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    Empowerment Empty Empowerment

    Post  starninja Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:12 am

    I would like to open a discussion about empowerment. I believe that empowerment is what we need the most. This is my post I made at Avalon forum.

    Well, I am done with New Age. To recover from this deception takes time as we have been compromised on so many levels. I am switching my focus on empowerment. Everybody of us has an inner longing to love, to be loved, to give, to deeply care about others. Sadly, many people experience deep emptiness and a hungry heart! According to research, only 10% people experience a deep emotional connections with a partner after 15 years of marriage. After 25 years of marriage, only 1%!

    So, what went wrong?
    I have searched for the answer for a period of time. I see a big correlation with New Age programming.

    Well, my favorite part is the transcendence of the ego promoted by Eastern teachings and a new generation of “spiritual” teachers of the New Age like E. Tolle.
    It is the most dangerous concept for our well being. I don’t even like to use a term the ego but the sense of self. There is a vast research that has shown that people who have a strong sense of self (ego!) are the most loving, caring, tolerant, and giving. It is a pure delight to be around those people! They are inner directed. Furthermore, they are secure within themselves, and as such, their functioning in not affected by either criticism or praise from others. They are able to engage in intense emotional relationship without trying to modify the life course of another. They are relatively free from ego defenses. On the contrary, people who have a weak ego or poorly defined sense of self are very vulnerable to being molded or changed by others. They react to beliefs, attitudes, and values of others, trying to change them. They experience a high level of anxiety; therefore, they have less energy available to pursue goal-oriented activity. They have difficulty to distinguish the feeling process from the intellectual process, and as such, they are governed by their emotions. They are conscious of their emotions, but emotions are experienced as a heightened level of disturbing energy that they can’t understand, therefore, put into words. As a result, they oscillate between uncontrolled emotional outbursts and depression.

    So, New Age beliefs are handy to escape the emotional intensity. However, they don’t tell us the damaging consequences to our psyche and to the sense of self, as the self is being fragmented. The more the self is fragmented, the more difficult is the process of recovery to fully functioning. Palehorse beautifully expressed the consequences of accepting and following the New Age teachings.

    Expert from Palehorse

    When I came across the idea of universal oneness, I had no problem accepting it, because I had very little concept of “me” as an individual to begin with! From all descriptions of “enlightenment” that I’ve come across — you might say I was enlightened before I started “seeking” anything. Be that as it may, it wasn’t a state I was happy to remain in, and I eventually found out why.
    I have stripped away aspects of myself, shut down other aspects, experimented with changing everything about myself that it’s possible to change, and spent years without a functioning ego. At the end of it I found myself with a lot of fragmented and damaged aspects who did not cease to exist; they were just waiting around somewhere in the astral (literally) for me to pull my head out of my arse, stop trying pretend there is no “I” and start reintegrating them. Hypothetically, I could have probably continued along that path until there was nothing left of this conscious self, leaving me an empty shell that would eventually die and be no more. But from what I’ve seen, those parts I stripped away would simply go off on their own evolutionary track, and the higher self that this incarnation is part of would continue to exist, probably saying to himself “damn, lost another one to that whole “enlightenment” fad.”

    When I got my ego back up and running, I found a pre-existing core “essence” that flourishes and successfully coexists with others when I’m true to myself, and protests loudly when I engage in self-betrayal. It has preferences, desires, goals, ambitions — and finds the process of figuring out how to achieve them as fun as the end result is gratifying, before transitioning on to a new adventure. I’m free to experience what I want without feeling like I’m “suffering” if I don’t get it, because I view life as a game, and one that I don’t take particularly seriously at that; it’s all just experience.

    My preferred approach to my ego is to get rid of my socialization and conditioning — a collection of usually conflicting and mostly dysfunctional constructs imposed from without that I did not choose — and turn what’s left into my own creation. I am in the process of releasing everything I may have believed myself to be, and replacing it with whatever I choose to be. Far from losing my sense of self, if anything I am gaining one that is self directed, co-created, fluid, evolving and ever-expanding. In a word: free.

    So, we may ask what is happening with our body and emotions when we are trying to get rid of our ego and shut down our mind? The result is emotional numbness. People in this state are not aware of anything they call emotions or feelings. This is true even if they are under the influence of strong emotions. On occasion, however, they may have outburst of anger, particularly, under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. They experience physical sensations that accompany emotions but not emotions themselves. They often consume drugs that target physical sensations with an emotional origin. While in this state of emotional unawareness, people are able to inflict great emotional damage on others. Strong emotions that are unacknowledged can cause irrational behavior and pain. People on this level of emotional unawareness can’t develop deep and loving relationships with others. Well, we can’t have a deep and loving relationship with others if we don’t understand them on emotional level. It is called empathy where we don’t need to think about, see, or hear people’s emotions but we sense it. In fact, the empathy is a form of intuition about emotions.

    There is another dangerous aspect of New Age belief system associated with the transcendence of the ego. People who follow those teachings don’t have personal boundaries. In fact, they don’t know what personal boundaries mean. As a result, they cross others boundaries, causing pain and emotional hurt. Emotional numbness and the lack of understanding of others boundaries inflict a great pain and damage relationships. I talked earlier about New Age idea that “We are all one”, so I will not repeat myself.

    What is the solution? Emotional awareness. It is as simple as that. However, it is not an easy road to achieve the emotional awareness as we were trained to suppress our feelings since our childhood and suppression was intensified by Eastern teachings. I am afraid, that people who are deeply involved in New Age spirituality may not achieve it as the fragmentation of self is very deep. I hope that I am wrong!

    My final thoughts. We are here to passionately love, passionately create, and experience this reality through the whole spectrum of feelings and emotions. I was so close to loose what I cherish the most! We are emotional beings and I would not want to loose my feelings and emotions in the name of spiritual enlightenment. In fact, Eastern teachings and New Age teachings offer a spiritual death of the soul.
    And we need to open our eyes and to see pain and suffering of others. We can’t be blind any more!

    I will continue to search and learn. Scott Peck said, “When we are searching, we are learning, when we are learning, we are growing”. I would add that we need to question everything and take our power back! And love. I believe in power of love. But love is a verb!


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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  rhythm Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:37 am

    hi starninja good to see you and read your wise words
    thanks ..look forward to seeing more of that fab art .. sunny
    i just belive in me no yoke Wink

    Last edited by rhythm on Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:53 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  burgundia Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:37 am

    starninja: We are emotional beings and I would not want to loose my feelings and emotions in the name of spiritual enlightenment.

    NEITHER WOULD I... I love you cheers sunny flower

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  starninja Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:25 am

    2,5 years ago, I was encouraged by Oprah and I read Eckhart Tolle book. I even participated in 10 weeks discussion with Eckhart. But then, I discovered that Oprah promoted A Course of Miracle. Well, my intuition screamed loudly that something was very wrong. A Course in Miracle and Eckhart’s books landed in the garbage been 2 years ago. However, it took me 2 years to connect the dots! I was so excited to see people who woke up as I did. There is a time when ego illusions fall down and we get our sight back!
    Bronte Baxter took 17 years of involvement with Yoga and Hindu teachings. A few others that I quoted in The Infiltrations of New Age movement were also deeply involved in Buddhism or Hindu religion for a considerable period of time.

    Well, our intuition is our greatest strength. No wonder that they are doing everything to disconnect our feelings from our souls.

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    Empowerment Empty The Essence Ego

    Post  SiriArc Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:37 am


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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  starninja Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:00 am


    Hmm…..I don’t know what you are trying to say. scratch

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  mudra Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:19 pm

    I believe our richess comes from truly enjoying the path we chose to walk on and from the exploration of many avenues .
    This broadens our level of tolerance understanding that what does'nt work for us may well work for another.
    What we see as differences in beliefs in the end we are able to regard as the many colors and shades life's tapestry is made of .
    We are all unique . It's our inherent right to make our choices in alignment with what we feel most in harmony with .
    The alley you walk on is'nt more special or better than your neighbor's . But it is special to you because it brings you joy , it nourrishes
    you , and it inspires you . A choice that comes from the Heart is always a right one whathever others their opinion about it .

    Personnally I do like Echhart Tolle and have great respect for Eastern philosophies .
    Let's say they are pallatable to my senses Wink

    Love Always

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  starninja Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:27 pm

    udra wrote:
    I believe our richess comes from truly enjoying the path we chose to walk on and from the exploration of many avenues .
    This broadens our level of tolerance understanding that what does'nt work for us may well work for another.
    What we see as differences in beliefs in the end we are able to regard as the many colors and shades life's tapestry is made of .
    We are all unique . It's our inherent right to make our choices in alignment with what we feel most in harmony with .
    The alley you walk on is'nt more special or better than your neighbor's . But it is special to you because it brings you joy , it nourrishes
    you , and it inspires you . A choice that comes from the Heart is always a right one whathever others their opinion about it .

    Personnally I do like Echhart Tolle and have great respect for Eastern philosophies .
    Let's say they are pallatable to my senses

    Well, many roads and one journey as everybody has its own. I see empowerment as an ultimate destination. We were trained to give up our power away. No wonder, we need Gurus, teachers , or other authority. People who are secure within themselves can't be controlled and they don't need Gurus, or teachers.

    I don't like Tolle. He is totally detached from his feelings which indicates the fragmentation of the self. I wrote about Tolle in The Infiltration of New Age Movement tread so I will not repeat myself. TPTB wants us to be this way! Well, people are waking up.

    Our feelings are our strengths. I will bring a quite interesting material about emotional awareness that helped me in my journey. sunny

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  mudra Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:11 am

    starninja wrote:

    People who are secure within themselves can't be controlled and they don't need Gurus, or teachers.

    I quite agree with you starninja . I believe it takes life and livingness to get to that state of knowing oneself. This is not something we are naturally born with specially at early age where we find ourselves so dependant on the outside world to merely survive . From my encounters with people I learn something everyday . The meeting of them and how I relate to them is an evolving process through which I discover who I am .

    Love from me

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  starninja Sat Sep 11, 2010 1:50 pm

    Mudra wrote:
    I quite agree with you starninja . I believe it takes life and livingness to get to that state of knowing oneself. This is not something we are naturally born with specially at early age where we find ourselves so dependant on the outside world to merely survive . From my encounters with people I learn something everyday . The meeting of them and how I relate to them is an evolving process through which I discover who I am .

    That is so true, Mudra. We learn from people we interact. Hm...... sometimes learning is pleasurable and full of joy.......sometimes quite painful as others may push our buttons. Recently, I watched W. Dyer video. Well, he said that those who push our buttons are our soul mates.......I have a different idea about soul mates. Laugh Nevertheless, they are our best teachers as they show us our weakness or wounds and places where our hearts are closed. But sometimes, our feelings may be strong to protect us against people whose energy is harmful to our well being.

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  ClearWater Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:40 am

    I just wonder how much of your discontent with New Age and eastern religions (in this particular case) is stemming from a difference in the definitions of words.
    In both new age and eastern religions I find points of agreement and disagreement. The same is true of virtually any subject. That said, on this particular subject...

    The word ego has many definitions. My understanding is that the word ego is often used to refer to the false self (what you refer to as socialization and conditioning). So it seems to me that there is a difference in language/definition, but not necessarily a difference in intent/meaning. I suggest this possibility because I find myself essentially agreeing with your point of view, yet I personally have not perceived eastern religions and New Age as being completely contradictory to that point of view.

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  starninja Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:40 am

    You are right and we don’t want to get lost in semantics. Different theories have different explanations for our ego. I personally like to call our sense of self because it is very empowering.

    Hmm…Stardust and I did research about New Age movement, Hindu, Buddhism, Eckhart Tolle, and Course in Miracle in the tread titled The Infiltration of New Age Movement. It is several pages long discussion and it is difficult to summarize in a meaningful way. This topic is too big. I was particularly interested in how those spiritual beliefs affect our emotional and mental well being. But the best summery of what I have found out is that all spiritual belief systems that I mentioned are aimed to disconnect our body that is our feelings from our souls.

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  rhythm Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:00 pm

    all you have to do is follow your own truth I love you
    its gettin the conection back to it that can be difficult
    and learn to trust that over eny other , guide teachers
    tho many can point you in the right direction Nutbar
    Empowerment 569804_right_direction
    oyes there are rather a lot of directions Arrow
    so choose the less dificult as you will get there Freedom cos there is ony home .. to re remember
    thats my 6 pence worth Exclamation

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  ClearWater Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:40 pm

    Wash your inside of all old tapes, unwind your mind.
    Start living your life, from this moment, as if you don't know, as if nobody has taught you anything - fresh, clean, from ABC - and you will see maturity coming very soon. And without maturity life is not worth anything, because all that is beautiful happens only in a mature mind, all that is great happens only in a mature mind. To be a grown-up is a blessing. But people simply grow old, they never become grown-ups. In age they go on growing but in consciousness they go on shrinking. Their consciousness remains in the fetus; it has not come out of the womb, it is not yet born. Only your body is born - you are yet unborn.
    Take your life into your own hands - it is your life. You are not here to fulfill anybody else's expectations. Don't live your mother's life and don't live your father's life, live your life.
    Being mature does not mean adopting a mature attitude. In fact, adopting a mature attitude will be one of the greatest barriers to becoming mature. Adoption means something imposed, adoption means something cultivated, practiced. It is not arising out of you. It is a mask, a painted face; it is not your real being. That's what everybody has been doing. That's why on the earth people only appear to be mature - they are not, they are utterly immature - deep down, they have adopted attitudes and they remain childish. Their maturity is only skin-deep, or not even that much.
    Personality is just a showcase thing; it is exhibition, it is not reality.
    Individuality is your reality, it is not a showplace thing.
    From the book "Maturity: The Responsibility of Being Oneself", by osho

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  starninja Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:28 am

    C. Steiner proposed The Emotional Awareness scale. It is a theoretical construct and it helps to identify where we are on the scale. I have found it very helpful in my process of developing emotional awareness. Without emotional awareness we will not be able to develop deep and intimate relationships with others. We can’t love truly and deeply if we can’t understand another person on a deep emotional level. We can have intellectual discussions that are meaningless if we can’t deeply connect and understand another human being.


    The lowest level of the emotional awareness Steiner identified as numbness.

    People in this state of emotional awareness are not aware of feelings and emotions. They don’t feel feelings even if they are under the influence of strong emotions. Interestingly enough, other people are usually more aware of the numb person’s feelings than he or she is as they can perceive them from cues such as facial expression, blushing, or tone of vice. Person in this level of emotional awareness is in a sort of deep freeze that is unavailable to awareness. When asked how they feel, they say that they don’t feel anything or refer to their thoughts.


    At this level of emotional awareness, people experience physical sensations that accompany emotions but not the emotions themselves.

    Every emotions and feelings have distinct physical sensations. People who are at this level of emotional awareness consume drugs that target physical sensations with an emotional origin. Headaches, stomachaches, the pain in the back or shoulders are a few examples of physical sensations with its emotional origin. When we look at the whole spectrum of a feeling, let’s say anger, we may feel the lowest level as disappointment, than irritation, frustration, anger, and bland rage. All those feelings have different physical sensations.

    When people take large quantities of drugs or alcohol regularly, they can’t longer accurately interpret bodily experiences. People at this level of emotional awareness are able to inflict great emotional damage on others. At this level people act out their feelings, feel guilt, and shut down. Emotions that are not felt and acknowledged cause pain, numbness, and irrational behavior.


    This level is quite interesting. People feel their emotions but they are experienced as a heightened level of disturbing energy. At this level people can’t understand emotions, can’t express them and can’t control them. The better term to use is contain emotions. Therefore, those people are prone to uncontrolled emotional outbursts or depression.


    In order to cross a linguistic barrier we need to have environment that is friendly to emotional information. When we cross emotional barrier we can talk about emotions in such a way that we develop an increasing awareness about feelings.
    People who spend time in isolation don’t analyze their feelings and lose interest in emotions all together.

    Without analyzing our feelings we can never escape from a state of numbness, physical turmoil, or emotional chaos.


    On this level of awareness people can recognize different emotions, their intensity as well as people learn how to talk about them.
    At this level people are aware that they experience several feelings at once. Some feelings are strong and obvious, while others are weak and hidden. Some are brief while others are long lasting. For example, a person may feel jealousy but main feeling is anger combined with feelings of love, tinged by shame. Other may experience jealousy as feeling of fear combined with intense hate.

    When people reach this level, most of them can learn how to differentiate feelings.
    A very helpful techniques was developed by Gendlin called focusing where people learn how to enter an empty space between consciousness and unconsciousness, therefore, they can bring into the conscious awarness all feeling experienced at the same time. Most people can learn focusing in 4 moths. When all feelings are experienced and clarified, people feel physical XXXX in their body.


    At this level people understand the exact nature of their feelings, the causes of those feelings, the event that triggered their emotional response, and why they feel fear, hate, and anger.


    As we learn to differentiate emotions, recognize the different intensities, and reasons for them we begin to perceive and intuit similar texture and subtlety in the emotions of those around us.

    Empathy is a form of intuition about emotions as we sense other people emotions.
    However empathy is imprecise and of little value until we develop ways of objectively conforming the accuracy of our perceptions. The process of honest discussion, gathering feedback, and correcting our misinterpretations greatly improves the accuracy of our subsequent empathic perceptions.


    Emotional interactivity is based on the most sophisticated level of awareness, the ability to realize what we are feeling and what others are feeling, and to anticipate how emotions will interact. In other words, emotional interactivity requires knowing how people will respond to each other’s emotions and when that interaction might escalate for better or for worse.

    This theoretical scale is a first step into the realm of emotional literacy.
    The next step I will discuss involves opening the heart, surveying the emotional landscape, and taking responsibility.

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  burgundia Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:50 am

    once again a great thread starninja...I can't thank you enough.. I love you

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  mudra Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:36 pm

    Thanks Starninja for bringing up the subject of feelings and emotions as mapped by Rudolf Steiner .
    Others have come to similar conclusions as his and it's pretty accurate I believe.
    We understand through this that the way a person relates to his emotions will account for the experience
    of misery in the lower parts of that scale and greater pleasure and joy in the upper parts .
    Love and compassion are at the heart of Budhism.The budhist's path leads you from a state of merely knowing
    that you are to a state of knowing who you are. It gives you the wisdom to understand the underlying causes
    of suffering and to be released from those while allowing you to embody the upper scale emotions and your Heart.

    The Buddhist image of this is the jewel of compassion resting in the lotus of wisdom—the union of caring and insight.

    Any path that leads you to the full blossomming of the Heart is for me a journey to empowerment for it is from the
    Heart that Love , joy , and empathy emanate. Love is the essence of Life itself...It is the crown of all our feelings.

    Love from me

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  starninja Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:49 pm

    Mudra, it is not Rudolf Steiner. Rudolf Steiner practiced an occult.

    It is Claude Steiner, an internationally known psychologist, Transactional Analysis therapist.

    Buddhism doesn't teach about emotional awareness. On the contrary, it teaches to suppress feelings. Therefore, I am so grateful for Western psychologists who brought this knowledge into our awareness.

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  mudra Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:38 pm

    Sorry for the mistaken name starninja.
    First time I hear of Claude Steiner.
    I have had friends that were TA teachers so I am a little versed in that subject.
    If I understood well , Edward Berne ,TA's founder , distinguishes 3 ego states that we go through during
    our life : the" Child ", the " Parent " and the " Adult " . Child and parent egos are a source of disfunctional
    behavior . The " Child " ego is liable to create havoc when forced to make " Parent " decisions .
    Therefore the whole idea is to learn to separate ourselves from the emotions stemming from these egos
    in order to become the " Adult ".
    I see it as a way to understand the origin of suffering in order to transcend it.
    Which is a very good thing .
    Are you a TA practioner yourself ?

    Love from me

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  starninja Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:22 am

    Dear Mudra,

    You are touching a topic that I am passionate about. I am not a TA therapist, however, TA and Bowen Family System theory are my favorite as they promote growth. Eric Berne distinguished 5 ego states. Adult ego state, free child ego state (my favorite!), nurturing parent ego state, adopted child ego state , and critical parent also called pig parent.
    According to TA, a psychologically healthy person has quite developed 3 ego states. Adult as the highest, followed by free child and nurturing parent ego states. Critical parent and adopted child are in low position.
    Ironically, according to TA, scientists are one of the most psychologically unbalanced people as they have dormant free child ego state and nurturing parent ego state. And we put them on the pedestal. geek

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  mudra Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:48 pm

    Thanks for the insight Starninja :)
    I can see how the Adult , the free child and nurturing parent in ourselves all contribute to a balanced living.
    Thanks to life miracles not all scientists are the way you describe . I really enjoyed listening to Richard Feynman's interview
    lately :
    His entire research and discoveries seem to have sprung out of playfullness .
    He does'nt take himself seriously at all .
    Very inspiring to discover the inner richess of this man and his many talents Thubs Up

    Love from me

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  starninja Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:07 am

    Rhythm wrote:
    all you have to do is follow your own truth
    its gettin the conection back to it that can be difficult
    and learn to trust that over eny other , guide teachers
    tho many can point you in the right direction

    oyes there are rather a lot of directions
    so choose the less dificult as you will get there cos there is ony home .. to re remember
    thats my 6 pence worth

    Thank you Rhythm,Hugs
    You have expressed the essence of our journey with such simplicity. Only the deepest truth can be expressed with such simplicity. Others will try to confuse us, hiding behind big words or a new theory. But only those who are in touch with their inner wisdom can express it with such ease.

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  starninja Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:52 am

    Thank you Mudra,Hugs

    I will watch the interview later.

    It is so easy to make a generalization. Even though I try to avoid making generalization or stereotyping, I catch myself doing it from time to time. LOL.


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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  starninja Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:39 pm

    I would like to share some thoughts about personal power. I believe that getting our power back and expressing who we are is the ultimate goal. When people reject our power, they do so because their reject their own. We may be caught up in endless projections that feel so real to us and we mistakenly take it as a truth.

    Several years ago, I wanted to experience what projection meant. I don’t take a theory as a truth until I experience it. I was invited to the support group. The topic of that meeting was emotions and feelings. The speaker didn’t have that much to say about it. Well, I couldn’t stop talking.... All of sudden, I saw on every face disgust and impatience. I really felt that they wanted me to stop taking. After the group was over, I was overwhelmed by the intensity of feelings of embarrassment. Next week, I learned that ever woman in the group appreciated what I shared and they hoped that I could be a part of the group. I was totally shocked because what I saw on their faces was so real! I felt really humbled by that experience. If we don’t have self-awareness, our life is run by projections and we react to it.

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    Empowerment Empty Re: Empowerment

    Post  starninja Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:07 pm

    Emotional healing is my passion. Perhaps, because I have always felt to much. To be honest, sometimes, I wish I weren't LOL.

    Shame, guilt, and fear block us to reclaim our personal power. Unfortunately, shame and guilt is deeply buried in our unconsciousness.If people are not in touch with all feelings and emotions, they will project their shame and guilt on others, seeing in others what they don't want to see in themselves.
    At the same time, those who don't have self-awareness may take others shame or guilt as their own.

    I would like to share something what happened several years ago.
    But keep your belts tight!

    I made a presentation for women and the topic was shame and guilt. Since I don't like a theoretical presentation, I wanted them to feel unconsciousness guilt and shame. Alexander Lowen, one of my greatest teacher into the realm of emotions and feeling,gave me some idea how to bring shame and guilt into the conscious awareness. Well, I asked women how many of them masturbated......I could hear a fly as room became totally quiet. I could see on the face of every woman intense shame and guilt. I let them stay for a while with those feelings so that they could be familiar with physical sensations that accompany emotions. But the extent of shame and guilt they carried was overwhelming! There is no shortcut to heal shame and guilt but to feel it.

    There is so much negative programming we were exposed to that relates to our body or sex.

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