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    Hundreds of Millions of Souls Trapped in this Solar System - Is there a God that Hijacked our Souls?


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    Hundreds of Millions of Souls Trapped in this Solar System - Is there a God that Hijacked our Souls? Empty Hundreds of Millions of Souls Trapped in this Solar System - Is there a God that Hijacked our Souls?

    Post  burgundia Wed Oct 11, 2017 3:28 pm


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    Hundreds of Millions of Souls Trapped in this Solar System - Is there a God that Hijacked our Souls? Empty Re: Hundreds of Millions of Souls Trapped in this Solar System - Is there a God that Hijacked our Souls?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Oct 12, 2017 3:01 am

    Thank-you for this thread, burgundia. I tried to watch the video, but it's a streaming-version which wasn't streaming. Here is another video which can be watched at any time. I have been reduced to considering some really nasty possibilities regarding God, god, angels, demons, souls, supercomputers, aliens, et al, to attempt to understand history and our present-predicament. It seems as if one must think God's and Satan's thoughts after Him and/or Her, to get at what's really going on. Most people should NOT attempt this sort of thing, and I'm wishing I hadn't tried, yet I still persist, for illusive reasons. I keep wondering if this solar system was invaded in antiquity, with the invaders being trapped, and put to work on this hypothetical Prison-Planet. When I spoke with Dr. Edgar Mitchell about the Soul Surviving Death, he said there was a Survival of Information rather than Soul-Survival. This seems to imply a Supercomputer recording 'Every Secret Thing'. What Would Mr. Edgars Say?? What Would Mitchell Say?? What Would Elizabeth Mitchell Say?? That's All I'm Going to Say.

      Current date/time is Tue Jan 21, 2025 7:06 am