Beliefs and realityYou form the fabric of your experience through your own beliefs and expectations.
These personal ideas about yourself and the nature of reality will affect your thoughts and emotions.
Many individuals are completely blind to their own beliefs about themselves, and the nature of reality.
It has been fashionable to blame the subconscious for personality problems
and difficulties, the idea being that early events, charged and mysterious, lodged there.
In this country several generations grew up believing that the subconscious portions of the personality were unreliable,
filled with negative energy, and contained only locked-up unpleasant episodes best forgotten.
About the same time that the idea of the unsavory subconscious arose so strongly, the idea of the soul went out the window.
Millions of people therefore believed in a reality in which they were deprived of the idea of a soul,
and burdened by the concept of a very unreliable, if not definitely evil, subconscious.
Now first of all, there are no limitations or divisions to the self.
You can indeed depend upon seemingly unconscious portions of yourself.
As you will see later, you can become more and more consciously aware,
therefore bringing into your consciousness larger and larger portions of yourself.
Each person experiences a unique reality, different from any other individual's.
This reality springs outward from the inner landscape of thoughts, feelings, expectations and beliefs.
Your beliefs can be like fences that surround you.
You must first recognize the existence of such barriers — you must
see them or you will not even realize that you are not free, simply because you will not see beyond the fences.
(Very positively:)
They will represent the boundaries of your experience.The Self Is Not Limited.
That statement is a statement of fact.
It exists regardless of your belief or disbelief in it.
Following this concept is another:
There Are No Boundaries or Separations of the Self.
Those that you experience are the result of false beliefs.
Following this is the idea that I have already mentioned:
You Make Your Own Reality.
I told you that the self was not limited, yet surely you think that your self stops where your skin meets space,
that you are inside your skin. Period.
Yet your environment is an extension of your self.
It is the body of your experience, coalesced in physical form.
The inner self forms the objects that you know as surely and automatically as it forms your finger or your eye.
Your environment is the physical picture of your thoughts, emotions
and beliefs made visible. Since your thoughts, emotions and beliefs move
through space and time, you therefore affect physical conditions separate from you.
You are in physical existence to learn and understand that your energy, translated into feelings, thoughts and emotions,
causes all experience.
There are no exceptions.
Once you understand this you have only to learn to examine the
nature of your beliefs, for these will automatically cause you to feel and
think in certain fashions.
Your emotions follow your beliefs. It is not the other way around.
I would like you to recognize your own beliefs in several areas.
You must realize that any idea you accept as truth is a belief that you hold.
You must, then, take the next step and say, "It is not necessarily true,
even though I believe it."
You will, I hope, learn to disregard all beliefs that imply basic limitations.
First of all, you must realize that no one can change your beliefs for you, nor can they be forced upon you from without.
You can indeed change them for yourself, however, with knowledge and application.
The realization that you form your own reality should be a liberating one.
You are responsible for your successes and your joys.
You can change those areas of your life with which you are less than pleased,
but you must take the responsibility for your being.
You are here to use, enjoy, and express yourself through the body.
You are here to aid in the great expansion of consciousness.
You are not here to cry about the miseries of the human condition, but to change them
when you find them not to your liking through the joy, strength and vitality that is within you;
to create the spirit as faithfully and beautifully as you can in flesh.
In a manner of speaking, the conscious mind is a window through
which you look outward — and looking outward, perceive the fruits of
your inner mind.
Often you let false beliefs blur that great vision.
Your joy. vitality and accomplishment do not come from the outside to you as the result of events that "happen to you."
They spring from inner events that are the result of your beliefs.If you use your conscious mind properly, then, you examine those
beliefs that come to you. You do not accept them willy-nilly.
If you use your conscious mind properly, you are also aware of intuitive ideas that come to you from within.
You are only half conscious when you do not examine the information that comes to you from without,
and when vou ignore the data that comes to you from within.
Your thoughts blossom into events. If you think the world is evil,
you will meet with events that seem evil.
There are no accidents in cosmic terms, or in terms of the world as you know it.
Your beliefs grow as surely in time and space as flowers do. When you realize this you can even feel their growing.
The conscious mind is basically curious, open. It is also equipped to
examine its own contents.
It is also meant to receive and interpret important data that comes to it from the inner self.
Left alone, it does this very well. It receives and interprets impressions.
What has happened, however, is that man has taught it to accept [only] data coming from the outside world,
and to set up barriers against inner knowledge.
Such a situation denies the individual his full strength, and cuts him off —
consciously, now — from the important sources of his being.
These conditions inhibit creative expression in particular, and deny the
conscious self the continually emerging insights and intuitions other
wise available.
Divisions, illusionary ones, appear in the self.Remember, even false beliefs will seem to be justified in terms of
physical data, since your experience in the outside world is the mate
-rialization of those beliefs. So you must work with the raw material of
your ideas, even while your sense data may tell you that a given belief
is obviously a truth. To change your experience or any portion of it,
then, you must change your ideas. Since you have been forming your
own reality all along, the results will follow naturally
You are not your ideas, nor even your thoughts. You are the self who experiences them.
Many beliefs would automatically fall away quite harmlessly
if you were being truly spontaneous. Instead you often harbor them
When you are spontaneous, you accept the free nature of your
mind and it spontaneously makes decisions as to the validity or non-
validity of data it receives. When you refuse to allow it this function it
becomes cluttered.The mistaken belief is one that does not fit the basic conditions of your inner being.
So if you believe that you are at the mercy of physical events, you entertain a false belief.
If you feel that your present experience was set in circumstances beyond your control, you entertain a false belief.
The inner self is embarked upon an exciting endeavor, in which it
learns how to translate its reality into physical terms.
The conscious mind is brilliantly attuned to physical reality, then, and often so dazzled by what it perceives
that it is tempted to think physical phenomena is a cause, rather than a result.
Deeper portions of the self always serve to remind it that this is not the case.
Hatred of war will not bring peace —. Only love of peace will bring about those conditions.
I would like to make one point here, however — that often
psychoanalysis is simply a game of hide-and-seek, in which you continue to relinquish responsibility
for your actions and reality and assign the basic cause to some area of the psyche, hidden in a dark forest of the past.
Then you give yourself the task of finding this secret.
In so doing you never think of looking for it in the conscious mind, since you are convinced that all deep answers lie far beneath — and, moreover, that your consciousness is not only unable to help you but will often send up
camouflages instead.
So you play that game.
When and if you manage to change your beliefs in that self-deceptive framework,
then any suitable "forgotten" event from the past will be used as a catalyst.
One would do as well as another.
The basic beliefs however were always in your conscious mind, and the reasons for your behavior.
You simply had not examined its contents with the realization that your beliefs were not necessarily reality,
but often your conceptions of it.
I am not telling you to inhibit thoughts or feelings. I am asking that you become aware of those you have.
Realize that they form your reality.
Concentrate upon those that give you the results that you want.
If you find all of this difficult, you can also examine your physical reality in all of its aspects.
Realize that your physical experience and environment is the materialization of your beliefs.
If you find great exuberance, health, effective work, abundance, smiles on the faces of those you meet,
then take it for granted that your beliefs are beneficial.
If you see a world that is good, people that like you, take it for granted, again, that your beliefs are beneficial.
But if you find poor health, a lack of meaningful work, a lack of abundance, a world of sorrow and evil,
then assume that your beliefs are faulty and begin examining them.
We will later discuss the nature of mass reality, but for now we are dwelling upon the personal aspects. source: The nature of personal realiy- chapter 2
Love Always