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    My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult


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    My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 5 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Jan 23, 2016 8:55 pm

    What a beatiful thread this is, offering much understanding and inspiration to me. Today I was curious about what happened in here. Voila  Toast

    My words: "If I'm right, I tend to see the step that Sui Generis takes, the liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult, as chosen in a similar stance or calibre".

    Part of Sui Generis' reply to this:
    "Therefore, my liberation from the Thuban Sex cult did not come as a result of me refusing Thuban. I did not turn my back on it for a second. I still don't and i never will. I withdrew my presence from Thuban facing Tony and stepping backwards. I face him even still"

    Reading your reply, I found myself remembering what I've shared here about my willingness to read and see my own story, when in a conflict with others or with a situation. In other words, to see what's in it for me that shows the truth of who I am, present in any circumstance that I'm part of or that I witness around me, which easily becomes the same thing  Lolerz

    Thank you for refining your explanation of how you chose your attitude, Sui Generis. That's an inspiration to me and if I may refer to your "bit of context" where you talk about refusing, what it did to you and offered you as information, as truth about yourself,  I can see, by your explaining of your liberation from the Thuban Sex cult, that it doesn't work: running-or-walking away from what's being refused or rejected.

    I can see clearly that the emotional content in that gesture, that action, is exactly the burden on our back, running with us. Or also, according to a law of nature, where attention goes, energy flows.

    Just like in that story of the 2 monks, arriving at the shore of a lively stream, finding a woman present, trying to find a way to cross the water in safety. One of the monks suggests to her, to carry her on his back and she accepts. Once they've safely arrived on the other side, the woman chooses her own path and the 2 monks continue to walk their own path. After a while, the monk who carried the woman, exclaims "We monks aren't supposed to touch a woman and I did!" To this his companion answers "You're still carrying her and I've forgotten about her already when we came to the other shore, where she disappeared in another direction"

    I'm fond of that story, for its mix of humor and wisdom teaching, how our mind is hooked as soon as its triggered by guilt for having disobeyed a rule that isn't created and chosen by ourselves, a fear of punishment that brings instant punishment on the beholder. That's maybe similar to what Ortho chooses to call it, as he does in post 76 here.

    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    "Fill up any empty space in your energy-system that you find present. Drink water and eat something as a treat".

    Sui Generis' reply to this:
    "The empty space inside is an illusion, in the sense that no one should ever go and fill. From the soul's perspective the hurt is real, the disappointments, the feelings are real and when you perceive you lose something or when you think you lack you go and seek to fill. But in truth there is nothing to fill. When you look at yourself from the Spirit's perspective you know you are already whole".

    Yes, I agree with you, Sui Generis, that you and I with everybody are already whole. I think I forgot a detail in the instruction of filling up any empty space. I should have said "Fill yourself up with your own  sunny energy, wherever you find or sense an empty space" That's a significant difference and as far as I've experienced it, it works well for me to do that. Not as in "this instruction is a guarantee for success" for I believe that in this sort of working, there are as much curriculums as there are human beings, when using their skills of creatorship.

    To offer you a bit of context too, in the early '80's I was introduced to a school, a training for intuitive development and I believed these instructions to be dictated rules that I had to obey, in order to make them work for me. Being a minister's daughter, having grown up in a small world with people who mostly shared more of the same view with me, I held quite a black-and-white view on life, how I dealt with it and with others in it. I believed that all the teachers were seeers who could see everything and therefore know all truth in everybody.

    So, in a way, I declared them Gods and Goddesses, now that I think of it. Wasn't I thrown in the cauldron of that religious potion, so that I belonged and should know that I was loved by God? What more do you need, hmm? If you look at life with an intention to "gather together in front of God's throne and sing and dance in white robes, for eternity? That's an image I held inside of me as a young girl. Another part of me was wiser and rebellious, shrugging shoulders, showing off in bravery, jumping in the ditch on Summer Sundays after the sermon of my father, with other kids. Our black lackered shoes and clean white socks on the shore, at times nearly left behind.

    It took me 30 years and a prophecy to myself, a surprise gift to myself on my 59th birthday, Jan. 1 2010: "From now on I will come out of the closet with all of my faces and all of my masks" voiced with my own voice out of the deepest blue. The prophecy became an action, I experienced a big rumbling inner earthquake that year. In despair for identifying myself with an illusion, which became for one and a half year, the tree root to which I clung onto, on the edge of a cliff. This was purgatory too and to me the essence of the 9 of swords Tarot card.

    And so it happened that I could let that black-and-white view and attitude melt, for some time all was fluid, as the fluid phase of the chrysalis, at some point ready to come out of its butterfly cocoon, drying its wings and spreading them for a first flight. To me this was a rebirth with a new vitality, spontaneity and wonder, in more of me, myself and I. I danced a lot at home, my body lost 15 kg in 6 months time. All of it was as much welcome as it was scary! Oh boy, oh girl, how I learned that being truly powerful and strong includes all flavors of the emotional rainbow as well! And that vulnaribility was a great companion to it! Plus the mundanities of life and the exquisities of life, courseness and refinement both.

    The garbage of planet Earth as the compost for the flower to feed on and florish. I guess this post describes in several ways how qualities of transformation and transmutation manifest themselves in the real world... out there. Most of it happened without me noticing it, until I began creeping out of my cocoon  Cheerful

    My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 5 Transf10

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    My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 5 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:27 am

    I'm sorry for some of the insensitive posts I've made on this thread. I guess I hoped they would be therapeutic for myself and others -- but neither seems to be the case. But seriously, I think that Psychology, Ethics, Law, and Money should be near the center of most serious philosophical and spiritual discussions (including the topic of this thread). "What's Wrong With It??" "What's Right With It??" I keep wondering if there is an alternative to Thuban Thinking and Speaking which simply focuses upon Science and Science-Fiction??!! The Dragonian Mumbo-Jumbo seems to be a nearly insurmountable obstacle for most of us. I've tried to provide a Kinder and Gentler More-User-Friendly alternative to Thuban with my strange threads -- but they obviously haven't caught-on!! Now I've given-up -- and I'm moving-on -- for better or worse, I know not. You won't have orthodoxymoron to kick around anymore!! What Would Richard Nixon Say?? One last thing. A serious and mature discussion of Sexual-Ethics might be beneficial. I shy away from such discussions, simply because I'm probably one of the most repressed specimens on the planet. Anyway, I'm out of here. Good-Bye.


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    My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 5 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    Post  Sanicle Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:24 am

    Good grief!!  I've just read over some of the posts I've made here and it sounds as though I've had nothing but negative experiences with some of the 'more difficult' beings to be found in the other dimensions when nothing could be further from the truth haha.  If anyone's wondering, let me assure you that I've had many experiences with rather wonderful beings there also and feel truly blessed. Cheerful For instance, as regards the recent development of clairofaction (or clairalience), that 'angel' I spoke of recently smells absolutely heavenly.  (Forgive the pun but he does.)  I suspect that he and his gifted me with this ability actually as he was the first I experienced it with when I met him.

    The reason I mentioned experiences with the 'darker' ones was so that Xeia knows that I'm not entirely ignorant as regards these types of situations and can relate in part.  

    So to be clear, apart from the recent 'meeting' with that putrid smelling being a few weeks back, it's been an exhilarating and beneficial journey for years now, and I'm healthy, happy and sane.  Which is the whole point of relating these older experiences in that there's no need to fear them.  Rather they were very educational, balancing and strengthening.  As the 'angel' said to me just a few nights ago (which was lovely to hear) the reason I have strong beings around me now is because I am strong, and I know going through those older nasty experiences are a good part of why that is so.  (And the 'angel' knows all about all of them.) Until you've been tested, you never really know what you are capable of enduring and rising above. (The dark night of the soul?)

    That reminds me, back in 1988 when I was doing all of that (what I call) impressed writing (like firefly's daughter) I was told that my journey was going to include what they called being 'alieved' their words: "a time of Light is come to lift and a time of Love is come to weigh" in order to help that person.  That was before I began that journey with the angry, young astral traveller who "accidentally" (he says) killed my friend.

    So I hope this explanation puts things into better perspective if that indeed was needed. I love you

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    My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 5 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    Post  Carol Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:05 am

    Goodness Oxy. I've never considered any of your posts negative except for when you get down on yourself. Cow We JT you.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 5 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jan 26, 2016 4:44 pm

    Carol, what is implied with the little "Bull"?? Am I full of BS?? A-1 called me "Ram". Is it Bull v Ram?? OR Bull = Ram?? What Would Azazel Say?? Damned if I know. Probably Damned if I don't know. Damn. Somewhat unrelatedly, I keep wondering about Taurus and Mithras Precursors. I keep thinking about what Brook (of Egypt?) said about Isis being thrown into a snake-pit for refusing to cooperate with the reptilians in the enslavement of humanity. Dr. Richard Carrier describes a goddess (I can't remember which one) who was executed, and THEN placed on a cross (presumably long before Taurus, Mithras, and Jesus). I need to do some research, and get my facts straight BUT I keep thinking about the "Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the World" in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Was this the original Solar System CEO?? Were they replaced by a MUCH Tougher Solar System CEO (who has ruled since the Garden of Eden)?? Acts through Revelation says suspiciously little about the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ. Why?? I love Idealistic Messianic Conceptualizations BUT The Greatest Story Ever Told seems to be Fatally-Flawed. What Would Albert Schweitzer Say?? What Would Rudolph Bultmann Do?? As you well know, I have suggested studying Job through Malachi side-by-side with Romans through Jude (in the KJV and/or NKJV) as a possible modality for approximating the Character of the Real-Christ (who might've lurked in the shadows -- rather than being featured in scripture). What if Isis created the Bible as a Puzzle and Punishment for a Rebellious and Recalcitrant Earth-Humanity?? Genesis = Genes of Isis?? Teachings of Jesus = Teachings of Isis?? What if we are fundamentally dealing with Two Rival Goddesses in the Garden of Eden?? OR What if we are dealing with Two Closely-Related Goddesses who FAKED a War in Heaven and Earth -- so as to create an APPARENT Power-Vacuum specifically intended to Cleanse the Sanctuary of That Which Defiles -- such that Sin and Sinners will be no more -- and that a Rebellion Against God Will NEVER Happen Again??

    Do you see why I'm miserable and paranoid?? Do you see why I want to STOP??!! I keep wondering if the Editorial-Voice in the Post 1890 Writings of Ellen White is somehow the Voice of Isis -- rather than the voice of a 3rd grade educated hyper-religious and somewhat-fanatical strong-woman?? What Would Delenn and Vala say?? What Would Serqet Say?? What Would Amen Ra Say?? I honestly don't want to think or talk about this stuff anymore. I'd rather just drive around in a Porsche 911 Turbo with Jeannie in the Polka-Dot Bikini!! It might be easier that way!! What Would Sherry Shriner Say?? BTW -- Where the Hell is Carrollton, Ohio?? What Would Brother Rich Say?? What Would Anubis Do?? What Would Anchor Do?? What Would the Humble Janitor Do?? What Would Archangel Gabriel Do?? What Would Edgar Mitchell Do?? What Would Carol Rosin Do?? What Would Mr. Edgars Do?? What Would Mitchell Do?? What Would the Ancient Egyptian Deity Do?? The AED mentioned a "Woman Hidden in a Male-Body"!! What Would Alanis Morissette Say?? What Would Alan Rickman Say?? What Would David Bowman Say?? What Would David Mann Say?? What Would Steven Spielberg Say?? What Would Paul Say?? What Would KRLLL Say?? What Would George Zebrowski Say?? What Would the Gnome aka Heathen God aka Human (G)nome Project Say?? I should STOP!! This stuff Scares the Hell Out of Me!! Sorry for all of the videos. Hopefully this will be the last time. One last time: I have NO Idea What's REALLY Going-On -- and I'm not sure I want to know. I continue to beat around the Burning-Bush -- rather than waging a Trench Information-War. I've honestly been playing a stupid little game on this website, which is anything but scholarly. I doubt that I could handle the truth. Ignorance is probably Bliss and a Virtue for Completely Ignorant Fools. Good-Bye Again!!


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    My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 5 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:16 pm

    Sanicle wrote:

    ... As the 'angel' said to me just a few nights ago (which was lovely to hear) the reason I have strong beings around me now is because I am strong, and I know going through those older nasty experiences are a good part of why that is so.  (And the 'angel' knows all about all of them.)  Until you've been tested, you never really know what you are capable of enduring and rising above. (The dark night of the soul?)

    That reminds me, back in 1988 when I was doing all of that (what I call) impressed writing (like firefly's daughter) I was told that my journey was going to include what they called being 'alieved' their words: "a time of Light is come to lift and a time of Love is come to weigh" in order to help that person.  That was before I began that journey with the angry, young astral traveller who "accidentally" (he says) killed my friend.

    So I hope this explanation puts things into better perspective if that indeed was needed. I love you

    That's so good to hear you, Sanicle, that you had and still have enjoyable contacts and experiences, with support present for you in company of the testing events and beings that are part of it. I'm going to post my experience and view out in the open, reminded by Sui Generis' suggestion, in her response to my first post in this thread (if I'm right) to post in the open space of the Forum for the benefit of a broader discussion, in other words, shedding light on it from different angles, so that clarity is gained for those who wish for it.

    I've read your post through and with former posts of you here, it puts things into better perspective for me, a better understanding of your life-journey, at least that's how I feel now. Not having followed you in your Elementals-thread from the start I feel there are gaps in my understanding of it and therefore, of who you are in it, in the sort of experiences you describe, which makes it easier for me now to connect some dots or commas.

    The parts of your post in the quote above made me think of the role and value of what it means to be in resonance. For the sake of progress in one's life, or obstacles. I think I need to give an example of what I mean by that. First: "the role": imagine me holding an emotional charge inside that attracts a similar charged person or event. Just like when you pluck a guitar string and the same string on a second guitar vibrates "in resonance" with it.

    Translating that same process to an experience with a person that makes me react in shock, going into survival, I'm not able to see the story triggered, resonating within me. Not immediately. I'm human enough to know that I went, according psychological laws, through emotional phases that are known to most of us, I presume: initial shock, denial, anger, sadness, etc. the whole rainbow of emotions to work through. Or in other words "The truth will set you free, but first it pisses you off".

    When there's a growing acceptance of that rainbow, an admitting of having invited the experience in my life due to resonance, or.... like attracts like, then and there enters "the value": it triggers and brings the emotional charge in awareness, so that its witnessed, felt and possibly released of its charge and healed. I'm describing experiences I've gone through that turned out that way, see? It's not a prescription like "one size fits all", for we all row our own boat on the ocean of our existence. A wave in my ocean may seem a drop to others and this is true in reverse as well. I know I've felt like drowning at times, which only felt that way but wasn't at all.

    I offer my thoughts and views, wondering how your thoughts and views are on this aspect of resonance, Sanicle. For it seems to me, that you and I are on a life-journey, with a few wayshowers and signs that look similar. To me, the middle of the road I chose, proved to be a truth about myself, showing me that by bypassing my core issues, working on the issues of others to make them and the world feel okay with me, I was creating many windings and windmills of my mind, even entering the world of illusions to try to make my world go round smoothly.

    It was until I began to find the affinity within my heart for myself, in honest tears and laughter, that I found the portal that gave entrance to that landscape, which I describe and choose as a metaphor for autonomy. A landscape without a fixed horizon. By that I mean that my learning never
    ends and by knowing that, there's always a new choice in every next moment. That reminds me of the fluidity, mentioned in the blog by female warrior.

    Hugs Thank you for your thoughtfulness and sharing in honesty.

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    My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 5 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    Post  Sanicle Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:11 am

    Goodness, to my way of thinking you are asking a loaded question re the possible energetic reasons behind the type of relationships we both endured on our journey that has no short answer BB, although I guess you could say it has on a more mundane level so I’ll start with that aspect first.

    As regards ‘resonance’ I would say that probably exists between you and I as regards us both having a traumatic relationship that called up our core issues to resolve and ‘set us free’ from the pain.  So ‘Like attracts Like’ probably applies there.  But there’s also the ‘Opposites attract’ law and I think that is more applicable in the relationship I had.  (I don’t know about yours.)  You see I learned over time that he ‘suffers’ from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (confirmed by others) and my self-esteem was very low when we met, making me the perfect patsy for him to manipulate.  At an astral level, because of the relationship, it also made me a great feeding ground for him and his darker associates, which he admitted having eventually, his excuse being that he wanted to learn ‘their tricks’ so they couldn’t trap him in them.  I could go on about the delusions in his mind, and/or that he fed me, about that but it would make this post far too long.

    Next I’ll go on and say that I also learned of ‘karmic’ bonds between us, going back many thousands of years.  The ‘first’ life together on this planet explains all the others that followed, the core issue between us not really changing over the years.  That involved the choice between holding on to our spiritual connections or learning about, by indulging in, the animal lusts of the bodies we found ourselves in, the latter being his choice then and since.  I felt guilt (which is what I believe really leads to what is called ‘karma’ in the western world) after the first time around because I’d continued my spiritual studies (being the leader of the temple) while hoping that he would return to the fold of his own accord ie I didn’t go out of my way to ‘help’ him overcome his ‘curiosity’ and felt responsible for the connections he lost as a result of his forays.

    At a broader level, to my mind anyway, that original issue between us correlates in many ways to what I’ve come to see as being a major issue on this planet, especially for truth seekers and as regards the male/female dynamic, and that’s where there is no short answer.  Rather I will list a few things, general and specific, for your consideration.  Where to start?

    At a general level, why is there so much snake/reptilian symbology tied up with the more challenging aspects of the journey of a seeker of truth and mythology on this planet eg the kundalini’s fiery awakening, the ourobouros, dragons, sea serpents, the serpents invariably seen by those who take Ayahuasca, the reptilians ETs and those who supposedly live underground on our planet (ie above and below)?

    Why is it that when we dream about being chased by snakes we are said to have a fear of sex?

    Why do men talk about their ‘trouser snake’ and use it to delight or torment women and, on that note, why is the F word in such common usage when its energetic signature is to dominate and take from women?

    Why is it that the passion/lust derived from the lower chakras can lead to life (via sex) or death (via jealousy, rape, the lust to kill, etc)?

    Why is it that this planet is sandwiched between the energy flows of Venus and Mars?

    Why did the old male god Yahweh only punish Eve for taking the apple rather than punish Adam for listening to her and partaking of the apple as well?  Why was it Eve was told it would give her knowledge of ‘good and evil’ and why was it a ‘serpent’ that gave it to her?  And what about Lilith?
    Why that ‘dark’ energy is said to signify the negative and all that is evil, but also the feminine and receptivity?

    Why is it in ‘modern’ religions men are told to persecute women because of their sexuality, blaming the woman for the desires of the man?

    Why is it that we speak of this planet as ‘Mother’ Earth and speak of her being ‘raped’ by the male-run industries of today?

    How could these reptilian ETs (and others) ‘feed’ on sexual energies if there were no women, especially women who’ve been conditioned to fear the strength of dominating males?  But how would life exist on this planet without us?

    I could go on but suffice it to say that I see the reasons for going through these relationships as we did as having a lot more significance on our journeys towards truth.  And I listed them on this thread as I think they pertain to what Xeia has had to say about what underlies the teachings of Thubanism as well.

    I think people generally tend to avoid the significance of the reptilian energy existent everywhere in our realities, mundane and spiritual, and they really shouldn’t as it is key.  As is said, all the answers are there to be seen in the world around us.  And I haven’t even gone into the roles the females of each species play in Nature re what the true balance might be.  I love you

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    My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 5 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:42 am

    My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 5 Healin10

    Thank you, Sanicle, for your honesty. Yes it's honest to say that we share a similar imprinting at the start of our lives. Although I woke up to enter the core of it, 5 years ago. My question regarding resonance addresses issues in all levels of life, for isn't resonance an initial starting up of a process, a life event that is lived through with all of that we are and how we express ourselves, physically, emotionally and spiritually?

    To me, when talking about opposites that attract each other, as you call it, and my view on resonance in "like attracts like" I see no opposite in the way I look at it. There's a sense of opposition maybe, I can see that, but I can't see an opposition in both beings that are involved, at the root of it, deep inside.

    To me, there's a different expression of the same issue, in 2 people that feel attracted to each other, so that people from the outside exclaim"Oh, these two are so very different, like the day and the night"

    One may choose to survive by sublimating the pain and masking the trauma, projecting each evidence of that in his/her life, fully on others. The pain is fuel for an abuse of power in order to build walls around a broken trust. The other of the two may choose to survive by feeling unworthy and guilty, suppressing the trauma too, but in a different way, avoiding the use of power at all costs, for that's what caused the trauma in this person in the first place.

    That's how I felt caught in that view, be it at the root of my present life or stemming from past life experiences. Or both, which was the case, in my situation. I've learned to look at it this way, going into deeper levels. At some point, two years ago, I asked myself a deeply honest question. I said "If I had to go through an experience of feeling abandoned and as a result of that, found evidence of being denied even, at the tiny first flowering of my life, what is it in me, what is it that caused me to choose for such a deep denial in the first place?"

    I still can feel the trembling inside, when I asked myself this question. Slowly, through time, I've found the pieces of the puzzle, the true core of what caused my existences to be played out in a certain way. Not all was enshrouded in suffering, by the way, I've found that I've tried to look in many facets of the crystal called life.

    Now that I've found the gift that was hidden in the suffering, and rewrote my life's script, I can still find similar tremblings inside, caused by triggers in the outside world, but I know how to look at them and see them for what they truly are, with compassion, common sense and humor, when I'm awake. More often than not, these days. Not always, for I'm no saint Cheerful

    And so, to go back to the question "Is it likeness or an opposite force?" although the way and expression is different, what's at the bottom of both partners is the same. To me, like always attracts like, and like finds its other like by resonance, so to speak. From the personality level it may seem there's an opposite, for when I'm upset and feel hurt by someone else, I'm instinctively jumping to conclusions that show up with proof "Oh no, I can't believe it, I would never do such a thing, I wouldn't even consider it an option!" To me, the tendency to judge any outside cause as "the guilty and nasty party" is part of the victim's role, in need of verifying and justifying the suffering that I may hold inside, as a victim.

    To me, all mythical, psychic or drug induced visions of dragon - or snake like creatures, are projections of our human nature in polarity consciousness.
    We seem to be sort of.... ordained to make chocolate of both sides of one hand. Figuring out what's been shown in this mirror: evil-live. I'm finding much recognition in the work of Carl Gustav Jung, more in his own biography, in the way he chose to walk his life, bravely exposing himself to the test of his own theories, when he grew up, while Sigmund Freud was becoming famous elsewhere in the world.

    If I've understood well, living together for those two is what 's called a double bind relationships. We can't live without the other and so we sustain a life in suffering and we can't work it out, for being caught in that paradigm, that loop, when lacking confidence and feelings of safety and trust. Both partners keep this pact alive and so
    the shackles are very strong.

    It's synchronicity again, that I've followed several online discussions of people who've lived or still try to live with a parent, sibling or spouse with a narcistic personality. Some of them were honest in saying that they couldn't acknowledge
    the truth of knowing that they lived with a spouse that showed many signs of a narcistic personality. After reading the signs and shared experiences.

    Something inside couldn't cope with that truth and I can understand that very well, when I remember the time, when 2 parts of me with different views, were present in me. One part couldn't live with the truth and held on to an illusion and another part knew very clearly that this, what the other part avoided to acknowledge, in disbelief, was the truth.

    Fortunately, I acted on the latter, in making different steps and new decisions in my life, which is almost as if it happened outside of me having a say in it. That is, it seems that my mind didn't have much say in this Laugh

    I need to explain that once I began to discern and know my projections and the deeper issues that were triggered, I found that much of my pain had nothing to do with the cause, or rather... the trigger and waking up of all that was already present within me, but needed to be addressed. I know that my being was the director of all that happened in this life transforming experience, 5 years ago. Part of the healing was also going through past life experiences and memories, again, without my mind having a say in it Cheerful

    Thank you, Sanicle, for having this conversation with you. Do you feel we're having one? I'll come back to it in a week or so, for I'm busy with sorting out my home in Holland, having someone in my home to choose what can be arranged and made ready for transport and more of the sort of things that need to be done, when moving overseas, to another country.


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    My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 5 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    Post  Sanicle Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:54 am

    Interesting quote in the image above BB.  And yes, it has been another interesting conversation with you but again it feels as if nothing much has been achieved as we both still seem to be reading different chapters of the same book, although each of us fully understands what the other is saying and prefers our own point of view at this point in time. And that's just fine.  

    I wish you well with your current re-arrangements and, as always, with your future journeying.  


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    My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 5 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:25 am

    Sanicle wrote:Interesting quote in the image above BB.  And yes, it has been another interesting conversation with you but again it feels as if nothing much has been achieved as we both still seem to be reading different chapters of the same book, although each of us fully understands what the other is saying and prefers our own point of view at this point in time. And that's just fine.  

    I wish you well with your current re-arrangements and, as always, with your future journeying.  


    flower Almost logging off, but I found your speedy reply in our conversation and I guess it's why I asked you if you felt we were having one,
    that I felt the same as you're putting into words, for me, for us. I love to let it sit and simmer, see what it does to me. It always does. But I can't
    put that in words very easily, which is fine with me. Thanks very much, Sanicle

    Lionhawk JT Lionhawk
    Wishing you warm gifts of the heart. We may choose a different way of looking at the world, but there's much beauty and candor in your looking

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    Post  Sanicle Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:06 pm

    When you have time BB, would you mind explaining more fully and 'candidly' what you mean by polarity consciousness in this part of what you said above?

    To me, all mythical, psychic or drug induced visions of dragon - or snake like creatures, are projections of our human nature in polarity consciousness.
    We seem to be sort of.... ordained to make chocolate of both sides of one hand. Figuring out what's been shown in this mirror: evil-live.

    I'm assuming that it fits in with what you said in an earlier commentary..........

    To me, the middle of the road I chose, proved to be a truth about myself, showing me that by s to try to make my world go round smoothly. bypassing my core issues, working on the issues of others to make them and the world feel okay with me, I was creating many windings and windmills of my mind, even entering the world of illusion to try to make my world go round smoothly.

    It was until I began to find the affinity within my heart for myself, in honest tears and laughter, that I found the portal that gave entrance to that landscape, which I describe and choose as a metaphor for autonomy. A landscape without a fixed horizon. By that I mean that my learning never ends and by knowing that, there's always a new choice in every next moment. That reminds me of the fluidity, mentioned in the blog by female warrior.

    I get the feeling this is more at the heart of what's being discussed here and, in essence, a response to all those 'why' questions I proposed?  Are the words "even entering the world of illusions" significant here?

    As regards fluidity, to my mind we are eternal spirit, with eternity to experience whatever we choose for whatever length of time we choose. If that means stopping to examine each aspect of what appears on our journey in order to fully understand why it appeared to us as an obstacle, that's OK too. Then, maybe, we can truly leave it behind forever and not have it appear to us again in a future life as a lesson we didn't fully learn and understand. Knowing ourselves is one thing, but I want to explore all of God's Universe and I know I have eternity to do so. It's interesting to my curious mind and I like to try to see the bigger picture.  I love you

    Last edited by Sanicle on Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Carol Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:34 pm

    There was a time I was interested in dragons.. moved on to something more emotionally fulfilling since.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Sanicle Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:47 pm

    Yes Carol, each to his/her own.  Personally, I've learned a lot of positives emotionally from 'my dragon' Argon and will continue the association for as long as we both enjoy it. I like joy so I don't see the relationship ending any time soon, regardless of what others may think.  Bleh Cheerful

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    Post  Carol Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:59 pm

    The thing is (that most folks don't know about me) is I don't think anything as there is a sense of detachment from other's paths or drama. My focus is on creation and what needs to happen to help humanity with food, shelter, public health & health care being at the top of the list. So I've been doing all types of research to get ready for that next step.. planning first, recruiting next and then implementation. Think of when we were back at Avalon and the talent, people there along with the vision. So these days much of my focus is on how to implement that vision.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Sanicle Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:09 pm

    I honour you for that path you've chosen Carol and believe you have developed all the necessary abilities during your life to do very fine work indeed in your chosen course. cheers

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    My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 5 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:54 pm

    Sanicle wrote:When you have time BB, would you mind explaining more fully and 'candidly' what you mean by polarity consciousness in this part of what you said above?

    To me, all mythical, psychic or drug induced visions of dragon - or snake like creatures, are projections of our human nature in polarity consciousness.
    We seem to be sort of.... ordained to make chocolate of both sides of one hand. Figuring out what's been shown in this mirror: evil-live.

    I'm assuming that it fits in with what you said in an earlier commentary..........

    To me, the middle of the road I chose, proved to be a truth about myself, showing me that by s to try to make my world go round smoothly. bypassing my core issues, working on the issues of others to make them and the world feel okay with me, I was creating many windings and windmills of my mind, even entering the world of illusion to try to make my world go round smoothly.

    It was until I began to find the affinity within my heart for myself, in honest tears and laughter, that I found the portal that gave entrance to that landscape, which I describe and choose as a metaphor for autonomy. A landscape without a fixed horizon. By that I mean that my learning never ends and by knowing that, there's always a new choice in every next moment. That reminds me of the fluidity, mentioned in the blog by female warrior.

    I get the feeling this is more at the heart of what's being discussed here and, in essence, a response to all those 'why' questions I proposed?  Are the words "even entering the world of illusions" significant here?

    As regards fluidity, to my mind we are eternal spirit, with eternity to experience whatever we choose for whatever length of time we choose.  If that means stopping to examine each aspect of what appears on our journey in order to fully understand why it appeared to us as an obstacle, that's OK too.  Then, maybe, we can truly leave it behind forever and not have it appear to us again in a future life as a lesson we didn't fully learn and understand.  Knowing ourselves is one thing, but I want to explore all of God's Universe and I know I have eternity to do so.  It's interesting to my curious mind and I like to try to see the bigger picture.   I love you

    Yes, that's a great question, Sanicle. By polarity consciousness I mean the shadow and light side of life, with our mind in constant judgment, labeling experiences as good or bad. I don't look at it as good or bad, but as a given condition, part of life on this planet at present. Our choice to incarnate in this time is proof of our value and role, alive in action, in physical form. A heroe's journey as I see it. Look how extremes are showing up now, how polarity is increasing as we speak, opposing forces heaving and gnashing their teeth.

    To me, part of it is also the masculine and feminine quality within us, represented by the mind/abstract ideas and the feelings/body of form, in that same order. The ongoing masculine programming in our human mind by judging uncomfortable feelings as bad and unwelcome, avoiding them as much as possible, blocks the potential of the feminine quality of discerning what our feelings and connection with our physical body tell us about who we are, in our experiencing of this polarised reality in the world.

    My words in the second quote above, are solely describing the process I went through, there's no reference to your "why" questions, Sanicle. Know, that I will make clear when what I say relates to something that you wrote. Which, at the same time, never suggests a making of a choice in you, or any change set in motion.

    The moment I found the truth, the "why?" of my illusion, I ended the identification with it, which meant entering the vastness of feelings and
    all that was lurking in the shadows, that was part of me, part of my life's creations in more than 1 life. By opening my heart to it, in affinity with myself, I was able to return to presence, grounding and acceptance of emotions, embodying all of what had remained invisible. I've begun to see my emotions as my children. They need care and they are great mirrors.

    Knowing myself and exploring the Universe, God's creation if you will, are entwined in my experience, for by exploring far and deep, I'm in the best condition to know myself. Who I am in all of that vastness. There's no separation in that, to me.

    It's mainly in glimpsing that the merging of both sides of the hand, shadow and light, with that hand as a symbol of action, of a practical approach to understand life and what life is, happens, as I experience it. By keeping life in motion, by allowing myself a new choice each moment, like the state of wonder in children, Í will never find despair. For despair, to me, is giving up on me, to be at the end of the line, where a voice says "Please leave the train and take all of your belongings with you" Stepping off in very low spirits, for there's no destiny.

    The fluidity I'm talking about, is the opposite of a frozen view in one's mind's eye. Fluidity to me, doesn't prevent me from stopping to examine something. Whatever works for us, that's what we usually choose, when we intend to find that out. It's an endless variety of expressions. At times, I talk here about a multi-faceted crystal as a symbol of life, or a symbol of planet Earth's population. Of all of us. It shows how curious and eager I am in exploring many aspects of life, of what makes people tick with my ticking as company. To a degree, I've turned many stones in the road I'm on, even feverishly, in the trying times 5 years ago.

    I know how it feels to be stuck in not accepting that I don't understand things in full, not sensing the ramifications, in need to ask questions. What understanding does to my state of ease, is what nutrients are doing to my body. Fluidity is rather a state, an attitude, to me. It's not
    part of my manual in life, as in how to act and what to act upon. It's the observer, me, reading the manual. It's a state similar to the one described in the female warrior blog.

    For context, here's the part I'm referring to:
    "To defend is to act from a point of self-importance which can cause imbalance and create anger and ill-will. Many people, basically fundamentalists of any belief, will defend the fixated position of their assemblage point in order to preserve and maintain the patterns and stories as they perceive them and even attempt to impose those patterns upon others no matter how superfluous their stored data has become. For a warrior, it is a waste of energy to defend the position of an assemblage point when the point is to keep the assemblage point fluid".

    Have I made some things clearer now, Sanicle?

    Since I pondered your question "How can you make the most of free will if you don't know what all the choices are?" a part of your signature here, I came to the point that for me it's not a question of how to make the most of free will, but rather live in that condition, as a starting point or principle. I can live in free will, in freedom to experience, choose, try this, try that, meanwhile paying attention by being present, physically, emotionally and spiritually, in each experience and expression of life. And in that way find out what it is I choose in life that suits my wellbeing (or damage it) and that of others, in bouncing ideas to and fro, finding new views and insights in who I am in all that and possibly come to learn who you and others are too. So many different reflections that are coming off those facets in the large crystal Cheerful

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    Post  Sanicle Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:01 am

    Yes, that's a great question, Sanicle. By polarity consciousness I mean the shadow and light side of life, with our mind in constant judgment, labelling experiences as good or bad. I don't look at it as good or bad, but as a given condition, part of life on this planet at present. Our choice to incarnate in this time is proof of our value and role, alive in action, in physical form. A hero's journey as I see it. Look how extremes are showing up now, how polarity is increasing as we speak, opposing forces heaving and gnashing their teeth.

    To me, part of it is also the masculine and feminine quality within us, represented by the mind/abstract ideas and the feelings/body of form, in that same order. The ongoing masculine programming in our human mind by judging uncomfortable feelings as bad and unwelcome, avoiding them as much as possible, blocks the potential of the feminine quality of discerning what our feelings and connection with our physical body tell us about who we are, in our experiencing of this polarised reality in the world.

    Thank you BB.  Those comments relate more to what all my ‘why’ questions were trying to find out from you via the ‘resonance’ question you put to me in terms of looking at challenges the receptive feminine, in relation to (the currently often) aggressive masculine, may meet on our journeys from a broader perspective, beyond the purely personal.

    What I related of my journey, as I said, was to inform Xeia of the reptilian/dragon experiences that have arisen in my inner journeying as, to my mind, in some aspects it seems to relate to the Thuban experiences and source of the teachings.  It was not initially meant to be a discourse on how we may, or may not, have resolved meeting such energies on our journeys at a personal level, but you asked so I answered.  Cheerful  The whole thrust of my posts have been to lay out such a scenario and then try to discuss WHY many of us (particularly females) in this world are meeting with the aggressive masculine energies, possibly as represented by all the reptilian/dragon beings so often described in people’s experiences these days, and how and why we might currently be experiencing the masculine, especially in that way, as it’s embodied energetically in this reality.  And further, how that might influence us all at a psychological level.

    As it fits with some of what I’ve been thinking on, initially I’d like to comment on what I’ve bolded while quoting your comments above re the mind being masculine and the feminine being matter, including the sentient bodies we inhabit in this realm.  As energy follows thought I’m looking at this interplay generally in terms of the thrust (yes, I used that word purposely), enhanced by the desire behind it (human/animal power), of projected thought seeding receptive matter in order to create ie bring new forms into manifestation.  That’s looking at the process of creation not just in terms of procreation in bodies but at an overall level of how creation is said to work, but you can still see in it how sexual behaviour is played out in relation to this basic energetic relationship between male/female in the interplay of our bodies.  I don’t think I need to draw a picture. Lolerz

    So how is the ‘general thrust’ of the current creative thinking impinging or imprinting on our individual consciousness, and are we all in accord with what is being manifested as our everyday life on this planet?  That is what most of us are trying to work through, whether we are seekers or not, and common male and female thinking patterns play into that to create common behaviour patterns in force today.
    With the male energetics seemingly dominating on this planet at present it's clear we are not all liking what its force is doing here and know it is out of balance.  At this point you could go into the whole thing of the dominance of the ptb, the decision makers, re conditioning the public into being receptive in all the different ways they do (chemically etc) but that’s not the focus here.  What I’m looking at here is that at the most basic level of creative existence in this reality, how male/mind meeting receptive/feminine energies to create is playing out, and asking what may happen when one objects to what’s currently made manifest and goes looking for answers.  Many of us see the male dominance as resulting in the ‘rape’ of this planet and that the dominant males (the ptb) are forcing it on the rest of us, so in a way we are being ‘raped’ too at an energetic level.
    Obviously this creative interplay of energies affects us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, but how does that react in us at a psychological and symbolic level (the language of the unconscious mind) of being when we seek the truth?  Might we be being shown (eg in all the talk of reptilians), at any and all levels of being, what’s truly being created and thus what we currently need to deal with personally in order to clear us of internal barriers we’ve built so as to get us beyond the personal in order see the bigger picture at work in our reality?

    I hope I’m explaining my thoughts well.  They’re not easy for me to encapsulate within words so if it doesn't make sense please let me know.  I’ll go into other thoughts I’ve had on other elements that may be at play re the current dragon/reptilian elements in further posts.  I love you

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    Post  Sanicle Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:43 am

    OK, so the above post is all about how basic energy interrelationships – mind into matter – may influence what we see and experience, especially symbolically and psychologically, re male/female exchanges. So now I’m going to deal with what might influence us towards thinking in terms of reptilian/dragon forms on the physical level, especially in terms of seeing them as symbolic of powerful, dark and evil beings.

    I’ll skate over the obvious manifestation of men using their (ahem) snake-like protrusions to harm women throughout history. I want to go into things at a broader, less personal level……something that would have put fear into the hearts of men and women of the reptilian shape in ages past that would be imprinted in our cell memories. You see I believe that ‘dragons’ are, or were, dinosaurs.

    Science is now coming to see that mankind and dinosaurs existed in time together. They are also mentioned in the Bible, above and beyond the serpent in the garden. See the following links for info on this and there are many more if you search.

    Actually, if you look around the Net, some people still report seeing ‘dragons’ in the wilder areas of Earth (eg Canada, Russia) in this day and age. Still-living remnants of the dinosaurs?

    Obviously being confronted by a huge dinosaur back in the day would have been a frightful experience and, if said dinosaurs hunted humans, they would have epitomised everything that was evil, the ultimately powerful animal, giving one nightmares that could still be part of the astral energy fields and thus an archetype within the unconscious realms to this day.

    Then there is the factor that men, and some women, the world over have long respected and even idealised the brute force of powerful animals, aligning themselves with such animals when in ‘competition/battle mode’ through ornamentation and so on. These days men use powerful animal images as team mascots and as the names of teams in sports but in the past different cultures worshipped certain animals, wanting to emulate the qualities of intelligence and strength they saw in them, like the American Indians still do today. So for some, being ‘visited’ by such animals would fill them with awe. Easy to understand then if Man did know dinosaurs up close and personally how these fear/awe patterns have been shaping human perceptions for eons, via stories and teachings, but I would like to remind the reader in particular that the Chinese use the Dragon as a symbol for the Superior Man. So if the theory about dinosaurs is correct there could have still been some in the hills of ancient China as well. And that belief may have spread to other regions close by.

    Needless to say there are still ‘reptilian serpents’ in the world today that elicit fear in many to keep the old fears strong, reinforced by the soul/cell memory in our bodies and thus generating the fight/flight chemical responses. Some people seem to have a phobic fear of snakes. The possible reason for that could be past life memories, cell memories or both.

    And then, to add to all of this in the current age, there is talk about reptilians in the hidden realms, both above and below who are at least our equal in intelligence, making them even more scary. So we’re almost ‘surrounded’ as I’m now plausibly suggesting the possibility that there have also been reptilians ‘behind us’ as well (in the form of the dinosaurs). Given all of this, is it any wonder that some might choose to provoke survival fears in us by suggesting that there might still be more of the same coming ‘ahead’ of us as well, via invasion, to complete the circle? Or at least, that some clever mental manipulators might play on this soul-deep fear we have?

    I love you


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    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:48 am

    Thank you, Sanicle, I'm going to look into your last 2 posts again later, after I've returned to the UK.
    The only thought popping up repeatedly, while reading your posts through, but not yet taking it in fully,
    was, that the unbalance of masculine and feminine, in many human beings and in humanity
    as a whole, particularly in modern Western societies, is huge. Hence, the need for balance and the work
    we're all doing now, entering relative new territory, to achieve that.

    As I see it, in the present change (or flowering) of global consciousness, much proof of that unbalance
    becomes apparent and is/ will be exposed. That's part of the process, the springcleaning, as I perceive it.
    It shouldn't fool us as if it's truly threatening and frightening, although we can have such feelings inside.

    The way for me, to live through these times of change, is to live in trust and to be present in the heart,
    even amidst storms of my emotions and windmills of my mind. And to remind myself, to choose anew,
    again and again. It takes excersize, I love to see it as a training of new muscles on a soul-level.
    Embodying a truth long forgotten, of who we really are.

    As I see it, all things man- made are created on a basis of free will principle, we're given that choice,
    here on planet Earth. Creation isn't possible without it, or is it? The message that is hidden in acknowledging
    that, for me, is that I'm welcomed to embrace and bow down to that truth, as director and actor in numerous
    expressions and creations, through many lives.

    That acknowledgement is in the realm of my state of being, my attitude, my presence in the heart, grounded
    with my body on planet Earth. Condoning the effects of it is a different thing. My present mult-tasking and mind-
    acrobatics doesn't help me much, talking from a balanced point of view, I feel.

    So far I did the best I can, but have to leave it for now, Sanicle, so that I can return later with a rested body and
    freshening up of my marbles, like in the picture here Cheerful

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    Post  Sanicle Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:24 am

    OK, I’m not going to bother going into the subtle level of manifestation re dragons/reptilians too much. I’ll just make a few points and you can figure the rest out for yourselves if you wish.

    • ‘Experiencers’ of various kinds having been saying for quite a long while now that all lifeforms have a blueprint that elementals facilitate the building of. Science has since discovered DNA and RNA – that blueprint.

    • Humanity has reptilian forms of all kinds well established in their cell memories and collective unconscious, so ‘building’ the forms of those in the subtle realms is no biggie through continually adding lots of thought power to such forms via a continued interest in such beings. All that’s being shared by those who’ve met with reptilian ETs, all the movies about dinosaurs plus an ongoing interest in them is enough to continue their existence in the astral realms alone. That doesn’t include those that are already there from ancient times.

    • It’s been proven that telepathy with animals is possible and it’s known that through channelling we can communicate telepathically with beings from the subtle realms also. So whether it is a being in what we know as animal form or a being there shapeshifting into an animal form to communicate from those realms with us, it’s possible.

    • I’ve also been told that sneaky beings in the astral can place an animal in front of you for the clairvoyant among us but do the telepathic communication themselves while hidden from your vision.

    There’s more but I won’t add them because it gets complicated and I don’t have the time or energy to go into it. As I said, you can figure it out for yourselves should you choose to.

    I love you

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:54 pm

    What if Angels and Demons are the Souls of Human-Beings?? What if Dragons are the Souls of Dinosaurs?? What if Reptilians and Greys are Intermediate Between Dinosaurs and Humans?? I know someone who strongly-believes that Mankind should abandon All-Physicality and become Pure-Spirit. I continue to wonder why Humanity was created in the first-place?? Was this the Original-Sin?? Is the Creator of Humanity accused of being the Creator of Sin and Sinners?? Is the Creator Azazel?? Is "Fallen Sinful Human-Nature" reflective of Human-Physicality OR "Fallen-Sinful Souls" which incarnated into Human-Bodies?? What does Genesis 6 REALLY Teach?? As you know, I consider the Bible to be a Small-Part of a HUGE Puzzle. I've recently been attempting to focus-upon Job through Malachi in the New King James Version. Genesis through Esther -- and Matthew through Revelation seem MUCH More Problematic to me presently. Anyway, I still think there is significant-merit to focusing-upon Science and Science-Fiction as an alternative to Old-Religion and the New-Age. I'm presently re-watching Helix. It's REALLY Gory -- but quite interesting.

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    Post  Sanicle Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:19 pm

    I don't know Oxy and I doubt that you'll find out the answers to any of your questions until you're prepared to meditate and ask those who can tell you. I don't know of anyone here who is a time traveler. But I guess you won't do that, will you. Wink

    As for me, I'm sure Tony and friends have had a good chuckle at all my blah-blah-blahing and I'm hoping to pass this thread back into Xeia's capable hands.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:29 pm

    I simply research and speculate in a mostly passive manner. I won't channel or do regression-hypnosis (or anything exotic or creepy) BUT I will consider even the MOST Bizarre experiences and claims of others (with a sea of salt). BTW -- I have the cutest spitting-cobra!!
    My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 5 Helix-Survivor-Zero-Constance-Sutton-Jeri-Ryan-and-Alan-Farragut
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    Post  Sanicle Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:05 pm

    Haven't you heard Oxy that you can't and won't be given all the answers you seek through utilizing the work others have done?  Your truth is the reward for finding your courage in taking that 'scary' inner journey.  Who knows? That might be your 'final frontier'. Until then, in this realm, you might just get a few hints and bedtime stories. I love you

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:03 am

    Sanicle, I think I'm in too-deep already (especially if I turn-out to be who I think I might be on a soul-basis). I'm already massively harassed and messed-with, and I can only imagine how bad things would get if I opened myself up to various nefarious entities (who probably hate me more than I can imagine). My many unanswered questions will probably have to be answered by certain brilliant researchers who work for various agencies throughout the world. Unfortunately, I'll probably never communicate directly with them, and I'll probably never learn the results of their research. I keep saying that "Ignorance is Bliss and a Virtue for Completely Ignorant Fools Such As Myself". I doubt that I could handle the Real-Truth. Not in this pathetic incarnation. Perhaps in my Next-Life.

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