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    Self-Sustaining Town Grows Vegetables in Most Unlikely Places Could this be the answer to self-sustainability?


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     Self-Sustaining Town Grows Vegetables in Most Unlikely Places Could this be the answer to self-sustainability? Empty Self-Sustaining Town Grows Vegetables in Most Unlikely Places Could this be the answer to self-sustainability?

    Post  mudra Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:05 am

    Self-Sustaining Town Grows Vegetables in Most Unlikely Places Could this be the answer to self-sustainability?

     Self-Sustaining Town Grows Vegetables in Most Unlikely Places Could this be the answer to self-sustainability? Garden_food_guerilla_ns_article_735_350

    Imagine raising a vegetable garden right in front of your local police station, and not a single officer inquires about what you are doing. Or, plucking a few cherries from outside your doctors’ office before you go in for an annual check-up. How about harvesting some apples and pears from along a canal path? There are over 70 community gardens scattered around Todmorden, West Yorkshire in the United Kingdom, and the residents there are encouraged to take fresh fruit and vegetables as they are inclined.

    In the small Victorian town, they’ve decided that waiting on the state to take care of their hungry is not an option. Just outside the police station are three large raised flower beds, full of edible plants. There are kale, carrots, lettuces and spring onions – all free for the taking.

    This is similar to another town in England that transformed its landscape into a giant food-producing garden able to feed everyone who lives there.

    Outside a supermarket car park there are plentiful herbs like rosemary, fennel and thyme that can be used for cooking delicious dishes, as well as beans and peas. Fruit trees abound throughout the town as well.

    Todmorden wants to be the first town in the UK to be completely self-sufficient when it comes to food. They have a plan to get there by 2018. Mary Clear, a 56-year-old grandmother who co-founded Incredible Edible, says that it is an ambitious goal, but “if you don’t aim high, you might as well stay in bed, mightn’t you?’

    When asked what happens if someone took all the apples, or cleaned out the sage in police station bed, she remarks, “nothing.” In Todmorden, they believe in people – that they are decent, and that they want to be part of a solution.

    As Clear states:

    “We trust people.”

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