidgen" Obama and “not a hint” Biden is the sycophantic slop they dole out on a daily basis.

    FBI Deputy McCABE Develops AMNESIA During Congressional Grilling
    Posted on December 21, 2017 by Rick Wells

    Andrew McCabe, the Deputy Director of the FBI and subversive anti-American agent who managed with Clinton protection and cover up, testified before the House Intelligence Committee for seven and a half hours on Tuesday. That’s a lot of time for a single witness to be grilled, and a lot of time to attempt to evade answering some very direct and damning questions about his sedition against our President and abuse of power. As was to be expected, Fox News reports that there were numerous conflicts between the testimony given by McCabe and other witnesses who have been questioned previously. Now those witnesses will be called back to clarify and help to identify just who’s lying about what. Fresh subpoenas will be issued next week compelling DOJ and FBI personnel to appear.

    The Intelligence Committee refused to confirm the identity of those being called up, but indications are it will include Bruce Ohr, the DOJ official who met with both dossier author Christopher Steele, during the election and Fusion GPS founder Scott Simpson shortly afterwards and whose wife worked for Simpson as a Russia expert during the dossier preparation. Another individual expected to be called to testify is FBI General Counsel James A. Baker, who attended the Tuesday grilling of McCabe in an official capacity. His participation is reminiscent of Cheryl Mills representing Hillary Clinton when she was herself a suspect in the sham email and espionage investigation. A subpoena being issued against the top lawyer of the DOJ could spark a new round of legal wrangling over authority and privilege, the two favored mechanisms for refusing to testify without invoking the Fifth Amendment.

    One House investigator is quoted following the McCabe questioning as saying, “It’s hard to know who’s telling us the truth,” an affirmation that there are discrepancies and someone, likely more than one individual, is lying. According to the Fox sources, McCabe was asked when he learned that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC had paid for the dossier and he claimed not to remember. There are documents with his signature on them that establish his knowledge of the dossier’s funding and origin.

    Andrew McCabe and many others are facing a real dilemma and a decision that they have forced other criminals to make countless times over the years. At what point do they stop digging, admit to their crimes, and face the music? They’re busted, it’s now a matter of putting the pieces together and following them to the Obama White House, the Clintons and likely, George Soros. As they’ve undoubtedly said to many others in a similar situation, they “can either do it the easy way, or the hard way.”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 Empty Re: PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 1:44 pm

    Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom spoke to FBN's Stewart Varney to discuss recent bombshells concerning the FBI, whose top brass has been conducting a highly politicized witch-hunt of President Trump on behalf of the anti-Trump establishment, while protecting then-candidate Hillary Clinton from criminal charges related to her email investigation, Clinton Foundation involvement in pay-for-play schemes, including a farcical probe of the Uranium One scandal.

    Varney: What's morale like in the FBI now?

    Kallstrom: It's not good, but I think recent events that I'm aware of are going to improve that because there's going to be actually something that's going to happen, in my view.

    Varney: You going to leave us on that?

    Kallstrom: Well I think there's a lot of patriots that have had it up to here with what's going on, and they're going to step forward and tell people what the shenanigans have been. How they shut down the Clinton Foundation investigation, how other things were done that are so anti-what the FBI and the United States and this country is about.

    Kallstrom also said he thinks there are people in the Justice department who may face obstruction charges:

    "Now we come to this focus on the fifth estate that I've talked about, that includes multiplicities of people. But now we know it also includes a bunch of sycophants in the FBI - they were part of the Comey team, apparently. And people in Justice also that I believe have exposure now for obstruction of justice."

    Regarding Peter Strzok's infamous "insurance" text to his mistress, FBI Attorney Lisa Page, he said "People tweet each other and they send text messages, but they don't plan. The FBI is not in the business of planning to destroy a President of the United States," adding "I think they were way above their capability. This guy thinks he's the lone ranger, this Peter Strzok."

    If that's his thinking, and they were obviously in Andy's office plotting some kind of thing. And I think that some kind of thing is what we're seeing right now. And we've seen for the last, what, ever since he's been elected we've seen this facade and this phony challenge to Trump about collusion and Russia, which nothing could be further from the truth. All the collusion is with the Democrats, and it's very very depressing to be FBI agents. 99 percent are hard working patriotic guys and girls that come to work for the good of the country.

    And you've got this cabal of people. You've got this deputy director (McCabe) who should have been out a long time ago for his actions. And then you’ve got Peter Strzok and who knows how many others. -James Kallstrom

    Kallstrom then brought up a question that's on a lot of minds currently; just what exactly is Jeff Sessions doing right now?

    "I think finally we're going to get to the end of this, but the big mystery here is the Justice Department. What is the Justice Department doing? What is the Attorney General of the United States doing? You know, it's too bad for Donald Trump... ...It's a mystery to me why he hasn't called over to the Attorney General and told the AG "give the oversight committees the documents they're looking for." Why is the Trump Justice Department not complying with subpoenas?"

    Varney: I want to summarize this. I want to be very clear about it. I have said in my opinion there is a cabal active within the FBI and the Justice Department.

    Kallstrom: Yes

    Varney: Which hates trump, which protected Hillary Clinton and tried to bring down Donald Trump. And that is an extraordinary story of interference in an American presidential election.

    Kallstrom: yes, yes, yes.
    It is. Without question that's what it was. Just like the whole "so-called" Clinton investigation, it was phony from the beginning; No grand jury, giving witnesses immunity, putting all the subjects in one room at the same time. I mean it's crazy. It's nuts what they did.

    Last edited by Carol on Thu Dec 21, 2017 8:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 Empty Re: PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 1:49 pm

    Hillary In The Crosshairs As DOJ Prosecutors Begin Asking FBI Agents About Uranium One

    "Weeks after the criminal probe began, the FBI sent notices to every agency involved in the Uranium One approval process to preserve records." Attorney General Jeff Sessions has instructed DOJ prosecutors to begin asking FBI agents for explanations regarding evidence pertaining to a dormant criminal investigation into the controversial Uranium One deal linked to Bill and Hillary Clinton, according to NBC.

    The order comes as part of a promise made last month by Sessions to examine whether or not a special counsel was warranted in the deal which saw 20% of American Uranium sold to a Russian state-owned energy company in a 2010 transaction allowed by the Obama administration. Prior to the deal, individual connected with Uranium One deal had donated over $140 million to the Clinton Foundation. Moreover, Bill Clinton gave a $500,000 speech to a Russian bank which issued a favorable rating on Uranium One stock. Clinton and Putin met the same day of the speech at the Russian leader's private homestead.

    A report by the New York Times and the book Clinton Cash by investigative journalist Peter Schweizer in 2015 are said to have convinced the FBI in large part to launch their investigation into the Clinton Foundation over several claims of pay-for-play before and during Hillary Clinton's role as Secretary of State, including the Uranium One deal and several international arms sales.

    As reported in International Business Times:

    The Clinton-led State Department also authorized $151 billion of separate Pentagon-brokered deals for 16 of the countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation, resulting in a 143 percent increase in completed sales to those nations over the same time frame during the Bush administration.

    As part of the Uranium One approval process, nine agencies which made up the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) had to sign off on the deal. The committee has been considered by some to be a "joke."

    “The committee almost never met, and when it deliberated it was usually at a fairly low bureaucratic level,” Richard Perle said. Perle, who has worked for the Reagan, Clinton and both Bush administrations added, “I think it’s a bit of a joke.” –CBS

    As discovered in early November by Twitter researcher Katica while looking at FOIA-requested documents, the FBI made several Preservation and Records requests to various agencies involved in the approval of the Uranium One deal on August 28th, 2015, as published by The Conservative Treehouse. Katica found the requests buried in an FBI file released via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

    Revealing Timeline

    While the Clinton email investigation was launched in March of 2015 after it was revealed that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a personal server and non-approved email accounts to conduct government business, reports from August, 2015 revealed that the FBI investigation was actually a criminal probe – though most assumed it was simply covering Clinton’s mishandling of classified information and not the content of her emails.

    What Katica discovered is that weeks after the criminal probe began, the FBI sent notices to every agency involved in the Uranium One approval process to preserve records.

    This is big: the agencies which received the request included the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the U.S. Dept. of Treasury, the Office of Director of National Intelligence (ODNI James Clapper), The National Counter Terrorism Center, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

    Five days after the initial request, the same FBI agent sent another round of notifications to the same agencies, adding the National Security Agency (NSA) and the U.S. Secret Service (USSS).

    The next day, September 3rd, 2015, three more agencies were added to the preservation request: The CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Department of Defense (DOD)

    At this point, every single member of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) which signed off on the Uranium One deal was served with a notice to preserve records.

    As The Conservative Treehouse noted in November:

    It would be intellectually dishonest not to see the very likely attachment of the special agent’s action. That is to say an FBI probe originating as an outcome of information retrieved in parallel to the timing of the “criminal probe” of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email use.

    The sequence of events highlights a criminal probe starting [early August 2015], followed by notifications to the “Uranium One” CFIUS participants [late August 2015].

    If you consider the larger Clinton timeline; along with the FBI special agent requests from identified participants; and overlay the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as the leading entity surrounding the probe elements; and the fact that the CFIUS participants were the recipients of the retention requests; well, it’s just too coincidental to think this is unrelated to the Uranium One deal and the more alarming implications.
    FBI Mole

    An October report in The Hill revealed that as early as 2009, the FBI – led by Robert Mueller at the time, had a mole in the Russian uranium industry, and that the agency had evidence that “Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow” – a deal which would grant the Kremlin control over 20 percent of America’s uranium supply.

    The mole was forced to sign an iron-clad non-disclosure agreement (NDA) which threatened criminal penalties for revealing information, even to Congress. After a request was made by Reps Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) calling for the Justice department to invalidate the NDA, the gag order was lifted, and the FBI informant was authorized to speak with congress.

    Tony Podesta and Uranium One

    While one-time Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort turned himself in to the FBI a week ago on charges of money laundering, let’s not forget what a former Podesta Group executive interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller told Tucker Carlson Tonight: the FBI probe is now focusing on people in Washington who have worked as de-facto operatives on behalf of Russian government and business. To that end, he had quite a bit to say about his former boss Tony and his relationship to the Uranium One deal.

    In late 2013 or early 2014, Tony Podesta and a representative for the Clinton Foundation met to discuss how to help Uranium One – the Russian owned company that controls 20 percent of American Uranium Production – and whose board members gave over $100 million to the Clinton Foundation.

    In 2013, John Podesta recommended that Tony hire David Adams, Hillary Clinton’s chief adviser at the State Department, giving them a “direct liaison” between the group’s Russian clients and Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

    “Tony Podesta was basically part of the Clinton Foundation.”

    As far as the current state of the FBI investigation, “They are more focused on facilitators of Russian influence in this country than they are on election collusion,” Carlson’s source told Fox.

    Tying it together – previous reports of Federal investigations into the Clinton Foundation:

    Katica’s FOIA discovery corroborates a New York Times report from November 1, 2016, which asserts that an FBI investigation was kicked off based on revelations of pay-for-play in the book “Clinton Cash” written by Peter Schweizer:

    The investigation, based in New York, had not developed much evidence and was based mostly on information that had surfaced in news stories and the book “Clinton Cash,” according to several law enforcement officials briefed on the case.

    The book asserted that foreign entities gave money to former President Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, and in return received favors from the State Department when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state. Mrs. Clinton has adamantly denied those claims. -NYT
    The Wall St. Journal also reported last October that five FBI field offices were investigating the Clinton Foundation; New York, Los Angeles, Washington, Little Rock and Miami, and “were collecting information about the Clinton Foundation to see if there was evidence of financial crimes or influence-peddling, according to people familiar with the matter.”

    The FBI field office in New York had done the most work on the Clinton Foundation case and received help from the FBI field office in Little Rock, the people familiar with the matter said. –WSJ

    And in November, as tweeted by Wikileaks and reported on by the Dallas Observer, the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation by the IRS since July of 2016, after 64 GOP members of Congress received letters urging them to push for an investigation. The investigation has been notably held at the Dallas IRS office – far away from Washington.

    The Earle Cabell Federal Building in downtown Dallas is an all purpose office complex, a bastion of federal bureaucracy located at 1100 Commerce St. Most people come for a passport or to get business done in front of a federal judge. But inside, a quiet review is underway that has direct ties to the raging presidential election: The local branch of the IRS’ Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division is reviewing the tax status of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

    So – while the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton was sold as a simple matter of mishandling of classified material, we now have proof that the FBI set their sights on the Uranium One scandal weeks after they began looking into Hillary Clinton’s emails, and that five FBI field offices and the IRS have been investigating the Clinton Foundation on accusations of pay-to-play and other criminal acts.

    Perhaps Sessions will see the logic in approving a second special counsel after all...

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32048
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    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 2:06 pm

    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 ?
    HouseBREAKING!!!!!! Republicans Holding ‘Secret Talks’
    To Build CRIMINAL Case Against Senior FBI & DOJ Officials

    A group of House Republicans has gathered secretly for weeks in the Capitol in an effort to build a case that senior leaders of the Justice Department and FBI improperly — and perhaps criminally — mishandled the contents of a dossier that describes alleged ties between President Donald Trump and Russia, according to four people familiar with their plans.

    A subset of the Republican members of the House intelligence committee, led by Chairman Devin Nunes of California, has been quietly working parallel to the committee's high-profile inquiry into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. They haven't informed Democrats about their plans, but they have consulted with the House's general counsel.

    The people familiar with Nunes' plans said the goal is to highlight what some committee Republicans see as corruption and conspiracy in the upper ranks of federal law enforcement. The group hopes to release a report early next year detailing their concerns about the DOJ and FBI, and they might seek congressional votes to declassify elements of their evidence.

    That final product could ultimately be used by Republicans to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into whether any Trump aides colluded with Russia during the 2016 campaign — or possibly even to justify his dismissal, as some rank-and-file Republicans and Trump allies have demanded. (The president has said he is not currently considering firing Mueller.)

    Republicans in the Nunes-led group suspect the FBI and DOJ have worked either to hurt Trump or aid his former campaign rival Hillary Clinton, a sense that has pervaded parts of the president’s inner circle. Trump has long called the investigations into whether Russia meddled in the 2016 election a “witch hunt,” and on Tuesday, his son Donald Trump Jr. told a crowd in Florida the probes were part of a “rigged system” by “people at the highest levels of government” who were working to hurt the president.

    The sources familiar with the separate inquiry said it was born out of steadily building frustration with the Justice Department's refusal to share details of the way the Trump dossier was used to launch the FBI's investigation of his campaign team last year — or whether it was the basis for any court-ordered surveillance of Trump associates.

    The group is relying on the same documents and testimony provided by top Obama administration officials — such as former acting attorney general Sally Yates, former attorney general Loretta Lynch and former UN ambassador Samantha Power — who were grilled as part of the intelligence committee's broader Russia probe.

    It's unclear how many members of the intelligence committee are participating in the side effort. Lawmakers on the full committee interviewed by POLITICO refused to discuss it.

    "I don't talk about what we do behind closed doors," said Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas), who's leading the intelligence committee's bipartisan Russia probe. "I'm not going to talk about that," said Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), another member of the panel.

    A congressional aide with knowledge of the meetings said Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) was not among the participants. ”While he does believe the FBI and DOJ have recently made decisions worth looking into, he is and will always be a defender of the FBI, DOJ and the special counsel," the aide said.

    Nunes' office declined to comment about the effort, but he has aired his suspicions about the law enforcement agencies before.

    "I hate to use the word corrupt, but they’ve become at least so dirty that who’s watching the watchmen? Who’s investigating these people?" he said in a Fox News interview earlier this month. "There is no one."

    DOJ and FBI officials also declined to comment. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein defended the FBI and Mueller's team at a recent hearing on Capitol Hill. "The special counsel investigation is not a witch hunt," he said.

    Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee, said he wasn't aware of the Nunes effort but said it fit with what he sees as an increasingly destructive bent in Republicans’ rhetoric and actions.

    "I think what we are seeing in our committee ... is an effort to attack the Department of Justice, an effort to attack the FBI, to attack Bob Mueller, is an effort to undermine the investigations and these institutions out of fear of what they’ll find and try to discredit them in advance," he said. "It’s a pernicious thing to do that will ultimately inflict long-term damage on these institutions."

    The Nunes-led group is the latest evidence of an increasingly toxic and bruising confrontation between Republicans on Capitol Hill and the highest ranks of the justice system. Some Hill Republicans are irate about the Justice Department's refusal to provide more details about its investigation of Trump associates' ties to Russia. They're also frothing over the FBI's handling of the Trump-Russia dossier, which GOP lawmakers have openly mocked as "discredited" and "disproven.”

    In recent weeks, GOP lawmakers have berated top Justice Department officials and threatened to hold them in contempt of Congress, and a couple of rank-and-file members described ongoing investigations of Trump associates in startling terms — including as a potential "coup" attempt. On Wednesday, Fox News reported that Nunes intends to subpoena senior FBI agents connected to the dossier.

    Earlier this week, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) called for the FBI's deputy director, Andrew McCabe, to be replaced amid claims by Republicans of anti-Trump bias infecting the bureau. And Gowdy, the chairman of the House oversight committee, joined House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte on Tuesday to request interviews with senior FBI officials as early as Thursday — which some lawmakers say is the precursor to subpoenas.

    To Democrats, the GOP offensive is an attempt to distract from the investigation of Trump associates by Mueller, who has already indicted Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and secured a guilty plea from his first national security adviser, Michael Flynn. There are indications he's investigating whether Trump obstructed justice by firing former FBI Director James Comey, whose exit led to Mueller taking over the Russia probe.

    The more dangerous Mueller's probe has seemed to become to the White House, the louder the attacks have gotten from Trump allies on Capitol Hill, Democrats say.

    “Republicans are terrified that Special Counsel Mueller is getting closer to the truth, and they are desperate to grind his investigation to a halt — even if they undermine the foundations of our democracy," Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) said in a statement after Republicans requested the FBI interviews.

    GOP lawmakers have become increasingly fixated on the FBI's use of the dossier describing sometimes salacious allegations of Trump's ties to the Kremlin. The document was compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, who was commissioned by opposition research firm Fusion GPS. Under pressure from Nunes, Fusion revealed that funding for the dossier project was provided by Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee. The House general counsel helped argue on behalf of Nunes in court to compel the release of Fusion's funding information.

    In January, then-FBI Director Comey briefed Trump about the dossier prior to his inauguration, and the contents subsequently leaked in the media after circulating in Washington for months. Trump has rejected the allegations as fiction, and Republicans on Capitol Hill have largely dismissed it as a "discredited" or "false" document, though investigators have spent months attempting to verify its contents.

    Still, Republicans on the intelligence and judiciary committees have increasingly wondered aloud whether the FBI — which had a longstanding relationship with Steele — used the allegations in his dossier to obtain surveillance warrants to spy on Trump campaign associates. They also want to know if the agency paid Steele for his work at the same time he was being paid by the Clinton campaign.

    In recent weeks, Republicans have grown more vocal in their accusations that the FBI, DOJ and Mueller’s team are biased. They've railed against political donations that some of Mueller’s attorneys have made to Democrats. And more recently, they've pointed to a series of text messages — revealed by the DOJ inspector general — in which two senior FBI officials, who were previously assigned to the special counsel’s office, bashed Trump.

    Schiff said committee rules require consultation between Republicans and Democrats, but House Speaker Paul Ryan must enforce bipartisan cooperation if he wants it to occur.

    "And at this point, you have to conclude that he doesn’t," Schiff said. Ryan’s office declined to comment.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 Empty Re: PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 6:28 pm

    You'll recall that yesterday I blogged about a story in which the U.S. Department of Defense was unable to account for about 44,000 people, or the operational equivalent to about 2-3 divisions, or a corps. And you'll recall that the reasons for the "lost personnel" were astonishingly similar to the reasons we've all heard over the years for all the "missing money," which (so the story goes) boil down to essentially two things: (1) there is no unified or single system of record keeping and hence (2) money(or people) fall through the cracks. To a certain extent, this is understandable and even justifiable: one doesn't want one's potential enemies to know exactly how big (or small) one's military is, nor the financial and/or production resources backing it up. Factories producing tanks above ground can be counted and their production estimated. Installations below ground are harder to detect and their purpose and production can largely only be guessed at.

    To put all this "country simple": the very admissions we've seen about missing money and "unaccounted for personnel" suggest quite strongly the appearance of a "breakaway civilization", a hypothesis advanced by well-known UFO/national security researcher Richard Dolan, who first advanced this idea in his multi-volume UFOs and the National Security State. His basic thesis is germane to my high octane speculation today, for he advanced the idea that, over time, with enough money and secret research, by "unaccounted for" personnel using hidden financing, this group in effect would pull away from the overt civilization of the "surface world" by having access to technologies and capabilities far in advance of it.

    Which brings us to this story on the U.S. Department of Defense's website shared by Mr. G.L.R.:

    Officials Announce First DoD-Wide Audit, Call for Budget Certainty
    Today's "high octane speculation." Note the hiring of "public accounting firms to conduct audits" of the individual services and various related agencies. This, it will be recalled, was precisely the problem encountered by Congresswoman McKinney years ago: there was no clear picture of which corporations were running the department's databases in the first place. Nor, we can imagine, will these firms be given complete access to black budget matters, and beyond that, they certainly will not even consider the likelihood of what I have been calling "the hidden system of finance."

    So why the hullabaloo to get a "complete audit"? One obvious reasons is that it is "swamp politics as usual," namely, pretend to be doing something in order to shut the people and Congress up about the utter farce of the federal budgetary process, and how far afield it is from Constitutional budgetary procedure.

    But there's another possibility, and with it, comes my "high octane speculation." One might hire such firms to get a general picture of where money was being siphoned out of the defense budget and, quite literally, disappearing into a black hole if one suspected that there was a real problem, that that "breakaway group" had metastasized to enormous proportions, and was literally feeding off the host. One might do it, in other words, if one had come to the conclusion that it was now so completely "broken away" that it had become a national security threat of its own, the threat consisting of its enormous appetite for money. Or as I suggested yesterday, missing trillions and missing personnel are two symptoms of the same "breakaway civilization" coin. If this reading of the situation be the case, then this implies something else, namely, that among all the other signs of deep state factional infighting we've seen going on lately, that one can add to it this as well. And that means that this process will have to be scrutinized very closely.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 6:34 pm

    First, let's get one thing cleared off the table: fires do happen, and so to high pressure zones, and so does disaster. Not everything is engineered. Not everything is a conspiracy. But I'd be lying  if I said that I don't have some suspicions about all these fires in California, and my suspicions go into the red zone whenever I hear an "envirocrat" like California governor Jerry Brown saying :get used to it" (this article shared by Mr. B):

    California fires: Year around blazes set to become 'the new normal' as Governor blames climate change

    Yup, that's right, Californians have to "get used" to the possibility that these types of disasters will be "the new normal", and it's all because of "climate change" (of course):

    California Governor Jerry Brown has told the state’s residents to get used to destructive wildfires in winter, declaring them “the new normal”.

    As six major fires ravage southern California, having led to the death of one person and the destruction of hundreds of homes and other buildings, Mr Brown said the state needed to face up to a new challenge.

    Visiting Ventura County, where the largest of the blazes – the Thomas Fire – is still growing, Mr Brown said drought and climate change mean California faces a “new reality” where lives and property are continually threatened by fire, at a cost of billions of dollars.

    California fires: First death confirmed as flames continue to rage: He said it will take “heroic” efforts in the US and abroad to stem climate change, and urged Congress to pay more attention to dealing with natural disasters such as fires, floods and earthquakes.

    Of course, blaming all this on the ever-so-helpful universalization of "climate change" ignores the self-evident nature of the assertion, it's niftily dispatching with other possible explanations: arson, terrorism, and the ever-present possibility of weather manipulation technology, which we'll get back to in a moment.

    What makes me suspicious about the whole fire mess are the numerous anomalies encountered in the recent fires in northern California. Many of these anomalies have - to my knowledge - not shown up (yet) in the southern fires: homes burning to the ground, right next to shrubbery or trees that don't burn at all is something I call anomalous; plants and trees bent over in the signatures of powerful microwaves, I call anomalous.
    12-8-2017; Terrorists Controlling Weather Block All Pacific Moisture With Blockade! Fires Burn in CA

    But then there's this, a video shared by Mr. G.F. (an no, that is not an invitation to send me more videos!): the first few minutes of this say it all.

    Now, again, high pressure systems can and do park themselves in places and create strange weather patterns. But the problem is, we simply do not know the cause of this. "Climate change" isn't an explanation here or anywhere else; it's merely a wonderfully broad phrase that is so broad it reduces to tautological non-explanation: the climate changes, "weather happens"; its only utility is for seeming like it's an explanation while agendas are being driven through it by the truckload. Are such high pressure systems and their relative stability and motionlessness over time driven by some geophysical cause, and thus, is this a genuinely emergent stable pattern that we need to be concerned about?  Or is the source "out there", is it related to the magnetosphere? are these resonance or "blowback" effects from the use of CERN's collider? Are such effects caused by ionospheric heaters? (and read Eastlund's patents for HAARP sometime, where precisely such weather modification is proposed as one possible use of the technology).

    My point in raising such questions and possibilities is to place them in the context of the anomalous things we saw in the northern California fires, and to raise a speculative possibility: it's easy to talk about "climate change" when one controls the technology to do it.  And it's much easier to drive down real estate prices, and to drive people from their homes, and pick up assets on the cheap after a disaster such as this, when one has the technology to start the fires, and then to exacerbate the results by denying moisture to the situation by parking high pressure zones over the western US.

    In other words, it's when the governor says, "get used to it, it's the new normal" and then invokes the non-explanation of climate change, in other words, that my suspicion meter goes into the red zone. It's when these corrupt and cynical politicians ignore the very real case for the existence of weather modification technologies and then tell us to "get used to it" because it's just "climate change" that my blood boils. Why, because they need to be demanding that the federal government come clean on what technologies have been used, and who is using them.

    See you on the flip side...

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 Empty Re: PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 7:00 pm
    JW President Tom Fitton on 'The Daily Ledger': FBI Won't Confirm or Deny Trump Dossier Info Exists

    This week, JW President Tom Fitton joined Graham Ledger on "The Daily Ledger" to discuss Judicial Watch's battle in holding the FBI accountable.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 7:05 pm
    On Watch: The Strange Case of Bruce Ohr

    In this episode of "On Watch," JW Director of Investigations & Research Chris Farrell delves into the strange case of former associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr, whose wife, Nellie, was an employee of Fusion GPS.
    BREAKiNG: McCabe Lied During 8hr Grilling, NEW Subpoenas Coming
    C0NGRESSMAN: What McCabe Shared During Closed Door Grilling

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 8:13 pm
    Lou Dobbs Tonight 7PM 12/20/17 | Fox Business | December 20, 2017

    Bruce Ohr Led DOJ Drug Task Force While Obama Administration Protected Hezbollah Cocaine Traffickers (VIDEO)

    In a bombshell report by POLITICO‘s Josh Meyer, the Obama administration is accused of protecting Hezbollah drug and human trafficking rings to help ensure a nuclear deal with Iran was achieved. On Wednesday evening, Fox Business News host Lou Dobbs revealed Bruce Ohr, connected to Fusion GPS, led the Justice Department’s Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces while the Obama administration protected Hezbollah drug traffickers to appease Iran. Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson admitted in a court document that his firm hired Nellie Ohr, the wife of Bruce Ohr to investigate then-candidate Donald Trump.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 8:18 pm

    These days, we are living through a real-life international spy thriller full of vast conspiracies, lawless rogue government agents, unthinkable betrayals all driven by stupendous greed and a blithe willingness to lie about absolutely anything.
    It could be the latest HBO sensation or a binge-worthy hit on Netflix.

    The first major wormhole moment came after a U.S. Border Patrol agent was murdered in 2010 and guns at the crime scene were linked to the U.S. government.

    Conspiracy nuts started talking about how the ATF had violated the very federal gun laws the bureau is charged with enforcing by knowingly allowing “straw purchasers” to obtain weapons that they would later sell to Mexican drug cartels. We are talking tinfoil-hat crazy conspiracy stuff. Many good people dismissed the claims as preposterous, the daffy product of overactive imaginations and overstimulated partisanship. Like monsters underneath a child’s bed.

    Then we learned every bit of it was honest-to-God’s truth. Under the Obama administration, our federal government was arming some of our most savage and destructive enemies — purportedly in the name of “tracking” the bad guys.

    Since that startling revelation, similarly appalling betrayals and conspiracies have become almost routine. The root causes of each scandal range from alarmingly reckless incompetence to treasonous betrayals of the American people.

    There was the terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi. Rooted in lazy incompetence, the ensuing cover-up became a labyrinth of lies and false accusations that led to riots and mayhem around the globe.

    Then the Democratic Party rigged its own primary to thwart the will of its own voters.

    When then-candidate Donald Trump sounded the alarm, Democrats — and even some Republicans — called him a reckless kook and laughed him off.

    Of course, stolen insider emails have since proved all of Mr. Trump’s hunches to be correct.

    In fact, it was even worse than he predicted.

    Every day now, we learn more and more about how Democrats, Republicans and self-serving bureaucrats inside the federal government worked to jilt the election out of Mr. Trump’s hands. Shamelessly, the Obama administration used our government’s most powerful intelligence apparatus to spy on his political opponents during the height of a presidential campaign.

    That these vermin colluders failed has in no way deterred them. They remain as committed to undoing the Trump presidency today as they were before the election.

    But the most sinister twist — the most brazen conspiracy caper of all — in this entire spy novel extravaganza we are now enduring has to be the eight-year scheme by the Obama administration to betray the American people and hand unbridled power to one of our most ardent and determined enemies.

    An extraordinary and thorough report by Politico exposes a vast left-wing conspiracy at all levels of the Obama administration to collude with a terrorist organization in hopes of empowering a nation devoted to the death of America.

    According to the report, Obama officials pressured federal investigators to back off investigations into huge money-laundering, weapons and drug trafficking operations by the terrorist group Hezbollah. The Obama administration offered this protection even as Hezbollah was raking in $1 billion a year and extending its murderous anti-American influence far beyond the Middle East.

    All in the name of what? Upholding the U.S. Constitution? Fighting the war on terror? Peace in the Middle East?

    Not hardly. It was all in the name of placating Iran — Hezbollah’s patron nation — so that the Obama administration could ink a ridiculously lopsided deal on Iran’s nuclear program. A deal that scored Iran hundreds of millions in cash and billions more in sanctions relief.

    At the very, very, very end of the whole deal, Iran gets to weaponize its nuclear program anyway.

    If that is not outright treason, then nothing is.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 8:26 pm

    Clinton, Sachs' Role in Post-Soviet 'Privatizations' Deserves Scrutiny – Analyst

    The role of former US President Bill Clinton and his associates in the economic liberalization of Russia and the post-Soviet space in the 1990s deserves scrupulous investigation, Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel has told Sputnik, adding that although decades have passed since then, the issue has not lost its relevance.

    Nearly 20 years ago an article by Dr. Janine Wedel "Harvard Boys Do Russia" appeared in The Nation shedding light on the controversial role the Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID) backed by the Clinton administration played in Russia's 1990s economic reforms. Wall Street analyst and investigative journalist Charles Ortel believes that the case still deserves scrutiny.

    "Absolutely," Ortel told Sputnik responding to the question whether the HIID's activities in the post-Soviet space and its assistance in the all-out privatization of state-owned assets need to be properly reinvestigated.

    The Wall Street analyst underscored that "in theory, 'privatization' sounds like a fine idea — taking an inefficient government controlled organization that may own valuable assets but lacks modern controls and incentives, and transforming it from a drain on a nation's treasury to a source of tax revenues."

    "In practice, it is certain that insiders in many nations where privatization happened (not only in the former Soviet Union, but across Central Europe and the rest of the world) likely appropriated many billions of dollars (arguably far more than that) by transferring valuable assets at low prices, and other thefts, often with the support and connivance of many politicians who also were in on the game," Ortel explained.

    The investigative journalist pointed out that "this dirty business acquired the veneer of respectability in many cases through the intercession of 'professors,' consultants, and other professionals who lent their 'expertise'."
    "It is well past time for a real accounting of what actually happened!" he noted.

    A series of investigations into HIID's alleged fraud in Russia and Ukraine carried out from 1996 to 2004 resulted in a breach of contract between Harvard and the US government, while HIID's managers Professor Andrei Shleifer and Jonathan Hay were accused of making personal gains from investments in Russia while working under contract. They agreed to pay the US government $31 million to settle the case.

    After the publication of the 2006 article by David McClintick, an author and investigative journalist, who once again brought the spotlight on the HIID's controversial effort to help Russia privatize its economy in the 1990s, Lawrence Summers, who served as senior US Treasury Department official (1993 — 2001) under Bill Clinton, resigned from his position at Harvard where he was serving as the University's director.

    At the same time, former US President Bill Clinton, his administration and former Harvard professor Jeffrey Sachs who, according to Wedel, worked closely with the Russian privatization team, somehow avoided scrutiny.

    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 1054707381

    "United States policy toward Russia requires a full-scale Congressional investigation," Wedel wrote in 1998, "The audit team concluded, for example, that the US government exercised 'favoritism' toward Harvard, but this conclusion and the supporting documentation were removed from the final report."

    What 'Privatization' and HIV/AIDS Projects Have in Common

    Is it possible that Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Sachs personally benefitted from HIID's activities in Russia and Ukraine?

    "It is not possible, it is certain," Ortel believes. "One specific case in point is the role played by Sachs and other professors and affiliates of Harvard in the fight against HIV/AIDS."

    2016 Democratic presidential nominee and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (L) arrives with her husband former President Bill Clinton for the inauguration ceremonies swearing in Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States on the West front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S., January 20, 2017

    The Wall Street analyst recalled that following George Bush's win in the 2000 US presidential elections Clinton and Sachs jumped at the opportunity to "invigorate a massive effort to fight HIV/AIDS internationally in poor nations."
    Referring to the article by International AIDS Society-USA, Ortel noted that "the analysis of Sachs (and of Dr. Paul Farmer of Partners In Health (PIH)) was sloppy in the extreme."

    "The assumptions (in particular Farmer's sketchy work on HIV/AIDS treatment in Haiti, a nation whose deplorable condition is radically different than across poor Africa) are laughable and do not even work to support the mathematical calculations arguing for funding," the analyst emphasized.

    In his previous interviews with Sputnik, Ortel, who has been carrying out a private investigation into the Clinton Foundation's alleged fraud over the last few years, revealed some controversial aspects of the Clintons' HIV/AIDS initiative.

    "In [poor nations'] challenging conditions, and given endemic corruption, one suspects that the mammoth sums ultimately raised could not possibly have been deployed to treat patients, and that tens of billions of dollars intended to fight HIV/AIDS have instead been grifted and grafted away," the analyst suggested.

    "So, as in the case of Sachs' work 'privatizing' the former Soviet Union, Central and Eastern Europe, the HIV/AIDS 'fight' has instead fueled even more corruption and serves to demean the once mighty reputation of many fine Universities, not simply Harvard," Ortel said.

    As for Bill Clinton, one needs to remember that "one important donor to the Clinton Foundation and patron of the Clinton family was Marc Rich, a man who figured centrally in 'privatization' schemes," the Wall Street analyst remarked.

    As The Washington Post revealed in 2001, in the 1990s Rich was nothing short of "the single most important Western trader in Russia" for a time. He set up more than 100 front companies in the country, benefitting from privatization and the "liberalization" of the country's economy.

    Rich, who was charged with 51 counts of tax fraud in the US was pardoned by then President Clinton on his last day of office, January 20, 2001, a controversy that persists to this day. On November 1, 2016 the Federal Bureau of Investigation released documents from a 2001 investigation into Clinton's controversial presidential pardon.

    "Through these and through many other contacts, likely involving long-time friend [of Bill Clinton] Strobe Talbott, the Clintons certainly have many ties with oligarchs and other beneficiaries of 'privatization'," Ortel suggested, "Were the Clintons ever to make an honest accounting of their entire web of 'charitable' activities, donor by important donor, we could attempt to tease out these ties with precision."

    US Public Servants and Unregulated Globalist System

    Speaking about the necessity to conduct a thorough investigation of Bill and Hillary Clinton's activities during their tenures as the president of the US and the secretary of state, respectively, Ortel suggested that the inquiry should be as broad as possible.

    "Starting here in the United States, we need honest accounting of how national assets may have been used for corrupt personal or political purposes. And I venture to say that citizens in many other countries would also benefit from such an accounting," he stressed.

    Power Games: What McCain, Soros and the Clintons Have in Common

    "If we are concerned about unequal distributions of wealth and about corruption, we should expose 'public servants' who pay lip service to their roles working for constituents and merely play the part of being in their respective positions, while they secretly use cronies to amass as much wealth and power as possible gaming the unregulated globalist system," the analyst underscored.
    He expressed hope that US President Donald Trump "does have the stomach" to expose the decades-long corruption.

    "At this time of year, so important to so many peoples, we need to actually do right for the poorest and most vulnerable among us, not to benefit ourselves, rather to prove that doing right is the correct and decent way for modern humans across the world to behave," Ortel concluded.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32048
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    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 8:33 pm

    Did The Bushes Try To Hide Their Connection To The Second Mile?

    On December 4th, 2017, Disobedient Media published testimony and research outlining a massive, well connected human trafficking and child pornography network located in various locations along the U.S. East Coast. The list of individuals connected to this wider network allegedly included disgraced former football coach, Jerry Sandusky.

    While Sandusky was initially caught for acts of abuse that occurred on Penn State's campus, the Grand Jury probing the case noted that he had access to hundreds of vulnerable and disadvantaged youth, using his nonprofit The Second Mile to find victims. Despite Sandusky's use of The Second Mile for these purposes, a number of high profile celebrities sitting on the organization's board expressed shock after the misconduct was made public. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette noted that in 1990, President George H.W. Bush nationally recognized The Second Mile as a philanthropic "Point Of Light."

    In the aftermath of the revelations about Sandusky, The Washington Post reported in 2012 that The Second Mile was absorbed by Arrow Child and Family Ministries; a Christian foster home in Texas which absorbed $2 million in assets along with the disgraced organization's mentoring and camp programs. Three victims of Sandusky unsuccessfully sued to prevent the transfer, arguing that the charity's assets should be used to compensate victims before any other parties received funds.

    Archives obtained from 2012 reveal that at the time of the transfer Arrow Child and Family Ministries had connections to multiple individuals tied to the Bush family. The site's Board of Directors included Maria Bush, the wife of George H.W. Bush's son Neil Bush. Susie Peake, who has been described as a personal assistant to George H.W. Bush was also listed as a board member.

    Today's Arrow Child and Family Ministry's page for their Board of Directors reveals that all references to both Maria Bush and Susie Peake have been removed in an apparent attempt to distance the Bush family from the charity.

    It's not clear why the Bushes have stepped away from Arrow Child and Family Ministry. In late 2017, Business Insider reported that six different women accused George H.W. Bush of groping them while posing for pictures. A spokesperson for the 41st President said that a wheelchair confined Bush would pat women's rears in what was "intended to be a good-natured manner" and apologized for any unintended harm or distress that the actions might have caused.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:22 pm

    Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption



    Their swamps were frozen before sunrise, y'all. Now we'll get to watch them squirm through the holidays. By January 2nd, these people won't even recognize DC.

    UPDATE: Nancy Pelosi owns Goat Hill Pizza in San Francisco and it is a money laundering front for the elites..... among other things. We are working on details #qanon

    UPDATE: Here r some pictures taken inside & outside of Goat Hill Pizza in San Francisco owned by NANCY PELOSI All the pictures on the walls r pictures showing children .Pay attention to one Pencil Drawing where all the Creepy animals r looking at a child like he is pizza #qanon

    Incoming Q...


    Dec 21, 19:25:21

    Q !UW.yye1fxo 142639
    Did you find the exchange 2 days ago re: WH EO today?
    We listened.
    Feel proud.

    [Above is Q quoting his own post. -IW (OP)]

    Dec 21, 19:27:41
    Q !UW.yye1fxo 142660
    ES (Goog) resigned today post EO.

    Dec 21, 19:25:21
    Q !UW.yye1fxo 142639
    Did you find the exchange 2 days ago re: WH EO today?
    We listened.
    Feel proud.

    Dec 21, 19:23:26
    Q !UW.yye1fxo 142621

    The Eric Schmidt resignation is huge

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 Empty Re: PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:27 pm

    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 Photojoiner_photo-6-600x315
    PAPER: How Obama’s Manipulation of ‘Sensitive Secret Intelligence’ Got Elite CIA Agents Killed

    In a new report by The Washington Times, reporters Guy Taylor and Dan Boylan say the Obama administration’s dangerous habit of leaking “sensitive secret intelligence,” to the press for political gain, may have led to the death of several elite CIA agents.

    Washington Times reports:

    For years, a clandestine U.S. intelligence team had tracked a man they knew was high in the leadership of al Qaeda — an operative some believed had a hand in plotting the gruesome 2009 suicide attack in Afghanistan that killed seven CIA officers […]

    Abdullah al-Shami, it turned out, was an American citizen, and President Obama and his national security advisers were torn over whether the benefits of killing him would outweigh the political and civil liberties backlash that was sure to follow. […]

    Suspicion that the Obama White House intentionally leaked the unmasked names has been fueled by what intelligence sources say was the administration track record of other sensitive leaks — which stretched back to the Abdullah al-Shami case in Afghanistan.

    CIA agents were shocked when their classified drone surveillance against al-Shami suddenly appeared in 2014 reports by The Associated Press and The New York Times, one source told The Times. “There’s no question this guy got wind of the reports,” said the source. “The leak gave him a heads-up, and he suddenly disappeared. We lost our bead on him.” […]

    Roughly a year later, there was another attack on Chapman, a key clandestine operations center in Afghanistan, in which seven CIA officers were killed. Some suspected al-Shami played a role in that attack as well.

    One source told The Washington Times, “I actually appreciate that Obama didn’t like the idea of killing another American without due process. But was leaking this stuff really the right way to handle this?”

    “I mean, come on Mr. President, it’s your finger on the trigger. You’re the one who decides. All we do is aim the gun,” added the source.

    Not before several CIA agents lost their lives, al-Shami was later arrested and transported to the U.S. for trial.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 Empty Re: PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:31 pm

    Susan ‘Benghazi’ Rice Gets Destroyed After Claiming POTUS Trump’s ‘America First’ Agenda
    is Making us “Less Safe”

    The stench from the Obama administration is still lingering. Lyin Susan Rice attacked President Trump’s ‘America First’ agenda this week and Trump supporters responded accordingly. Susan Rice attacked President Trump’s America First agenda in a New York Times op-ed titled ‘When America No Longer Is a Global Force for Good’.

    In the opening paragraph, Rice claims Trump’s national security strategy marks a dramatic departure from his predecessors.

    President Trump’s National Security Strategy marks a dramatic departure from the plans of his Republican and Democratic predecessors, painting a dark, almost dystopian portrait of an “extraordinarily dangerous” world characterized by hostile states and lurking threats. There is scant mention of America’s unrivaled political, military, technological and economic strength, or the opportunities to expand prosperity, freedom and security through principled leadership — the foundation of American foreign policy since World War II.

    Thanks to Trump letting our military actually do work, ISIS has been reduced to a fraction of what it was under Obama. Obama funded ISIS and tied our military’s hands which made ISIS metastasize. Take many seats, Susan Rice.

    The former NatSec Advisor then attacked Trump’s nationalistic ideals and claimed Trump believes “we live in a world where America wins only at others’ expense. There is no common good, no international community, no universal values, only American values”.

    Nothing could be further from the truth. Trump refuses to apologize for America’s accomplishments and refuses to bow to foreign leaders, unlike weakling Obama. That makes us a leader, which strengthens the world. When we are weak, evil proliferates.

    Susan Rice then brought up Russia (shocker):

    Russia, as the strategy allows, aggressively opposes NATO, the European Union, Western values and American global leadership. It brazenly seized Georgian and Ukrainian territory and killed thousands of innocents to save a dictator in Syria. Russia is our adversary, yet Mr. Trump’s strategy stubbornly refuses to acknowledge its most hostile act: directly interfering in the 2016 presidential election to advantage Mr. Trump himself.

    Russia did not interfere in our presidential election to Trump’s advantage. This is a blatant lie. Rice then attacks Russia as being a nation which opposes western values and NATO, but fails to mention Turkey. Turkey should be thrown out of NATO as they have become increasingly hostile with a pro-Islam/ISIS leader like Erdogan. Turkey previously shot down Russian jets in what many say was an aggressive attempt to flex military muscle. If Russia retaliates, the United States could be dragged into a war if Article V of NATO is invoked.

    Susan Rice then had the nerve to attack Trump for wanting to build a border wall, limit ‘refugees’ and lashed out at him for squashing TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership):

    But the nationalists around him succeeded in enshrining Mr. Trump’s harsh anti-immigration policies, from the border wall to ending family preferences and limiting refugee admissions. They reprised their paean to bilateral over multi-nation trade agreements and trumpeted the abrogation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would help check China’s economic and strategic expansionism in Asia. The result is an insular, ideological treatment of our complex world, substantially unimpaired by facts and dismissive of United States interests.

    We are not Constitutionally obligated to extend American citizenship to anyone. American citizenship is a privilege, not a right. We have borders for a reason.

    TPP would have been disastrous for Americans which is why Trump rightfully struck it down. One of the dangerous elements of TPP was outlined in a Breitbart article explaining how Sharia law can creep into the United States being that Brunei, a country which recently adopted Sharia law can essentially drag us into an international court and sue us if we don’t agree to their terms, even if it puts our national security at risk.

    Islamic refugees are ravaging and raping every nation they step foot in. Not only are they dangerous, most are uneducated or carry exotic diseases the US has either never seen before or already snuffed out. To argue that refugees somehow enrich our nation is absurd.

    Susan Rice finished off her piece by complaining about oppressed LGBT people and brought up Trump’s ‘anti-Semitism’….ya okay.

    The Obama administration will go down as the most anti-American in history. It was full of the most corrupt group of criminals to ever hold public office.

    Benghazi, Hezbollah drug trafficking, Uranium One, Iran Nuclear deal, Obamacare, Unmasking, Russia dossier…the list goes on and on.

    Last edited by Carol on Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:36 pm

    COURT DOCUMENTS: Ex-British Spy Behind Fusion GPS Dossier Admits It Contains “Limited Intelligence”

    Former British spy Christopher Steele, who was tasked with compiling the ‘Trump dossier’ for opposition research firm Fusion GPS, admitted in court that the discredited document contains “limited intelligence.”

    Washington Times reports:

    While Mr. Steele stated matter-of-factly in his dossier that collusion between Mr. Trump and the Russian government took place, he called it only “possible” months later in court filings. While he confidently referred to “trusted” sources inside the Kremlin, in court he referred to the dossier’s “limited intelligence.” […]

    In court filings this year, Mr. Steele doesn’t sound as confident as his dossier.

    He answered questions through his attorney in a libel complaint brought by a Russian entrepreneur, Aleksej Gubarev. Mr. Steele has accused Mr. Gubarev of being pressured by Russian’s FSB intelligence service to take part in hacking against the Democratic Party.

    In one answer, Mr. Steele refers to the intelligence he gathered as “limited.” On the charge of collusion by Mr. Trump and his campaign advisers, he now says there was only “possible coordination.”

    Steele also admitted part of “his final December memo,” was unvetted.

    “The contents of the December memorandum did not represent (and did not purport to represent) verified facts, but were raw intelligence which had identified a range of allegations that warranted investigation given their potential national security implications,” Steele wrote.

    “Such intelligence was not actively sought; it was merely received.”

    Steele’s stunning admission comes after reports that the wife of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, Mary Jacoby, boasted on Facebook about how ‘Russiagate,’ would not exist if it weren’t for her husband.

    Tablet Magazine reports:

    In a Facebook post from June 24, 2017, that Tablet has seen in screenshots, Jacoby claimed that her husband deserves the lion’s share of credit for Russiagate. (She has not replied to repeated requests for comment.) “It’s come to my attention that some people still don’t realize what Glenn’s role was in exposing Putin’s control of Donald Trump,” Jacoby wrote. “Let’s be clear. Glenn conducted the investigation. Glenn hired Chris Steele. Chris Steele worked for Glenn.” This assertion is hardly a simple assertion of family pride; it goes directly to the nature of what became known as the “Steele dossier,” on which the Russiagate narrative is founded.

    News of the Facebook post comes amid heighten scrutiny for the opposition research firm. According to Fox News reporter Jake Gibson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has called on a senior Justice Department attorney to look into appointing a special counsel to investigate recently demoted official Bruce Ohr’s contacts with Fusion GPS.

    “Sessions on calls for a special counsel to look into Sr DOJ Official Bruce Ohr, and wife Nellie’s contacts with Fusion GPS during the summer and fall of 2016: I’ve put a Senior Attorney, with the resources he may need, to review cases in our office and make a recommendation to me, if things aren’t being pursued that need to be pursued, if cases may need more resources to complete in a proper manner, and to recommend to me if the standards for a special counsel are met, and the recommended one should be established,” tweeted Fox News reporter Jake Gibson on Tuesday.

    Fox News‘ James Rosen and Jake Gibson recently reported the wife of Justice Department official Bruce G. Ohr worked for the opposition research firm during the 2016 presidential election.

    WOW! Wife of Fusion GPS Founder Glenn Simpson Bragged On Facebook
    Her Husband Was Behind ‘Russiagate’

    The wife of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, Mary Jacoby, is proud of her husband’s work that led to mass Trump-Russia hysteria. Jacoby is so proud that she felt the need to boast on Facebook about how ‘Russiagate,’ would not exist if it weren’t for her husband. Tablet Magazine reports:

    A Tablet investigation using public sources to trace the evolution of the now-famous dossier suggests that central elements of the Russiagate scandal emerged not from the British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s top-secret “sources” in the Russian government—which are unlikely to exist separate from Russian government control—but from a series of stories that Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and his wife Mary Jacoby co-wrote for TheWall Street Journal well before Fusion GPS existed, and Donald Trump was simply another loud-mouthed Manhattan real estate millionaire. Understanding the origins of the “Steele dossier” is especially important because of what it tells us about the nature and the workings of what its supporters would hopefully describe as an ongoing campaign to remove the elected president of the United States. […]

    In a Facebook post from June 24, 2017, that Tablet has seen in screenshots, Jacoby claimed that her husband deserves the lion’s share of credit for Russiagate. (She has not replied to repeated requests for comment.) “It’s come to my attention that some people still don’t realize what Glenn’s role was in exposing Putin’s control of Donald Trump,” Jacoby wrote. “Let’s be clear. Glenn conducted the investigation. Glenn hired Chris Steele. Chris Steele worked for Glenn.” This assertion is hardly a simple assertion of family pride; it goes directly to the nature of what became known as the “Steele dossier,” on which the Russiagate narrative is founded.

    News of the Facebook post comes amid heightened scrutiny for the opposition research firm. According to Fox News reporter Jake Gibson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has called on a senior Justice Department attorney to look into appointing a special counsel to investigate recently demoted official Bruce Ohr’s contacts with Fusion GPS.

    “Sessions on calls for a special counsel to look into Sr DOJ Official Bruce Ohr, and wife Nellie’s contacts with Fusion GPS during the summer and fall of 2016:
    I’ve put a Senior Attorney, with the resources he may need, to review cases in our office and make a recommendation to me, if things aren’t being pursued that need to be pursued, if cases may need more resources to complete in a proper manner, and to recommend to me if the standards for a special counsel are met, and the recommended one should be established,” tweeted Fox News reporter Jake Gibson on Tuesday.

    Fox News‘ James Rosen and Jake Gibson recently reported the wife of Justice Department official Bruce G. Ohr worked for the opposition research firm during the 2016 presidential election.

    Fox News reports:

    Contacted by Fox News, investigators for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) confirmed that Nellie H. Ohr, wife of the demoted official, Bruce G. Ohr, worked for the opposition research firm last year. The precise nature of Mrs. Ohr’s duties – including whether she worked on the dossier – remains unclear but a review of her published works available online reveals Mrs. Ohr has written extensively on Russia-related subjects. HPSCI staff confirmed to Fox News that she was paid by Fusion GPS through the summer and fall of 2016.

    In a statement to Fox News, a Justice Department spokesperson said, “It is unusual for anyone to wear two hats as he has done recently. This person is going to go back to a single focus—director of our organized crime and drug enforcement unit. As you know, combating transnational criminal organizations and drug trafficking is a top priority for the Attorney General.”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:51 pm

    TOM FITTON: Does Bruce Ohr Hold The Key To Proving Collusion Between FBI, DOJ, DNC & Hillary Clinton? (VIDEO)

    Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton joined One America News Wednesday to discuss the significance of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr in the Fusion GPS dossier scandal.

    “The fact that the Senate Intelligence Committee is brining in Bruce Ohr, this Justice Department official involved with Fusion GPS and the Clinton dossier, shows you where the collusion scandal is,” Fitton told OANN‘s John Hines.

    “It’s with the Clinton campaign, the DNC, the FBI, the Justice Department,” listed Fitton before asking, “how did they use this dossier?”

    “How did they use this dossier? Was Mueller using this dossier? Was it used to justify to a court to get warrants to spy on Trump and his team?”

    “That’s the collusion,”
    added Fitton.

    “Bruce Ohr is the first indication that we have that the Justice Department was involved in this dossier that’s been so controversial.”

    Why did Ohr visit with Fusion GPS then asked Fitton? This may have the key to proving the Justice Department, FBI, DNC & Clinton campaign colluded to smear Donald Trump with unverified information.

    Fox Business Network reported Monday afternoon that demoted Justice Department official Bruce Ohr unexpectedly ditched his hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

    “Demoted Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr was set to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee today. The testimony never happened,” reported the news network.

    Asked if he was surprised by the news, Fitton replied, “unfortunately it’s par for the course from the Justice Department and FBI in terms of cooperating with Congress,”

    “You may remember Andy McCabe had to reschedule his interviews last week and to have this key official not show up is just incredible.”

    Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson recently admitted in a court document that his firm hired Nellie Ohr, the wife of Bruce Ohr to investigate then-candidate Donald Trump.

    News of Ohr ditching his hearing comes amid GOP Rep. Jim Jordan revealing to Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro Saturday evening that the House Judiciary Committee will subpoena FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok, lawyer Lisa Page, and demoted Justice Department official Bruce Ohr along with his wife and former Fusion GPS employee Nellie Ohr “in their ongoing inquiry into claims of bias against President Donald Trump.”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 Empty Re: PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:23 am
    OVER $84 Million Fraud Allegations Charges Labeled against Hillary Clinton-vid

    Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign committee violated campaign finance law. They failed to accurately disclose the purpose and recipient of payments for the dossier of research alleging connections between then-candidate Donald Trump and Russia, effectively hiding these payments from public scrutiny, contrary to the requirements of federal law.

    New FEC Complaint Filed Against Hillary Clinton Campaign and DNC For ‘Corrupt’ Money Scheme

    The Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC got hit with another FEC complaint Monday. The complaint alleges Hillary and the DNC used state chapters as strawmen to go around campaign donation limits and ultimately laundered the money back to her presidential campaign.

    Via Fox News:

    The Committee to Defend the President, a political action committee, filed its complaint with the FEC on Monday with the allegations that the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) solicited cash from big-name donors, including Calvin Klein and “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane — money that was allegedly sent through state chapters and back to the DNC before ending up with the Clinton campaign.

    What we have found, people need to see,” Ted Harvey, chairman of the CDP which emerged from the now-defunct Stop Hillary PAC, told Fox News. “I think it’s important that the American public has an understanding of how corrupt this campaign system was and that they were doing anything they could to secure the nomination in her favor.”

    In its complaint, the CDP alleges that about $84 million was funneled illegally from the DNC through state party chapters and back into the war chest of the Clinton campaign.

    CDP counsel Dan Backer points to a SCOTUS case that first recognized this exact practice as illegal.

    CDP counsel Dan Backer said the scheme was a flagrant violation of a Supreme Court ruling that determined such moves were illegal — and broke FEC campaign contribution rules which state that an individual can contribute only $2,700 directly to a presidential campaign.

    [SCOTUS] first recognized these practices were illegal when it ruled in a 2014 case involving Shaun McCutcheon, a businessman and electrical engineer from suburban Birmingham, Ala., who created the Conservative Action Fund PAC. McCutcheon filed suit against the FEC challenging federal campaign contribution limits. It was Backer who assisted in filing the suit.

    According to the new complaint filed, previous reports showed transactions where the Hillary Victory Fund disbursed contributions to its state party committee members and they would receive the money on the same day.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:31 am
    JW Pres. Tom Fitton on Clinton/Lynch Tarmac Meeting:
    FBI was MORE Concerned About Whistleblowers
    JW President Tom Fitton:
    Judicial Watch's Lawsuits Will Put Other Sanctuary Cities On Notice
    JW President Tom Fitton: Rod Rosenstein Must Get Mueller Operation Under Control
    Tom Fitton: Mueller Operation is 'Out of control, unconstitutional, and needs to be shut down!'

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:37 am
    JW President Tom Fitton: The Mueller operation is a 'waste of taxpayer dollars'
    JW President Tom Fitton: Is the DOJ Protecting Hillary Clinton?
    Roger Stone: The REAL Reason Paul Ryan Is Stepp|ng Down 12/14/17

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State” - Page 4 Empty Re: PART !: America Warned Is Unprepared For Q & Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

    Post  Carol Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:52 am
    12/20/17 Looks Like It's A Go, Be Prepared, Something Big Is About To Happen
    - Episode 1453b

    Just hours after FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe delivered private testimony to the House Intelligence Committee, his boss, FBI Director Christopher Wray, announced that the bureau’s top lawyer would be leaving his post, an attempt to bring in “new blood” to an agency whose reputation has been hopelessly compromised by revelations that agents’ partisan bias may have influenced two high-profile investigations involving President Donald Trump and his former campaign rival, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

    As the Washington Post reported, the FBI’s top lawyer, James Baker, is being reassigned. WaPo says Baker’s removal is part of Wray’s effort to assemble his own team of senior advisers while he tries to defuse allegations of partisanship that have plagued the bureau in recent months.

    But reports published over the summer said Baker was “the top suspect” in an interagency leak investigation, as we reported back in July

    Three sources, with knowledge of the investigation, told Circa that Baker is the top suspect in an ongoing leak investigation, but Circa has not been able to confirm the details of what national security information or material was allegedly leaked.

    A federal law enforcement official with knowledge of ongoing internal investigations in the bureau told Circa, "the bureau is scouring for leakers and there's been a lot of investigations."

    The revelation comes as the Trump administration has ramped up efforts to contain leaks both within the White House and within its own national security apparatus.

    The news of the staff shakeup comes as Trump and his political allies have promised to “rebuild” the FBI to make it “bigger and better than ever” following its “disgraceful” conduct over the Trump probe. Baker played a key role in the agency’s handling of major cases and policy debates in recent years, including the FBI’s unsuccessful battle with Apple over the growing use of encryption in cellphones.

    Wray has, of course, resisted Congress’s push to learn more about senior agent Peter Strzok, who was a key player in both the Clinton investigation and the Trump probe. Strzok was exposed last month for exchanging anti-Trump texts with FBI attorney Lisa Page, with whom he was having an affair. Strzok played important roles with both investigations. Later, it was revealed that his edits to Clinton’s exoneration letter went further than had been previously disclosed.

    According to WaPo, Baker told colleagues he will be taking on other duties at the FBI. Unsurprisingly, the Jeff Bezos-owned paper describes Baker as “one of the most trusted, longest-serving national security officials in the US. He has served as the head of the FBI’s Office of General Counsel for several years."

    Of course, WaPo says Baker’s reassignment has nothing to do with the leak investigation, which ended without any publicly disclosed findings. It’s also unclear what, exactly, Baker was suspected of leaking.

    Baker is reportedly a very close to former FBI director James B. Comey, who asked Baker to be his general counsel. The two men were colleagues at the Justice Department and when they were out of government at Bridgewater Associates, an investment management firm.

    It's notable that Baker’s departure comes six months after the leaking scandal, and just days after AG Jeff Sessions reportedly asked DOJ prosecutors to begin asking FBI agents about the details of the Uranium One investigation. A sign that the bureau is finally moving to address concerns expressed by Republican lawmakers about bias that may have favored Clinton.

    Baker’s head is the third to roll in the “housecleaning” that saw the FBI sanction Strzok and Bruce Ohr, a senior DOJ official who reportedly concealed his wife’s ties to opposition research firm Fusion GPS – the firm that supervised the creation of the infamous “Trump dossier."

    It was also revealed recently that Baker’s name is on a list of DOJ officials who are expected to receive a subpoena to testify before the House Intelligence Committee. Strzok and Ohr’s names are also on that list.

    If that’s any indication of what’s to come, we doubt this will be the last time we hear Baker’s name.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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