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    The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey


    Posts : 32966
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey  Empty The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey

    Post  Carol Wed Dec 14, 2016 11:36 am

    The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey  3B5E253500000578-4032200-Derinkuyu_is_an_ancient_multi_level_underground_city_discovered_-m-35_1481710501837

    The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey  3B5E23BF00000578-4032200-image-a-8_1481708785130
    The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house
    20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey

    In 1963, a Turkish man in the region of Cappadocia was making improvements to his home when he made an incredible discovery. After knocking down a wall in his basement, he stumbled upon a secret room, which led to an underground tunnel, which opened up into a completely hidden ancient city: Derinkuyu.

    Photos of the preserved city reveal how 20,000 people - including livestock and entire food supplies - could have lived 18 storeys beneath the earth.

    Thought to have been created during the Byzantine era in 780-1180AD, the network of kitchens, stables, churches, tombs, wells, communal rooms and schools was most likely used as a massive bunker to protect inhabitants from the Arab–Byzantine wars or natural disasters. During this time, cave-like chapels and Greek inscriptions were added to the ancient city, and about 600 entrances allowed people to come and go.

    Lots of photos at link:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1185
    Join date : 2010-04-13
    Location : The Shire of Wilts

    The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey  Empty Re: The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey

    Post  Swanny Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:06 pm

    If I'd found that in my cellar I'd have kept quiet. My own personal city cheers

    Posts : 1887
    Join date : 2015-04-24

    The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey  Empty Re: The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey

    Post  Pris Wed Dec 14, 2016 9:03 pm

    Carol wrote:
    The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house
    20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey

    Thought to have been created during the Byzantine era in 780-1180AD, the network of kitchens, stables, churches, tombs, wells, communal rooms and schools was most likely used as a massive bunker to protect inhabitants from the Arab–Byzantine wars or natural disasters. During this time, cave-like chapels and Greek inscriptions were added to the ancient city, and about 600 entrances allowed people to come and go.

    Isn't it interesting how they (the presumed 'experts') seem to have it all 'figured out' and 'tell us like it is'... yet it's only thought to have been blah blah blah.

    I'm no expert either (lol), but if this city has 600 entrances, I don't think it was 'most likely used as a massive bunker to protect inhabitants from the Arab–Byzantine wars'.  Seriously, ANYBODY could get in or out (and I don't buy the 'natural disasters' explanation either -- and when was the last time any of us, presumably, hand-carved an 18 storey underground city out of, what seems to be, mostly solid rock?).

    To put this into perspective... let's compare this city's entrances to the world's longest international border between two countries -- Canada and the US.  This guarded border only has about 169 border crossings for land, rail, and ferry combined.  That falls somewhat short of 600... lol!

    Don't believe anything 'they' tell us.


    Posts : 608
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    Location : Antares

    The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey  Empty Re: The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey

    Post  NANUXII Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:02 pm

    If you find greek inscriptions i would say the underground city would have been inspired by intelligent design for future concepts of living, which would also give cover from outside forces by default but not only for that purpose.

    If you look at most or all of the planets in our solar system you will find it difficult to find any surface structures, of the few found you can see they are long eroded perhaps being millions of years old. Subterranean living is the most intelligent standard of living on so many levels and of all the planets out there i can assure you the ones that are inhabited have subterranean living infrastructure.

    We are just now looking at doing this here on a global scale. In 2022 to 2023 you will see a huge number of projects come into the commercial mainstream due to new " Airlite " technology being developed as we speak. This is a surface membrane ( either painted or glass fused ) onto the ceiling of an underground dwelling or structure, it will have the look of hexagonal plates fitted together. The membrane once connected to electrical energy give off similar if not exact same properties of the sun and will look like a sort of pale yellow sky during the day and when power is off it turns a purple blue colour. Once you are inside you will not be able to tell that you are underground, it will have the look and feel of the surface but with the security and climate of being in a subterranean habitat.

    The health benefits of this are many as radiation and communicative devices will revert to analog technology within the membrane. all electricity for machinery will run without wired connections. All atmosphere will be regulated by
    " organic " android based tech systems. Air is brought in through ducts located in heavily forested areas, exhausts out into constructed water streams, the water is piped in through rocks for heating or cooling then filtered and returned to the surface. The only machinery allowed will be electrically driven.

    Eventually the surface areas will be reclaimed for the benefit of natural water, animal livestock and vegetation sustainability.

    Project should finish by 2066 ish give or take. The goal is to return the planet to sustainability.


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    The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey  Empty Re: The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey

    Post  Mercuriel Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:06 pm

    Hmmm - You have a "Globalist" Air to Your Posting...

    Sustainability is great but not at the expense of Our personal Freedoms and Liberties...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

    Posts : 32966
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    The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey  Empty Re: The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey

    Post  Carol Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:44 am

    I thought of it as more other-worldly Mercurial.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3497
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Walking the Path...

    The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey  Empty Re: The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey

    Post  Mercuriel Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:46 pm

    The only machinery allowed will be electrically driven.

    What set Me off was the above highlighted and quoted sentence which seemed to be kind of dictatorial to Me. Just sayin'...

    The incredible thousand-year-old UNDERGROUND 18-storey city that could house 20,000 people and was discovered by chance when a man was doing DIY on his house in Turkey  1588


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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